Breaking: Black Panthers Headed Back To Poll Stations to Monitor Them

Do they carry clubs?

Are you kidding? Crackers show up with fucking assault rifles on their backs! But that's just the old 2nd amendment remedies you wingnuts are always on about, right?

that turned out to be a black cracker.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
In my opinion it is voter intimidation.

In my opinion, you're guilty of treason and should be put to death. Whew, that was easy. When there's no need for evidence, anyone can call anyone else a crimminal! What a nice world you wingnuts envision.

But, the more salient point is WHY you think that a black man in a goofy uniform with a stick is prima facia evidence of voter intimidation. For the answer to that, you need to look to your own heart. Deal with your racism rather than acting as though being accused of being a racist is worse than actually being one.
The point is that it is voter intimation.

Nope. There's no evidence of voter intimidation anywhere. Indeed, FOX almost always has the sound on that video turned off. Why do you suppose that is?

If you have some actual evidence of voter intimidation, I'd love to see it.

I won't be holding my breath.

In my opinion it is voter intimidation. If that was my polling place i would feel that it is and attempt at voter intimation. Would i vote..sure. Is it an attempt at intimation. ..sure it is.
Are you White or Black?

What exactly do you find intimidating about those two? Do you suppose they would be foolish enough to do anything that could get them busted or busted up? The most they will do is make faces and try to look bad-ass. But if pushed to the wall I assure you they would tap dance and be real sweet.

They are just playing their game and hoping it goes down nicely.
Do they carry clubs?

Are you kidding? Crackers show up with fucking assault rifles on their backs! But that's just the old 2nd amendment remedies you wingnuts are always on about, right?

Nice use of the Racist word Cracker. But then I guess it is ok to be a racist as long as you only hate whites right.
But then I guess it is ok to be a racist as long as you only hate whites right.

I hate myself?

You're too funny. It's OK to say that there's blacks and then there's ******* like you do with all your white friends right? But use the word "cracker" and whoo-boy!

There are no human races friend, not biologically. It's a sociological construction and it needs to be put to fucking bed. But, with the right wing noise machine out there trying to soke the flames, it will take this generation dying at least to get it done.

I take heart in the fact that in the high school where I used to teach, the kids don't play this game anymore. They don't hate blacks or spics or fags or any of that happy horseshit. Even if the Repugs win on Tuesday, it's the last gasp of the right. Demographics are against them in soooo many ways.
Listen to Baghdad Bob. "We're roasting Republicans in the streets. It's their last gasp. Victory for the left is at hand."

You think the New Black Panthers are ready to join the raceless society? Is ageism the new racism? Is that what you mean by "demographics?"

Are they going to show whitey a thing or two about unity?
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You're too funny. It's OK to say that there's blacks and then there's ******* like you do with all your white friends right? But use the word "cracker" and whoo-boy!

I have never used that word, nor have I ever said anything like what you just said. I demand you either prove I have or STFU pal. Perhaps you are projecting what you do and say with your friends on me, Because that is not me.

You are the one using now 2 Racial words not me.

I think everyone who is reading this can see who has the problems with race.
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Oh shit, Michelle Malkin's saying the BLACK people might try to scare away the poor white voters at the polls.. Everyone hurry, get whipped into a frenzy!

Lmao, this is laughable on so many levels. How many complaints was there in '08.. by people actually scared away from the polls?

The point is that it is voter intimation. It doesn't matter color or group or whatever.

Voting in THIS country is something that should be free of any and ALL intimidation for EVERYONE.

It's the biggest non-issue ever. Two crazy, isolated dude goes out with a club and "intimidates" voters (both white and black, I might add), and the right uses it to scare white voters into thinking the blacks are out for them. Oldest trick in the book. They've been using it for years and years. 300 B. Panthers stationed outside of polling places, and this is the only place where people were even talked to about not voting. Also, not something you'll hear on FOX, but even the BP Party released a statement on the two loonies:

“Specifically, in the case of Philadelphia, the New Black Panther Party wishes to express that the actions of people purported to be members do not represent the official views of the New Black Panther Party and are not connected nor in keeping with our official position as a party.”

This is the biggest non-issue, and manufactured outrage story of the year, aside from all the health reform paranoia.

Actually it is a huge issue. ANY voter intimation is a HUGE issue. I don't care if they were black or white, R or D they shouldn't have been there with clubs in paramilitary garb. Simple as that.
One thing I hope the new Congress does look at is DOJ. The apparent entrenched agreement among some there that only minorities should be protected regarding voting rights is wrong and must be addressed.
In my opinion it is voter intimidation.

In my opinion, you're guilty of treason and should be put to death. Whew, that was easy. When there's no need for evidence, anyone can call anyone else a crimminal! What a nice world you wingnuts envision.

But, the more salient point is WHY you think that a black man in a goofy uniform with a stick is prima facia evidence of voter intimidation. For the answer to that, you need to look to your own heart. Deal with your racism rather than acting as though being accused of being a racist is worse than actually being one.

For the same reason a whit guy in a sheet from the kkk would be viewed as the SAME evidence.

Is that what you mean by "demographics?"

No, it isn't. I'm talking about the fact that "whites" as the eugencists like yourself like to say, are on the fast track to minority status. What with you guys tossing the blacks and the hispanics, you've doomed yourselves to an ever shrinking base. Not only that but the kids, even the white kids, don't buy this crap anymore.

There's a great big beautiful tomorrow, waiting at the end of every day.

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