Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Handing your deranged child a .45 for his birthday, is a uniquely camo-wearing sister-fucking redneck Republican thing to do. Yup, just hand that inbred psycho another gun. WTG redneck moron. You Republicans really should consider disowning the loons. They're certainly not helping your Party.
I am not a Republican, and if this guy gave that gun to his kid knowing his kid was nuts, I hope he does hard jail time.

Oh he knew alright. He probably had sex with him for years. Then he hands him another gun. My God, only in dumbfuck redneck world does that make sense. Seriously, Republicans need to disown the camo-wearing, sister-fucking, gun-hoarding redneck loons. They're not helping their party.

Yet they do not stand a chance of accomplishing their platform without them.
Don't hold your breath, the folks you just described are the life's blood of the republican party.

Handing your deranged inbred kid a .45 for his birthday, really does make perfect sense in dumbfuck redneck Republican world. The Republicans need to disown the camo-wearing sister-fuckers. They're an awful embarrassment.


Yes, i admit i am Anti- camo-wearing, sister-fucking, gun-hoarding, redneck Republican morons. If that makes me a 'Bigot', than so be it. I can live with it.
Handing your deranged child a .45 for his birthday, is a uniquely camo-wearing sister-fucking redneck Republican thing to do. Yup, just hand that inbred psycho another gun. WTG redneck moron. You Republicans really should consider disowning the loons. They're certainly not helping your Party.

:badgrin: I thought "sister fucking" was okay now.....going by the name of "trans-sibling", maybe? The left's imaginary elitism always surfaces when they lose their widdle tempers.

Sure, y'all just keep handing your deranged inbred kids more guns. I know that makes perfect sense in your twisted camo-wearing sister-fucking redneck Republican world. WTG tards. :(

what the hell? if you are so worried about inbred kids. why not just round them up and gas them? gawd you gun nuts go off the deep end every time to blame ALL the people who has guns and had NOTHING TO DO with this
This is the world wide web. Provide a link showing the last time a black person shot up a church or elementary school full of women and children, or STFU.

You're really a mouthy and stupid fuck, you know that scumbag?

Boko Haram attacks five churches in Northern Nigeria Christian News on Christian Today


Did I mention you're really mouthy and stupid?

You are
I am not a Republican, and if this guy gave that gun to his kid knowing his kid was nuts, I hope he does hard jail time.

Oh he knew alright. He probably had sex with him for years. Then he hands him another gun. My God, only in dumbfuck redneck world does that make sense. Seriously, Republicans need to disown the camo-wearing, sister-fucking, gun-hoarding redneck loons. They're not helping their party.

Yet they do not stand a chance of accomplishing their platform without them.
Don't hold your breath, the folks you just described are the life's blood of the republican party.

Handing your deranged inbred kid a .45 for his birthday, really does make perfect sense in dumbfuck redneck Republican world. The Republicans need to disown the camo-wearing sister-fuckers. They're an awful embarrassment.


Yes, i admit i am Anti- camo-wearing, sister-fucking, gun-hoarding, redneck Republican morons. If that makes me a 'Bigot', than so be it. I can live with it.

"Redneck", "sister fucking" , "MOrons", standard list of lib bigoted anti-southern stereotypes.

Libs, all the self awareness of a turnip.
By Monday the kid's .45 will become an "assault rifle with an 80 shot CLIP" and a new Brady bill will be brought before the House. I wonder if it's occurred to the prog trash here that mounting violence by blacks against whites wouldn't result in something like this sooner or later?
Oh he knew alright. He probably had sex with him for years. Then he hands him another gun. My God, only in dumbfuck redneck world does that make sense. Seriously, Republicans need to disown the camo-wearing, sister-fucking, gun-hoarding redneck loons. They're not helping their party.

Yet they do not stand a chance of accomplishing their platform without them.
Don't hold your breath, the folks you just described are the life's blood of the republican party.

Handing your deranged inbred kid a .45 for his birthday, really does make perfect sense in dumbfuck redneck Republican world. The Republicans need to disown the camo-wearing sister-fuckers. They're an awful embarrassment.


Yes, i admit i am Anti- camo-wearing, sister-fucking, gun-hoarding, redneck Republican morons. If that makes me a 'Bigot', than so be it. I can live with it.

"Redneck", "sister fucking" , "MOrons", standard list of lib bigoted anti-southern stereotypes.

Libs, all the self awareness of a turnip.

If the shoe fits, I want you to wear it and wear it good......
This is the world wide web. Provide a link showing the last time a black person shot up a church or elementary school full of women and children, or STFU.

You're really a mouthy and stupid fuck, you know that scumbag?

Boko Haram attacks five churches in Northern Nigeria Christian News on Christian Today


Did I mention you're really mouthy and stupid?

You are
another puke who does nothing BUT SPEW foul shit out their ass. how do we get so damn lucky:puke:
they joined IN 2009. Must have been sitting at the dailykos all this time
Seriously, can you camo-wearing, sister-fucking redneck Republicans do us all a favor? Can you please stop arming your deranged inbred offspring? Maybe handing your psycho kid a .45 for a birthday present isn't such a good idea? Wadda ya think? Can y'all help us out on that?
Yes, i admit i am Anti- camo-wearing, sister-fucking, gun-hoarding, redneck Republican morons. If that makes me a 'Bigot', than so be it. I can live with it.

Maybe you should tell your sister, scumbag

AND, you really should learn more English Composition.

Seriously. Do you know what you just said about yourself?

I HATE liberturdians. I don't know which is lower, them or the dimocraps. At least dimocraps don't pretend to be your friend then stab you in the back as soon as you turn around....

I mean, dims are some back-stabbing scum, but you expect it from them.
WCSC Police searching for suspect following downtown Charleston shooting

Story is breaking. Very little info. Its an AME church. Traditionally black church. Suspect said white male in early 20s who is still loose. News says 8 victims. Havent said if they're deceased or just wounded. Havent revealed their identity. No other details. Horrible story unfolding.
There are some serious cultural problems in the white community.
I expect leaders in their community to come forward and address this. The white community needs to think long and hard about this.
Did Obama have a son there ?


If Obama had a son, he might look like the shooter if he self-identifies as a black person.

Tough being a dipshit white guy nowadays, isn't ?

With a name like Dillon, I suspect he is a left wing nutjob
This is the world wide web. Provide a link showing the last time a black person shot up a church or elementary school full of women and children, or STFU.

You're really a mouthy and stupid fuck, you know that scumbag?

Boko Haram attacks five churches in Northern Nigeria Christian News on Christian Today


Did I mention you're really mouthy and stupid?

You are
another puke who does nothing BUT SPEW foul shit out their ass. how do we get so damn lucky:puke:

Eat a dick, bitch
The biggest difference you're going to note in all this is really simple --

Very few White people are going to make excuses for the piece of shit.

Let the same thing happen in reverse, and the first thing dimocrap scum will do is start making excuses. Shit, they'll even start a campaign to free the motherfucker. Get the ACLU to defend his ass, too.

Us? Me?

Fry this piece of shit.
And some of the "very few" are right here on this thread.
Nicky Hailey's comments were lovely. She is an excellent leader.

I wish Obama would make a similar statement - one of healing and love. It would be great if he would say that the way to honor the victims and support their families' healing process is NOT VIOLENCE. Violence dishonors the memory of the murdered people.

Sadly...he jumped right into gun control....they are tickled pink......

We need to remember the PROGRSSIVES motto:
Never let a good crisis go to waste. Especially for their agendas against us the people in the country
You mean like that "fake" elementary school shooting in Connecticut? How many gun control laws out of that "good crisis", Stephanie?

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