Breaking: Biden packs 8,000+ unvaccinated illegals under a freeway bridge in Texas

Why should they get the vaccine when Americans won’t get it?
Funny thing has happened. The Haitians aren’t getting infected. Maybe because they aren’t fat pigs eating lots of processed shit, taking all sorts of immune damaging pharmaceutical drugs, unable to walk around the block, and suffering from multiple maladies like so many Americans.
Boy you must be so disappointed that all the Haitians are being shipped home, giving you nothing to bitch about.

Wasn't it you in this thread that was calling the Haitians 'refugees', and making an emotional appeal over that? Now, Biden is sending them packing...That must just piss you off at Biden? If not why? Can't blame that on Trump....
Boy you must be so disappointed that all the Haitians are being shipped home, giving you nothing to bitch about.
Shouldn’t it give YOU something to bitch about? You called them “refugees”, now Biden is sending these black refugees back home without any asylum hearing.

Why do you support this racist bastard?

If these people are Haitians, they're not "migrants", they're refugees.

Do you think that the twin catastrophies of the overthrow and murder of the President of the country, and a Hurricane Ida wouldn't create a refugee crisis?

How incredibly stupid are you Marvin? Silly question, I know. Some American millionaire overthrew the government of Haiti and then the country, with no functioning government, is hit with a hurricane.

If these were white people, you'd call it a "humanitarian crisis" and be here pleaded for money for the red cross. Instead you're trying to blame the Biden Administration for what??? The Coup???? Hurricane Ida????
I am just glad that it is Dems in the WH. If it was GOPs, all hell would break loose. White men on horseback tried to round up run away black men :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


DHS starts removal flights for Haitian migrants, close border crossing
No, Tipsy. This is the legacy of 50 years of Climate Denial by Republicans, and refusal to deal with Climate Change. People like you have denied climate change, calling it a hoax. Everything that is happening today is a direct result of the refusal of Republicans to allow for any sort of mitigation of Co2 emission.

You broke it, you bought it. Your folly is now biting you in the ass. You should have listened to Al Gore and others and you wouldn't be here today.

Every single prediction Algore made was wrong.

Scagonlady, why did Michael Mann’s team at Penn State manipulate the temperature to create their “hockey stick” graph?
No, Tipsy. This is the legacy of 50 years of Climate Denial by Republicans, and refusal to deal with Climate Change. People like you have denied climate change, calling it a hoax. Everything that is happening today is a direct result of the refusal of Republicans to allow for any sort of mitigation of Co2 emission.

You broke it, you bought it. Your folly is now biting you in the ass. You should have listened to Al Gore and others and you wouldn't be here today.
Climate change is a complete hoax, like Y2K, and there is nothing you can do to make it real.
It’s quickly becoming a racial jungle under that bridge. Clean Articulate *Joe wants nothing to do with it.

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