Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

And some of the "very few" are right here on this thread.

They are?

who is making excuses for this scumbag?

Gimme some names and quotes.

I'm not saying it's not happening. I'm not saying you're being dishonest.

I'm saying that anybody that makes excuse for this scumbag needs to be called out.

Not by you, however. dimocrap scum got no business calling ANYBODY out. You don't have the bona fides. You people are the lying scum the earth has ever known.

But you can provide us with some names and quotes and then people with some honor can call them out.... Which, trust me, excludes you
This is the world wide web. Provide a link showing the last time a black person shot up a church or elementary school full of women and children, or STFU.

You're really a mouthy and stupid fuck, you know that scumbag?

Boko Haram attacks five churches in Northern Nigeria Christian News on Christian Today


Did I mention you're really mouthy and stupid?

You are
another puke who does nothing BUT SPEW foul shit out their ass. how do we get so damn lucky:puke:

Eat a dick, bitch
what? I was talking about the person you replied to. No problem
By Monday the kid's .45 will become an "assault rifle with an 80 shot CLIP" and a new Brady bill will be brought before the House. I wonder if it's occurred to the prog trash here that mounting violence by blacks against whites wouldn't result in something like this sooner or later?

In summary: Its not the white dudes fault its blacks fault he shot them up.

..funny thing is that bigots never lay blame at their own feet..its always the victims fault.
Obamas news conference was worthy for entertainment. He's acting pissed but this false flag won't work

He can kiss my ass

Yes, i admit i am Anti- camo-wearing, sister-fucking, gun-hoarding, redneck Republican morons. If that makes me a 'Bigot', than so be it. I can live with it.

Maybe you should tell your sister, scumbag

AND, you really should learn more English Composition.

Seriously. Do you know what you just said about yourself?

I HATE liberturdians. I don't know which is lower, them or the dimocraps. At least dimocraps don't pretend to be your friend then stab you in the back as soon as you turn around....

I mean, dims are some back-stabbing scum, but you expect it from them.

....and you should learn that English Composition is a proper noun best used to describe a course title.
You were looking for 'vernacular', or 'grammar'. I realize it's hard to apea
And some of the "very few" are right here on this thread.

They are?

who is making excuses for this scumbag?

Gimme some names and quotes.

I'm not saying it's not happening. I'm not saying you're being dishonest.

I'm saying that anybody that makes excuse for this scumbag needs to be called out.

Not by you, however. dimocrap scum got no business calling ANYBODY out. You don't have the bona fides. You people are the lying scum the earth has ever known.

But you can provide us with some names and quotes and then people with some honor can call them out.... Which, trust me, excludes you

Feeling a little hate ?
Step closer to the mic, please.....
Wonder when we'll see how bad YOUR haircut is after your arrest.
In summary: Its not the white dudes fault its blacks fault he shot them up.

..funny thing is that bigots never lay blame at their own feet..its always the victims fault.

I agree that you're the bigot here and that if you really laid the blame at the victim's feets, you'd have the entire Obama administration arrested and charged with gross malfeasance.
Ah, forgot the discomfort education brings to conservatives.
How amusing.

Ah, yes. The 'elitist card'

Say, if we're so uneducated and you're so fucking smart? How come we're the party of the rich and you're the party of the poor?

Like there's a difference between stupid and poor (there isn't)
Yet they do not stand a chance of accomplishing their platform without them.
Don't hold your breath, the folks you just described are the life's blood of the republican party.

Handing your deranged inbred kid a .45 for his birthday, really does make perfect sense in dumbfuck redneck Republican world. The Republicans need to disown the camo-wearing sister-fuckers. They're an awful embarrassment.


Yes, i admit i am Anti- camo-wearing, sister-fucking, gun-hoarding, redneck Republican morons. If that makes me a 'Bigot', than so be it. I can live with it.

"Redneck", "sister fucking" , "MOrons", standard list of lib bigoted anti-southern stereotypes.

Libs, all the self awareness of a turnip.

If the shoe fits, I want you to wear it and wear it good......

I'm not southern, but I note that you do not deny that you were being bigoted against the South.
And some of the "very few" are right here on this thread.

They are?

who is making excuses for this scumbag?

Gimme some names and quotes.

By Monday the kid's .45 will become an "assault rifle with an 80 shot CLIP" and a new Brady bill will be brought before the House. I wonder if it's occurred to the prog trash here that mounting violence by blacks against whites wouldn't result in something like this sooner or later?

Feel free to go in on Lt Gen Capt BullkurtzUSMC
Handing your deranged inbred kid a .45 for his birthday, really does make perfect sense in dumbfuck redneck Republican world. The Republicans need to disown the camo-wearing sister-fuckers. They're an awful embarrassment.


Yes, i admit i am Anti- camo-wearing, sister-fucking, gun-hoarding, redneck Republican morons. If that makes me a 'Bigot', than so be it. I can live with it.

"Redneck", "sister fucking" , "MOrons", standard list of lib bigoted anti-southern stereotypes.

Libs, all the self awareness of a turnip.

If the shoe fits, I want you to wear it and wear it good......

I'm not southern, but I note that you do not deny that you were being bigoted against the South.

I surely am.
The south has been and remains a howling intellectual wilderness, devoid of awareness that it is quickly being marginalized.
Shit like this doesn't happen in LA, Detroit, NYC, etc.
what a disgusting human being and a piss poor excuse for a President. But just what we've come to expect from him.

BARACK OBAMA Pushes New Gun Laws – Bashes Republicans During Press Conference on Charleston Shooting (VIDEO)

He can’t help it.
Barack Obama pushed new gun laws – Bashed Republicans during his presss conferece Thursday on the Charleston church shooting.

Nine people were killed when a young white man, Dylann Storm Roof, shot up the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston on Wednesday night.
The shooter told the worshippers, “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.”

Then he shot them dead.

Today Obama pushed for new gun laws.
(The shooter was given the gun as a birthday present.)
He also attacked Republicans.

all of it here:
BARACK OBAMA Pushes New Gun Laws - Bashes Republicans During Press Conference on Charleston Shooting VIDEO - The Gateway Pundit
How is the flag false ?
Seven times he's had to deal with the results of ammosexual fed massacres.
That's fact, whether you like it or not.

"ammosexual"? :badgrin: So if Caitlyn Jenner gets his pecker lopped off, will he then need to buy an "assault rifle"?

That's the thing, ammosexuals are so worried about their lack of pecker that they acquire firearms to make up the difference.

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