Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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I suspect that you may get that chance at some point. The US is falling apart.

Not really.

The vast majority of the country is very safe.

All our violence is concentrated into small easily avoidable areas.

But since you come from such a small country you seem to be lacking a sense of the size of the US
All our violence is concentrated into small easily avoidable areas.
None of the three mass shootings in the past week were in those "small, easily avoidable" areas. There is no place left that is safe.
After weeks like this, I walk out my front door, same as I do every day, but thinking "is someone going to shoot me?" If it can happen in Gilroy and ElPaso and a trendy part of Dayton, it can happen in my neighborhood.

No man is an island, entire of itself. Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main...
or something like that.

Mass shootings account for less than 1% of all murders

Care to guess where over 70% of all murders take place?
Care to guess where the mos violent crimes take place?

All you seem to care about is less than 1% of all murder victims
I'm pretty damned concerned about them, yeah.

and yet you never mention them all you seem to post about is the less than 1% of all murders
Why is this suddenly about me?
Yeah, I care about that less than 1% of murders. Is there a reason I shouldn't?
And that will continue to happen after gun grabbers achieve EVERY SINGLE objective they ever had. Just like has happened in the UK and Australia etc etc etc.....

These things don't happen in the UK or Australia... that's the point.

Because Leftist policies leaves societies in shambles and take hope from lives. See California, Detroit etc etc etc

This didn't happen in California or Detroit.. it happened in Texas, deep in the heart of Jesus land.
How many mass shootings have we had in Texas? In restaurants, in churches, in WalMarts? That CC and open carry stuff sure works.
What are the most populated states in the United States? Here is a list of the top ten most populated states in the country:

  1. California (Population: 39,747,267)
  2. Texas (Population: 29,087,070)
  3. Florida (Population: 21,646,155)
  4. New York (Population: 19,491,339)
  5. Pennsylvania (Population: 12,813,969)
  6. Illinois (Population: 12,700,381)
  7. Ohio (Population: 11,718,568)
  8. Georgia (Population: 10,627,767)
  9. North Carolina (Population: 10,497,741)
  10. Michigan (Population: 10,020,472)
I took a sociology class years ago that studied overcrowded animals in a cage. The more extreme overcrowded animals had a tendency to kill the excesses off by taking out the weak first.

I'm not sure you can blame mass killings on large populations of human beings, but yesterday's toll hit 2 of the top 10 most highly populated states. Ergo, I think states with high populations might consider absolute measures for police to be as ready as firefighters are to go and put out a blaze before it gets out of control. and I believe this task can be done without taking away guns from the general population in a country with a Bill of Rights that for (2019 minus 1776 equals) 243 years, more or less, has had the freedom to bear arms when government fails to do its job to help the people of the United States of America.

An huge increase in population (especially in crowded areas) combined with a breakdown of the bourgeois values of our traditional civil society definitely leads to violence
The problem isn't the gun you numbskull. Fix the people, and no more gun problem. The problem is that we have this two party system hating on each other worse than ever now, and the people aren't stupid as to who brought all these things over time upon us, and who has allowed it to just marinate and stew over time, and who has been trying to fix it.

Uh, guy, while I do blame Trump's racist rhetoric for setting this piece of shit off (when are you guys going to own that), the fact he was able to get an AK47 is what allowed him to do this much damage.

California had one last week too. Oops

So what, Fat Irish Sow?

We have too many guns and the wrong people can get them. Period.

I thought he was a Trump supporter yet his "manifesto" said he hated both the right and left.

No, he said he hated Republicans and Democrats, not the same thing. This is the kind of thing you guys say every day when Republicans don't show a lot of enthusiasm for "The Trumpenfuhrer".
He said not to blame Trump, the one person in America most responsible for stirring up hatred against immigrants.
Immigrants assaulting the border and killing Americans is most responsible for stirring up hatred against immigrants.
Sounds just like an abuser blaming the victim.
And that will continue to happen after gun grabbers achieve EVERY SINGLE objective they ever had. Just like has happened in the UK and Australia etc etc etc.....

These things don't happen in the UK or Australia... that's the point.

Because Leftist policies leaves societies in shambles and take hope from lives. See California, Detroit etc etc etc

This didn't happen in California or Detroit.. it happened in Texas, deep in the heart of Jesus land.
How many mass shootings have we had in Texas? In restaurants, in churches, in WalMarts? That CC and open carry stuff sure works.
------------------------------------- and what is the total number of the MURDERED in all the Texas shootings that you mention in your post just above Bode ?? And what was the Time period when these Texas murders started eh Bode ??
The left is emotional again...when that happens logic goes out the window
Golly, you're right. We shouldn't be emotional about's just another day another shooting. We know that since CRCs didn't care about little children getting shot to pieces in Sandy Hook a few years back, that NOTHING would move their "concern" meter....ever. At least those killed were post-born.
i'd be more concerned with all the widdle kids that are killed in cars which far exceeds the numbers of widdle kids that are murdered by GUNS Bode .
And that will continue to happen after gun grabbers achieve EVERY SINGLE objective they ever had. Just like has happened in the UK and Australia etc etc etc.....

These things don't happen in the UK or Australia... that's the point.

Because Leftist policies leaves societies in shambles and take hope from lives. See California, Detroit etc etc etc

This didn't happen in California or Detroit.. it happened in Texas, deep in the heart of Jesus land.
How many mass shootings have we had in Texas? In restaurants, in churches, in WalMarts? That CC and open carry stuff sure works.
What are the most populated states in the United States? Here is a list of the top ten most populated states in the country:

  1. California (Population: 39,747,267)
  2. Texas (Population: 29,087,070)
  3. Florida (Population: 21,646,155)
  4. New York (Population: 19,491,339)
  5. Pennsylvania (Population: 12,813,969)
  6. Illinois (Population: 12,700,381)
  7. Ohio (Population: 11,718,568)
  8. Georgia (Population: 10,627,767)
  9. North Carolina (Population: 10,497,741)
  10. Michigan (Population: 10,020,472)
I took a sociology class years ago that studied overcrowded animals in a cage. The more extreme overcrowded animals had a tendency to kill the excesses off by taking out the weak first.

I'm not sure you can blame mass killings on large populations of human beings, but yesterday's toll hit 2 of the top 10 most highly populated states. Ergo, I think states with high populations might consider absolute measures for police to be as ready as firefighters are to go and put out a blaze before it gets out of control. and I believe this task can be done without taking away guns from the general population in a country with a Bill of Rights that for (2019 minus 1776 equals) 243 years, more or less, has had the freedom to bear arms when government fails to do its job to help the people of the United States of America.
The Democrats know what their ideologies and policies have done, and this is why you see all the campaigning for universal income of a thousand dollars a month for 12 months etc in order to deflate the bubble before it pop's. This also is why they are campaigning for Universal Health Care, forgiveness of college debt etc. All of it is a result of the bad policies that the politicians have engaged in over the years. It has left so many out, and displaced that the worry is that it will all return to bite them in their arse if something isn't done to counter their years of bullcrap. Well here we are folks, so what to do, what to do ?? Promoting birth rates in an out of control way by indoctronation of, and doing so in long periods of economic down turns has created a disaster among the citizens. NAFTA has been one of the nation's biggest disasters for the working class citizen's ever. Meanwhile Hollyweird was there to give our youth confidence that if they just have babies on top of babies then the government will surely take care of them out of guilt. On and on it all went until now we have the results on our hands. Social engineering failed during Hitler's years, but here we are at it again ?

Government is the same as talking about guns. If gun's are in the hands of bad people, then we have a problem. The same goes for government and it's policies. Government in the hands of good people is a very good thing for societies.
And yet Trump didn't say those guys were the fine are a liar and an asshat....
He said there were fine people among them. Which ones were the "fine people?"

Wrong....he said on the issue of removing statues, there were fine people on both sides as he condemned the white supremacists........The Black Historical Society, who also oppose removing the statues would be one of those groups with fine people in it....
The groups that showed up to protest the removal of the statues were white supremacists and neonazis. So who were the "fine people" among them?

The groups that showed up to protest the removal of the statues were white supremacists and neonazis. So who were the "fine people" among them?

The ones that don't want history destroyed because some don't like it. Which old books to burn....for example. Huck Finn.
So were those the white supremacists or were they thd neonazis?
Here you will see how the shooter's chronology morphed from Democrat Party to Republican Party with 3 changes made following his arrest:

Leftists Change Shooter Patrick Crusius's MyLife Page after Saturday Shooting from Democrat to Republican

(Original) (Next Edit) (Another Edit) (Completed edit)

My conclusion: Hacking for Party is popular following an ugly event in which politics has gone bombastic.​

Wow, the scumbag press lies again - and about something this important.

Even at this moment the Fascist fucks over at CNN are claiming this was a "white nationalist Trump supporter."
If CNN wants to make this a fight between white nationalist Trump supporters and foreign invaders, I truly wish them luck. It's a fight we need to have.

Wow, the scumbag press lies again - and about something this important.

Even at this moment the Fascist fucks over at CNN are claiming this was a "white nationalist Trump supporter."
White nationalist for sure, based on his own words. Trump supporter? Not sure what they are basing that on. Radicalized people who do things this extreme are seldom in line with either political party 100%. Remember the guy who shot those cops in Dallas? Radical and not easy to fit into a pigeon hole.

Wow, the scumbag press lies again - and about something this important.

Even at this moment the Fascist fucks over at CNN are claiming this was a "white nationalist Trump supporter."
If CNN wants to make this a fight between white nationalist Trump supporters and foreign invaders, I truly wish them luck. It's a fight we need to have.
CNN is out to take out President Trump. I think they're mistaken, but whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
Right. We know only the liberal media engages in this while the conservative media spends pages and pages covering the Benghazi Hoax and the Seth Richards Conspiracy Theory and endless rounds of evil Hillary rehashes. Where is the mental health coverage?

I blame us. We read it. We spread it. We want it. We bring in money for the media corporations. If we did not consume it, they wouldn’t print is a business.

Why aren’t we demanding better mental health care? More crisis center? Why are the mentally ill housed in prisons I’ll equipt to care for them? Why are budgets for mental health first to be cut every time there is a state budget crisis? It sure isn’t just a blue state problem.

Quit blaming liberals for everything and look in the mirror. It is us.
Finger pointing gets us nowhere.
We, the American People, do not consider mental health to be important enough as we lurch from crisis to crisis. It still carries a huge stigma and little sympathy. Too many see it as a character flaw and not a disease.
I'm not sure that all mass shooters are mentally ill, Coyote. I believe people can be perfectly sane and still be evil enough to do what they do. I'm not a psychiatrist, so I could be wrong, but I'm not at all sure that "counseling" would have changed this guy's mind. He was politically saturated to the point he was ready to sacrifice his life for "the cause."
He was radicalized by far right extremist ideology.
I am sure those shot are extremely happy a bunch of $100K suits showed up AFTER to declare it a HATE crime. WTH? Who cares.
He said there were fine people among them. Which ones were the "fine people?"

Wrong....he said on the issue of removing statues, there were fine people on both sides as he condemned the white supremacists........The Black Historical Society, who also oppose removing the statues would be one of those groups with fine people in it....
The groups that showed up to protest the removal of the statues were white supremacists and neonazis. So who were the "fine people" among them?

The groups that showed up to protest the removal of the statues were white supremacists and neonazis. So who were the "fine people" among them?

The ones that don't want history destroyed because some don't like it. Which old books to burn....for example. Huck Finn.
So were those the white supremacists or were they thd neonazis?
Here you will see how the shooter's chronology morphed from Democrat Party to Republican Party with 3 changes made following his arrest:

Leftists Change Shooter Patrick Crusius's MyLife Page after Saturday Shooting from Democrat to Republican

(Original) (Next Edit) (Another Edit) (Completed edit)

My conclusion: Hacking for Party is popular following an ugly event in which politics has gone bombastic.​
Dumbfuck, that's a webpage that anyone can create or edit (like wikipedia). It was created yesterday while Crusius was in custody and even says on the page....

"Patrick has yet to verify this information."

... which he can't, because again, he's in custody.

I swear, you P.T. Barnum idiots are the most gullible fools I've ever seen.
Wrong....he said on the issue of removing statues, there were fine people on both sides as he condemned the white supremacists........The Black Historical Society, who also oppose removing the statues would be one of those groups with fine people in it....
The groups that showed up to protest the removal of the statues were white supremacists and neonazis. So who were the "fine people" among them?

The groups that showed up to protest the removal of the statues were white supremacists and neonazis. So who were the "fine people" among them?

The ones that don't want history destroyed because some don't like it. Which old books to burn....for example. Huck Finn.
So were those the white supremacists or were they thd neonazis?
Here you will see how the shooter's chronology morphed from Democrat Party to Republican Party with 3 changes made following his arrest:

Leftists Change Shooter Patrick Crusius's MyLife Page after Saturday Shooting from Democrat to Republican

(Original) (Next Edit) (Another Edit) (Completed edit)

My conclusion: Hacking for Party is popular following an ugly event in which politics has gone bombastic.​
Dumbfuck, that's a webpage that anyone can create or edit (like wikipedia). It was created yesterday while Crusius was in custody and even says on the page....

"Patrick has yet to verify this information."

... which he can't, because again, he's in custody.

I swear, you P.T. Barnum idiots are the most gullible fools I've ever seen.
My disclaimer stands, thankyouverymuch.
What firepower.....a 5 shot, pump action shotgun killed just as many people, but wounded more in the Russian school shooting....

It isn't the gun, you moron, it is how much free time the shooter has before someone else points a gun at him...

As soon as someone pointed a gun at this guy he surrendered......just like almost all the other shooters...which is why they pick gun free zones to attack.

I know you have this big wank fantasy about pulling your gun and stopping a mass shooter...

But the reality is, most of you gun nuts would cower in a corner confronted by a nut like this.
I thought Texas was open carry? Where were all the Pistol Petes charging in with their six shooters? All the fierce brave Texas gunslingers?
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
Right. We know only the liberal media engages in this while the conservative media spends pages and pages covering the Benghazi Hoax and the Seth Richards Conspiracy Theory and endless rounds of evil Hillary rehashes. Where is the mental health coverage?

I blame us. We read it. We spread it. We want it. We bring in money for the media corporations. If we did not consume it, they wouldn’t print is a business.

Why aren’t we demanding better mental health care? More crisis center? Why are the mentally ill housed in prisons I’ll equipt to care for them? Why are budgets for mental health first to be cut every time there is a state budget crisis? It sure isn’t just a blue state problem.

Quit blaming liberals for everything and look in the mirror. It is us.
Finger pointing gets us nowhere.
We, the American People, do not consider mental health to be important enough as we lurch from crisis to crisis. It still carries a huge stigma and little sympathy. Too many see it as a character flaw and not a disease.
I'm not sure that all mass shooters are mentally ill, Coyote. I believe people can be perfectly sane and still be evil enough to do what they do. I'm not a psychiatrist, so I could be wrong, but I'm not at all sure that "counseling" would have changed this guy's mind. He was politically saturated to the point he was ready to sacrifice his life for "the cause."
He was radicalized by far right extremist ideology.
Sounds like it's everybody elses fault that he drove 800 miles to cut his murderous mind loose on people in crowded stores trying to get a good deal on back-to-school stuff. Schools in Texas resume 11 days from today, at least they do in my area of beautiful Texas of Tall Pines and Prairies.
The groups that showed up to protest the removal of the statues were white supremacists and neonazis. So who were the "fine people" among them?

The groups that showed up to protest the removal of the statues were white supremacists and neonazis. So who were the "fine people" among them?

The ones that don't want history destroyed because some don't like it. Which old books to burn....for example. Huck Finn.
So were those the white supremacists or were they thd neonazis?
Here you will see how the shooter's chronology morphed from Democrat Party to Republican Party with 3 changes made following his arrest:

Leftists Change Shooter Patrick Crusius's MyLife Page after Saturday Shooting from Democrat to Republican

(Original) (Next Edit) (Another Edit) (Completed edit)

My conclusion: Hacking for Party is popular following an ugly event in which politics has gone bombastic.​
Dumbfuck, that's a webpage that anyone can create or edit (like wikipedia). It was created yesterday while Crusius was in custody and even says on the page....

"Patrick has yet to verify this information."

... which he can't, because again, he's in custody.

I swear, you P.T. Barnum idiots are the most gullible fools I've ever seen.
My disclaimer stands, thankyouverymuch.
Unless your "disclaimer" stated that thegatewaypundit was the one who altered that page to make up fake news, then your "disclaimer," along with the rest of your post, is complete nonsense.
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
Right. We know only the liberal media engages in this while the conservative media spends pages and pages covering the Benghazi Hoax and the Seth Richards Conspiracy Theory and endless rounds of evil Hillary rehashes. Where is the mental health coverage?

I blame us. We read it. We spread it. We want it. We bring in money for the media corporations. If we did not consume it, they wouldn’t print is a business.

Why aren’t we demanding better mental health care? More crisis center? Why are the mentally ill housed in prisons I’ll equipt to care for them? Why are budgets for mental health first to be cut every time there is a state budget crisis? It sure isn’t just a blue state problem.

Quit blaming liberals for everything and look in the mirror. It is us.
Finger pointing gets us nowhere.
We, the American People, do not consider mental health to be important enough as we lurch from crisis to crisis. It still carries a huge stigma and little sympathy. Too many see it as a character flaw and not a disease.
I'm not sure that all mass shooters are mentally ill, Coyote. I believe people can be perfectly sane and still be evil enough to do what they do. I'm not a psychiatrist, so I could be wrong, but I'm not at all sure that "counseling" would have changed this guy's mind. He was politically saturated to the point he was ready to sacrifice his life for "the cause."
He was radicalized by far right extremist ideology.
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