Breaking! Colin Powell dies

Sad to hear

He was a great American who tried to put the country above politics
I was a sell-out who sold his services to the highest bidder.

But. . . it's the America way these days apparently.

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i disagree with the provocative tone of this article, but here are some excerpts:

Colin Powell, a principal architect of the US invasion of Iraq, a campaign of armed aggression that killed hundreds of thousands, was beloved by many for his thoughtful and deliberative vibe

some of those in the Bush administration who were most responsible for starting the Iraq War were obvious sickos — the kind of operatives who can make bloodthirsty policy in a democracy, but could probably never get elected to anything because their public statements cause decent humans to cringe in horror.

Powell, who served in the army for thirty-five years and was national security adviser to Ronald Reagan, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under George H.W Bush, and George W. Bush’s secretary of state, was so popular that people in both parties begged him to run for president for decades. Powell has also been celebrated by liberals because, even though he served in Republican administrations, he welcomed the presidency of Barack Obama as “transformative” and opposed Donald Trump, correctly believing him a dangerous racist.

All this is true, but Powell presided over — and used his tremendous credibility to legitimate — a war that he almost certainly knew was wrong. As a result, about half a million people died.

After the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Powell privately opposed invading Iraq, warning that doing so would destabilize the region and distract the United States from fighting terrorist groups like al-Qaeda. Powell was isolated from the warmongers in the Bush White House, and often excluded from their meetings, because they knew he wasn’t a true believer in their war. He said in 2011 that the war would be a “blot on his record.”

He’s right. Because Powell was who he was, his speech at the United Nations persuaded many — probably millions — of Americans to support the war. A large section of the DC commentariat who had been ambivalent about the war capitulated in the wake of the speech. Data from several different studies showed that 10 percent of Americans, after seeing Powell’s speech, were moved from opposition to support for the Iraq War. The effect was strongest among Democrats. The speech also caused a 30 percent jump in the number of people who falsely believed that there was a connection between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda.

Iraqis are not mourning Colin Powell. Many, however, are mourning family, friends and neighbors who died as a direct result of Powell’s lapse of integrity. “He lied, lied and lied,” an Iraqi writer and mother of two told the Associated Press today. “He lied, and we are the ones who got stuck with never-ending wars.” Muntadhar al-Zaidi, the Iraqi journalist who famously threw a shoe at President Bush during a 2008 news conference, tweeted that he was sad that Powell had died without being tried for his war crimes against the Iraqi people.

In his way, Colin Powell was actually worse than Donald Rumsfeld. He made it appear that even the most murderous and indefensible decisions of our elites, however distressing, are reasonable and inevitable, the result of sober deliberation. He made the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians look justified. He enjoyed the trust of millions, yet he lied. I’m inclined to agree with al-Zaidi: The only sad thing about Colin Powell’s death is that he’ll never be punished for his crimes
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General Ray Odierno died of cancer last weekend...his death is more significant than Powell's in my view
Hmmmm, when a person has cancer (especially at 84), and he or she is being treated for said cancer, well they say when the white blood cells go to low, then a patient could catch a common cold and check out.

Even though the diagnosis of death was or is being touted as COVID-19 associated, it is an opportune time for political animal's to ignore the cancer, and focus on the Covid as if Colin Powell would have survived if he didn't catch that ole dreadful disease called COVID-19, the worst and real danger in the situation instead of the cancer.

I'm not buying it.

I think cancer took him out, and we could be seeing a situation where because Colin Powell was a prominent figure, then the Covid could be sensationalized yet again by the political machine that is working today.
That sounds made up.
but it is all true ----truth is stranger than friction----the "MADE UP STORY"---is
very similar to that of lots of baby boom families that ended up in the 'burbs.
Way back then-----there was also a HOUSING SHORTAGE and a building boom
in the 'burbs of little ticky tacky houses
Ironically, while talking about the Rodney King riots in 1992, Powell justified & oversaw former President George H.W. Bush's mobilization of federal troops to restore order.

Powell later criticized President Trump for doing the same thing, mobilizing federal troops

Of covid

Be honest He was 84 and had been fighting cancer while he did test positiive for the China virus, cancer is what he killed him. BTW he had both vaccination shots.
When it comes to his accomplishmentsm he was part of the problem and not part of the solution. One of the 1st RINOs
Ah, nice example. Kind of like those long distance runners you see that I sometimes admire for their stamina (rude ones who run where cars should be don’t deserve any admiration -ha). Anyone of any age who can run for miles, even at a slow speed requires having enough stamina for sure.

In response to the OP, The following interview with Powell is worth a view.

Regarding that Powell revision of history? I don't, and haven't ever bought it. If you look into that policy, it was driven by a predetirmed desire to invade. They wanted to manufacture that intelligence.

There is a famous saying that circulates in the military and establishment, when lower ranks, or lower authorities, need to get something done. . . .

. . . even if they knowingly base that on disinformation. (Popularized by Admiral Grace Hopper.)

I don't hate Colin Powell; I just hate the fact he was neck deep in the lies and fearmongering propaganda that has given us 20 plus years of a bullshit war on terror...

And he was fully vaxxed which proves vaccines don't work....far less people would have died if we would have just skipped vaccines and all of this other crap and ignored COVID....

Colin Powell was 84 years old.

He had cancer at least 3 times.

Which means his immune system was severely compromised.

People his age and so severely immune compromised are more susceptible to die from the virus no matter if they're vaccinated or not.

Vaccines work.

Just because he died doesn't prove that vaccines don't work.

If they didn't, the rate of infection wouldn't have gone down last spring and then again this fall.

Both times, people were getting vaccinated.

We had a period of people not getting vaccinated and the virus exploded.

Then more people got vaccinated and now cases are going down.
Ironically, while talking about the Rodney King riots in 1992, Powell justified & oversaw former President George H.W. Bush's mobilization of federal troops to restore order.

Powell later criticized President Trump for doing the same thing, mobilizing federal troops

BLM didn’t exist in 1992. Jeebus.

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