Breaking: Brits alerted US early in Russia probe to concerns about Steele, Congress told.

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The Hill ^ | 05/29/19 | John Solomon

One of the deepest, darkest secrets of Russiagate soon may be unmasked. Even President Trump may be surprised.

Multiple witnesses have told Congress that, a week before Trump’s inauguration in January 2017, Britain’s top national security official sent a private communique to the incoming administration, addressing his country’s participation in the counterintelligence probe into the now-debunked Trump-Russia election collusion.

Most significantly, then-British national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant claimed in the memo, hand-delivered to incoming U.S. national security adviser Mike Flynn’s team, that the British government lacked confidence in the credibility of former MI6 spy Christopher Steele’s Russia collusion evidence, according to congressional investigators who interviewed witnesses familiar with the memo.

Steele, of course, was the political opposition researcher-turned-FBI-informant whose dossier the FBI and Obama Justice Department used to justify spying on the Trump campaign in the final days of the 2016 election cycle. The dossier was funded by Fusion GPS, a research firm hired by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Congressional investigators have interviewed two U.S. officials who handled the memo, confirmed with the British government that a communique was sent, and alerted the Department of Justice (DOJ) to the information. One witness confirmed to Congress that he was interviewed by special counsel Robert Mueller about the memo.

Now the race is on to locate the document in U.S. intelligence archives, to see if the witnesses’ recollections are correct. And Trump is headed to Britain this weekend, where he might just get a chance to ask his own questions.

“A whistleblower recently revealed the existence of a communique from our allies in Great Britain during the early days of the Russia collusion investigation,” Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), a member of the House Oversight Committee, told me.........


John Solomon is an award-winning investigative journalist whose work over the years has exposed U.S. and FBI intelligence failures before the Sept. 11 attacks, federal scientists’ misuse of foster children and veterans in drug experiments, and numerous cases of political corruption. He serves as an investigative columnist and executive vice president for video at The Hill.
Great article! UK was helping Obama spy on Trump so they could go around American laws. They have a lot of explaining to do.

Did Brits warn about Steele's credibility, before Mueller's probe? Congress has evidence

Can't trust the Brits anymore, they all seem like Tommy Tainant. Sneaky Europeans gone belly up on us.

See July 5.

Steele Dossier Timeline.png

All those bloody cows all stood to win big with a Hillary win. Trump fucked everything up for the global conglomerate. He's not a player. Now we see our "friend's" true colors.
There is another thread on this in another forum. This thread is the original.

It makes sense that MI6 wants to distance itself from Steele. If legitimate, Steele becomes even more susceptible to scrutiny. Steele as an FBI informant, perhaps, though there is still an outstanding Clinton-MI6-CIA connection to the Clinton-Isham-Amery-Rector assemblage, which history goes much further back than Steele. In other words, competition between FBI and CIA is a valid current investigative concept.
The "avalanche" of deep state indictments is coming....any day now....real soon....Hannity said so....
Kenyan Hussaine Obama or whatever the homosexual's name is has not been travelling the world lately with folks with tons of money.
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate
WEIRD, RIGHT AFTER TRUMP SEES THE QUEEN: Breaking: Christopher Steele — the ex-MI6 agent behind the debunked Trump dossier — has reportedly agreed to be questioned by U.S. officials over his relationship with the FBI.
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

You can't extradite someone to testify. Extradition is only for those who commit crimes.

Christopher Steele should tell Durham to go fuck himself. Investigating your political opponents is a new low, even for Trump. This is tin-pot dictator shit and Americans should be ashamed of the President for this.

Says the supporter of the person who used government spy agencies, to look into his political opponents, lol.

You can't make this sh** up!

You just did. I'm not an Obama supporter. I'm not even an American, but I have followed this story closely.

Obama did NOT spy on the Trump Campaign. Only a fool or a Trump supporter believes this.
If Obama and his minions didn't spy on the Trump campaign, then why did they apply for FISA Warrants?

Try reading facts anbd quit making shit up:

Opinion | The Truth About ‘Spying’ on the Trump Campaign
Azra Turk and Halper came after Papadopoulos and Downer met. It was the Kensington Wine Rooms that linked Papadopoulos and Downer, heavy MI6 territory.. What London Bar for Turk and Halper?
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

You can't extradite someone to testify. Extradition is only for those who commit crimes.

Christopher Steele should tell Durham to go fuck himself. Investigating your political opponents is a new low, even for Trump. This is tin-pot dictator shit and Americans should be ashamed of the President for this.

Says the supporter of the person who used government spy agencies, to look into his political opponents, lol.

You can't make this sh** up!

You just did. I'm not an Obama supporter. I'm not even an American, but I have followed this story closely.

Obama did NOT spy on the Trump Campaign. Only a fool or a Trump supporter believes this.

You are merely a troll, and while Obama didn't personally spy on the Trump Campaign, it is not questioned that electronic and human spying DID occur.
Full Title: BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

It's time for Barr to subpoena the bastard and extradite him to the US. The U.K. better cooperate! Steele is the link between Perkins-Coie and Hillary.

BREAKING: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Refuses to Cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in His Investigation Into Origins of Spygate

You can't extradite someone to testify. Extradition is only for those who commit crimes.

Christopher Steele should tell Durham to go fuck himself. Investigating your political opponents is a new low, even for Trump. This is tin-pot dictator shit and Americans should be ashamed of the President for this.

Says the supporter of the person who used government spy agencies, to look into his political opponents, lol.

You can't make this sh** up!

You just did. I'm not an Obama supporter. I'm not even an American, but I have followed this story closely.

Obama did NOT spy on the Trump Campaign. Only a fool or a Trump supporter believes this.
If Obama and his minions didn't spy on the Trump campaign, then why did they apply for FISA Warrants?

Try reading facts anbd quit making shit up:

Opinion | The Truth About ‘Spying’ on the Trump Campaign

It is easy for a troll like you to post an opinion piece, but how do you explain the FBI sending people *CHS) to try to embed themselves into the campaign for the purpose of gathering information (i.e. spying)

New Questions about Surveillance of Trump Campaign | National Review
One by one the catcher, caddy, soobietsky trolls get suspended and are fading away anyway as they are stone cold dead in the water, caught red handed.

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