Breaking! Colin Powell dies

so you know the name of the "cancer"?

not much chance of cholera, typhoid, or Yellow fever in most
of the USA

If you honestly wanted to know the name of the cancer he had you would have looked it up.

As I did.

It's Multiple Myeloma. It's a type of blood cancer.

If you ever had chemo, I have, you would know how it effects the human body.

You would also know that those effects don't go away or don't completely go away even when it's been years since the chemo.

I'm very glad you don't know those things and I hope you never experience it.

The reason why we don't have those diseases here in America much anymore is because of vaccines.
Colin Powell was 84 years old.

He had cancer at least 3 times.

Which means his immune system was severely compromised.

People his age and so severely immune compromised are more susceptible to die from the virus no matter if they're vaccinated or not.

Vaccines work.

Just because he died doesn't prove that vaccines don't work.

If they didn't, the rate of infection wouldn't have gone down last spring and then again this fall.

Both times, people were getting vaccinated.

We had a period of people not getting vaccinated and the virus exploded.

Then more people got vaccinated and now cases are going down.
He had cancer twice. He was successfully treated for prostate cancer years ago and his latest battle. He also had Parkinson’s disease.
but it is all true ----truth is stranger than friction----the "MADE UP STORY"---is
very similar to that of lots of baby boom families that ended up in the 'burbs.
Way back then-----there was also a HOUSING SHORTAGE and a building boom
in the 'burbs of little ticky tacky houses
I think it’s a made up or highly embellished story.
If you honestly wanted to know the name of the cancer he had you would have looked it up.

As I did.

It's Multiple Myeloma. It's a type of blood cancer.

If you ever had chemo, I have, you would know how it effects the human body.

You would also know that those effects don't go away or don't completely go away even when it's been years since the chemo.

I'm very glad you don't know those things and I hope you never experience it.

The reason why we don't have those diseases here in America much anymore is because of vaccines.
thanks for your input----I am very aware---
I did not know that he had Multiple Myeloma until this afternoon.

Colin Powell, Who Helped George W. Bush Lie Nation Into Iraq War, Dead at 84​

ok, but nonetheless legal. Govt lies, always has always will
Did he died of COVID or died from the vaccine?

Regardless, RIP Colin Powell.
Saddan Hussein did have chemical weapons. He more than likely got them from the US. He used them against some of the Iraqi people.

He also had an elaborate deception operation which promoted the idea that he did indeed have a limited nuclear capability. Some his senior military leadership thought they had this capability.

You took the Republican line like a fish.

To this day no such thing has ever been found. You probably think the war was to give them freedom als. It was about oil you fool.
You know nothing so take the ownership of that liar and the Republican liars at the time.
Powell didn't die because he didn't get the vaccine. he died because OTHERS didn't get it
He had cancer twice. He was successfully treated for prostate cancer years ago and his latest battle. He also had Parkinson’s disease.

I thought he also was treated for melanoma.

Maybe I was mistaken.
Ironically, while talking about the Rodney King riots in 1992, Powell justified & oversaw former President George H.W. Bush's mobilization of federal troops to restore order.

Powell later criticized President Trump for doing the same thing, mobilizing federal troops

And he probably said nothing about Biden’s several blatant attacks on our Constitutional rights.

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