Breaking Away From Yogi

1. I have always tried to filter my aspirations and expectation through the filter of Yogi Berra’s warning: “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”

But in assessing this political season, and the presumptive result of the election, I find it impossible to believe that the unaccomplished and debilitated Biden won the election sans the machination and manipulations of the system.
Further, it is difficult to continue to see the opposition party as capable of competing with the evil one. Or, believing that many of the Republicans have any desire to.

2. Looking at the vast and varied accomplishments of the novice politician, Trump, both domestically…..a miraculous economic recovery after the slowest one in history under Hussein, and an even more miraculous series of achievements in foreign policy, specifically in the Middle East……and all of this in the face of a constant barrage of lies and roadblocks from the Deep State and the Establishment, one cannot chalk the Trump presidency as one that will easily be forgotten.

3. Whether they admit that he actually won the election or not, consider the following:

In 2016, Trump received 62,984, 828 votes

He got 6% of the black vote, and 28% of the Hispanic.

He got 24% of the Jewish vote.

IN 2020, huge numbers of formerly oblivious voters recognized the facts.

At this time, he has 73,792,443 votes ….some 11 million more Americans than in 2016.

He got 12% of the black vote, and 32% of Hispanic.
And 31% of the Jewish vote.

“…less anticipated was the level of support Trump received from Muslim voters, a third of whom backed him, according to the AP VoteCast survey.” A third of Muslim voters backed Trump. Why? | Spectator USA

It remains to be seen if the mass cheating by Democrats holds up, but in either case, the effect of this presidency has been momentous.
I see three possible outcomes for the future.
You are ON FIRE today, PC. Thanks for still ANOTHER fantastic post. :clap:

Hm, not sure "fire" is the right metaphor here, I'm going with


I tried to read the whole OP, I really did. There's just so much you can read while howling in laughter on the floor gasping for breath.

I guess I just find abject stupidity to be funny. So sue me.
Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

One would imagine that Democrat voters would respond to claims that the party they support is now running on the above agenda …with informed arguments proving this untrue.

But they don’t….because they can’t: every claim above is true, correct, and accurate.

And their claim is that Americans voted in support of this.
And for that reason alone, there is no way in the pit of ass-rape, cock-sucking hell that Joe Biden got more votes than Donald Trump.




That is the most loser message imaginable, and NOT ONE FUCKING DEMOCRAT actually believes Joe won. NOT A SINGLE ONE!!!! They just don't care that they cheated like a 19-year-old trophy wife. By any means necessary is their sole virtue.

We should return it 10 fold.

Huh. I'm a democrat. And I certainly think Joe Biden won.

Why? I can read the tallies by the States of the votes cast.

PC, thank you for bringing much needed sanity to these threads amidst all of the totally insane and mentally handicapped Dim Dems that post on here. You are a breath of fresh air among the stale, fetid smell of the Dems. :clap:
1. I have always tried to filter my aspirations and expectation through the filter of Yogi Berra’s warning: “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”

But in assessing this political season, and the presumptive result of the election, I find it impossible to believe that the unaccomplished and debilitated Biden won the election sans the machination and manipulations of the system.
Further, it is difficult to continue to see the opposition party as capable of competing with the evil one. Or, believing that many of the Republicans have any desire to.

2. Looking at the vast and varied accomplishments of the novice politician, Trump, both domestically…..a miraculous economic recovery after the slowest one in history under Hussein, and an even more miraculous series of achievements in foreign policy, specifically in the Middle East……and all of this in the face of a constant barrage of lies and roadblocks from the Deep State and the Establishment, one cannot chalk the Trump presidency as one that will easily be forgotten.

3. Whether they admit that he actually won the election or not, consider the following:

In 2016, Trump received 62,984, 828 votes

He got 6% of the black vote, and 28% of the Hispanic.

He got 24% of the Jewish vote.

IN 2020, huge numbers of formerly oblivious voters recognized the facts.

At this time, he has 73,792,443 votes ….some 11 million more Americans than in 2016.

He got 12% of the black vote, and 32% of Hispanic.
And 31% of the Jewish vote.

“…less anticipated was the level of support Trump received from Muslim voters, a third of whom backed him, according to the AP VoteCast survey.” A third of Muslim voters backed Trump. Why? | Spectator USA

It remains to be seen if the mass cheating by Democrats holds up, but in either case, the effect of this presidency has been momentous.
I see three possible outcomes for the future.
You are ON FIRE today, PC. Thanks for still ANOTHER fantastic post. :clap:

Hm, not sure "fire" is the right metaphor here, I'm going with


I tried to read the whole OP, I really did. There's just so much you can read while howling in laughter on the floor gasping for breath.

I guess I just find abject stupidity to be funny. So sue me.
Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

One would imagine that Democrat voters would respond to claims that the party they support is now running on the above agenda …with informed arguments proving this untrue.

But they don’t….because they can’t: every claim above is true, correct, and accurate.

And their claim is that Americans voted in support of this.
And for that reason alone, there is no way in the pit of ass-rape, cock-sucking hell that Joe Biden got more votes than Donald Trump.




That is the most loser message imaginable, and NOT ONE FUCKING DEMOCRAT actually believes Joe won. NOT A SINGLE ONE!!!! They just don't care that they cheated like a 19-year-old trophy wife. By any means necessary is their sole virtue.

We should return it 10 fold.

Huh. I'm a democrat. And I certainly think Joe Biden won.

Why? I can read the tallies by the States of the votes cast.

PC, thank you for bringing much needed sanity to these threads amidst all of the totally insane and mentally handicapped Dim Dems that post on here. You are a breath of fresh air among the stale, fetid smell of the Dems. :clap:

You're a peach, Bluzie....

Thank you.
1. I have always tried to filter my aspirations and expectation through the filter of Yogi Berra’s warning: “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”

But in assessing this political season, and the presumptive result of the election, I find it impossible to believe that the unaccomplished and debilitated Biden won the election sans the machination and manipulations of the system.
Further, it is difficult to continue to see the opposition party as capable of competing with the evil one. Or, believing that many of the Republicans have any desire to.

2. Looking at the vast and varied accomplishments of the novice politician, Trump, both domestically…..a miraculous economic recovery after the slowest one in history under Hussein, and an even more miraculous series of achievements in foreign policy, specifically in the Middle East……and all of this in the face of a constant barrage of lies and roadblocks from the Deep State and the Establishment, one cannot chalk the Trump presidency as one that will easily be forgotten.

3. Whether they admit that he actually won the election or not, consider the following:

In 2016, Trump received 62,984, 828 votes

He got 6% of the black vote, and 28% of the Hispanic.

He got 24% of the Jewish vote.

IN 2020, huge numbers of formerly oblivious voters recognized the facts.

At this time, he has 73,792,443 votes ….some 11 million more Americans than in 2016.

He got 12% of the black vote, and 32% of Hispanic.
And 31% of the Jewish vote.

“…less anticipated was the level of support Trump received from Muslim voters, a third of whom backed him, according to the AP VoteCast survey.” A third of Muslim voters backed Trump. Why? | Spectator USA

It remains to be seen if the mass cheating by Democrats holds up, but in either case, the effect of this presidency has been momentous.
I see three possible outcomes for the future.
You are ON FIRE today, PC. Thanks for still ANOTHER fantastic post. :clap:

Hm, not sure "fire" is the right metaphor here, I'm going with


I tried to read the whole OP, I really did. There's just so much you can read while howling in laughter on the floor gasping for breath.

I guess I just find abject stupidity to be funny. So sue me.
Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

One would imagine that Democrat voters would respond to claims that the party they support is now running on the above agenda …with informed arguments proving this untrue.

But they don’t….because they can’t: every claim above is true, correct, and accurate.

And their claim is that Americans voted in support of this.
And for that reason alone, there is no way in the pit of ass-rape, cock-sucking hell that Joe Biden got more votes than Donald Trump.




That is the most loser message imaginable, and NOT ONE FUCKING DEMOCRAT actually believes Joe won. NOT A SINGLE ONE!!!! They just don't care that they cheated like a 19-year-old trophy wife. By any means necessary is their sole virtue.

We should return it 10 fold.

Huh. I'm a democrat. And I certainly think Joe Biden won.

Why? I can read the tallies by the States of the votes cast.

PC, thank you for bringing much needed sanity to these threads amidst all of the totally insane and mentally handicapped Dim Dems that post on here. You are a breath of fresh air among the stale, fetid smell of the Dems. :clap:

Or....she gives you a dose of comforting conspiracy pablum that you prefer to the reality of Biden's victory.

You'll eventually tire of suckling at the conspiracy tit and join us in the real world.
1. I have always tried to filter my aspirations and expectation through the filter of Yogi Berra’s warning: “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”

But in assessing this political season, and the presumptive result of the election, I find it impossible to believe that the unaccomplished and debilitated Biden won the election sans the machination and manipulations of the system.
Further, it is difficult to continue to see the opposition party as capable of competing with the evil one. Or, believing that many of the Republicans have any desire to.

2. Looking at the vast and varied accomplishments of the novice politician, Trump, both domestically…..a miraculous economic recovery after the slowest one in history under Hussein, and an even more miraculous series of achievements in foreign policy, specifically in the Middle East……and all of this in the face of a constant barrage of lies and roadblocks from the Deep State and the Establishment, one cannot chalk the Trump presidency as one that will easily be forgotten.

3. Whether they admit that he actually won the election or not, consider the following:

In 2016, Trump received 62,984, 828 votes

He got 6% of the black vote, and 28% of the Hispanic.

He got 24% of the Jewish vote.

IN 2020, huge numbers of formerly oblivious voters recognized the facts.

At this time, he has 73,792,443 votes ….some 11 million more Americans than in 2016.

He got 12% of the black vote, and 32% of Hispanic.
And 31% of the Jewish vote.

“…less anticipated was the level of support Trump received from Muslim voters, a third of whom backed him, according to the AP VoteCast survey.” A third of Muslim voters backed Trump. Why? | Spectator USA

It remains to be seen if the mass cheating by Democrats holds up, but in either case, the effect of this presidency has been momentous.
I see three possible outcomes for the future.
You are ON FIRE today, PC. Thanks for still ANOTHER fantastic post. :clap:

Hm, not sure "fire" is the right metaphor here, I'm going with


I tried to read the whole OP, I really did. There's just so much you can read while howling in laughter on the floor gasping for breath.

I guess I just find abject stupidity to be funny. So sue me.
Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

One would imagine that Democrat voters would respond to claims that the party they support is now running on the above agenda …with informed arguments proving this untrue.

But they don’t….because they can’t: every claim above is true, correct, and accurate.

And their claim is that Americans voted in support of this.
And for that reason alone, there is no way in the pit of ass-rape, cock-sucking hell that Joe Biden got more votes than Donald Trump.




That is the most loser message imaginable, and NOT ONE FUCKING DEMOCRAT actually believes Joe won. NOT A SINGLE ONE!!!! They just don't care that they cheated like a 19-year-old trophy wife. By any means necessary is their sole virtue.

We should return it 10 fold.

Huh. I'm a democrat. And I certainly think Joe Biden won.

Why? I can read the tallies by the States of the votes cast.

PC, thank you for bringing much needed sanity to these threads amidst all of the totally insane and mentally handicapped Dim Dems that post on here. You are a breath of fresh air among the stale, fetid smell of the Dems. :clap:

You're a peach, Bluzie....

Thank you.

He's more like the pits.
Could you imagine the popular reaction today if a politician said:

"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty."
'Let's invade Iraq' ?

Seems you have a problem with JFK. Before you're too hard on him try to remember he's a Democrat (although that might be different if he was running today).
'Let's invade Vietnam'.

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