Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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And the overwhelming majority had nothing to do with it

And the overwhelming majority of Trump supporters had nothing to do with this today.
And some did. Which is exactly the point. All it takes is for Trump to give the word and a few more of these retarded cultists will spring into action. Their fingers are never far from the trigger, and their racism never dies.

Welcome aboard. On the list you go. Congratulations. First ever during a murder cleanup. Always room for one more.
Cowards and their list. :auiqs.jpg:

You will never get off the list posting like a psychopath.

"The List" OMIGOD! "THE LIST"!!!!!!! :71:
I'm not sure that all mass shooters are mentally ill, Coyote. I believe people can be perfectly sane and still be evil enough to do what they do. I'm not a psychiatrist, so I could be wrong, but I'm not at all sure that "counseling" would have changed this guy's mind. He was politically saturated to the point he was ready to sacrifice his life for "the cause."
He was radicalized by far right extremist ideology.

Thankyou DR. Laura Shitslinger.
How would you describe it, then, Old Yeller?

A hopeless troubled no-girlfriends? unemployed useless Punk playing video games and trying to stay high while Illegals take all the entry level jobs (constuction) and he is stuck home with no momey, not learning job skills. Forced Military boot camp for all 18 yr olds is one solution.

Learn to work, clean up, dress up, show up, respect or go to Jail for non-compliance.
If the illegals were taking all the entry level jobs, we wouldn't have 3.7% unemployment.
He said there were fine people among them. Which ones were the "fine people?"

Wrong....he said on the issue of removing statues, there were fine people on both sides as he condemned the white supremacists........The Black Historical Society, who also oppose removing the statues would be one of those groups with fine people in it....
The groups that showed up to protest the removal of the statues were white supremacists and neonazis. So who were the "fine people" among them?

The groups that showed up to protest the removal of the statues were white supremacists and neonazis. So who were the "fine people" among them?

The ones that don't want history destroyed because some don't like it. Which old books to burn....for example. Huck Finn.
So were those the white supremacists or were they thd neonazis?
Here you will see how the shooter's chronology morphed from Democrat Party to Republican Party with 3 changes made following his arrest:

Leftists Change Shooter Patrick Crusius's MyLife Page after Saturday Shooting from Democrat to Republican

(Original) (Next Edit) (Another Edit) (Completed edit)

My conclusion: Hacking for Party is popular following an ugly event in which politics has gone bombastic.​
Interesting.... Otherwise these cats start out as leftist, and are leftist. Then in order to combat the so called right wing, they change in order to do something like this in the name of the so called right wing ??

The strategy of the Germans during world war two was to impersonate American soldier's and officers in order to get behind enemy lines by infiltrating in this way, and to undermine them by such tactics.

The Trojan horse is alive and well to this very day eh ?? How about this America - Time to Unite as a country again, but first radicalism must be placed back into the minimal effect status that it use to be in.
He was radicalized by far right extremist ideology.

Thankyou DR. Laura Shitslinger.
How would you describe it, then, Old Yeller?

A hopeless troubled no-girlfriends? unemployed useless Punk playing video games and trying to stay high while Illegals take all the entry level jobs (constuction) and he is stuck home with no momey, not learning job skills. Forced Military boot camp for all 18 yr olds is one solution.

Learn to work, clean up, dress up, show up, respect or go to Jail for non-compliance.
If the illegals were taking all the entry level jobs, we wouldn't have 3.7% unemployment.
Well to be fair, alot has been changing once the gig was found out a good while back, and Trump bringing back major players in manufacturing, and in investments, deregulating, and other great things has led to the lower unemployment rates. Democrats just can't stand the facts.
He was radicalized by far right extremist ideology.

Thankyou DR. Laura Shitslinger.
How would you describe it, then, Old Yeller?

A hopeless troubled no-girlfriends? unemployed useless Punk playing video games and trying to stay high while Illegals take all the entry level jobs (constuction) and he is stuck home with no momey, not learning job skills. Forced Military boot camp for all 18 yr olds is one solution.

Learn to work, clean up, dress up, show up, respect or go to Jail for non-compliance.
If the illegals were taking all the entry level jobs, we wouldn't have 3.7% unemployment.

If the illegals were taking all the entry level jobs, we wouldn't have 3.7% unemployment

  1. Find the number of unemployed people. ...
  2. Find the number of employed people. ...
  3. Remove people who are not considered to be in the labor force. ...
  4. Divide the number of unemployed people by the total number of employed and unemployed people. ...
  5. Multiply the decimal number by 100 to get the percentage.

That number (UR) always bothers me. It seems more a poll than a true measure. If you are not looking (given up) you are not counted?

Illegals are not eligible to work but those not caught do work? The GOVT dumps them here waiting on asylum hearings but they cant work? Huh? Who pays.

Kids used to work on the farm or entry level at age 13-16. Now? LW kooks wont even let them cut lawns. They push them to LW indoctrination centers (colleges) where most need to go to trade schools. The illegals drive the trucks and carry shingles up the ladder.
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Thankyou DR. Laura Shitslinger.
How would you describe it, then, Old Yeller?

A hopeless troubled no-girlfriends? unemployed useless Punk playing video games and trying to stay high while Illegals take all the entry level jobs (constuction) and he is stuck home with no momey, not learning job skills. Forced Military boot camp for all 18 yr olds is one solution.

Learn to work, clean up, dress up, show up, respect or go to Jail for non-compliance.
If the illegals were taking all the entry level jobs, we wouldn't have 3.7% unemployment.

If the illegals were taking all the entry level jobs, we wouldn't have 3.7% unemployment

  1. Find the number of unemployed people. ...
  2. Find the number of employed people. ...
  3. Remove people who are not considered to be in the labor force. ...
  4. Divide the number of unemployed people by the total number of employed and unemployed people. ...
  5. Multiply the decimal number by 100 to get the percentage.

That number (UR) always bothers me. It seems more a poll than a true measure. If you are not looking (given up) you are not counted?

Illegals are not eligible to work but those not caught do work? The GOVT dumps them here waiting on asylum hearings but they cant work? Huh? Who pays.

Kids used to work on the farm or entry level at age 13-16. Now? LW kooks wont even let them cut lawns. They push them to LW indoctrination centers (colleges) wher most need to go to trade schools. The illegals drive the trucks and carry shingles up the ladder.
It's a disaster from hell ya know ?
I don't want this to ever happen again, the motive is important as it shouldn't be accepted. I've seen threats on this forum that emulate the shooting today. Whether it's picking them off at the border or being told that the left will be wiped out in the upcoming civil war (I'm told) and the utter glee in being told how this civil war is going to exterminate people based on either their beliefs or race.

So if a civil war is started we are just supposed to stand by and let you kill us?

There is not going to be a civil war. There will be riots, but there will not be opposing armies like during the Confederacy.

So you think the left is going to surrender?

There will be riots, but the left is just waiting for another 20 years to go by. The bulk of the boomers will be gone, and the US will become a very different country than it's ever been. It's over, and it's one of the reasons I'm preparing to get out of here.

What socialist country are you moving to?
So if a civil war is started we are just supposed to stand by and let you kill us?

There is not going to be a civil war. There will be riots, but there will not be opposing armies like during the Confederacy.

So you think the left is going to surrender?

There will be riots, but the left is just waiting for another 20 years to go by. The bulk of the boomers will be gone, and the US will become a very different country than it's ever been. It's over, and it's one of the reasons I'm preparing to get out of here.

What socialist country are you moving to?

Down under.
Ah...Australia and New Zealand...both socialist with strict gun control laws.
  • Thanks
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So when will America say enough is enough? Do you have to wait until someone you love gets gunned down before you say "Time to ban guns?"
Bottom line: A nutcase would not have killed and injured close to 50 people with a knife or another available weapon.
Do something about America's gun crisis. Or is the juvenile mentality of gun nuts and profits for the rich more important than children's lives?
In a perfect world, the only ones sacrificed to the god of guns would be those who worship him.

Thankyou DR. Laura Shitslinger.
How would you describe it, then, Old Yeller?

A hopeless troubled no-girlfriends? unemployed useless Punk playing video games and trying to stay high while Illegals take all the entry level jobs (constuction) and he is stuck home with no momey, not learning job skills. Forced Military boot camp for all 18 yr olds is one solution.

Learn to work, clean up, dress up, show up, respect or go to Jail for non-compliance.
If the illegals were taking all the entry level jobs, we wouldn't have 3.7% unemployment.

If the illegals were taking all the entry level jobs, we wouldn't have 3.7% unemployment

  1. Find the number of unemployed people. ...
  2. Find the number of employed people. ...
  3. Remove people who are not considered to be in the labor force. ...
  4. Divide the number of unemployed people by the total number of employed and unemployed people. ...
  5. Multiply the decimal number by 100 to get the percentage.

That number (UR) always bothers me. It seems more a poll than a true measure. If you are not looking (given up) you are not counted?

Illegals are not eligible to work but those not caught do work? The GOVT dumps them here waiting on asylum hearings but they cant work? Huh? Who pays.

Kids used to work on the farm or entry level at age 13-16. Now? LW kooks wont even let them cut lawns. They push them to LW indoctrination centers (colleges) where most need to go to trade schools. The illegals drive the trucks and carry shingles up the ladder.
Illegals aren't counted so you are barking up the wrong tree. You are bothered by your own hatred, so you invent a scenario that doesn't exist. There is no evidence they are stealing American jobs. If that were really true, don't blame the illegals, blame the enablers. Why do people like you always target the wrong people? Answer, hate!

Thankyou DR. Laura Shitslinger.
How would you describe it, then, Old Yeller?

A hopeless troubled no-girlfriends? unemployed useless Punk playing video games and trying to stay high while Illegals take all the entry level jobs (constuction) and he is stuck home with no momey, not learning job skills. Forced Military boot camp for all 18 yr olds is one solution.

Learn to work, clean up, dress up, show up, respect or go to Jail for non-compliance.
If the illegals were taking all the entry level jobs, we wouldn't have 3.7% unemployment.
Well to be fair, alot has been changing once the gig was found out a good while back, and Trump bringing back major players in manufacturing, and in investments, deregulating, and other great things has led to the lower unemployment rates. Democrats just can't stand the facts.
There is no evidence of that whatsoever. Trump has ben riding the momentum of the Obama train on unemployment due to his policies, not Trump's. Why Trump can’t take credit for continuing boom of Obama economy
If some guy is sitting in his truck watching porn while mama shops and he sees this guy park, dress up, load up and start to wak towards WalMart. Can he shoot him in the back no questions asked or would the LW kooks (like those here) call that Murder and demand he be locked away for using a gun in a gun free zone?
Yes, it would be murder. Under our constitution, the gunman has the right to load up and walk right into that mall. State and local government may have laws to stop him, but our constitution not only allows but grants the person the right.

As long as gun ownership is a right, and not a privileged what happened in El Paso and Dayton can continue everyday and twice on Sunday. As the weapons become more powerful, the number killed will keep increasing.
Trump is and many of his supporters are dog whistlers to White Supremacists.
At least the ignorant ones are easy to identify by their MAGA hats.

At least the ignorant ones are easy to identify by their MAGA hats.

And warning #1 on you. (#6 for the day). A murder thread gives you no right to post nonsense against true Americans.
Trump supporters are not true Americans. They support racism and terror against brown and black people.
the shooter was one of yours talk about being unamerican you leftist are pieces of shit

Why lie?
The shooter politicized the event. I'm tired of the death threats because someone has different political views on this board. Sorry the motivation for this guy is inconvenient to the right but he was a white supremacist, he was a Trump supporter his motive was racism.
Trump is and many of his supporters are dog whistlers to White Supremacists.
At least the ignorant ones are easy to identify by their MAGA hats.

At least the ignorant ones are easy to identify by their MAGA hats.

And warning #1 on you. (#6 for the day). A murder thread gives you no right to post nonsense against true Americans.

Warning? Of what?

I wouldn't push it with your track record.
Another Threaty McThreat....:71:
I gotta ask..has it come to the point where most of you guys just keep your responses on file..and just paste them in..when the next shooting happens? Because I'm reading the previous shooting thread..and you guys just say the same thing..over and over and over again.
The 2nd amendment hasn’t changed since it was written so my response is always going to be the same.
Then your response is always going to be wrong.

The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court – including the Second Amendment.

And current case law holds that the Second Amendment right is not unlimited, that government has the authority to place limits and restriction on that right consistent with the case law, including prohibiting the possession of certain firearms.

Nobody us buying what you're selling Jones. Nobody
Even Scalia said it is limited.
Maybe that's why CRCs killed him.....;)
Democrats drove this event to happen because of their constant playing of race card.
Pretty much how they roll.
So when will America say enough is enough? Do you have to wait until someone you love gets gunned down before you say "Time to ban guns?"
Bottom line: A nutcase would not have killed and injured close to 50 people with a knife or another available weapon.
Do something about America's gun crisis. Or is the juvenile mentality of gun nuts and profits for the rich more important than children's lives?

We will never say it's enough.
But if you think it's enough, you need to get together with your vile democrat leaders, declare your independence, write up some kind of constitution or whatever for yourselves. Then you can come after us. Just make sure you come heavy.

We are ready to fight to keep our rights, if you want our rights removed you should be willing to fight to take them.

If you and your ilk don't have the balls to do it then STFU.

Rental Truck, in Nice, France....86 killed, 435 injured.

When will we say enough is enough and ban rental trucks?
Maybe when there are like 4 of those in a month.......
So when will America say enough is enough? Do you have to wait until someone you love gets gunned down before you say "Time to ban guns?"
Bottom line: A nutcase would not have killed and injured close to 50 people with a knife or another available weapon.
Do something about America's gun crisis. Or is the juvenile mentality of gun nuts and profits for the rich more important than children's lives?

We will never say it's enough.
But if you think it's enough, you need to get together with your vile democrat leaders, declare your independence, write up some kind of constitution or whatever for yourselves. Then you can come after us. Just make sure you come heavy.

We are ready to fight to keep our rights, if you want our rights removed you should be willing to fight to take them.

If you and your ilk don't have the balls to do it then STFU.

Rental Truck, in Nice, France....86 killed, 435 injured.

When will we say enough is enough and ban rental trucks?
Maybe when there are like 4 of those in a month.......

Then maybe you asshats will get serious about ending gun free zones.....where shooters go because they know they have at least 6 free minutes to kill....because normal people are unarmed and helpless...
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