Breaking! Biden To Escalate War In Ukraine By Sending in Long Range Offensive Missiles

Since it was obvious from the beginning (2008) that NATO want's to bring in Ukraine into their fold - they need to keep up the pressure against Russia - to ensure the final solution which will be sending in NATO troops to finish the job.
As such it's logical that NATO will increase it's military support in order to reduce it's losses to a minimum when taking on the remnants of a battered Russian Army.
Yes your guy Putin is trying to do exactly that, thankfully Presidents Biden and Zelensky are fighting back. BTW when did you become a shrill for the Russian guy?

If I am a 'shill' for anything, it is the survival of the human race.
Yes your guy Putin is trying to do exactly that, thankfully Presidents Biden and Zelensky are fighting back. BTW when did you become a shrill for the Russian guy?
Why is it so difficult for people to get the actual picture?
NATO did not stop it's expansion into the East - (respectively Ukraine) very well knowing that Putin won't accept that - EVER
Wouldn't the wise choice have been to keep Ukraine NEUTRAL and provide a clear military assistance intention in case Putin or anyone else would not respect Ukraine's neutrality?

So who is factually to blame for setting the world on fire? the reckless NATO/Ukraine or the Czarist Empire loving Putin?
Aside from Putin's micro-wars in the Caucasus region he hadn't set the world on fire in 20 years - right now it's 'just" the Ukraine that is on fire - thanks to NATO's stupidity.
Why is it so difficult for people to get the actual picture?
NATO did not stop it's expansion into the East - (respectively Ukraine) very well knowing that Putin won't accept that - EVER
Wouldn't the wise choice have been to keep Ukraine NEUTRAL and provide a clear military assistance intention in case Putin or anyone else would not respect Ukraine's neutrality?

So who is factually to blame for setting the world on fire? the reckless NATO/Ukraine or the Czarist Empire loving Putin?
Aside from Putin's micro-wars in the Caucasus region he hadn't set the world on fire in 20 years - right now it's 'just" the Ukraine that is on fire - thanks to NATO's stupidity.
Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania all chose to join NATO to protect themselves from further aggression. All of them border the Russian oligarchy and probably have nukes, Ukraine should be able to do the same. If Russians stayed at home there would be no problems.
Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania all chose to join NATO to protect themselves from further aggression. All of them border the Russian oligarchy and probably have nukes, Ukraine should be able to do the same. If Russians stayed at home there would be no problems.
That is presently besides the point - since the Baltic States e.g. Estonia:
Estonia was involved in dialogue and cooperation with NATO since the beginning of the 1990s. It was actively involved in the creation of the North Atlantic Co-operation Council in 1991, the first forum for consultation between NATO and Central and Eastern European countries, and was one of its founding members. It became a full NATO member in 2002.

It is obvious that Putin is rejecting the Eastward NATO expansion in general, but he knows how to differentiate between existing NATO members of the past 20 years e.g. Romania in 2004 and so called new applicants deriving from the former Soviet Union or Eastern Block - that would be e.g. Moldavia, Ukraine, Georgia etc.

The only NATO members that possess nuclear weapons are the USA, France and the UK - I fail to see the point for your wrong assumption in regards to the Baltic States.

It is IMO meaningless to point out that a country is free to choose membership..... if everyone knows that there is a nuclear Superpower with a huge military that will clearly object (militarily if deemed necessary) to such a move.
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Ukraine is corrupt. I think/hope everybody knows that.

I am not saying this is actually happening, but what if Ukraine leadership was in bed with Russia? What if they decided to let their country be destroyed and their people be killed in exchange for bleeding the US dry of military ordinance and taking billions of dollars to enrich their own war machines? The plan would be to allow Russia to attack, but the agreement is they will never “win”. Just saying, it wouldn’t be a bad strategy for those wanting to see the US out of power, particularly given the current weak US administration and the gullibility(easy manipulated)/stupidity of the US populace.

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