Breaking! Biden To Escalate War In Ukraine By Sending in Long Range Offensive Missiles

The world isn't simply black and white - there is no political occurrence that can be simply blamed onto a single person or party.
In the case of Ukraine/Russia - the main culprits are the expansionist NATO contra the expansionist Czarist Empire lover.

So whoever causes a problem or war, better make sure he is prepared for it - which clearly in view of NATO and the Ukraine wasn't the case
This war is black and white. Putin started it. Putin caused the problem and he wasn't prepared for the response. You've got this backward.
No he doesn't it's your profound stupidity that allows you to think that.
When a person makes the comment about fixing a problem by throwing money at it, it is apparent who is the stupid one.
There's zero accountability. I think the GOP is gearing up to do an audit of where the billions went because they're finding out a lot of the aid has ended up in Africa.
Sure, right.
So MarxATL, are YOU going to fight in this war?

Put up or shut up time.
You ain't going to fight and when trump was in office you wanted to fight everywhere. We are not fighting in this war.
You ain't going to fight and when trump was in office you wanted to fight everywhere. We are not fighting in this war.
What war did I promote when he was in office?

I’ll wait.
This thread is stupid. Suddenly we have Americans who don't mind Putin invading a country trying to take it.
We are not fighting in this war.
Then why are we paying for it?

Do you honestly believe our soldiers won’t be fighting in it when it keeps escalating?

Dems love drafting negroes and sending them to war.

Have fun.
This thread is stupid. Suddenly we have Americans who don't mind Putin invading a country trying to take it.
Ukraine has been in a civil war since our government helped topple it in 2014. Half of Ukraine used to be Russia and is full of Russians. No, I don’t give a fuck if those Russians want independence from Kiev or to join Russia.

You know who does care? The people in that area willing to fight over it. They can fight all we want, we don’t need to be involved at all.

When did you lefties adopt the foreign policy of John Bolton?
This war is black and white. Putin started it. Putin caused the problem and he wasn't prepared for the response. You've got this backward.
No I certainly do not have this backward, since no sane person will question as to who attacked militarily first.
But that is not the issue or point - the issue is as to why Putin attacked and why NATO and Ukraine weren't prepared for his attack after inciting such an outcome since 2008
That's all.
From what I’ve read, this latest package includes long range artillery, not long range missiles.

Long range missiles, like fighter jets, would be even bigger escalation. It would not surprise me if we get there.
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Biden To Escalate War In Ukraine By Sending in Long Range Offensive Missiles​

Piss Pants was only referring to Blinken and Nuland .

The term," Offensive ", tells you exactly what the Dementia Kid was "thinking"
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WTF is this guy doing? This nutcase is like General Jack Ripper in Dr. Strangelove.

Perfect, if true.

Let the Ukrainians hit Russian supply-depots and critical war-related infrastructure far behind the lines.

Give the goddamned Russians a taste of their own medicine.

Perhaps with a couple of months of such use the Ukrainians can pay-back the Russians with 5-or-10% percent of the damage the Russians have inflicted on Ukraine.

Time to stop being afraid of Putin's thug-minions... phukk 'em.
81 million votes.

Thanks you fucking war pigs.

Fuck each and every one you supporting this war.

If we send troops, I hope you lose family members.
Better to fight this fight in Ukraine than in Poland or Germany or France or England... or the East Coast of the United States.

The West learned its lesson in 1938 in Munich... Appeasement and Isolationism don't work for long... so we won't be indulging in that now.

Take-up drinking if you haven't got the stomach for it, and let the rest of us do what needs to be done in order to keep The Beast at bay.

This is NATO's time to shine.

God bless each and every person of goodwill who reluctantly but vigorously supports stopping Putin now rather than enduring much more suffering later.

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