Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

You mean like MSNBC or the
how come if an Arab did what he did you call him a terrorist and if a black person did it you would call him a murderer but the media is calling you white guy mentally ill?
This guy is a nut jobber...but it is not a hate crime. No such thing. He is a common criminal. Black or White. An Arab launching an attack against a nation-state is a terrorist.
let's say a guy gets mad at another driver and shoots him. that's not a hate crime and that murder might get a 20 year sentence. but if the person is a known racist and goes out and kills a black person the circumstances are different. that person should get more years in jail because it's a hate crime.

in this situation it doesn't matter because hate crime or not this guy is going to get life in prison for the death penalty he will never see freedom again. Hate crimes are most important when determining whether the killer should get 20 years or more. do you understand this? Do you understand why we have hate crime laws? Because not all murders are equal
Not all murders are equal? That's just stupid on the face of it. What about assault's? Over 70 Whites were attacked during the "knockout game" and none of the Black perpetrators were prosecuted. Clearly these were racially motivated. But, when a White kid in Katy, Texas did the same to a Black man...Holder Justice Department pursued Civil Rights violation and possible hate crime offense. Therefore this makes "hate crime" laws racist and in my opinion %100 unconstitutional.
What makes hate crime law racist, is the laws attempt to set the interest of one race above the interests of others.

FYI: such is the nature of Relativism.

But this does prove the foolish nature of subjectivism ... And why it can never serve justice.

seems to me "hate crime" ----should not be overused----but it is---generally---a good idea to have such a designation----I do not understand how it turns out to have an effect on penalty.
well, it was a tv show.

harmless fluff, but the confederate flag was presented as a harmless symbol of southern regional pride in the show, painted by the main characters on their 1969 dodge charger, the general lee, who were presented as sympathetic characters.

and this was accepted without comment by the nationwide tv viewing audience and the population as a whole.

the "offense" people are now feeling is a recent creation having nothing to do with anything pre 1980s

Because most people understand that it was a fictional show.

The "Duke boys" were constantly breaking the law too. Should we say, since it was accepted on tv that we should allow people to ignore the law?

standard robin hood behavior, a well established cliche.

flying the confederate flag, not so much.

if it was as offensive as libs would have us believe today, then that show as done, would have never been approved, and if developed and shown would never have been accepted by the viewing audience.

instead it was a nation wide hit tv show.

because the american people of 1979 knew that the flag was a harmless symbol of regional southern pride.

Please stop with the "Confederate flag is OK because the Duke boys had one" argument

It really makes you look like a moron


it's a historical fact of the flag being accepted by the nation as a whole in recent memory.

this disproves your lib narrative of blacks and/or americans being soooooo offended by it because of something that happened in the past, because this offense was not present as recently as the 80s.

The flag was accepted by the KKK

both the Nazi flag and the Confederate flag
are acceptable in comedies. Clowns can wear them on their asses-------but they should not be displayed over US government buildings. They are offensive to ENOUGH people. Did the VICHY government in france during world war II have a flag?

it's a historical fact of the flag being accepted by the nation as a whole in recent memory.

this disproves your lib narrative of blacks and/or americans being soooooo offended by it because of something that happened in the past, because this offense was not present as recently as the 80s.

And in 1920 the swastika was still largely a religious symbol.

The confederate flag is a symbol of racism and hate. Whether it started out that way or was portrayed that way in a 70s sitcom is irrelevant.

People all over the nation today see it as a symbol of hate and racism.

the 1920s was before wwii.

the 1980s were after the civil war and the era of desegregation.

the confederate flag was accepted for generations, upto and past the 1980s as a harmless symbol of southern regional pride.
It has not been accepted by generations. It was never flown or displayed from the end of the war until the forties and fifties when it became a symbol of southern, racist opposition to federal civil rights laws and court decisions. It is they symbol of white supremacists and racists. People have been trying to have it removed from state flags for years and protest its use. You seem dumber than Boss Hogg's deputy.

if that was true then why did the america of 1979 not have a problem with it?

for someone as smart as you, that should be easy to answer.
It is. Most Americans did not watch that idiotic show. Those that did were, like you, too stupid to know the flag is a rascist symbol

Lots of Americans did watch it, it was a huge hit, with a spin off tv show and lots of merchandising.

those that did, accepted the then tradition of accepting the flag as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

those that did not watch it? complained about the plots and simplistic characters, not the inherent racism of the flag or the car "the general lee".

they were not stupid. they respected a culture not their own.

something modern intolerant bigoted libs cannot do.
how come if an Arab did what he did you call him a terrorist and if a black person did it you would call him a murderer but the media is calling you white guy mentally ill?
This guy is a nut jobber...but it is not a hate crime. No such thing. He is a common criminal. Black or White. An Arab launching an attack against a nation-state is a terrorist.
let's say a guy gets mad at another driver and shoots him. that's not a hate crime and that murder might get a 20 year sentence. but if the person is a known racist and goes out and kills a black person the circumstances are different. that person should get more years in jail because it's a hate crime.

in this situation it doesn't matter because hate crime or not this guy is going to get life in prison for the death penalty he will never see freedom again. Hate crimes are most important when determining whether the killer should get 20 years or more. do you understand this? Do you understand why we have hate crime laws? Because not all murders are equal
Not all murders are equal? That's just stupid on the face of it. What about assault's? Over 70 Whites were attacked during the "knockout game" and none of the Black perpetrators were prosecuted. Clearly these were racially motivated. But, when a White kid in Katy, Texas did the same to a Black man...Holder Justice Department pursued Civil Rights violation and possible hate crime offense. Therefore this makes "hate crime" laws racist and in my opinion %100 unconstitutional.
What makes hate crime law racist, is the laws attempt to set the interest of one race above the interests of others.

FYI: such is the nature of Relativism.

But this does prove the foolish nature of subjectivism ... And why it can never serve justice.

seems to me "hate crime" ----should not be overused----but it is---generally---a good idea to have such a designation----I do not understand how it turns out to have an effect on penalty.
Because most people understand that it was a fictional show.

The "Duke boys" were constantly breaking the law too. Should we say, since it was accepted on tv that we should allow people to ignore the law?

standard robin hood behavior, a well established cliche.

flying the confederate flag, not so much.

if it was as offensive as libs would have us believe today, then that show as done, would have never been approved, and if developed and shown would never have been accepted by the viewing audience.

instead it was a nation wide hit tv show.

because the american people of 1979 knew that the flag was a harmless symbol of regional southern pride.

Please stop with the "Confederate flag is OK because the Duke boys had one" argument

It really makes you look like a moron


it's a historical fact of the flag being accepted by the nation as a whole in recent memory.

this disproves your lib narrative of blacks and/or americans being soooooo offended by it because of something that happened in the past, because this offense was not present as recently as the 80s.

The flag was accepted by the KKK

both the Nazi flag and the Confederate flag
are acceptable in comedies. Clowns can wear them on their asses-------but they should not be displayed over US government buildings. They are offensive to ENOUGH people. Did the VICHY government in france during world war II have a flag?

the flag was not presented that way in the dukes of hazard. it was presented as a harmless symbol of regional pride.
Before Charleston’s Church Shooting, a Long History of Attacks really have to go waaaaaaaaay back into the past to find something sort of relevant.

I wonder how many murders will happen in Baltimore, Chicago, or NYC and go unreported this weekend because they don't fit the mold?
That you don't see a distinction between a mass murder by a racist based on race and the sad, but common occurrence of crime among the poorest among us speaks to your limited intellectual development.
And in 1920 the swastika was still largely a religious symbol.

The confederate flag is a symbol of racism and hate. Whether it started out that way or was portrayed that way in a 70s sitcom is irrelevant.

People all over the nation today see it as a symbol of hate and racism.

the 1920s was before wwii.

the 1980s were after the civil war and the era of desegregation.

the confederate flag was accepted for generations, upto and past the 1980s as a harmless symbol of southern regional pride.
It has not been accepted by generations. It was never flown or displayed from the end of the war until the forties and fifties when it became a symbol of southern, racist opposition to federal civil rights laws and court decisions. It is they symbol of white supremacists and racists. People have been trying to have it removed from state flags for years and protest its use. You seem dumber than Boss Hogg's deputy.

if that was true then why did the america of 1979 not have a problem with it?

for someone as smart as you, that should be easy to answer.
It is. Most Americans did not watch that idiotic show. Those that did were, like you, too stupid to know the flag is a rascist symbol

Lots of Americans did watch it, it was a huge hit, with a spin off tv show and lots of merchandising.

those that did, accepted the then tradition of accepting the flag as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

those that did not watch it? complained about the plots and simplistic characters, not the inherent racism of the flag or the car "the general lee".

they were not stupid. they respected a culture not their own.

something modern intolerant bigoted libs cannot do.

First of all, spare me the generalization of calling me a 'liberal'.

Second, there is no denying that the confederate flag stands for racism for many, many people. That is simply a fact.

And this idea that those who display this flag are students of history is laughable. The point is, there is a marked difference between a flag on a redneck car, in a sitcom about rednecks, and flying that flag over the state capital.
And in 1920 the swastika was still largely a religious symbol.

The confederate flag is a symbol of racism and hate. Whether it started out that way or was portrayed that way in a 70s sitcom is irrelevant.

People all over the nation today see it as a symbol of hate and racism.

the 1920s was before wwii.

the 1980s were after the civil war and the era of desegregation.

the confederate flag was accepted for generations, upto and past the 1980s as a harmless symbol of southern regional pride.
It has not been accepted by generations. It was never flown or displayed from the end of the war until the forties and fifties when it became a symbol of southern, racist opposition to federal civil rights laws and court decisions. It is they symbol of white supremacists and racists. People have been trying to have it removed from state flags for years and protest its use. You seem dumber than Boss Hogg's deputy.

if that was true then why did the america of 1979 not have a problem with it?

for someone as smart as you, that should be easy to answer.
It is. Most Americans did not watch that idiotic show. Those that did were, like you, too stupid to know the flag is a rascist symbol

Lots of Americans did watch it, it was a huge hit, with a spin off tv show and lots of merchandising.

those that did, accepted the then tradition of accepting the flag as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

those that did not watch it? complained about the plots and simplistic characters, not the inherent racism of the flag or the car "the general lee".

they were not stupid. they respected a culture not their own.

something modern intolerant bigoted libs cannot do.
It was an insipid piece of trash that was watched largely by white trash. And the fact that morons watched a moronic TV show is completely fucking irrelevant to the fact that the flag is a symbol of treason and racism.
the 1920s was before wwii.

the 1980s were after the civil war and the era of desegregation.

the confederate flag was accepted for generations, upto and past the 1980s as a harmless symbol of southern regional pride.
It has not been accepted by generations. It was never flown or displayed from the end of the war until the forties and fifties when it became a symbol of southern, racist opposition to federal civil rights laws and court decisions. It is they symbol of white supremacists and racists. People have been trying to have it removed from state flags for years and protest its use. You seem dumber than Boss Hogg's deputy.

if that was true then why did the america of 1979 not have a problem with it?

for someone as smart as you, that should be easy to answer.
It is. Most Americans did not watch that idiotic show. Those that did were, like you, too stupid to know the flag is a rascist symbol

Lots of Americans did watch it, it was a huge hit, with a spin off tv show and lots of merchandising.

those that did, accepted the then tradition of accepting the flag as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

those that did not watch it? complained about the plots and simplistic characters, not the inherent racism of the flag or the car "the general lee".

they were not stupid. they respected a culture not their own.

something modern intolerant bigoted libs cannot do.

First of all, spare me the generalization of calling me a 'liberal'.

Second, there is no denying that the confederate flag stands for racism for many, many people. That is simply a fact.

And this idea that those who display this flag are students of history is laughable. The point is, there is a marked difference between a flag on a redneck car, in a sitcom about rednecks, and flying that flag over the state capital.

it did not stand for racism in the 80s.

what has changed?
It has not been accepted by generations. It was never flown or displayed from the end of the war until the forties and fifties when it became a symbol of southern, racist opposition to federal civil rights laws and court decisions. It is they symbol of white supremacists and racists. People have been trying to have it removed from state flags for years and protest its use. You seem dumber than Boss Hogg's deputy.

if that was true then why did the america of 1979 not have a problem with it?

for someone as smart as you, that should be easy to answer.
It is. Most Americans did not watch that idiotic show. Those that did were, like you, too stupid to know the flag is a rascist symbol

Lots of Americans did watch it, it was a huge hit, with a spin off tv show and lots of merchandising.

those that did, accepted the then tradition of accepting the flag as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

those that did not watch it? complained about the plots and simplistic characters, not the inherent racism of the flag or the car "the general lee".

they were not stupid. they respected a culture not their own.

something modern intolerant bigoted libs cannot do.

First of all, spare me the generalization of calling me a 'liberal'.

Second, there is no denying that the confederate flag stands for racism for many, many people. That is simply a fact.

And this idea that those who display this flag are students of history is laughable. The point is, there is a marked difference between a flag on a redneck car, in a sitcom about rednecks, and flying that flag over the state capital.

it did not stand for racism in the 80s.

what has changed?
It has stood for racism for 150 years. Never stopped standing for it.
It has not been accepted by generations. It was never flown or displayed from the end of the war until the forties and fifties when it became a symbol of southern, racist opposition to federal civil rights laws and court decisions. It is they symbol of white supremacists and racists. People have been trying to have it removed from state flags for years and protest its use. You seem dumber than Boss Hogg's deputy.

if that was true then why did the america of 1979 not have a problem with it?

for someone as smart as you, that should be easy to answer.
It is. Most Americans did not watch that idiotic show. Those that did were, like you, too stupid to know the flag is a rascist symbol

Lots of Americans did watch it, it was a huge hit, with a spin off tv show and lots of merchandising.

those that did, accepted the then tradition of accepting the flag as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

those that did not watch it? complained about the plots and simplistic characters, not the inherent racism of the flag or the car "the general lee".

they were not stupid. they respected a culture not their own.

something modern intolerant bigoted libs cannot do.

First of all, spare me the generalization of calling me a 'liberal'.

Second, there is no denying that the confederate flag stands for racism for many, many people. That is simply a fact.

And this idea that those who display this flag are students of history is laughable. The point is, there is a marked difference between a flag on a redneck car, in a sitcom about rednecks, and flying that flag over the state capital.

it did not stand for racism in the 80s.

what has changed?

Yes it did stand for racism. The fact that so many didn't know that or were complacent about it does not change that fact.
There's no doubt Obama and Democrats are in part responsible for this kind of incident. They've created this ugly Race-Baiting incitement climate. They've incited a Race War. They see big profit in dividing the People. I'm sure there will be more sad incidents like this. And the Democrats are ok with that. They'll use them to really go after 'Evil Whitey' and his guns.

But that being said, the Republicans really do need to disown their camo-wearing gun-hoarding, sister-fucking redneck morons. They're hurting their Party at this point. They're an embarrassment. I mean the redneck dumbfuck gave his inbred psycho kid a .45 for a birthday present. Such a typical camo-wearng, sister-fucking redneck Republican thing to do. It's time for the Republican Party to distance itself from the redneck loons. They're really hurting the Pro-2nd Amendment cause.
the confederate flag has been a harmless symbol of southern regional pride for generations.

as demonstrated by the success of the dukes of hazzard tv show.

It seems to me that it is OFFENSIVE enough for enough people that it should not
be used as a state flag or over a governmental building. I do not recall
the dukes of hazard other than it being a kind of silly----idiot adulation of goonish

well, it was a tv show.

harmless fluff, but the confederate flag was presented as a harmless symbol of southern regional pride in the show, painted by the main characters on their 1969 dodge charger, the general lee, who were presented as sympathetic characters.

and this was accepted without comment by the nationwide tv viewing audience and the population as a whole.

the "offense" people are now feeling is a recent creation having nothing to do with anything pre 1980s

Because most people understand that it was a fictional show.

The "Duke boys" were constantly breaking the law too. Should we say, since it was accepted on tv that we should allow people to ignore the law?

standard robin hood behavior, a well established cliche.

flying the confederate flag, not so much.

if it was as offensive as libs would have us believe today, then that show as done, would have never been approved, and if developed and shown would never have been accepted by the viewing audience.

instead it was a nation wide hit tv show.

because the american people of 1979 knew that the flag was a harmless symbol of regional southern pride.

Please stop with the "Confederate flag is OK because the Duke boys had one" argument

It really makes you look like a moron
Indeed. It's painful to watch a homo sapiens embarrass himself this much.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
This guy is a nut jobber...but it is not a hate crime. No such thing. He is a common criminal. Black or White. An Arab launching an attack against a nation-state is a terrorist.
let's say a guy gets mad at another driver and shoots him. that's not a hate crime and that murder might get a 20 year sentence. but if the person is a known racist and goes out and kills a black person the circumstances are different. that person should get more years in jail because it's a hate crime.

in this situation it doesn't matter because hate crime or not this guy is going to get life in prison for the death penalty he will never see freedom again. Hate crimes are most important when determining whether the killer should get 20 years or more. do you understand this? Do you understand why we have hate crime laws? Because not all murders are equal
Not all murders are equal? That's just stupid on the face of it. What about assault's? Over 70 Whites were attacked during the "knockout game" and none of the Black perpetrators were prosecuted. Clearly these were racially motivated. But, when a White kid in Katy, Texas did the same to a Black man...Holder Justice Department pursued Civil Rights violation and possible hate crime offense. Therefore this makes "hate crime" laws racist and in my opinion %100 unconstitutional.
What makes hate crime law racist, is the laws attempt to set the interest of one race above the interests of others.

FYI: such is the nature of Relativism.

But this does prove the foolish nature of subjectivism ... And why it can never serve justice.

seems to me "hate crime" ----should not be overused----but it is---generally---a good idea to have such a designation----I do not understand how it turns out to have an effect on penalty.
standard robin hood behavior, a well established cliche.

flying the confederate flag, not so much.

if it was as offensive as libs would have us believe today, then that show as done, would have never been approved, and if developed and shown would never have been accepted by the viewing audience.

instead it was a nation wide hit tv show.

because the american people of 1979 knew that the flag was a harmless symbol of regional southern pride.

Please stop with the "Confederate flag is OK because the Duke boys had one" argument

It really makes you look like a moron


it's a historical fact of the flag being accepted by the nation as a whole in recent memory.

this disproves your lib narrative of blacks and/or americans being soooooo offended by it because of something that happened in the past, because this offense was not present as recently as the 80s.

The flag was accepted by the KKK

both the Nazi flag and the Confederate flag
are acceptable in comedies. Clowns can wear them on their asses-------but they should not be displayed over US government buildings. They are offensive to ENOUGH people. Did the VICHY government in france during world war II have a flag?

the flag was not presented that way in the dukes of hazard. it was presented as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

SO? that was a long time ago. How do YOU KNOW no one WAS offended. ---not that it matters. The show itself was a raucous comedy. ----the flag could just
as well be placed on the ass of a clown.
If you are trying to convince me that the DUKES OF HAZARD was all about
"southern regional pride"-----I might vomit.
It was so silly that I was concerned that it offended southerners back then
It seems to me that it is OFFENSIVE enough for enough people that it should not
be used as a state flag or over a governmental building. I do not recall
the dukes of hazard other than it being a kind of silly----idiot adulation of goonish

well, it was a tv show.

harmless fluff, but the confederate flag was presented as a harmless symbol of southern regional pride in the show, painted by the main characters on their 1969 dodge charger, the general lee, who were presented as sympathetic characters.

and this was accepted without comment by the nationwide tv viewing audience and the population as a whole.

the "offense" people are now feeling is a recent creation having nothing to do with anything pre 1980s

Because most people understand that it was a fictional show.

The "Duke boys" were constantly breaking the law too. Should we say, since it was accepted on tv that we should allow people to ignore the law?

standard robin hood behavior, a well established cliche.

flying the confederate flag, not so much.

if it was as offensive as libs would have us believe today, then that show as done, would have never been approved, and if developed and shown would never have been accepted by the viewing audience.

instead it was a nation wide hit tv show.

because the american people of 1979 knew that the flag was a harmless symbol of regional southern pride.

Or they didn't know that the KKK and other racists used it as a symbol while committing acts of terrorism.

Or the show added to the stereotype of all southerners being ignorant, racist rednecks.

Find me a show from the 70s that had southern law enforcement shown in a positive light or as intelligent people?

people in 79 knew about the klan. they also knew that the vast majority of the south were not klan members and were still proud of their heritage and culture.

nope. the show presented the southerns in a positive light. southern culture was certainly shown as rural, but not ignorant or racist.

the local cops were corrupt minions of boss hog, but one town over the sheriff was honest, and competent and black.

"...were still proud of their heritage and culture."?

Proud of taking up arms against the USA? Proud of attempting to perpetuate the ownership of human beings? Exactly what was it that southerners should be proud of about the civil war?
There's no doubt Obama and Democrats are in part responsible for this kind of incident. They've created this ugly Race-Baiting incitement climate. They've incited a Race War. They see big profit in dividing the People. I'm sure there will be more sad incidents like this. And the Democrats are ok with that. They'll use them to really go after 'Evil Whitey' and his guns.

But that being said, the Republicans really do need to disown their camo-wearing gun-hoarding, sister-fucking redneck morons. They're hurting their Party at this point. They're an embarrassment. I mean the redneck dumbfuck gave his inbred psycho kid a .45 for a birthday present. Such a typical camo-wearng, sister-fucking redneck Republican thing to do. It's time for the Republican Party to distance itself from the redneck loons. They're really hurting the Pro-2nd Amendment cause.
Your post reveals your schizophrenia.
well, it was a tv show.

harmless fluff, but the confederate flag was presented as a harmless symbol of southern regional pride in the show, painted by the main characters on their 1969 dodge charger, the general lee, who were presented as sympathetic characters.

and this was accepted without comment by the nationwide tv viewing audience and the population as a whole.

the "offense" people are now feeling is a recent creation having nothing to do with anything pre 1980s

Because most people understand that it was a fictional show.

The "Duke boys" were constantly breaking the law too. Should we say, since it was accepted on tv that we should allow people to ignore the law?

standard robin hood behavior, a well established cliche.

flying the confederate flag, not so much.

if it was as offensive as libs would have us believe today, then that show as done, would have never been approved, and if developed and shown would never have been accepted by the viewing audience.

instead it was a nation wide hit tv show.

because the american people of 1979 knew that the flag was a harmless symbol of regional southern pride.

Or they didn't know that the KKK and other racists used it as a symbol while committing acts of terrorism.

Or the show added to the stereotype of all southerners being ignorant, racist rednecks.

Find me a show from the 70s that had southern law enforcement shown in a positive light or as intelligent people?

people in 79 knew about the klan. they also knew that the vast majority of the south were not klan members and were still proud of their heritage and culture.

nope. the show presented the southerns in a positive light. southern culture was certainly shown as rural, but not ignorant or racist.

the local cops were corrupt minions of boss hog, but one town over the sheriff was honest, and competent and black.

"...were still proud of their heritage and culture."?

Proud of taking up arms against the USA? Proud of attempting to perpetuate the ownership of human beings? Exactly what was it that southerners should be proud of about the civil war?

I was about to ask that question ------but hesitated because I am so GENTEEL a northern lady aka yankee
Yes, i admit i am Anti- camo-wearing, sister-fucking, gun-hoarding, redneck Republican morons. If that makes me a 'Bigot', than so be it. I can live with it.

"Redneck", "sister fucking" , "MOrons", standard list of lib bigoted anti-southern stereotypes.

Libs, all the self awareness of a turnip.

If the shoe fits, I want you to wear it and wear it good......

I'm not southern, but I note that you do not deny that you were being bigoted against the South.

I surely am.
The south has been and remains a howling intellectual wilderness, devoid of awareness that it is quickly being marginalized.
Shit like this doesn't happen in LA, Detroit, NYC, etc.

Thank you for not denying being a bigot.

so many libs think that they can be bigots and still be against bigoty.

Yes, you bigots are trying to marginalize the south and all those who disagree with you, because it is easier than defending your positions or ideas on their merits.

Well, stop wearing camo from head to toe, fucking your family members, hoarding guns, and arming your inbred psycho kids. When y'all stop doing that, we can talk. Till then, call me a Bigot. I'm ok with it.
the 1920s was before wwii.

the 1980s were after the civil war and the era of desegregation.

the confederate flag was accepted for generations, upto and past the 1980s as a harmless symbol of southern regional pride.
It has not been accepted by generations. It was never flown or displayed from the end of the war until the forties and fifties when it became a symbol of southern, racist opposition to federal civil rights laws and court decisions. It is they symbol of white supremacists and racists. People have been trying to have it removed from state flags for years and protest its use. You seem dumber than Boss Hogg's deputy.

if that was true then why did the america of 1979 not have a problem with it?

for someone as smart as you, that should be easy to answer.
It is. Most Americans did not watch that idiotic show. Those that did were, like you, too stupid to know the flag is a rascist symbol

Lots of Americans did watch it, it was a huge hit, with a spin off tv show and lots of merchandising.

those that did, accepted the then tradition of accepting the flag as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

those that did not watch it? complained about the plots and simplistic characters, not the inherent racism of the flag or the car "the general lee".

they were not stupid. they respected a culture not their own.

something modern intolerant bigoted libs cannot do.

First of all, spare me the generalization of calling me a 'liberal'.

Second, there is no denying that the confederate flag stands for racism for many, many people. That is simply a fact.

And this idea that those who display this flag are students of history is laughable. The point is, there is a marked difference between a flag on a redneck car, in a sitcom about rednecks, and flying that flag over the state capital.

And that flag is obviously more important to kkkorell than 9 innocent black people.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
There's no doubt Obama and Democrats are in part responsible for this kind of incident. They've created this ugly Race-Baiting incitement climate. They've incited a Race War. They see big profit in dividing the People. I'm sure there will be more sad incidents like this. And the Democrats are ok with that. They'll use them to really go after 'Evil Whitey' and his guns.

But that being said, the Republicans really do need to disown their camo-wearing gun-hoarding, sister-fucking redneck morons. They're hurting their Party at this point. They're an embarrassment. I mean the redneck dumbfuck gave his inbred psycho kid a .45 for a birthday present. Such a typical camo-wearng, sister-fucking redneck Republican thing to do. It's time for the Republican Party to distance itself from the redneck loons. They're really hurting the Pro-2nd Amendment cause.
Your post reveals your schizophrenia.

I do not consider that meshuganah post to be DIAGNOSTIC of schizophrenia----it
does not come close to DSM V criteria----
----I think you could say "consistent with.."
There's no doubt Obama and Democrats are in part responsible for this kind of incident. They've created this ugly Race-Baiting incitement climate. They've incited a Race War. They see big profit in dividing the People. I'm sure there will be more sad incidents like this. And the Democrats are ok with that. They'll use them to really go after 'Evil Whitey' and his guns.

But that being said, the Republicans really do need to disown their camo-wearing gun-hoarding, sister-fucking redneck morons. They're hurting their Party at this point. They're an embarrassment. I mean the redneck dumbfuck gave his inbred psycho kid a .45 for a birthday present. Such a typical camo-wearng, sister-fucking redneck Republican thing to do. It's time for the Republican Party to distance itself from the redneck loons. They're really hurting the Pro-2nd Amendment cause.
Uhm, no.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
There's no doubt Obama and Democrats are in part responsible for this kind of incident. They've created this ugly Race-Baiting incitement climate. They've incited a Race War. They see big profit in dividing the People. I'm sure there will be more sad incidents like this. And the Democrats are ok with that. They'll use them to really go after 'Evil Whitey' and his guns.

But that being said, the Republicans really do need to disown their camo-wearing gun-hoarding, sister-fucking redneck morons. They're hurting their Party at this point. They're an embarrassment. I mean the redneck dumbfuck gave his inbred psycho kid a .45 for a birthday present. Such a typical camo-wearng, sister-fucking redneck Republican thing to do. It's time for the Republican Party to distance itself from the redneck loons. They're really hurting the Pro-2nd Amendment cause.
Your post reveals your schizophrenia.

I'm not affiliated with either Party. I'm no 'Party before Country' stooge. I'm placing blame where it should be placed. I call it like i see it.

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