Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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El Paso Terrorist Is a Hardcore Progressive and White Nationalist: Wants Universal Income And Universal Healthcare

-wanted universal healthcare
-climate change nut
-population control thoughts
-w-wanted universal income
-anti corporation

(A liberal nut indeed. Someone posted that he was a bernie supporter. You liberals are responsible for his path to terrorist)

These loner nutcases are flourishing in our modern society.

Entitlement. That's what it is. Entitlement.

He didn't get his share of glory and attention. He didn't get it from the trophies. The grades. The chicks. The accolades. The scholarships. The friendships. Whatever.

But by gosh. He can kill people.

Witness the rotten fruit of the "self-esteem movement".

He sounds like he is affiliated with antifa. I read soros is pouring money into that group. The feds need to act swiftly to prevent anymore harm from them.

I think he's a nut and wasn't really political until he concoctrf that rambling manifesto. There doesn't seem to be a real political trail.

Regardless that changing the page info is horseshit
Then maybe our leaderships inaction across the board and the media telling us everyone is a nazi is to blame.

FWIW I hold the media absolutely accountable for a large part of this.

Two and a half years spent on the particulars of not only what was a NON-story, but a lie. "Russian Collusion"....nothing. Meanwhile, our society is on fire. Ask any teacher. Ask any nurse, any police officer. There are REAL problems out there that festered and festered because our incompetent media was obsessed with Palace Intrigue.

They are shameless.
People by and large do as told or told to believe.

Look who's doing the telling. It's quite telling. The media fans the flames of the hate parade and crys freedom of press when accountability comes calling.
The media fanned the flames that ignited Patrick Crusius? The media has been calling the Hispanics at the border "invaders?" Breitbart, maybe, or Fox, so yeah.

I'll answer. They ARE invaders. That's what they are. You're word-monitoring. It's like saying we can't call them illegal aliens anymore; that's "mean". Okay, whatever--that's what they are. They are busting in uninvited. That's literally the definition of an "invasion".

Calling them "invaders" does not make some nasty, pernicious, violent mass murderer. That happens in a separate type of situation that is heinous.

But don't be word-monitoring us and telling us this caused El Paso. How illiberal of you.
I'll say it one more time, and then I'm done arguing about it with you, since you refuse to address my point:
we have to stop turning them into enemy combatants in our speech. No one needs to love them or even welcome them. They just need to tone it down.

Okay I would agree if anyone were calling them "ENEMIES"....(like they actually call Trump btw)

But they don't. They call them invaders, which is correct terminology.

OldLady I think you don't argue with me when you know you're losing the argument.
Well if you want to compare calling foreigners coming illegally over our border an "invasion" vs. the things the Left has been saying about Trump since 2016, let's have that debate, OldLady.

You realize the Left now has all the market on Things That Cannot Be Said. Which is hilarious when you think about how you used to market yourself. It's why you're losing the culture.

You can make the same argument about what the right said about Obama. The right tried to delegitimize Obama by making up nonsensical claims that he was born in Kenya.

That was not the mainstream right and it was not wholecloth--he did spend a good part of his youth in Kenya. Whereas the mainstream Left--CNN and MSNBC, not to mention other publications like HuffPo, Slate, Atlantic and others--have gone all in on vile and personal attacks on Trump.

Republicans in at least 13 states tried to file birther bills in state legislators.

Obama spent a good deal of his youth in Indonesia, not Kenya.

Obama releasing what is now known as a poorly made up birth certificate only fuels the speculation.

You cannot condemn leftists for going Full Retard over Trump and be or rationalize being a birther because it’s the exact same psychological state.

Yeah i can. There is a reason he released a fradulent certificate and it is fradulent. The question begs is why.

Couple that with refusal to release college records and the answer will be found
El Paso Terrorist Is a Hardcore Progressive and White Nationalist: Wants Universal Income And Universal Healthcare

-wanted universal healthcare
-climate change nut
-population control thoughts
-w-wanted universal income
-anti corporation

(A liberal nut indeed. Someone posted that he was a bernie supporter. You liberals are responsible for his path to terrorist)

He wasn’t shooting up a WalMart because of global warming or universal healthcare.

I doubt we'll ever know why he did other than he's nuts. You have to be to do this
Well if you want to compare calling foreigners coming illegally over our border an "invasion" vs. the things the Left has been saying about Trump since 2016, let's have that debate, OldLady.

You realize the Left now has all the market on Things That Cannot Be Said. Which is hilarious when you think about how you used to market yourself. It's why you're losing the culture.

You can make the same argument about what the right said about Obama. The right tried to delegitimize Obama by making up nonsensical claims that he was born in Kenya.

That was not the mainstream right and it was not wholecloth--he did spend a good part of his youth in Kenya. Whereas the mainstream Left--CNN and MSNBC, not to mention other publications like HuffPo, Slate, Atlantic and others--have gone all in on vile and personal attacks on Trump.

Republicans in at least 13 states tried to file birther bills in state legislators.

Obama spent a good deal of his youth in Indonesia, not Kenya.

You're right on Indonesia, I stand corrected.

The key is "tried to file" and were soundly ignored by Republican higher-ups. Not repeated investigated and hounded about impeachment incessantly on made up charges.

The President of the United States today was one of the most vocal birthers at the time.

The birth certificate thing was overblown. But the media absolutely never asked Obama very pertinent questions and still do not.

They absolved themselves of their duty. Meanwhile, we had 2.5 years of RUSSIA...about nothing. This is what cheeses conservatives off. And we are correct to be cheesed off.
You can make the same argument about what the right said about Obama. The right tried to delegitimize Obama by making up nonsensical claims that he was born in Kenya.

That was not the mainstream right and it was not wholecloth--he did spend a good part of his youth in Kenya. Whereas the mainstream Left--CNN and MSNBC, not to mention other publications like HuffPo, Slate, Atlantic and others--have gone all in on vile and personal attacks on Trump.

Republicans in at least 13 states tried to file birther bills in state legislators.

Obama spent a good deal of his youth in Indonesia, not Kenya.

Obama releasing what is now known as a poorly made up birth certificate only fuels the speculation.

You cannot condemn leftists for going Full Retard over Trump and be or rationalize being a birther because it’s the exact same psychological state.

Yeah i can. There is a reason he released a fradulent certificate and it is fradulent. The question begs is why.

Couple that with refusal to release college records and the answer will be found

College records.

Jeremiah Wright.

Lots of questions. OH but he's soooooo cool. Creased pants.
You can make the same argument about what the right said about Obama. The right tried to delegitimize Obama by making up nonsensical claims that he was born in Kenya.

That was not the mainstream right and it was not wholecloth--he did spend a good part of his youth in Kenya. Whereas the mainstream Left--CNN and MSNBC, not to mention other publications like HuffPo, Slate, Atlantic and others--have gone all in on vile and personal attacks on Trump.

Republicans in at least 13 states tried to file birther bills in state legislators.

Obama spent a good deal of his youth in Indonesia, not Kenya.

Obama releasing what is now known as a poorly made up birth certificate only fuels the speculation.

You cannot condemn leftists for going Full Retard over Trump and be or rationalize being a birther because it’s the exact same psychological state.

Yeah i can. There is a reason he released a fradulent certificate and it is fradulent. The question begs is why.

Couple that with refusal to release college records and the answer will be found

It’s the same thing because you believe an improbable conspiracy based on thin reeds of speculation and easily refutable questions because of your political affiliation and ideology.

It’s all the same. “X President is bad and I hate him and I’ll believe almost anything about him that’s bad no matter how improbable and outlandish.” It doesn’t matter who the President is or his political opponents are. Birthers are no different than people affiliated with TDS. ODS and TDS are the same psychological state. Only highly partisan people can’t see the difference.
El Paso Terrorist Is a Hardcore Progressive and White Nationalist: Wants Universal Income And Universal Healthcare

-wanted universal healthcare
-climate change nut
-population control thoughts
-w-wanted universal income
-anti corporation

(A liberal nut indeed. Someone posted that he was a bernie supporter. You liberals are responsible for his path to terrorist)

He wasn’t shooting up a WalMart because of global warming or universal healthcare.

I doubt we'll ever know why he did other than he's nuts. You have to be to do this

Sure, of course.

The Cultural Stew too. And the Cultural Stew is:

I Am Special

If they're not, these young people will find a way to be special. Believe it. So if they don't have special beauty, a special talent, special charisma, whatever, they will find a group to be special with. Maybe they can even be special in that they have the propensity to kill a lot of people and not care.


I cannot stress how absolutely pernicious the self-esteem movement was. A total fail to generations it ill-served.
That was not the mainstream right and it was not wholecloth--he did spend a good part of his youth in Kenya. Whereas the mainstream Left--CNN and MSNBC, not to mention other publications like HuffPo, Slate, Atlantic and others--have gone all in on vile and personal attacks on Trump.

Republicans in at least 13 states tried to file birther bills in state legislators.

Obama spent a good deal of his youth in Indonesia, not Kenya.

Obama releasing what is now known as a poorly made up birth certificate only fuels the speculation.

You cannot condemn leftists for going Full Retard over Trump and be or rationalize being a birther because it’s the exact same psychological state.

Yeah i can. There is a reason he released a fradulent certificate and it is fradulent. The question begs is why.

Couple that with refusal to release college records and the answer will be found

College records.

Jeremiah Wright.

Lots of questions. OH but he's soooooo cool. Creased pants.

What annoys me is they demand Trump's tax returns but go absolutely bonkers on demands on anything Obama.
That was not the mainstream right and it was not wholecloth--he did spend a good part of his youth in Kenya. Whereas the mainstream Left--CNN and MSNBC, not to mention other publications like HuffPo, Slate, Atlantic and others--have gone all in on vile and personal attacks on Trump.

Republicans in at least 13 states tried to file birther bills in state legislators.

Obama spent a good deal of his youth in Indonesia, not Kenya.

Obama releasing what is now known as a poorly made up birth certificate only fuels the speculation.

You cannot condemn leftists for going Full Retard over Trump and be or rationalize being a birther because it’s the exact same psychological state.

Yeah i can. There is a reason he released a fradulent certificate and it is fradulent. The question begs is why.

Couple that with refusal to release college records and the answer will be found

It’s the same thing because you believe an improbable conspiracy based on thin reeds of speculation and easily refutable questions because of your political affiliation and ideology.

It’s all the same. “X President is bad and I hate him and I’ll believe almost anything about him that’s bad no matter how improbable and outlandish.” It doesn’t matter who the President is or his political opponents are. Birthers are no different than people affiliated with TDS. ODS and TDS are the same psychological state. Only highly partisan people can’t see the difference.

I believe Obama is covering something up. You keep skipping over HE released a fradulent b/c. Why?
That was not the mainstream right and it was not wholecloth--he did spend a good part of his youth in Kenya. Whereas the mainstream Left--CNN and MSNBC, not to mention other publications like HuffPo, Slate, Atlantic and others--have gone all in on vile and personal attacks on Trump.

Republicans in at least 13 states tried to file birther bills in state legislators.

Obama spent a good deal of his youth in Indonesia, not Kenya.

Obama releasing what is now known as a poorly made up birth certificate only fuels the speculation.

You cannot condemn leftists for going Full Retard over Trump and be or rationalize being a birther because it’s the exact same psychological state.

Yeah i can. There is a reason he released a fradulent certificate and it is fradulent. The question begs is why.

Couple that with refusal to release college records and the answer will be found

It’s the same thing because you believe an improbable conspiracy based on thin reeds of speculation and easily refutable questions because of your political affiliation and ideology.

It’s all the same. “X President is bad and I hate him and I’ll believe almost anything about him that’s bad no matter how improbable and outlandish.” It doesn’t matter who the President is or his political opponents are. Birthers are no different than people affiliated with TDS. ODS and TDS are the same psychological state. Only highly partisan people can’t see the difference.

Okay but Conspiracy Theories are usually built on a bedrock that's not so cospiracy-y ...??? (heh) And in this case, that bedrock is the media did not look into Obama. At all. He did not only get a pass, he got fawning fangirl coverage. So yeah, REAL questions about his college records, about his shady associations. That leads to rampant speculation, some of which was shady itself.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, as they say. The "baby" in this case is totally legit. The media neglected their sole function. The "bathwater"--the birth cert--eh, I can grant that was a little shady. But it wasn't built on nothin'.
Don't take him personal, Ice, we know you aren't a hater. But we can't defend the haters either. I just looked up Patrick Crusius and saw that he seems to have been targeting Hispanics, a hit against the "invasion" of Hispanics in this country. I quibble with people about using the term "invasion" all the time, because it ratchets up the rhetoric to a fighting level. And then some lamebrain like Patrick Crusius WILL fight, murdering twenty and wounding at least two dozen more for doing nothing more threatening than SHOPPING AT WALMART.

Do you get where I'm coming from? The people calling this an invasion and flapping their gums about treating them as the "enemy" IS dangerous. We all know there is a crisis on the border. More people want in all at once than our system can process. But we have to stop turning them into enemy combatants in our speech. No one needs to love them or even welcome them. They just need to tone it down.
Then maybe our leaderships inaction across the board and the media telling us everyone is a nazi is to blame.

FWIW I hold the media absolutely accountable for a large part of this.

Two and a half years spent on the particulars of not only what was a NON-story, but a lie. "Russian Collusion"....nothing. Meanwhile, our society is on fire. Ask any teacher. Ask any nurse, any police officer. There are REAL problems out there that festered and festered because our incompetent media was obsessed with Palace Intrigue.

They are shameless.
People by and large do as told or told to believe.

Look who's doing the telling. It's quite telling. The media fans the flames of the hate parade and crys freedom of press when accountability comes calling.
The media fanned the flames that ignited Patrick Crusius? The media has been calling the Hispanics at the border "invaders?" Breitbart, maybe, or Fox, so yeah.

I'll answer. They ARE invaders. That's what they are. You're word-monitoring. It's like saying we can't call them illegal aliens anymore; that's "mean". Okay, whatever--that's what they are. They are busting in uninvited. That's literally the definition of an "invasion".

Calling them "invaders" does not make some nasty, pernicious, violent mass murderer. That happens in a separate type of situation that is heinous.

But don't be word-monitoring us and telling us this caused El Paso. How illiberal of you.

I am hispanic and i don't want them here either. Anyone who has ever lived near the border understands they bring their ways:

-getting your house and car broken into
-littering of diapers and trash on roads
-dogs free to bite
-having your dog fed raw meat with broken glass to stop the barking
- ghetto blasting of music
-having 18 people living in the same house with lice
-ropes with clothes hanging outside window
-stabbings near homes
-dui is the norm. My sister's $35,000 truck
was hit twice while parked in front of her home (dui illegals with no insurance.)

Author Mark Levin wrote a book about the US turning into a third world country. He says getting bit by their loose dogs will be the norm.
Republicans in at least 13 states tried to file birther bills in state legislators.

Obama spent a good deal of his youth in Indonesia, not Kenya.

Obama releasing what is now known as a poorly made up birth certificate only fuels the speculation.

You cannot condemn leftists for going Full Retard over Trump and be or rationalize being a birther because it’s the exact same psychological state.

Yeah i can. There is a reason he released a fradulent certificate and it is fradulent. The question begs is why.

Couple that with refusal to release college records and the answer will be found

It’s the same thing because you believe an improbable conspiracy based on thin reeds of speculation and easily refutable questions because of your political affiliation and ideology.

It’s all the same. “X President is bad and I hate him and I’ll believe almost anything about him that’s bad no matter how improbable and outlandish.” It doesn’t matter who the President is or his political opponents are. Birthers are no different than people affiliated with TDS. ODS and TDS are the same psychological state. Only highly partisan people can’t see the difference.

I believe Obama is covering something up. You keep skipping over HE released a fradulent b/c. Why?

You’re demonstrating what I mean.

He didn’t release a fraudulent birth certificate. But you believe he did because you don’t like Obama and rely on news sources to reaffirm your views.
El Paso Terrorist Is a Hardcore Progressive and White Nationalist: Wants Universal Income And Universal Healthcare

-wanted universal healthcare
-climate change nut
-population control thoughts
-w-wanted universal income
-anti corporation

(A liberal nut indeed. Someone posted that he was a bernie supporter. You liberals are responsible for his path to terrorist)

These loner nutcases are flourishing in our modern society.

Entitlement. That's what it is. Entitlement.

He didn't get his share of glory and attention. He didn't get it from the trophies. The grades. The chicks. The accolades. The scholarships. The friendships. Whatever.

But by gosh. He can kill people.

Witness the rotten fruit of the "self-esteem movement".

He only had 3 friends. I think one was his sister. But I bet CNN was his best friend

He sounds like he is affiliated with antifa. I read soros is pouring money into that group. The feds need to act swiftly to prevent anymore harm from them.

I think he's a nut and wasn't really political until he concoctrf that rambling manifesto. There doesn't seem to be a real political trail.

Regardless that changing the page info is horseshit

I think he murdered people to get his manifesto out there.
Republicans in at least 13 states tried to file birther bills in state legislators.

Obama spent a good deal of his youth in Indonesia, not Kenya.

Obama releasing what is now known as a poorly made up birth certificate only fuels the speculation.

You cannot condemn leftists for going Full Retard over Trump and be or rationalize being a birther because it’s the exact same psychological state.

Yeah i can. There is a reason he released a fradulent certificate and it is fradulent. The question begs is why.

Couple that with refusal to release college records and the answer will be found

It’s the same thing because you believe an improbable conspiracy based on thin reeds of speculation and easily refutable questions because of your political affiliation and ideology.

It’s all the same. “X President is bad and I hate him and I’ll believe almost anything about him that’s bad no matter how improbable and outlandish.” It doesn’t matter who the President is or his political opponents are. Birthers are no different than people affiliated with TDS. ODS and TDS are the same psychological state. Only highly partisan people can’t see the difference.

Okay but Conspiracy Theories are usually built on a bedrock that's not so cospiracy-y ...??? (heh) And in this case, that bedrock is the media did not look into Obama. At all. He did not only get a pass, he got fawning fangirl coverage. So yeah, REAL questions about his college records, about his shady associations. That leads to rampant speculation, some of which was shady itself.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, as they say. The "baby" in this case is totally legit. The media neglected their sole function. The "bathwater"--the birth cert--eh, I can grant that was a little shady. But it wasn't built on nothin'.

There was a lot of the media - the right wing media - that fanned the birfer argument. That’s how 13+ states had birther bills introduced. You’re focusing only on what you call the MSM. But most of Trump’s base get their news and form their opinions outside of the MSM and from other news sources.

He sounds like he is affiliated with antifa. I read soros is pouring money into that group. The feds need to act swiftly to prevent anymore harm from them.

I think he's a nut and wasn't really political until he concoctrf that rambling manifesto. There doesn't seem to be a real political trail.

Regardless that changing the page info is horseshit

I think he murdered people to get his manifesto out there.

That he didn’t like immigrants.
Obama releasing what is now known as a poorly made up birth certificate only fuels the speculation.

You cannot condemn leftists for going Full Retard over Trump and be or rationalize being a birther because it’s the exact same psychological state.

Yeah i can. There is a reason he released a fradulent certificate and it is fradulent. The question begs is why.

Couple that with refusal to release college records and the answer will be found

It’s the same thing because you believe an improbable conspiracy based on thin reeds of speculation and easily refutable questions because of your political affiliation and ideology.

It’s all the same. “X President is bad and I hate him and I’ll believe almost anything about him that’s bad no matter how improbable and outlandish.” It doesn’t matter who the President is or his political opponents are. Birthers are no different than people affiliated with TDS. ODS and TDS are the same psychological state. Only highly partisan people can’t see the difference.

I believe Obama is covering something up. You keep skipping over HE released a fradulent b/c. Why?

You’re demonstrating what I mean.

He didn’t release a fraudulent birth certificate. But you believe he did because you don’t like Obama and rely on news sources to reaffirm your views.

Yeah he did. The piece of crap was created on Adobe software. Adobe wasnt even in existence until 1982. Explain that. If not leave me alone
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