Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

That mugshot pretty well tells the story. The kid is a product of inbreeding, or he's a retard. One or the other.
No life in the eyes, like so many we see in these mug shots.

the first thing I thought when I saw his picture. Disturbed and a psychopath all rolled into one

I bet he thinks he's a Special Snowflake.
We have legions of losers out there, they are all special, always on the honor roll, got a trophy in every thing from tag football to t-ball, hit real life, and just explode.
Nicky Hailey's comments were lovely. She is an excellent leader.

I wish Obama would make a similar statement - one of healing and love. It would be great if he would say that the way to honor the victims and support their families' healing process is NOT VIOLENCE. Violence dishonors the memory of the murdered people.

Haley's statements are particularly vile as she represents someone elected by many of those ENCOURAGED to hold the same beliefs as the shooter.
Smell what is being shoveled.
I do.

Asshole, go back to bed would you please.
The Emmanuel AME church is a historic African-American church that traces its roots to 1816, when several churches split from Charleston's Methodist Episcopal church.

One of its founders, Denmark Vesey, tried to organize a slave revolt in 1822. He was caught, and white landowners had his church burned in revenge.

The southern crackers don't change their stripes much , always a seething hatred

Not all Southerners. Just the weird ones dressing in camo head to toe, owning an arsenal of guns, and fucking their family members. They're the ones you gotta watch.
The kid is 21, has been arrested twice (once on a drug charge and once for trespassing), and his father gives him a .45 for his birthday.

I am a gun buff and a staunch supporter of the 2nd amendment, but the father was an idiot for giving the kid a pistol.

What do you expect from camo-wearing sister-fucking redneck loons? You Republicans may wanna start disowning em. They're not helping your Party.

It was disgusting to watch the Republican gov. of SC conjure up tears for what HER party aids and abets.
"I want my country back...."

Methinks this phrase is about to be retired.

well it was disgusting reading this. so spare us anymore you hate

Try n' proofread prior to making your hysterical posts.
This is not hate, it's is identification of the threat. The distinction, while clearly lost on you, is terribly important.
There are a lot of reasons an insect like Roof can exist.
Haley and her party figure prominently in that list.
Nicky Hailey's comments were lovely. She is an excellent leader.

I wish Obama would make a similar statement - one of healing and love. It would be great if he would say that the way to honor the victims and support their families' healing process is NOT VIOLENCE. Violence dishonors the memory of the murdered people.

Haley's statements are particularly vile as she represents someone elected by many of those ENCOURAGED to hold the same beliefs as the shooter.
Smell what is being shoveled.
I do.

You're a nasty piece of work, aintcha?

yep, but what do we expect from the left. Haley had NOTHING to do with this, but they found themselves another scapegoat LIKE USUAL
Nicky Hailey's comments were lovely. She is an excellent leader.

I wish Obama would make a similar statement - one of healing and love. It would be great if he would say that the way to honor the victims and support their families' healing process is NOT VIOLENCE. Violence dishonors the memory of the murdered people.

Haley's statements are particularly vile as she represents someone elected by many of those ENCOURAGED to hold the same beliefs as the shooter.
Smell what is being shoveled.
I do.

Asshole, go back to bed would you please.

That's the thing. I am awake.
Wide awake.
It's you who's been snoozing.
Lol, your race invented the drive by. How many have been innocently murdered by them. Thousands of innocent kids. They are done daily black on black crime. How many blacks have killed each other in Baltimore in the past few days? Do you really want to go there?

Nope. No racism intended here. Nosirree.

Racists are so very translucent.
Especially when it was the mob with their tommy guns during Prohibition that "invented" the drive-by.
Well then the feral negros perfected it.
There you go....:clap:
What? A racist on here states that it's only whites that do mass murders and I prove him wrong. That offends you?
Nicky Hailey's comments were lovely. She is an excellent leader.

I wish Obama would make a similar statement - one of healing and love. It would be great if he would say that the way to honor the victims and support their families' healing process is NOT VIOLENCE. Violence dishonors the memory of the murdered people.

Haley's statements are particularly vile as she represents someone elected by many of those ENCOURAGED to hold the same beliefs as the shooter.
Smell what is being shoveled.
I do.

You're a nasty piece of work, aintcha?

yep, but what do we expect from the left. Haley had NOTHING to do with this, but they found themselves another scapegoat LIKE USUAL

Is this the part when you deny that Teabaggers are part of the Republican party ?
How long have we had to listen to "we want our country back ? "
Is this when you tell us that Haley is a Democrat ?

Fact of the matter is that YOU, by virtue of your political views, have just become part of a profile.
Howsit feel ?
Nicky Hailey's comments were lovely. She is an excellent leader.

I wish Obama would make a similar statement - one of healing and love. It would be great if he would say that the way to honor the victims and support their families' healing process is NOT VIOLENCE. Violence dishonors the memory of the murdered people.

Haley's statements are particularly vile as she represents someone elected by many of those ENCOURAGED to hold the same beliefs as the shooter.
Smell what is being shoveled.
I do.

You're a nasty piece of work, aintcha?

yep, but what do we expect from the left. Haley had NOTHING to do with this, but they found themselves another scapegoat LIKE USUAL

I really like her. The Haters can just go fuck themselves.
The Emmanuel AME church is a historic African-American church that traces its roots to 1816, when several churches split from Charleston's Methodist Episcopal church.

One of its founders, Denmark Vesey, tried to organize a slave revolt in 1822. He was caught, and white landowners had his church burned in revenge.

The southern crackers don't change their stripes much , always a seething hatred

Not all Southerners. Just the weird ones dressing in camo head to toe, owning an arsenal of guns, and fucking their family members. They're the ones you gotta watch.
Yeah, cammo kills.

We should ban civilian cammo, like dictators do.
Nicky Hailey's comments were lovely. She is an excellent leader.

I wish Obama would make a similar statement - one of healing and love. It would be great if he would say that the way to honor the victims and support their families' healing process is NOT VIOLENCE. Violence dishonors the memory of the murdered people.

Haley's statements are particularly vile as she represents someone elected by many of those ENCOURAGED to hold the same beliefs as the shooter.
Smell what is being shoveled.
I do.

You're a nasty piece of work, aintcha?

yep, but what do we expect from the left. Haley had NOTHING to do with this, but they found themselves another scapegoat LIKE USUAL

I really like her. The Haters can just go fuck themselves.

Of course you do, dear.
Come back when you can speak in intelligible sentences.

Hush up, the president is speaking.
Nicky Hailey's comments were lovely. She is an excellent leader.

I wish Obama would make a similar statement - one of healing and love. It would be great if he would say that the way to honor the victims and support their families' healing process is NOT VIOLENCE. Violence dishonors the memory of the murdered people.

Haley's statements are particularly vile as she represents someone elected by many of those ENCOURAGED to hold the same beliefs as the shooter.
Smell what is being shoveled.
I do.

You're a nasty piece of work, aintcha?

yep, but what do we expect from the left. Haley had NOTHING to do with this, but they found themselves another scapegoat LIKE USUAL

Is this the part when you deny that Teabaggers are part of the Republican party ?
How long have we had to listen to "we want our country back ? "
Is this when you tell us that Haley is a Democrat ?

Fact of the matter is that YOU, by virtue of your political views, have just become part of a profile.
Howsit feel ?

The Emmanuel AME church is a historic African-American church that traces its roots to 1816, when several churches split from Charleston's Methodist Episcopal church.

One of its founders, Denmark Vesey, tried to organize a slave revolt in 1822. He was caught, and white landowners had his church burned in revenge.

The southern crackers don't change their stripes much , always a seething hatred

Not all Southerners. Just the weird ones dressing in camo head to toe, owning an arsenal of guns, and fucking their family members. They're the ones you gotta watch.
Yeah, cammo kills.

We should ban civilian cammo, like dictators do.

Handing your deranged child a .45 for his birthday, is a uniquely camo-wearing sister-fucking redneck Republican thing to do. Yup, just hand that inbred psycho another gun. WTG redneck moron. You Republicans really should consider disowning the loons. They're certainly not helping your Party.
Nicky Hailey's comments were lovely. She is an excellent leader.

I wish Obama would make a similar statement - one of healing and love. It would be great if he would say that the way to honor the victims and support their families' healing process is NOT VIOLENCE. Violence dishonors the memory of the murdered people.

Haley's statements are particularly vile as she represents someone elected by many of those ENCOURAGED to hold the same beliefs as the shooter.
Smell what is being shoveled.
I do.

You're a nasty piece of work, aintcha?

yep, but what do we expect from the left. Haley had NOTHING to do with this, but they found themselves another scapegoat LIKE USUAL

I really like her. The Haters can just go fuck themselves.

Of course you do, dear.
Come back when you can speak in intelligible sentences.

Hush up, the president is speaking.

As the U.S. has outlawed Torture, I do not inflict it upon myself by listening to Obama's hideous and hateful speeches.
Nicky Hailey's comments were lovely. She is an excellent leader.

I wish Obama would make a similar statement - one of healing and love. It would be great if he would say that the way to honor the victims and support their families' healing process is NOT VIOLENCE. Violence dishonors the memory of the murdered people.

Haley's statements are particularly vile as she represents someone elected by many of those ENCOURAGED to hold the same beliefs as the shooter.
Smell what is being shoveled.
I do.

You're a nasty piece of work, aintcha?

yep, but what do we expect from the left. Haley had NOTHING to do with this, but they found themselves another scapegoat LIKE USUAL

Is this the part when you deny that Teabaggers are part of the Republican party ?
How long have we had to listen to "we want our country back ? "
Is this when you tell us that Haley is a Democrat ?

Fact of the matter is that YOU, by virtue of your political views, have just become part of a profile.
Howsit feel ?

View attachment 42739

Cute, but Teabaggers have already claimed that name:
Enough With The Whining Teabaggers Actually Introduced The Term They Now Claim Is A Slur Crooks and Liars
Nicky Hailey's comments were lovely. She is an excellent leader.

I wish Obama would make a similar statement - one of healing and love. It would be great if he would say that the way to honor the victims and support their families' healing process is NOT VIOLENCE. Violence dishonors the memory of the murdered people.

Haley's statements are particularly vile as she represents someone elected by many of those ENCOURAGED to hold the same beliefs as the shooter.
Smell what is being shoveled.
I do.

You're a nasty piece of work, aintcha?

yep, but what do we expect from the left. Haley had NOTHING to do with this, but they found themselves another scapegoat LIKE USUAL

I really like her. The Haters can just go fuck themselves.

Of course you do, dear.
Come back when you can speak in intelligible sentences.

Hush up, the president is speaking.

You really are being a dick, how about showing some respect for the victims and families before you start your damn finger pointing.
The Emmanuel AME church is a historic African-American church that traces its roots to 1816, when several churches split from Charleston's Methodist Episcopal church.

One of its founders, Denmark Vesey, tried to organize a slave revolt in 1822. He was caught, and white landowners had his church burned in revenge.

The southern crackers don't change their stripes much , always a seething hatred

Not all Southerners. Just the weird ones dressing in camo head to toe, owning an arsenal of guns, and fucking their family members. They're the ones you gotta watch.
Yeah, cammo kills.

We should ban civilian cammo, like dictators do.

Handing your deranged child a .45 for his birthday, is a uniquely camo-wearing sister-fucking redneck Republican thing to do. Yup, just hand that inbred psycho another gun. WTG redneck moron. You Republicans really should consider disowning the loons. They're certainly not helping your Party.
I am not a Republican, and if this guy gave that gun to his kid knowing his kid was nuts, I hope he does hard jail time.

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