Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Well President Obama just made this incident into a press conference for bigotry. And gun violence. How 'bout just mental illness. And he claimed that these things, I guess he means mass shootings, is only something that occurs in America. Man this guy needs to get real.
And some of the "very few" are right here on this thread.

They are?

who is making excuses for this scumbag?

Gimme some names and quotes.

By Monday the kid's .45 will become an "assault rifle with an 80 shot CLIP" and a new Brady bill will be brought before the House. I wonder if it's occurred to the prog trash here that mounting violence by blacks against whites wouldn't result in something like this sooner or later?

Feel free to go in on Lt Gen Capt BullkurtzUSMC

Stupid dimocrap piece of fucking shit scumbag.

THAT is not an excuse, it is an explanation.

You people really are pathetic scum.

An excuse would be something like, "Oh, he was just letting his pent-up rage out."

Or, "He was a victim of Black Oppression for Centuries"

Or, " Victim of Racism"

Or, "Not enough jobs"


And he's right. At some point, some NUT, and I mean a NUT like this, is going to latch onto some bullshit and act on his paranoid delusions.

THAT is not an excuse, that is an explanation.

You people, you dimocraps are simply filth

You really are.

The kid was a dirtbag. Fry his ass

Yes, i admit i am Anti- camo-wearing, sister-fucking, gun-hoarding, redneck Republican morons. If that makes me a 'Bigot', than so be it. I can live with it.

"Redneck", "sister fucking" , "MOrons", standard list of lib bigoted anti-southern stereotypes.

Libs, all the self awareness of a turnip.

If the shoe fits, I want you to wear it and wear it good......

I'm not southern, but I note that you do not deny that you were being bigoted against the South.

I surely am.
The south has been and remains a howling intellectual wilderness, devoid of awareness that it is quickly being marginalized.
Shit like this doesn't happen in LA, Detroit, NYC, etc.

Detroit??? You are actually calling Detroit a better place than the south?? LMAO!! Oh that is hilarious!
Well President Obama just made this incident into a press conference for bigotry. And gun violence. How 'bout just mental illness. And he claimed that these things, I guess he means mass shootings, is only something that occurs in America. Man this guy needs to get real.

Maybe he could begin with a real birff certificate and work his way forward.
Eventhrough it is bad,,,It is 1/5th that of the black community per capita. Certainly, we should address it and work to make it even lower.

Of course, at the same time you won't say shit about black violence.
Ah there we go. It's begun. Tomorrow there will be reports about how this was the black church goers fault, and our stormfront lighters will run amok with it.
They will be trying to paint the shooter as a liberal.

Progressives have tried to portray every shooter for the past ten years as a right wing teaper extremist. So far, all the shooters have been progressives. Eventually you'll get it right. Law of averages and all. However, in this case we don't know yet. Odds are it is indeed some sick racist asshole who did the deed. And yes, were one of the folks armed in the church the asshole wouldn't have killed as many.
So far all what shooters have been progressives? All murderers? Kind of a broad brush there, especially for you.

Every major shooting that has been reported was perpetrated by a progressive. Gabby Giffords, the three muslim students killed over a parking spot, the movie theatre shooting, all of them perpetrated by violent extremists......who just happened to be progressives. Hell, members of the Southern Poverty Law Center (a well known progressive group) have murdered more people in the last three years then the Klan has in the last 20.
Who has the law center killed? It is more a matter of crazy than politics, but there are plenty of right wing killers.
Well then the feral negros perfected it.

Which one is it, blacks created it or the new thing youre using when caught being wrong?
Do blacks not do drive byes?

Exactly how is it you feel any sense of humanity by speaking of drive by shootings at a time like this.
Seriously, you have issues.
Lemme guess- white christian republican ?
I was answering a racist black person saying that it's only white people that do mass shootings.

This is the world wide web. Provide a link showing the last time a black person shot up a church or elementary school full of women and children, or STFU.
Drive byes kill innocent women and children
Well then the feral negros perfected it.

Which one is it, blacks created it or the new thing youre using when caught being wrong?
Do blacks not do drive byes?

Exactly how is it you feel any sense of humanity by speaking of drive by shootings at a time like this.
Seriously, you have issues.
Lemme guess- white christian republican ?
I was answering a racist black person saying that it's only white people that do mass shootings.

This is why Meth is bad for you, you start to imagine things that never happened.

You said blacks invented Drive-by's. You found out you were wrong. Now you need cover from looking like a dumbass
Okay I was wrong, but are you saying blacks aren't known for doing drive byes?

Yes, i admit i am Anti- camo-wearing, sister-fucking, gun-hoarding, redneck Republican morons. If that makes me a 'Bigot', than so be it. I can live with it.

"Redneck", "sister fucking" , "MOrons", standard list of lib bigoted anti-southern stereotypes.

Libs, all the self awareness of a turnip.

If the shoe fits, I want you to wear it and wear it good......

I'm not southern, but I note that you do not deny that you were being bigoted against the South.

I surely am.
The south has been and remains a howling intellectual wilderness, devoid of awareness that it is quickly being marginalized.
Shit like this doesn't happen in LA, Detroit, NYC, etc.


13 killed - April 3, 2009 - In Binghamton, New York, Jiverly Wong kills 13 people and injures four during a shooting at an immigrant community center. He then kills himself.

13 killed - April 20, 1999 - Columbine High School - Littleton, Colorado. 18-year-old Eric Harris and 17-year-old Dylan Klebold kill 12 fellow students and one teacher before committing suicide in the school library.

13 killed - September 25, 1982 - In Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 40-year-old George Banks, a prison guard, kills 13 people including five of his own children. In September 2011, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturns his death sentence stating that Banks is mentally incompetent.

21 killed - July 18, 1984 - In San Ysidro, California, 41-year-old James Huberty, armed with a long-barreled Uzi, a pump-action shotgun and a handgun shoots and kills 21 adults and children at a local McDonalds. A police sharpshooter kills Huberty one hour after the rampage begins.

12 killed - September 16, 2013 - Shots are fired inside the Washington Navy Yard killing 12. The shooter, identified as Aaron Alexis, 34, is also killed.

9 killed - March 21, 2005 -
Red Lake High School, Red Lake, Minnesota. 16-year-old Jeff Weise kills his grandfather and another adult, five students, a teacher and a security officer. He then kills himself.

8 killed - October 12, 2011 - Eight people are killed during a shooting at the Salon Meritage in Seal Beach, California. The suspect, Scott Evans Dekraai, 41, of Huntington Beach, is arrested without incident as he is trying to leave the scene. The eight dead include Dekraai's ex-wife, Michelle Fournier, 48. He was armed with three guns -- a 9 mm Springfield, a Smith & Wesson .44 Magnum, and a Heckler & Koch .45 -- and was wearing body armor during the shooting rampage.

8 killed - August 3, 2010 - Manchester, Connecticut - Omar Thornton kills eight co-workers at Hartford Distributors before turning the gun on himself. Thornton had been asked to resign for stealing and selling alcoholic beverages.

8 killed - December 5, 2007 - In Omaha, Nebraska, 19-year-old Robert Hawkins goes to an area mall and kills eight shoppers before killing himself.

8 killed - July 1, 1993 - In San Francisco, 55-year-old Gian Luigi Ferri kills eight people in a law office and then kills himself.
By Monday the kid's .45 will become an "assault rifle with an 80 shot CLIP" and a new Brady bill will be brought before the House. I wonder if it's occurred to the prog trash here that mounting violence by blacks against whites wouldn't result in something like this sooner or later?

In summary: Its not the white dudes fault its blacks fault he shot them up.

..funny thing is that bigots never lay blame at their own feet..its always the victims fault.

awww, the word racist has already been thrown out there. and now here come's the bigot word
do you people who evidently doesn't think your poop stinks like everyone , know anything else but to call people names? don't answer we already know. when you have nothing it's what you do. pathetic is what it is
Has Barry claimed any of the victims could have been a relative of his yet? It never ceases to amaze me how he personalizes blacks crime victims but has no such empathy for white victims...where I come from (Detroit) that's racism.
I served you your ass in that last comment

link, loser?

By Monday the kid's .45 will become an "assault rifle with an 80 shot CLIP" and a new Brady bill will be brought before the House. I wonder if it's occurred to the prog trash here that mounting violence by blacks against whites wouldn't result in something like this sooner or later?

In summary: Its not the white dudes fault its blacks fault he shot them up.

..funny thing is that bigots never lay blame at their own feet..its always the victims fault.

awww, the word racist has already been thrown out there. and now here come's the bigot word
do you people who evidently doesn't think your poop stinks like everyone , know anything else but to call people names? don't answer we already know. when you have nothing it's what you do. pathetic is what it is

When a white kid murders 9 black people in a church known for being predominantly black, and the kid is wearing patches denoting racism and tells one of the survivors "I have to do it. You rape our women and you're taking over our country. And you have to go." then using the word "racist" seems pretty accurate.
Has Barry claimed any of the victims could have been a relative of his yet? It never ceases to amaze me how he personalizes blacks crime victims but has no such empathy for white victims...where I come from (Detroit) that's racism.

with him POKING HIS NOSE into everything happening in our STATES for one. and two coming out and saying this ugly crap.

Is the reason we are now dealing with shootings, riots, looting's, cities being on fire, etc
I've never seen anything like this from a President since I've been voting starting with Carter
I don't know if we can take much more of him.
By Monday the kid's .45 will become an "assault rifle with an 80 shot CLIP" and a new Brady bill will be brought before the House. I wonder if it's occurred to the prog trash here that mounting violence by blacks against whites wouldn't result in something like this sooner or later?

In summary: Its not the white dudes fault its blacks fault he shot them up.

..funny thing is that bigots never lay blame at their own feet..its always the victims fault.

awww, the word racist has already been thrown out there. and now here come's the bigot word
do you people who evidently doesn't think your poop stinks like everyone , know anything else but to call people names? don't answer we already know. when you have nothing it's what you do. pathetic is what it is

Steph there are going to be a lot of words on a message board. I just want you to be prepared and not totally taken a back

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