Breaking: Brits alerted US early in Russia probe to concerns about Steele, Congress told.

Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate
He can just ignore that subpoena..

Yes he can, unless the UK is going to extradite him, which they won't!

And just wait till you see the report I am sure will happen sometime in the near future, that Alexander Downer did the same thing, lol!
Sure thing good that we have top officials flying the bird at their subpoenas don't think it won't catch on as the new legal fad.
You can't extradite someone to testify. Extradition is only for those who commit crimes.

Yup, like Lying to the FBI...or assisting in a Russian Counter-Intelligence operation by providing / selling Hillary Russian-authored propaganda (that he refused to say was verified) that was used by Barry's agency directors to intentionally commit FISA Court violations....

Nice and concise summary. :goodposting:
He can just ignore that subpoena..
...and never set foot back in the US again after having committed the crime of lying to the FBI...

Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

You can't extradite someone to testify. Extradition is only for those who commit crimes.

Christopher Steele should tell Durham to go fuck himself. Investigating your political opponents is a new low, even for Trump. This is tin-pot dictator shit and Americans should be ashamed of the President for this.

This thing will never go anywhere or produce anything of value. It's actually pretty smart of your propagandists. If you even remember it after the election they will chalk it up to the "deep state" burying it rather than a futile attempt to make a conspiracy theory into reality.

Look, this isn't MY SIDE, or YOUR side, that is what you fail to grasp.

You married with children?

If someone came after you and your kids...…….especially your kids, what would you do if they had done nothing wrong? Think about that!

You are NOT dealing with a politician, you are dealing with a hard nosed businessman, and unless the courts somehow take his rights away as Commander And Chief to declassify, it is coming out.

Now, he may not be able to PUSH people to prosecute, but it is coming out.

And I would remind you Occupied, the nasty temperment of the American people, how those on high seem to be able to skate. If it comes out that virtually ANY part of it was illegal and they don't do something, the American people are going to be at whoevers door who made that decision with pitchforks.
I would remind you that for people to get convicted of anything there's this thing called a courtroom where you actually have to prove your bullshit. This "investigation" will be ongoing until the day Trump gets voted out and no part of this will ever be put before a judge. As long as it's just an investigation the propagandists can say anything about anyone.
But where you're wrong is that Trump WON'T be voted out.
Of course he will and and you will blame it on everything except Trump and his big fat crooked mouth continually pissing people off.

Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

You can't extradite someone to testify. Extradition is only for those who commit crimes.

Christopher Steele should tell Durham to go fuck himself. Investigating your political opponents is a new low, even for Trump. This is tin-pot dictator shit and Americans should be ashamed of the President for this.

Steele can always enjoy Toronto. Cause he ain't setting foot in the USA no mo'.

Hey Leftists, I got 1 question that myself, Easy, and B.Kidd would like you to answer---------------->

How does it feel to have to be on the defensive from here forward, knowing no matter what you say, we know, and you know, your side is SCREWED-)

You do know now, that you are posting to save as many House and Senate seats as possible, and have almost a zero chance for the Presidency, along with the House flipping back, lolololol.

You better hope for a quick economic depression, and I am sure you are. Want to help it along? Quit buying food and starve yourselves-)
He can just ignore that subpoena..
...and never set foot back in the US again after having committed the crime of lying to the FBI...

Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

You can't extradite someone to testify. Extradition is only for those who commit crimes.

Christopher Steele should tell Durham to go fuck himself. Investigating your political opponents is a new low, even for Trump. This is tin-pot dictator shit and Americans should be ashamed of the President for this.

Look, this isn't MY SIDE, or YOUR side, that is what you fail to grasp.

You married with children?

If someone came after you and your kids...…….especially your kids, what would you do if they had done nothing wrong? Think about that!

You are NOT dealing with a politician, you are dealing with a hard nosed businessman, and unless the courts somehow take his rights away as Commander And Chief to declassify, it is coming out.

Now, he may not be able to PUSH people to prosecute, but it is coming out.

And I would remind you Occupied, the nasty temperment of the American people, how those on high seem to be able to skate. If it comes out that virtually ANY part of it was illegal and they don't do something, the American people are going to be at whoevers door who made that decision with pitchforks.
I would remind you that for people to get convicted of anything there's this thing called a courtroom where you actually have to prove your bullshit. This "investigation" will be ongoing until the day Trump gets voted out and no part of this will ever be put before a judge. As long as it's just an investigation the propagandists can say anything about anyone.
But where you're wrong is that Trump WON'T be voted out.
Of course he will and and you will blame it on everything except Trump and his big fat crooked mouth continually pissing people off.

Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

You can't extradite someone to testify. Extradition is only for those who commit crimes.

Christopher Steele should tell Durham to go fuck himself. Investigating your political opponents is a new low, even for Trump. This is tin-pot dictator shit and Americans should be ashamed of the President for this.

Steele can always enjoy Toronto. Cause he ain't setting foot in the USA no mo'.

Hey Leftists, I got 1 question that myself, Easy, and B.Kidd would like you to answer---------------->

How does it feel to have to be on the defensive from here forward, knowing no matter what you say, we know, and you know, your side is SCREWED-)

You do know now, that you are posting to save as many House and Senate seats as possible, and have almost a zero chance for the Presidency, along with the House flipping back, lolololol.

You better hope for a quick economic depression, and I am sure you are. Want to help it along? Quit buying food and starve yourselves-)

Darth Vader couldn't have made a better plan for the Democrats to take it in the loins for 2020.
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate
He can just ignore that subpoena..

Yes he can, unless the UK is going to extradite him, which they won't!

And just wait till you see the report I am sure will happen sometime in the near future, that Alexander Downer did the same thing, lol!
Sure thing good that we have top officials flying the bird at their subpoenas don't think it won't catch on as the new legal fad.

LOL, anyone can refuse a House one; didn't you know that? If you didn't, ask Eric Holder.

But your side should go ahead and try and ignore one from Durham in a criminal case-) They will find their charming and delightful a**es in the slammer!

Sigh, you just have to learn the rules my young friend.

DOJ, Special Counsel, you show unless under Executive priv!

Oh wait, the people getting these from the DOJ and Durham won't get priv from Trump? Oh my, they better show, or end up in the SLAMMER, unless of course they have to be extradited from another country.

Maybe that is how Brennan, Lynch, Comey, Mcabe, Strozk, Paige, (she is co-operating, so she will show) Yates, and a host of others will escape. Maybe they will go to Cuba, and help with their police state there!!!!!!!!
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate
This context of refusal "might" mean he's being threatened to hush up, and if that is the case then this might be a good thing in finally finding out the parties (group) behind all the many mysterious Clinton whistleblower's demises. Too many outright murderered before testifying (besides the mysterious ill timed deaths).
IF Steele is being threatened or interfered with in any way, this might be our hope to find out the source of many many other crimes and compromises that have made politicians and media and agents do some awful weird things (weird behavior) and make some strange choices that only a threatened & compromised person would make. I still think if Comey could talk, you'd find out mobsters threatened to talk or threatened his family, at least that would explain his bizzarre behavior.
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate
Wait, The Administration is preventing their people from testifying & you are having a fit because a Brit told Trump to shove it? The guy investigated & wrote what he found. What is your problem?

Democrats were crying big fat croccodile tears that a few Russian emails or youtube post changed public opinion against Hillary and that HINTED collusion by Trump. Yet Hillary campaign pays for a foreign national to gather Fake information in a dossier that ends up going mainstream and so much affects public opinion that you had dumb ass Congress people like Maxine Waters calling for a president's impeachment before actual facts are known.

Sure sure the "GUY" investigated.. the "GUY" found something and told us about it. That would be the same "GUY" who told a state department official that Russia was running an operation to upset the US election out of the Russian consulate in Miami. Yet there isn't a consulate in Miami. Oh sure, just a honest mistake.

What is so hard to understand about the dossier being intended to smear Trump in an election? true or false information it didn't matter to Democrats because everyone thought Hillary would win and it would all go away.
The problem for the Democrats was Trump won
Why should he? Look what Barr is doing
...going after the traitors. Good point.
Ignoring the rule of law...
No, the leading law enforcer in the US is upholding the law the leftist traitors ignored.

You should seriously reconsider listening to legal advice from people who order the US AG to break the law and then vote to hold him in Contempt when he refuses to do so....


Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate
Wait, The Administration is preventing their people from testifying & you are having a fit because a Brit told Trump to shove it? The guy investigated & wrote what he found. What is your problem?

Our people already DID testify. Some of them for 30 hrs. CONCLUSION--------->no COLLUSION!

Now it is our turn, and it really doesn't make much of a difference if Steele comes or not, we have Christine Kavelicks notes-) We know he got his info from 2 Russians, 1 a general who sits next to Putin, the other, a DIS-information specialist who was the curator of Skolkovo, which Hillary was all for.

Your side isn't getting off the hook. Want to know WHY they are now able to go right to where all the evidence is, and it is coming out like a waterfall!

Well, if you can't figure out, maybe you should take up another hobby-)

some of your people are in prison for lying and trying to cover up collusion - PRISON.
Why should he? Look what Barr is doing
...going after the traitors. Good point.
Ignoring the rule of law...
Actually what Nadlar asked him to do was to break the law, and in calling for his removal the Dems comitted what they claimed Trump was doing in obstructing. The difference is the President's context and intent was Mueller's conflict of interest and was going through proper asking procedures and channels (Rosenstein's decision if there's a conflict), Nadlars intent is exactly what obstruction is described by law, the Dems intent is to delay or halt all investigations of it's party's illegal activities.

Now THE DIFFERENCE in people refusing to testify in front of congress which has abused it's rights and could never win the right in court and refusing the AG office investigation is not comparitive. Don't confuse the 2 especially when the Dem oversight is now being reviewed by Congressional oversight, which is why you see both politicians and media figures look very nervous and uneasy, fumbling in the process. Dead giveaway that thwy were involved in something about to be outted & change their job status or whole world.
Why should he? Look what Barr is doing
...going after the traitors. Good point.
Ignoring the rule of law...
No, the leading law enforcer in the US is upholding the law the leftist traitors ignored.

You should seriously reconsider listening to legal advice from people who order the US AG to break the law and then vote to hold him in Contempt when he refuses to do so....


I get it. An investigation into the President can be redacted by the man the President appointed & no one else gets to see it.

A man that lied to Congress.

A man that put out a misleading summary with comments made to falsely exonerate the President.

The courts will decide.
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate
Wait, The Administration is preventing their people from testifying & you are having a fit because a Brit told Trump to shove it? The guy investigated & wrote what he found. What is your problem?

Our people already DID testify. Some of them for 30 hrs. CONCLUSION--------->no COLLUSION!

Now it is our turn, and it really doesn't make much of a difference if Steele comes or not, we have Christine Kavelicks notes-) We know he got his info from 2 Russians, 1 a general who sits next to Putin, the other, a DIS-information specialist who was the curator of Skolkovo, which Hillary was all for.

Your side isn't getting off the hook. Want to know WHY they are now able to go right to where all the evidence is, and it is coming out like a waterfall!

Well, if you can't figure out, maybe you should take up another hobby-)

some of your people are in prison for lying and trying to cover up collusion - PRISON.
Like who? Manifort was charged with tax evasion and not registering as a foreign lobbyist.
Why should he? Look what Barr is doing
...going after the traitors. Good point.
Ignoring the rule of law...
Actually what Nadlar asked him to do was to break the law, and in calling for his removal the Dems comitted what they claimed Trump was doing in obstructing. The difference is the President's context and intent was Mueller's conflict of interest and was going through proper asking procedures and channels (Rosenstein's decision if there's a conflict), Nadlars intent is exactly what obstruction is described by law, the Dems intent is to delay or halt all investigations of it's party's illegal activities.

Now THE DIFFERENCE in people refusing to testify in front of congress which has abused it's rights and could never win the right in court and refusing the AG office investigation is not comparitive. Don't confuse the 2 especially when the Dem oversight is now being reviewed by Congressional oversight, which is why you see both politicians and media figures look very nervous and uneasy, fumbling in the process. Dead giveaway that thwy were involved in something about to be outted & change their job status or whole world.

The Atty General is this country's top attorney. Not the President's.

According to you., Barr is the only one who gets to see it. We are supposed to trust an obvious partisan hack?
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

Since you're in Russia I understand why you don't know our laws and what it takes to extradite someone.

The person has to be accused of committing a crime whether indicted or a warrant.

Steele has not committed any crime so there's no reason to extradite him.

As for subpoena, they can do that but it's kind of hard to do it with a person who isn't in America, isn't an American citizen, isn't obligated to follow American laws and isn't obligated to follow any subpoena issued here.

Sorry but reality just isn't on your side.

Funny, you have no problem with trump not cooperating with our congress, has told everyone around him to ignore subpoenas and not testify. For you to now have a problem with a British citizen not doing what you want them to do is just too pathetic and hypocritical for words.

But then you're just a russian bot and don't matter anyway.
Last edited:
Why should he? Look what Barr is doing
...going after the traitors. Good point.
Ignoring the rule of law...
No, the leading law enforcer in the US is upholding the law the leftist traitors ignored.

You should seriously reconsider listening to legal advice from people who order the US AG to break the law and then vote to hold him in Contempt when he refuses to do so....


I get it. An investigation into the President can be redacted by the man the President appointed & no one else gets to see it.

A man that lied to Congress.

A man that put out a misleading summary with comments made to falsely exonerate the President.

The courts will decide.

You apparently don't know how the current law is written regarding the Mueller Report.
1. Barr did NOT have to share the report with anyone. He has to redact grand jury items, BY LAW.
2. Lied to congress? Please be more specific. Everyone lies to congress and ignores their subpoenas.
3. The courts will decide what? What congressional oversight really means?
The Atty General is this country's top attorney. Not the President's.
...which is why the US AG is fully investigating the ecposed crimes and treason perpetrated against this country (not just against this President) in their attempt to nullify / undo the results of a Presidential election, genius...
You need to keep up. You seem not to understand what's being talked about.

The way the Special Counsel regs were written...any decision made by the DOJ above the Special Counsel (to deny an indictment, limit scope, end investigation, etc.) HAD to be reported to Congress.

And "everyone" does NOT lie to Congress. In fact that can send you to jail. That was one of the charges Cohen was convicted of

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