Breaking: Black Panthers Headed Back To Poll Stations to Monitor Them

If that pair of pathetic mofos I see standing outside a voting place wearing bargain basement security guard costumes in the now famous photo are the "Black Panthers" the Tea Party screwballs are raising all the hell about, I am amazed.

If I'm to understand that the self-appointed poll monitors were posted there to discourage White people from voting all I can say is my fourteen year-old granddaughter wouldn't be intimidated by those two vaudeville clowns. So unless there is a lot more to the story I'll assume the Tea Party is making panthers out of a couple of scruffy alley cats for propaganda effect.

Here's the fun thing. There are all sorts of groups of "Republican vote checkers" that show up to polling places all the time. If the bar gets lowered for 'intimidation' these groups will probably get banned as well.
Here you go, black man. Here is your American dream, courtesy of the American left. This is what they expect of you.

If that pair of pathetic mofos I see standing outside a voting place wearing bargain basement security guard costumes in the now famous photo are the "Black Panthers" the Tea Party screwballs are raising all the hell about, I am amazed.

If I'm to understand that the self-appointed poll monitors were posted there to discourage White people from voting all I can say is my fourteen year-old granddaughter wouldn't be intimidated by those two vaudeville clowns. So unless there is a lot more to the story I'll assume the Tea Party is making panthers out of a couple of scruffy alley cats for propaganda effect.

Here's the fun thing. There are all sorts of groups of "Republican vote checkers" that show up to polling places all the time. If the bar gets lowered for 'intimidation' these groups will probably get banned as well.

The Bar gets lowered? How many of those Republican Groups do their checking with Billy clubs in their hand and wearing paramilitary uniforms?
Oh shit, Michelle Malkin's saying the BLACK people might try to scare away the poor white voters at the polls.. Everyone hurry, get whipped into a frenzy!

Lmao, this is laughable on so many levels. How many complaints was there in '08.. by people actually scared away from the polls?

The point is that it is voter intimation. It doesn't matter color or group or whatever.

Voting in THIS country is something that should be free of any and ALL intimidation for EVERYONE.
If that pair of pathetic mofos I see standing outside a voting place wearing bargain basement security guard costumes in the now famous photo are the "Black Panthers" the Tea Party screwballs are raising all the hell about, I am amazed.

If I'm to understand that the self-appointed poll monitors were posted there to discourage White people from voting all I can say is my fourteen year-old granddaughter wouldn't be intimidated by those two vaudeville clowns. So unless there is a lot more to the story I'll assume the Tea Party is making panthers out of a couple of scruffy alley cats for propaganda effect.

Here's the fun thing. There are all sorts of groups of "Republican vote checkers" that show up to polling places all the time. If the bar gets lowered for 'intimidation' these groups will probably get banned as well.

Do they carry clubs?
The point is that it is voter intimation.

Nope. There's no evidence of voter intimidation anywhere. Indeed, FOX almost always has the sound on that video turned off. Why do you suppose that is?

If you have some actual evidence of voter intimidation, I'd love to see it.

I won't be holding my breath.
Do they carry clubs?

Are you kidding? Crackers show up with fucking assault rifles on their backs! But that's just the old 2nd amendment remedies you wingnuts are always on about, right?
If that pair of pathetic mofos I see standing outside a voting place wearing bargain basement security guard costumes in the now famous photo are the "Black Panthers" the Tea Party screwballs are raising all the hell about, I am amazed.

If I'm to understand that the self-appointed poll monitors were posted there to discourage White people from voting all I can say is my fourteen year-old granddaughter wouldn't be intimidated by those two vaudeville clowns. So unless there is a lot more to the story I'll assume the Tea Party is making panthers out of a couple of scruffy alley cats for propaganda effect.

Here's the fun thing. There are all sorts of groups of "Republican vote checkers" that show up to polling places all the time. If the bar gets lowered for 'intimidation' these groups will probably get banned as well.

The Bar gets lowered? How many of those Republican Groups do their checking with Billy clubs in their hand and wearing paramilitary uniforms?

And your solution would be?
The lefty white man wants you to stand in front of the polling places with your uniform and your night stick and call voters every name that comes to mind.

That is the America he has set aside for you.
Here's the fun thing. There are all sorts of groups of "Republican vote checkers" that show up to polling places all the time. If the bar gets lowered for 'intimidation' these groups will probably get banned as well.

The Bar gets lowered? How many of those Republican Groups do their checking with Billy clubs in their hand and wearing paramilitary uniforms?

And your solution would be?

Prosecute under the Voting Rights Act.
If that pair of pathetic mofos I see standing outside a voting place wearing bargain basement security guard costumes in the now famous photo are the "Black Panthers" the Tea Party screwballs are raising all the hell about, I am amazed.

If I'm to understand that the self-appointed poll monitors were posted there to discourage White people from voting all I can say is my fourteen year-old granddaughter wouldn't be intimidated by those two vaudeville clowns. So unless there is a lot more to the story I'll assume the Tea Party is making panthers out of a couple of scruffy alley cats for propaganda effect.

Here's the fun thing. There are all sorts of groups of "Republican vote checkers" that show up to polling places all the time. If the bar gets lowered for 'intimidation' these groups will probably get banned as well.

Do they carry clubs?

Again..looking for a legal remedy here.
Do you feel like you have emancipated the black man when you see him say and do these things, whitey?
Prosecute under the Voting Rights Act.

What section of that law do you claim was violated? Where is your evidence?
Do you feel like you have emancipated the black man

No. My ancestors from the North did that long before I was born. They had to fight this war with conservatives in the South you see.
The point is that it is voter intimation.

Nope. There's no evidence of voter intimidation anywhere. Indeed, FOX almost always has the sound on that video turned off. Why do you suppose that is?

If you have some actual evidence of voter intimidation, I'd love to see it.

I won't be holding my breath.

In my opinion it is voter intimidation. If that was my polling place i would feel that it is and attempt at voter intimation. Would i vote..sure. Is it an attempt at intimation. ..sure it is.
The point is that it is voter intimation.

Nope. There's no evidence of voter intimidation anywhere. Indeed, FOX almost always has the sound on that video turned off. Why do you suppose that is?

If you have some actual evidence of voter intimidation, I'd love to see it.

I won't be holding my breath.

In my opinion it is voter intimidation. If that was my polling place i would feel that it is and attempt at voter intimation. Would i vote..sure. Is it an attempt at intimation. ..sure it is.

Can't argue with that shit head. He feels blacks are entitled to do this. It's "their place."
Oh shit, Michelle Malkin's saying the BLACK people might try to scare away the poor white voters at the polls.. Everyone hurry, get whipped into a frenzy!

Lmao, this is laughable on so many levels. How many complaints was there in '08.. by people actually scared away from the polls?

The point is that it is voter intimation. It doesn't matter color or group or whatever.

Voting in THIS country is something that should be free of any and ALL intimidation for EVERYONE.

It's the biggest non-issue ever. Two crazy, isolated dude goes out with a club and "intimidates" voters (both white and black, I might add), and the right uses it to scare white voters into thinking the blacks are out for them. Oldest trick in the book. They've been using it for years and years. 300 B. Panthers stationed outside of polling places, and this is the only place where people were even talked to about not voting. Also, not something you'll hear on FOX, but even the BP Party released a statement on the two loonies:

“Specifically, in the case of Philadelphia, the New Black Panther Party wishes to express that the actions of people purported to be members do not represent the official views of the New Black Panther Party and are not connected nor in keeping with our official position as a party.”

This is the biggest non-issue, and manufactured outrage story of the year, aside from all the health reform paranoia.

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