Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Lol, your race invented the drive by. How many have been innocently murdered by them. Thousands of innocent kids. They are done daily black on black crime. How many blacks have killed each other in Baltimore in the past few days? Do you really want to go there?

Nope. No racism intended here. Nosirree.

Racists are so very translucent.
Especially when it was the mob with their tommy guns during Prohibition that "invented" the drive-by.
Well then the feral negros perfected it.

Which one is it, blacks created it or the new thing youre using when caught being wrong?
from: What we know about Dylann Roof the Charleston shooting suspect

"One woman, who said she was as cousin of the church's pastor, Sen. Rev. Clementa Pinckney, told NBC News late Wednesday night that the shooter reloaded five different times and told a survivor, "I have to do it. You rape our women and you're taking over our country. And you have to go.""

So yeah, this is pretty much a hate crime. (as long as the quote is accurate)

Of course it's a hate crime.

Have you ever SEEN a love crime?
Sure there's love crimes!!!!

Sounds like another troubled youth with a bad haircut needing medication for depression.......and not getting the help he needs.

Somewhere there is a counsellor or shrink saying "I was wondering when he was going to go off."
The difference is you can see the crazy in in Adam Lanza's eyes. The look in Roofs eyes is lucid demon possessed pure evil. As for shrinks, yeah they are afraid of labeling people, patient confidentially and law suits. We don't need gun control we need better mental health options.

Yeah....this guy looks crazy too.

Look at that fucked up haircut.
Anyone with a shred of common sense understood that the Obama/Democrat 24/7 Race-Baiting incitement would lead to awful incidents like this one. There will be more. And i think Obama and the Democrats are actually good with it.

And the medias have this blood on their hands too
And more blame shifted from the actual murderer. You ROLLLLLLLL, Stephanie.

Placing blame where it belongs. Obama and Democrats have created this ugly Race-Baiting incitement climate that leads to incidents like this. And the Communist/Progressive Press is complicit as well. They're the ones pushing the 24/7 incitement brainwashing. It is what it is.

Bullshit. This racist walked into a church prayer meeting and murdered 9 people. HE is responsible for what he did. Whether or not there is any racism in the politics of Obama and the democrats, this 21 year old piece of shit is responsible for the killings.

how do you know he's a racist? and if it had been a church with white people would they still be a Racist. you people throw that word out anytime you feel like it. Is it for special effects or what?

You idiot.
HE said what he was doing and why he was doing it.
Go back to sleep, reality is clearly too much for you.
The kid is 21, has been arrested twice (once on a drug charge and once for trespassing), and his father gives him a .45 for his birthday.

I am a gun buff and a staunch supporter of the 2nd amendment, but the father was an idiot for giving the kid a pistol.

What do you expect from camo-wearing sister-fucking redneck loons? You Republicans may wanna start disowning em. They're not helping your Party.

It was disgusting to watch the Republican gov. of SC conjure up tears for what HER party aids and abets.
"I want my country back...."

Methinks this phrase is about to be retired.
Nicky Hailey's comments were lovely. She is an excellent leader.

I wish Obama would make a similar statement - one of healing and love. It would be great if he would say that the way to honor the victims and support their families' healing process is NOT VIOLENCE. Violence dishonors the memory of the murdered people.
Sadly, it does look like Obama and the Democrats are getting the Race War they've been pushing for so many years. Their ugly hate & division Race-Baiting agenda seems to be paying off for em. It's very sad.

White Man Kills 9 At Black Church

Police widened the search Thursday for a gunman who opened fire and killed nine people during a prayer service at a historic African American church here, in one of the worst attacks on a place of worship in the United States in recent memory.

At least one other person was injured in the Wednesday night assault, which began about an hour after the assailant entered the church and observed the service, authorities said.

“We believe this is a hate crime; that is how we are investigating it,” said Charleston Police Chief Greg Mullen.

9 dead in hate crime shooting at historic African American church in Charleston - The Washington Post

I was reading that earlier. Someone is really trying the wrong way to stop blacks hating on whites and cops. Someone has been pushed over the edge and he deserves to be caught and shot.

Sitting ducks in a church, in a gun-free zone, no doubt. This is beyond grief. :(

It's a climate of Race-Baiting incitement. And Obama and the Democrats are responsible. Believe it or not, many Democrats are actually celebrating this behind closed doors. It's an ugly climate right now.
Hey Correll...did you miss this one? Consider it a public service for me to point it out again.

I already responded to your previous post.
Nicky Hailey's comments were lovely. She is an excellent leader.

I wish Obama would make a similar statement - one of healing and love. It would be great if he would say that the way to honor the victims and support their families' healing process is NOT VIOLENCE. Violence dishonors the memory of the murdered people.

Haley's statements are particularly vile as she represents someone elected by many of those ENCOURAGED to hold the same beliefs as the shooter.
Smell what is being shoveled.
I do.
And hey on a side note, could you camo-wearing sister-fucking redneck Republican dudes do us all a favor? Could you please stop arming your inbred weirdo offspring? Maybe giving your deranged inbred kid a .45 isn't such a wise birthday present? Wadda ya think? Can y'all help us out?
Perhaps it was not he that 'went off', just the guns.

Oh right. The guns shot themselves.

What a moron.

Ummm.....I think that was the point.
Dude was making a point.
Nicky Hailey's comments were lovely. She is an excellent leader.

I wish Obama would make a similar statement - one of healing and love. It would be great if he would say that the way to honor the victims and support their families' healing process is NOT VIOLENCE. Violence dishonors the memory of the murdered people.

Haley's statements are particularly vile as she represents someone elected by many of those ENCOURAGED to hold the same beliefs as the shooter.
Smell what is being shoveled.
I do.
The Emmanuel AME church is a historic African-American church that traces its roots to 1816, when several churches split from Charleston's Methodist Episcopal church.

One of its founders, Denmark Vesey, tried to organize a slave revolt in 1822. He was caught, and white landowners had his church burned in revenge.

The southern crackers don't change their stripes much , always a seething hatred
Nicky Hailey's comments were lovely. She is an excellent leader.

I wish Obama would make a similar statement - one of healing and love. It would be great if he would say that the way to honor the victims and support their families' healing process is NOT VIOLENCE. Violence dishonors the memory of the murdered people.

Haley's statements are particularly vile as she represents someone elected by many of those ENCOURAGED to hold the same beliefs as the shooter.
Smell what is being shoveled.
I do.

You're a nasty piece of work, aintcha?
The kid is 21, has been arrested twice (once on a drug charge and once for trespassing), and his father gives him a .45 for his birthday.

I am a gun buff and a staunch supporter of the 2nd amendment, but the father was an idiot for giving the kid a pistol.

What do you expect from camo-wearing sister-fucking redneck loons? You Republicans may wanna start disowning em. They're not helping your Party.

It was disgusting to watch the Republican gov. of SC conjure up tears for what HER party aids and abets.
"I want my country back...."

Methinks this phrase is about to be retired.

well it was disgusting reading this. so spare us anymore you hate

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