Breaking: Brits alerted US early in Russia probe to concerns about Steele, Congress told.


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
A so called Russian Dossier appears not to be Russian at all: it's British/Ukrainian/American.

Dimitri Simes on a Russian political TV show “The Great Game”: The second adversary of the President Trump is Christopher Steele who put together the famous dossier. Many believe that he’s a former UK intelligence officer, he headed the investigation of a Litvinenko case. Christopher Steele prepared his Trump dossier without coming to Moscow even once. He said he had his own sources. It’s becoming increasingly clear now that these sources were provided by the people we’ve just mentioned: originally they came from Russia and now settled in Ukraine, UK, London and USA. So, this attack on Donald Trump was if not directly inspired by London but London at least directly participated in it.

Details in the video already interpreted into English (start watching from minute 28):

The Great Game. 15.05.2019

Dimitri Simes
Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate
The first domino...
Duh. Steele is MI6, but MI5's Roger Hollis is Chapman Pincher's accusation of Hollis as a Russian spy. An expert sleuth, Pincher died without getting to know how close he was to exposing the MI6 connections to the Clinton crime family on this side of the pond, though the FBI (and its recent reification by the media) is left behind at this point: the MI6 link to the Clintons is also a CIA link at only one address, one location in Michigan. The Reynolds DNA attached to that address is also the DNA that went to school with Hollis family DNA. Duh.
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate
I'll add that Steele’s non cooperation would seem to be reason to give Fusion GPS and Perkins Coie FBI no-knock raids. It seems to me if Mueller was able to indict a bunch of Russians for interfering in the election, Barr should be able to indict Steele for interfering in the election - after all, what Steele did caused much more disruption in our country than anything the Russians did.
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

So let us ALL get this straight, and I want to be clear------------->

The Republicans...……..according to the Leftists..……...are creating smoke and mirrors. Why the Republicans are sooooooooooo DUMB, they want to talk to Steele who could possibly tell the world that Trump actually did these things, but Steele doesn't want to talk, lololololol! And this is from Reuters, the Gateway Pundit is just passing it on, just in case the Leftists want to call it, "FAKE NEWS!"

Don't you think the Leftists should be getting the idea by now, that we are being pretty accurate? Or should everyone just now say, that LEFTISTS ARE THAT DUMB, hehehehehehehehe!

Oh man, the more this goes along, the more we realize that the Leftists are SCREWED!

Do me a favor MAGA------------>As soon as you see a report on the Leftists going to court to try and block the declassification, let us know!

We got them, we know it, they know it, and if they don't know it, they are as dumb as a box of rocks-)
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate
Wait, The Administration is preventing their people from testifying & you are having a fit because a Brit told Trump to shove it? The guy investigated & wrote what he found. What is your problem?
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

So let us ALL get this straight, and I want to be clear------------->

The Republicans...……..according to the Leftists..……...are creating smoke and mirrors. Why the Republicans are sooooooooooo DUMB, they want to talk to Steele who could possibly tell the world that Trump actually did these things, but Steele doesn't want to talk, lololololol! And this is from Reuters, the Gateway Pundit is just passing it on, just in case the Leftists want to call it, "FAKE NEWS!"

Don't you think the Leftists should be getting the idea by now, that we are being pretty accurate? Or should everyone just now say, that LEFTISTS ARE THAT DUMB, hehehehehehehehe!

Oh man, the more this goes along, the more we realize that the Leftists are SCREWED!

Do me a favor MAGA------------>As soon as you see a report on the Leftists going to court to try and block the declassification, let us know!

We got them, we know it, they know it, and if they don't know it, they are as dumb as a box of rocks-)
This thing will never go anywhere or produce anything of value. It's actually pretty smart of your propagandists. If you even remember it after the election they will chalk it up to the "deep state" burying it rather than a futile attempt to make a conspiracy theory into reality.
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate
Wait, The Administration is preventing their people from testifying & you are having a fit because a Brit told Trump to shove it? The guy investigated & wrote what he found. What is your problem?

Our people already DID testify. Some of them for 30 hrs. CONCLUSION--------->no COLLUSION!

Now it is our turn, and it really doesn't make much of a difference if Steele comes or not, we have Christine Kavelicks notes-) We know he got his info from 2 Russians, 1 a general who sits next to Putin, the other, a DIS-information specialist who was the curator of Skolkovo, which Hillary was all for.

Your side isn't getting off the hook. Want to know WHY they are now able to go right to where all the evidence is, and it is coming out like a waterfall!

Well, if you can't figure out, maybe you should take up another hobby-)
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

So let us ALL get this straight, and I want to be clear------------->

The Republicans...……..according to the Leftists..……...are creating smoke and mirrors. Why the Republicans are sooooooooooo DUMB, they want to talk to Steele who could possibly tell the world that Trump actually did these things, but Steele doesn't want to talk, lololololol! And this is from Reuters, the Gateway Pundit is just passing it on, just in case the Leftists want to call it, "FAKE NEWS!"

Don't you think the Leftists should be getting the idea by now, that we are being pretty accurate? Or should everyone just now say, that LEFTISTS ARE THAT DUMB, hehehehehehehehe!

Oh man, the more this goes along, the more we realize that the Leftists are SCREWED!

Do me a favor MAGA------------>As soon as you see a report on the Leftists going to court to try and block the declassification, let us know!

We got them, we know it, they know it, and if they don't know it, they are as dumb as a box of rocks-)
This thing will never go anywhere or produce anything of value. It's actually pretty smart of your propagandists. If you even remember it after the election they will chalk it up to the "deep state" burying it rather than a futile attempt to make a conspiracy theory into reality.

Look, this isn't MY SIDE, or YOUR side, that is what you fail to grasp.

You married with children?

If someone came after you and your kids...…….especially your kids, what would you do if they had done nothing wrong? Think about that!

You are NOT dealing with a politician, you are dealing with a hard nosed businessman, and unless the courts somehow take his rights away as Commander And Chief to declassify, it is coming out.

Now, he may not be able to PUSH people to prosecute, but it is coming out.
He would be a complete fool to agree to testify / cooperate....the FBI already admitted he illegally lied to the FBI...

Funny enough, DESPITE HAVING FIRED HIM FOR LYING TO THE FBI (a federal crime they were all too eager to indict anyone associated with Trump for but from which they repeatedly protected Hillary, her associates, and fellow conspirators), Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey swore on a FISA Court Warrant application that he was reliable and the information he sold Hillary / provided them was 'legitimate verified Intel'...

Funny that they did so despite Steele himself swaying he could not verify the contents of the Dossier...

Funny how they did that AFTER Bruce Oher warnef them he was a biased Trump-hating foreign spy with an agenda against Ttump and that the Dossier was unreliable political opposition research...


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