Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
Right. We know only the liberal media engages in this while the conservative media spends pages and pages covering the Benghazi Hoax and the Seth Richards Conspiracy Theory and endless rounds of evil Hillary rehashes. Where is the mental health coverage?

I blame us. We read it. We spread it. We want it. We bring in money for the media corporations. If we did not consume it, they wouldn’t print is a business.

Why aren’t we demanding better mental health care? More crisis center? Why are the mentally ill housed in prisons I’ll equipt to care for them? Why are budgets for mental health first to be cut every time there is a state budget crisis? It sure isn’t just a blue state problem.

Quit blaming liberals for everything and look in the mirror. It is us.
Finger pointing gets us nowhere.
We, the American People, do not consider mental health to be important enough as we lurch from crisis to crisis. It still carries a huge stigma and little sympathy. Too many see it as a character flaw and not a disease.
------------------------------------------- there is no Crisis Coyote . As pointed out by another poster , there were 219 people murdered in the last [about] 3 quarters of the year . Keep in mind as Perspective that there are about 310 million census counted people in the USA in 2010 and that doesn't count the illegal aliens Coyote .
I'll answer. They ARE invaders. That's what they are. You're word-monitoring. It's like saying we can't call them illegal aliens anymore; that's "mean". Okay, whatever--that's what they are. They are busting in uninvited. That's literally the definition of an "invasion".

Calling them "invaders" does not make some nasty, pernicious, violent mass murderer. That happens in a separate type of situation that is heinous.

But don't be word-monitoring us and telling us this caused El Paso. How illiberal of you.
I'll say it one more time, and then I'm done arguing about it with you, since you refuse to address my point:
we have to stop turning them into enemy combatants in our speech. No one needs to love them or even welcome them. They just need to tone it down.

Okay I would agree if anyone were calling them "ENEMIES"....(like they actually call Trump btw)

But they don't. They call them invaders, which is correct terminology.

OldLady I think you don't argue with me when you know you're losing the argument.
"Invaders" are our enemies. Look it up if you don't believe me.
Were the people on Obama's enemy list invaders?
Nice try, but try as you might, this is not about Obama.

It's not about Trump either but people are talking about both of them in this thread
And yet another shooting last night ??? This is getting bad. Should "Marshall law" be a consideration at this point ??? Otherwise if you are out and about, you can be randomly stopped and checked out by law enforcement at anytime, otherwise if one appears to be the slight bit suspicious maybe ? Curfew's set in all communities now ?? If on the street, you are now subject to be randomly checked by law enforcement without notice maybe ? Random inspection stations set up on the fly as to not give away the locations of these check stations etc. New training and rules pertaining to these check stations now ?

It's bad when our own indoctronated citizenry, are now the ones about to cause this nation's citizens to lose their freedom's instead of a foriegn enemy.

The core problem or roots of the problem more than ever now, needs to be known, and then dealt with in an extreme judicious way, and with much more urgency than ever before. Our very freedom's are at stake here.

The gun isn't the problem, but the indoctronated person or citizen with a weapon of mass destruction is undoubtedly an extreme problem today. It's being proven in these extreme acts of violence now.

What's the old saying, "back a rat into a corner, and he'll bite ya". How many rats are out there now ? Not to say who is to blame, but the good citizens with guns are absolutely not the one's to blame here.

Selling body armor to anyone who is not law enforcement needs to be made highly illegal if not already.

All internet store's selling weapon's of mass destruction, and body armor to just anyone needs to be shut down immediately. A person looking to purchase weapon's should have to have their picture taken on the spot of purchase (a walk in purchase), a thorough background check performed, and that picture sent to the FBI for review. If a week or longer is experienced for wait time on the purchase, then oh well that's just tough so deal with it.

All floater weapon's (not registered, and are to be shown or displayed in public), should be registered if not registered (or) either lock the weapon's up to never be seen again by the public eye if own a private collection. Public display or selling such weapon's should be made highly illegal unless registered first.

We must absolutely keep order and peace in this country. It's really becoming an embarrassing situation when looking back to when we were the most peaceful nation on Earth once upon a time between the 1970's up through the 1990's. What happened ?

It's what we need to get serious about now. Finding the answers, and not ignoring the truth when it is found.

Those who have pushed crazy agenda's that had since led to unrest, well they need to be investigated for possible baiting the public into extreme behaviours as a result of. Otherwise yelling fire in a crowded theater when their wasn't one.

Our leaders need to be held accountable for their baiting of the citizens into a frenzy by twisting and turning the issues.

Accountability is something we have been lacking for years upon years now. It's time for accountability, but leave all the political bullcrap at home.

In my opinion Trump isn't responsible for what we are seeing today, but rather he has walked into a job where everything was set to explode all due to the agenda's that we're working and twisting there way all the way to the top. He has been trying to defuse it all, but it has gone on to long maybe, and the fall out had begun. Trump's just running around defusing and putting out fires before they grow completely out of control. Tough job today, and just think about all that the man has since given up for his country ?? Amazing really.

Just my two cents worth.
When I went to one of the Ohio papers for what happened in Ohio, there were a lot of words and no responsibility assigned to neither a person's name nor a group or organization behind the mass shooting, just a lot of praise to the police for saving lives. Nine died according to the paper. With no facts, I don't know what to think about the second shooting. Was it the same group? A copycat group? One sicko? Hello?
Just out this morning all this in the headlines:


The Gateway Pundit - Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback


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Perhaps because they happen so rarely? As though 'Darwin shooting' wasn't mentioned.

Then maybe you would like living in the UK where they have a fraction of the US population but Stabbing deaths are at record highs. UK national crisis.
Perhaps you'd prefer your throat slit to a bullet to the head? Or maybe you'd enjoy being run over by a truck more?

Rarely? You mean rarely reported. Gun violence happens EVERYWHERE. Sspecially where the left is in power or has influence.
You people try to make it sound as if the USA has some kind of monopoly on violence.

After all, crazy people in other countries use more than guns to harm others.
Knife killing in the UK is a lot less than in the US. So he would be a lot safer than living in the crazy US.

Better to die on my feet than kneel to a monarch

SOmething you people don't seem to understand
I suspect that you may get that chance at some point. The US is falling apart.

Not really.

The vast majority of the country is very safe.

All our violence is concentrated into small easily avoidable areas.

But since you come from such a small country you seem to be lacking a sense of the size of the US
All our violence is concentrated into small easily avoidable areas.
None of the three mass shootings in the past week were in those "small, easily avoidable" areas. There is no place left that is safe.
After weeks like this, I walk out my front door, same as I do every day, but thinking "is someone going to shoot me?" If it can happen in Gilroy and ElPaso and a trendy part of Dayton, it can happen in my neighborhood.

No man is an island, entire of itself. Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main...
or something like that.
Then maybe you would like living in the UK where they have a fraction of the US population but Stabbing deaths are at record highs. UK national crisis.
Perhaps you'd prefer your throat slit to a bullet to the head? Or maybe you'd enjoy being run over by a truck more?

Rarely? You mean rarely reported. Gun violence happens EVERYWHERE. Sspecially where the left is in power or has influence.
You people try to make it sound as if the USA has some kind of monopoly on violence.

After all, crazy people in other countries use more than guns to harm others.
Knife killing in the UK is a lot less than in the US. So he would be a lot safer than living in the crazy US.

Better to die on my feet than kneel to a monarch

SOmething you people don't seem to understand
I suspect that you may get that chance at some point. The US is falling apart.

Not really.

The vast majority of the country is very safe.

All our violence is concentrated into small easily avoidable areas.

But since you come from such a small country you seem to be lacking a sense of the size of the US
All our violence is concentrated into small easily avoidable areas.
None of the three mass shootings in the past week were in those "small, easily avoidable" areas. There is no place left that is safe.
After weeks like this, I walk out my front door, same as I do every day, but thinking "is someone going to shoot me?" If it can happen in Gilroy and ElPaso and a trendy part of Dayton, it can happen in my neighborhood.

No man is an island, entire of itself. Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main...
or something like that.

Mass shootings account for less than 1% of all murders

Care to guess where over 70% of all murders take place?
Care to guess where the mos violent crimes take place?

All you seem to care about is less than 1% of all murder victims
I'll say it one more time, and then I'm done arguing about it with you, since you refuse to address my point:
we have to stop turning them into enemy combatants in our speech. No one needs to love them or even welcome them. They just need to tone it down.

Okay I would agree if anyone were calling them "ENEMIES"....(like they actually call Trump btw)

But they don't. They call them invaders, which is correct terminology.

OldLady I think you don't argue with me when you know you're losing the argument.
"Invaders" are our enemies. Look it up if you don't believe me.
Were the people on Obama's enemy list invaders?
Nice try, but try as you might, this is not about Obama.

It's not about Trump either but people are talking about both of them in this thread
Not me.
--------------------------------- as i pointed out in a previous post and no one disputed me but ALL guns were designed for the battlefield starting with the - single shot Brown Bess - of the American Revolutionary War . Happily though , a Brown Bess or a AK or AR can be used for hunting , target shooting , defense or any other legal reason JoeB . In fact , i think that most police carry AR Carbine as they have replaced Pump Shotguns in most police cars JoeB .

still no good reason for civilians to have that kind of firepower. That's the point.

Actually, very few civilians in Revolutionary times had "Brown besses" or other military rifles. They were kind of useless for anything other than close formation volly fire.

So......the Walmart shooter was an environmental extremist.....

Wow, 2TinyDick, you ARE desperate, aren't you? The guy goes into a LONG rant about how he hates Hispanics, and you focus on one line about litter? Really?

Don't worry, this one won't make us do anything about gun violence, either.
----------------------------------- the furtherance of the Second Amendment is the reason for Americans to be armed with effective and efficient Small Arms and weapons same as USA Military Combat Soldiers JoeB .
Knife killing in the UK is a lot less than in the US. So he would be a lot safer than living in the crazy US.

Better to die on my feet than kneel to a monarch

SOmething you people don't seem to understand
I suspect that you may get that chance at some point. The US is falling apart.

Not really.

The vast majority of the country is very safe.

All our violence is concentrated into small easily avoidable areas.

But since you come from such a small country you seem to be lacking a sense of the size of the US
All our violence is concentrated into small easily avoidable areas.
None of the three mass shootings in the past week were in those "small, easily avoidable" areas. There is no place left that is safe.
After weeks like this, I walk out my front door, same as I do every day, but thinking "is someone going to shoot me?" If it can happen in Gilroy and ElPaso and a trendy part of Dayton, it can happen in my neighborhood.

No man is an island, entire of itself. Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main...
or something like that.

Mass shootings account for less than 1% of all murders

Care to guess where over 70% of all murders take place?
Care to guess where the mos violent crimes take place?

All you seem to care about is less than 1% of all murder victims
I'm pretty damned concerned about them, yeah.
Better to die on my feet than kneel to a monarch

SOmething you people don't seem to understand
I suspect that you may get that chance at some point. The US is falling apart.

Not really.

The vast majority of the country is very safe.

All our violence is concentrated into small easily avoidable areas.

But since you come from such a small country you seem to be lacking a sense of the size of the US
All our violence is concentrated into small easily avoidable areas.
None of the three mass shootings in the past week were in those "small, easily avoidable" areas. There is no place left that is safe.
After weeks like this, I walk out my front door, same as I do every day, but thinking "is someone going to shoot me?" If it can happen in Gilroy and ElPaso and a trendy part of Dayton, it can happen in my neighborhood.

No man is an island, entire of itself. Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main...
or something like that.

Mass shootings account for less than 1% of all murders

Care to guess where over 70% of all murders take place?
Care to guess where the mos violent crimes take place?

All you seem to care about is less than 1% of all murder victims
I'm pretty damned concerned about them, yeah.

and yet you never mention them all you seem to post about is the less than 1% of all murders
And that will continue to happen after gun grabbers achieve EVERY SINGLE objective they ever had. Just like has happened in the UK and Australia etc etc etc.....

These things don't happen in the UK or Australia... that's the point.

Because Leftist policies leaves societies in shambles and take hope from lives. See California, Detroit etc etc etc

This didn't happen in California or Detroit.. it happened in Texas, deep in the heart of Jesus land.
How many mass shootings have we had in Texas? In restaurants, in churches, in WalMarts? That CC and open carry stuff sure works.
The Second prohibits that.

Back to your wet dream noe

Second Amendment is about Militias, not gun ownership.

I'm not sure why you are so anxious to share your streets with gun-packing crazies...

Yeah asshole so why does it allow individual gun ownership over 200 years and massive attempts to say otherwise

Sit your fcking stupid ass down
Threatie MacThreat is telling people what to do again.......
es...likely he was nuts...

And if he didn't have a criminal record there was nothing to stop him from buying a gun....yes...we know, you fascists consider all Americans as criminals...but that isn't the way the system works....

How about this... you can't HAVE a gun until we have established you aren't crazy.

The fact is, someone this nuts was able to buy a weapon designed for the Soviet Army and mow down a bunch of shoppers, but you'll be here with your fucked up NRA talking points.

If the only way to prevent this is to take EVERYONE'S GUNS, so be it.

You set the rules.
The problem isn't the gun you numbskull. Fix the people, and no more gun problem. The problem is that we have this two party system hating on each other worse than ever now, and the people aren't stupid as to who brought all these things over time upon us, and who has allowed it to just marinate and stew over time, and who has been trying to fix it.
Trump fixed the problem by making more problems. Combined with weapons made for war, Trump created the perfect storm for his war he has been using since day one against the others.

You mean the weapons that Obama and Holder gave the Mexican drug cartels that killed Americans?
I thought the belief was that guns don't kill people...people kill people.
And that will continue to happen after gun grabbers achieve EVERY SINGLE objective they ever had. Just like has happened in the UK and Australia etc etc etc.....

These things don't happen in the UK or Australia... that's the point.

Because Leftist policies leaves societies in shambles and take hope from lives. See California, Detroit etc etc etc

This didn't happen in California or Detroit.. it happened in Texas, deep in the heart of Jesus land.
How many mass shootings have we had in Texas? In restaurants, in churches, in WalMarts? That CC and open carry stuff sure works.
What are the most populated states in the United States? Here is a list of the top ten most populated states in the country:

  1. California (Population: 39,747,267)
  2. Texas (Population: 29,087,070)
  3. Florida (Population: 21,646,155)
  4. New York (Population: 19,491,339)
  5. Pennsylvania (Population: 12,813,969)
  6. Illinois (Population: 12,700,381)
  7. Ohio (Population: 11,718,568)
  8. Georgia (Population: 10,627,767)
  9. North Carolina (Population: 10,497,741)
  10. Michigan (Population: 10,020,472)
I took a sociology class years ago that studied overcrowded animals in a cage. The more extreme overcrowded animals had a tendency to kill the excesses off by taking out the weak first.

I'm not sure you can blame mass killings on large populations of human beings, but yesterday's toll hit 2 of the top 10 most highly populated states. Ergo, I think states with high populations might consider absolute measures for police to be as ready as firefighters are to go and put out a blaze before it gets out of control. and I believe this task can be done without taking away guns from the general population in a country with a Bill of Rights that for (2019 minus 1776 equals) 243 years, more or less, has had the freedom to bear arms when government fails to do its job to help the people of the United States of America.
As horrible as this is, it's still less than half of what the Muslim was able to kill at that Miami nightclub.

That one has already been forgotten, this one won't be.
The number one threat to this country is the domestic Trump terrorism coming from his base and Trump himself. Trump is a major national security threat.

It will take a while before Trump supporters catch up to what Muslims did on Sept. 11 2001.
Oh. So that's the goal, eh?

Dumbfuck, gatewaypundit is fake news.

That page didn't even exist until last night, after the shooting and after Crusius was in custody...

Wayback Machine

I wouldn't be at all surprised if someone from gatewaypundit made that page, put him down as a Democrat, then changed it to him being a Republican, just so they could make up s story about it to fool suckers like you; who just accept such bullshit as gospel without ever bothering to check it out.
What firepower.....a 5 shot, pump action shotgun killed just as many people, but wounded more in the Russian school shooting....

It isn't the gun, you moron, it is how much free time the shooter has before someone else points a gun at him...

As soon as someone pointed a gun at this guy he surrendered......just like almost all the other shooters...which is why they pick gun free zones to attack.

I know you have this big wank fantasy about pulling your gun and stopping a mass shooter...

But the reality is, most of you gun nuts would cower in a corner confronted by a nut like this.
I would drop one right between his fucking eyes. I can assure you. Just trust me on this one.
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