Breaking! Biden To Escalate War In Ukraine By Sending in Long Range Offensive Missiles

Ukraine is corrupt. I think/hope everybody knows that.

I am not saying this is actually happening, but what if Ukraine leadership was in bed with Russia? What if they decided to let their country be destroyed and their people be killed in exchange for bleeding the US dry of military ordinance and taking billions of dollars to enrich their own war machines? The plan would be to allow Russia to attack, but the agreement is they will never “win”. Just saying, it wouldn’t be a bad strategy for those wanting to see the US out of power, particularly given the current weak US administration and the gullibility(easy manipulated)/stupidity of the US populace.
You trying to start a "what if" thread? :)
It would be on the same level as those forwarding that the Taiwan/China issue is fake, but serves only the intention of China alias Taiwan getting their hands on advanced Western technology before they reunite peacefully.
Ukraine is corrupt. I think/hope everybody knows that.

I am not saying this is actually happening, but what if Ukraine leadership was in bed with Russia? What if they decided to let their country be destroyed and their people be killed in exchange for bleeding the US dry of military ordinance and taking billions of dollars to enrich their own war machines? The plan would be to allow Russia to attack, but the agreement is they will never “win”. Just saying, it wouldn’t be a bad strategy for those wanting to see the US out of power, particularly given the current weak US administration and the gullibility(easy manipulated)/stupidity of the US populace.
Not really possible.

1930's potato famine caused by Stalin where he exported every bit of food out of Ukraine to the point that the food was cheap and rotting in Russia but the Ukranians starved to death in a genocide type fashion.

In this area people are much more racist than you would think. Also much more cowed under the Government....nobody stands up for anything.
That whole "live free or die" is not their way of thinking. It's a concept that has taken root but isn't so widespread yet. Ukraine is in fear of death and slavery...for good reasons. Belarus is as well but they capitulated....however it wouldn't be a huge surprise if some of the "foreign" fighters were from Belarus. There certainly are Americans and Georgians.

Ukraine was working on getting away from being a kleptocracy and plutocracy which Russia still is and continues to be.
But it's slow when this has been the norm for over 1100 years.
What could Biden do, in your opinion, to deescalate the war in Ukraine OP?
Joe is of equity. At best should be an assistant to an assistant defense attorney in a local government. We are 2nd and 3rd world now. Let us see who the Progs run in 2024 to prove it.
Why is it so difficult for people to get the actual picture?
NATO did not stop it's expansion into the East - (respectively Ukraine) very well knowing that Putin won't accept that - EVER
Wouldn't the wise choice have been to keep Ukraine NEUTRAL and provide a clear military assistance intention in case Putin or anyone else would not respect Ukraine's neutrality?

So who is factually to blame for setting the world on fire? the reckless NATO/Ukraine or the Czarist Empire loving Putin?
Aside from Putin's micro-wars in the Caucasus region he hadn't set the world on fire in 20 years - right now it's 'just" the Ukraine that is on fire - thanks to NATO's stupidity.
Every country in NATO asked to join for protection against the Ruzzian orcs so how is that an aggressive expansion. If Ruzzia acted in a civil peaceful way there would not be a need for NATO.
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You made that up. And a link to a 10-year-old usnb thread is not proof.
Bill Clinton gave Chinese the ability to have guidance to launch Rockets for their Space program ( which then was adopted for use by Military ) in the 90s when they could at best hope to hit Boise or Las Vegas but more realistically could hit Anchorage or Los Angeles .
Not the Mexican or various Central / South American Presidents or NATO Chiefs
What is good about these missiles is that Ukraine can and will use them to hit very public military targets inside of Russia.

Now where accidents airport getting ready for a bombing run or the transportation of munitions to Ukraine for use by Russian soldiers is perfectly inside of the Geneva convention. Just because these targets are in view of civilian populations means nothing....and actually is very much desired by Ukraine.
Yes your guy Putin is trying to do exactly that, thankfully Presidents Biden and Zelensky are fighting back. BTW when did you become a shrill for the Russian guy?

I assume you mean "shill", Ivan. You Russian trolls are a fucking joke. Go back to your Soviet shithole, commie filth.

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