Breaking: Brits alerted US early in Russia probe to concerns about Steele, Congress told.

Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate
Why should he?

Look what Barr is doing

That sorry bastard is enforcing the law!!!! WTF is he thinking?!?!
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate
12 subpoena’d Russians refused to cooperate with Mueller. Anybody point that out yet?
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate
12 subpoena’d Russians refused to cooperate with Mueller. Anybody point that out yet?

You mean the ones who volunteered to testify and mewler said no?
A Drug Trajectory

In the Snodgres video of post #9, timepoint 32:43 mentions Clintons and Vince Foster. Timepoint 15:50 mentions the DEA, Colorado Springs, and Clinton-cocaine (timepoint 22:06). The Michigan address already mentioned in this thread links precisely to the Christian and Missionary Alliance, and Colorado Springs is the C&MA's national headquarters. Some of the reasons why for the events Snodgres experienced in Colorado Springs may be because Snodgres was about to expose DEA. Supporting this hypothesis is

1.) The Christian and Missionary Alliance precisely links to the Michigan address for the Clintons, MI6 and CIA, the latter not unknown for its connection to heroin and cocaine (McCoy, The Politics of Heroin).

2.) The Michigan township for that address links to heroin trafficking and the precise address for a cocaine bust, which resonates with the DEA mentioned in the video. The same address is also precisely a Chinese connection, and not far from the heroin labs of Hong Kong is another C&MA installation at 22 Ridge Road.

3.) Further drug links to the C&MA occur for C&MA workers in a leprosarium at Ban Me Thuot, South Vietnam kidnapped by the Viet Cong because the VC knew about the opium trafficking at the nearby landing strip which supported Corsican opium traffickers.

4.) Corsica's Pablo Paoli and Joshua Reynolds were friends. Joshua Reynolds family DNA links precisely to the Michigan address, as does Clinton employee Joshua Reynolds DNA. This Reynolds DNA is the link to Roger Hollis in the UK and Chapman Pincher's allegation that he was a Russian spy.
A Drug Trajectory

In the Snodgres video of post #9, timepoint 32:43 mentions Clintons and Vince Foster. Timepoint 15:50 mentions the DEA, Colorado Springs, and Clinton-cocaine (timepoint 22:06). The Michigan address already mentioned in this thread links precisely to the Christian and Missionary Alliance, and Colorado Springs is the C&MA's national headquarters. Some of the reasons why for the events Snodgres experienced in Colorado Springs may be because Snodgres was about to expose DEA. Supporting this hypothesis is

1.) The Christian and Missionary Alliance precisely links to the Michigan address for the Clintons, MI6 and CIA, the latter not unknown for its connection to heroin and cocaine (McCoy, The Politics of Heroin).

2.) The Michigan township for that address links to heroin trafficking and the precise address for a cocaine bust, which resonates with the DEA mentioned in the video. The same address is also precisely a Chinese connection, and not far from the heroin labs of Hong Kong is another C&MA installation at 22 Ridge Road.

3.) Further drug links to the C&MA occur for C&MA workers in a leprosarium at Ban Me Thuot, South Vietnam kidnapped by the Viet Cong because the VC knew about the opium trafficking at the nearby landing strip which supported Corsican opium traffickers.

4.) Corsica's Pablo Paoli and Joshua Reynolds were friends. Joshua Reynolds family DNA links precisely to the Michigan address, as does Clinton employee Joshua Reynolds DNA. This Reynolds DNA is the link to Roger Hollis in the UK and Chapman Pincher's allegation that he was a Russian spy.
What's the link to Chris Steele, the subject of this thread?
You can't extradite someone to testify. Extradition is only for those who commit crimes.

Christopher Steele should tell Durham to go fuck himself. Investigating your political opponents is a new low, even for Trump. This is tin-pot dictator shit and Americans should be ashamed of the President for this.

Why are you afraid of the truth?

Why should anyone be afraid of Christopher Steele being required to testify under oath?

Specifically, how could anyone blame President Donald J. Trump for the actions taken by Christopher Steele?

Why are you afraid of the truth?
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate
So..he's been paying attention to Barr and all the donnie dumbbells.
Why are you defending Christopher Steele?

Why would I not? He's under attack for pointing out Trump's ties to Putin...which have become obvious thanks to Steele and others.

I DO want the truth...and Trump and Barr are hiding it
The Atty General is this country's top attorney. Not the President's.

According to you., Barr is the only one who gets to see it. We are supposed to trust an obvious partisan hack?

Oh, you mean like Eric Holder?

Eric Holder: 'I'm still the president's wingman'
04/04/2013 12:31 PM EDT

Attorney General Eric Holder brushed off a question Thursday about when he might leave the administration. Instead, the top lawman professed his allegiance to President Barack Obama.

"I’m still enjoying what I’m doing, there’s still work to be done. I’m still the President’s wing-man, so I’m there with my boy. So we’ll see," Holder said in an interview on the Tom Joyner radio show.
Eric Holder: 'I'm still the president's wingman'
Why would I not? He's under attack for pointing out Trump's ties to Putin...which have become obvious thanks to Steele and others.

I DO want the truth...and Trump and Barr are hiding it

Alleged ties to Putin which have been proven a lie.

That's a lie. Is it Christopher Steele who refuses to return to this country and answer questions under oath?

You're afraid he will testify and destroy Democrats.
#66: Christopher Steele is MI6, the subject of this thread. The Clinton crime family links to MI6 and CIA at just one Michigan address, which is a also a precise C&MA link. The video in post #9 supports the idea that there is a DEA link to the Colorado Springs attack on Snodgres. Potential sources of the propaganda for the Steele dossier were never fully investigated, but includes the Steele-Reynolds connection:

Anthony Steele

Anthony Steele was Joshua Reynolds DNA, the same Clinton employee DNA that links to Rose Law Firm and the single Michigan address.
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

You can't extradite someone to testify. Extradition is only for those who commit crimes.

Christopher Steele should tell Durham to go fuck himself. Investigating your political opponents is a new low, even for Trump. This is tin-pot dictator shit and Americans should be ashamed of the President for this.

Says the supporter of the person who used government spy agencies, to look into his political opponents, lol.

You can't make this sh** up!

You just did. I'm not an Obama supporter. I'm not even an American, but I have followed this story closely.

Obama did NOT spy on the Trump Campaign. Only a fool or a Trump supporter believes this.
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

You can't extradite someone to testify. Extradition is only for those who commit crimes.

Christopher Steele should tell Durham to go fuck himself. Investigating your political opponents is a new low, even for Trump. This is tin-pot dictator shit and Americans should be ashamed of the President for this.

Says the supporter of the person who used government spy agencies, to look into his political opponents, lol.

You can't make this sh** up!

You just did. I'm not an Obama supporter. I'm not even an American, but I have followed this story closely.

Obama did NOT spy on the Trump Campaign. Only a fool or a Trump supporter believes this.
If Obama and his minions didn't spy on the Trump campaign, then why did they apply for FISA Warrants?
The Globlalist scum in the UK think they are above the Law!

What they are now... is the vipers nest of New World Order Cabal and Communism ....SCUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What they don't want to realize is that the sun set in the British Empire a long time ago!

Give up that piece of excrement , Christopher Steele!

That lowlife must cooperate with the US Attorney.
Why should he? Look what Barr is doing
...going after the traitors. Good point.
Ignoring the rule of law...
Actually what Nadlar asked him to do was to break the law, and in calling for his removal the Dems comitted what they claimed Trump was doing in obstructing. The difference is the President's context and intent was Mueller's conflict of interest and was going through proper asking procedures and channels (Rosenstein's decision if there's a conflict), Nadlars intent is exactly what obstruction is described by law, the Dems intent is to delay or halt all investigations of it's party's illegal activities.

Now THE DIFFERENCE in people refusing to testify in front of congress which has abused it's rights and could never win the right in court and refusing the AG office investigation is not comparitive. Don't confuse the 2 especially when the Dem oversight is now being reviewed by Congressional oversight, which is why you see both politicians and media figures look very nervous and uneasy, fumbling in the process. Dead giveaway that thwy were involved in something about to be outted & change their job status or whole world.

The Atty General is this country's top attorney. Not the President's.

According to you., Barr is the only one who gets to see it. We are supposed to trust an obvious partisan hack?
Interesting, besides being wrong and branded into your perception through propaganda tv, you just admited Rosenstein's partisanship (being a mole) was a problem especially since Sessions was removed (Dems obstruction), so Rosenstein could handle business the Dems abuse & corrupt way. And you also open up the whole Adam Schiff heading the investigative committee being partisan & a leaker to the press issue who also obstructed by asking Nunes to recuse when Schiff needed to.
Yep your post admitts this Dem obstruction of justice through openly partisan stance is a major problem.
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate
Wait, The Administration is preventing their people from testifying & you are having a fit because a Brit told Trump to shove it? The guy investigated & wrote what he found. What is your problem?

He is a foreigner that directly interfered in the election with lies and propaganda.

Thought that is what you guys cared about.

Apparently not, if is to help Dems get elected then foreign interference is just fine, eh?

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