Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

The kid is 21, has been arrested twice (once on a drug charge and once for trespassing), and his father gives him a .45 for his birthday.

I am a gun buff and a staunch supporter of the 2nd amendment, but the father was an idiot for giving the kid a pistol.

What do you expect from camo-wearing sister-fucking redneck loons? You Republicans may wanna start disowning em. They're not helping your Party.

"You republicans"? What makes you so sure I am a republican?

My bad if you're not.
Nicky Hailey's comments were lovely. She is an excellent leader.

I wish Obama would make a similar statement - one of healing and love. It would be great if he would say that the way to honor the victims and support their families' healing process is NOT VIOLENCE. Violence dishonors the memory of the murdered people.

Sadly...he jumped right into gun control....they are tickled pink......

We need to remember the PROGRSSIVES motto:
Never let a good crisis go to waste. Especially for their agendas against us the people in the country

You are sorely mistaken if you think we enjoy dealing with the messes conservatives make and perpetuate. If you are tired of being schwaked by crisises, quit creating them with your idiocy.
Handing your deranged child a .45 for his birthday, is a uniquely camo-wearing sister-fucking redneck Republican thing to do. Yup, just hand that inbred psycho another gun. WTG redneck moron. You Republicans really should consider disowning the loons. They're certainly not helping your Party.

:badgrin: I thought "sister fucking" was okay now.....going by the name of "trans-sibling", maybe? The left's imaginary elitism always surfaces when they lose their widdle tempers.
I don't know if you want to call it excuses, but quite a few are posting nonsense defending this retard.

Fry this pile of shit.

There are no excuses, there are no reasons to murder innocent people.

Is the shit building up inside people? Yes.

Does that excuse murder? No.

Don't like the scumbag piece of shit racist motherfucker that represents the scumbag racist dimocrap filth party in the White House? Go to work campaigning against dimocrap filth.

You don't go around murdering INNOCENT people.

Plus, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media is going to run with this for the next 6 Months.

Like those scumbags need an excuse to push their racist agenda.
Especially when it was the mob with their tommy guns during Prohibition that "invented" the drive-by.
Well then the feral negros perfected it.

Which one is it, blacks created it or the new thing youre using when caught being wrong?
Do blacks not do drive byes?

Exactly how is it you feel any sense of humanity by speaking of drive by shootings at a time like this.
Seriously, you have issues.
Lemme guess- white christian republican ?
I was answering a racist black person saying that it's only white people that do mass shootings.

This is the world wide web. Provide a link showing the last time a black person shot up a church or elementary school full of women and children, or STFU.
Not all Southerners. Just the weird ones dressing in camo head to toe, owning an arsenal of guns, and fucking their family members. They're the ones you gotta watch.
Yeah, cammo kills.

We should ban civilian cammo, like dictators do.

Handing your deranged child a .45 for his birthday, is a uniquely camo-wearing sister-fucking redneck Republican thing to do. Yup, just hand that inbred psycho another gun. WTG redneck moron. You Republicans really should consider disowning the loons. They're certainly not helping your Party.
I am not a Republican, and if this guy gave that gun to his kid knowing his kid was nuts, I hope he does hard jail time.

Oh he knew alright. He probably had sex with him for years. Then he hands him another gun. My God, only in dumbfuck redneck world does that make sense. Seriously, Republicans need to disown the camo-wearing, sister-fucking, gun-hoarding redneck loons. They're not helping their party.

Yet they do not stand a chance of accomplishing their platform without them.
Don't hold your breath, the folks you just described are the life's blood of the republican party.

Handing your deranged inbred kid a .45 for his birthday, really does make perfect sense in dumbfuck redneck Republican world. The Republicans need to disown the camo-wearing sister-fuckers. They're an awful embarrassment.
Handing your deranged child a .45 for his birthday, is a uniquely camo-wearing sister-fucking redneck Republican thing to do. Yup, just hand that inbred psycho another gun. WTG redneck moron. You Republicans really should consider disowning the loons. They're certainly not helping your Party.

:badgrin: I thought "sister fucking" was okay now.....going by the name of "trans-sibling", maybe? The left's imaginary elitism always surfaces when they lose their widdle tempers.

It does not surprise me in the least that you think that 'sister fucking' is okay.
Not one bit.
Charleston Church Shooting Suspect Dylann Roof Captured in North Carolina - NBC News
The white suspect who gunned down nine people at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina, was in police custody Thursday after a sweeping manhunt that spanned two states.

Dylann Roof, 21, was caught after 11 a.m. ET following Wednesday night's massacre at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. He was arrested about 245 miles north in Shelby, North Carolina, during a traffic stop, Charleston Police Chief Gregory Mullen said at a news conference.

Shelby police received a tip about a suspicious car in the area and arrested Roof without incident, Mullen added.

"I am so pleased that we were able to resolve this case quickly … so that nobody else is harmed by this individual who obviously committed a tragic, heinous crime in the city of Charleston," Mullen said.
Haley's statements are particularly vile as she represents someone elected by many of those ENCOURAGED to hold the same beliefs as the shooter.
Smell what is being shoveled.
I do.

You're a nasty piece of work, aintcha?

yep, but what do we expect from the left. Haley had NOTHING to do with this, but they found themselves another scapegoat LIKE USUAL

I really like her. The Haters can just go fuck themselves.

they don't even let these poor peoples souls get cold before they start on their hateful journey on everyone ELSE. Here is where the tool/puke got his meme from. How anyone can belong to the Democrat party is astounding to me

Disgusting. Obama Official Lashes Out at GOP Gov. Nikki Haley in Aftermath of Church Shooting

Jim Hoft Jun 18th, 2015 8:02 am 17 Comments

Last night a white male unloaded his gun inside the historic Emanuel Church in Charleston, South Carolina.
Nine people were killed.
The shooter sat in the church pews for an hour before committing mass murder.

In the aftermath of the shooting Brandon Friedman, the former deputy assistant secretary for public affairs at the HUD, lashed out at Republican Governor Nikki Haley.
Because that’s what liberals do.
The Blaze reported:

ALL of it here:
Disgusting. Obama Official Lashes Out at GOP Gov. Nikki Haley in Aftermath of Church Shooting - The Gateway Pundit

The Blaze is your source ?
Your problem is clear.
.....and some souls are cold long before they enter the ground.
Your's, for instance.

Ignorance does that for ya.....

and you got an atta boy for yours. how frikken shallow and hateful can you get.
doesn't matter, I won't see another of your trolling nasty post. You need a clown face avatar. you fit right in. see ya
Yeah, cammo kills.

We should ban civilian cammo, like dictators do.

Handing your deranged child a .45 for his birthday, is a uniquely camo-wearing sister-fucking redneck Republican thing to do. Yup, just hand that inbred psycho another gun. WTG redneck moron. You Republicans really should consider disowning the loons. They're certainly not helping your Party.
I am not a Republican, and if this guy gave that gun to his kid knowing his kid was nuts, I hope he does hard jail time.

Oh he knew alright. He probably had sex with him for years. Then he hands him another gun. My God, only in dumbfuck redneck world does that make sense. Seriously, Republicans need to disown the camo-wearing, sister-fucking, gun-hoarding redneck loons. They're not helping their party.

Yet they do not stand a chance of accomplishing their platform without them.
Don't hold your breath, the folks you just described are the life's blood of the republican party.

Handing your deranged inbred kid a .45 for his birthday, really does make perfect sense in dumbfuck redneck Republican world. The Republicans need to disown the camo-wearing sister-fuckers. They're an awful embarrassment.

Handing your deranged child a .45 for his birthday, is a uniquely camo-wearing sister-fucking redneck Republican thing to do. Yup, just hand that inbred psycho another gun. WTG redneck moron. You Republicans really should consider disowning the loons. They're certainly not helping your Party.

:badgrin: I thought "sister fucking" was okay now.....going by the name of "trans-sibling", maybe? The left's imaginary elitism always surfaces when they lose their widdle tempers.

Sure, y'all just keep handing your deranged inbred kids more guns. I know that makes perfect sense in your twisted camo-wearing sister-fucking redneck Republican world. WTG tards. :(
Especially when it was the mob with their tommy guns during Prohibition that "invented" the drive-by.
Well then the feral negros perfected it.

Which one is it, blacks created it or the new thing youre using when caught being wrong?
Do blacks not do drive byes?

Exactly how is it you feel any sense of humanity by speaking of drive by shootings at a time like this.
Seriously, you have issues.
Lemme guess- white christian republican ?
I was answering a racist black person saying that it's only white people that do mass shootings.

This is why Meth is bad for you, you start to imagine things that never happened.

You said blacks invented Drive-by's. You found out you were wrong. Now you need cover from looking like a dumbass
Nicky Hailey's comments were lovely. She is an excellent leader.

I wish Obama would make a similar statement - one of healing and love. It would be great if he would say that the way to honor the victims and support their families' healing process is NOT VIOLENCE. Violence dishonors the memory of the murdered people.

Sadly...he jumped right into gun control....they are tickled pink......

We need to remember the PROGRSSIVES motto:
Never let a good crisis go to waste. Especially for their agendas against us the people in the country

Oh please, are you going to pretend that only progressives and liberals jump on a crisis to make political hay and further there agenda??

Go back and look at the threads that popped up with hours of the Amtrak derailling when it was reported that the engineer was gay. That wasn't progressives ranting about homosexuality.

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