Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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More bullshit. Of course there's evidence. I just posted it. Denying it won't make it magically disappear.

again....there was no evidence...but please, keep lying.

For example, although the Post acknowledges that the Las Vegas shooter's motivations are still unknown, the GTD had no problem categorizing the murderer of 58 people as an "anti-government extremist." And it takes these sorts of assumptions to get in the vicinity of a "surge" in right-wing terrorism.
That's someone's opinion on realclearpolitics. I posted journalism.

No, you posted propaganda. Seems to be all you can do.

So you say, too bad you can't prove.
Project much?
Not at all. I posted a link with supporting evidence.
You better hold your denials until you read this murderers manifesto.

This murderer has nothing to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
I don't care what his manifesto says.
El Paso is a nidus of current Democrat mischief, Defiant1. ElPaso's V. Escobar was down in Mexico a week or two ago soliciting people to form a huge caravan and cross, possibly at her territory where she may have made promises that were not consistent with Border Patrol safety and rules they try to abide by. Political chaos is a tool the Democrats have been using since Hillary lost the election. And they beat up Republican President Trump with lies, deceit, and a false narrative full of salacious lies that created in people's minds with 300-500 negative lies repeated by the leftist press against Donald Trump, not one of which was true. People believed the lies after 3 years of constant negative feedback the Democrats were hoping to get by the leftist lockstep press which has helped them before--all through Hillary's bid for the presidency.

I know, beautress, it is disgusting. The only reason why the dems are acting like this that makes any sense is they want to tear this country apart.
The Steel Dossier had a salacious piece of garbage likely created by members of the old Clinton spin room. The falsely narrated deeds mentioned made Hillary Clinton into a big, misunderstood victims so she would win the election, but the bad thing about the Clinton 8-year lie machine is that the American people are not quite as forgetful as the Democrats wished they were. The reason I believe the Democrats are bragging up socialism because Hillary said a few years back "It takes a village to raise a child." is very like the aims of the purest Marxism in the world, which is communism.

Calling themselves 'socialists' does not fool some of us into thinking that means everyone gets a partytime shot at the funds collected in taxes raised to the 80% level AOC wants in order to dig us into a no-freedoms grave in order to start a bolshevik-like oligarchy. If memory serves me right, by the time WWII was over, Stalin used the obfuscation the war took eyes off his Union of Soviet's Socialist Republic and all those murders from the Ukraine farmlands to Siberia millions of lives of people who didn't kiss his posterior area.

I don't believe in terrorizing one's own people. It just isn't fitting, and in Russia's case, when they wiped out all the farmers there, they had people standing in line for oranges that I saw a picture in my weekly reader when I was a schoolkid. I thought at the time, what caused that.

Now I know. It's one party trying to instill only socialistic/communistic views on others by taking their arms away and illegalizing them and starve out certain regions, kind of like Obama mistreating southerners by closing down the Gulf of Mexico to destroy southern small businesses in the South that serve tourists meals and souvenirs for a living. They didn't vote for him in most of those states, and believe me, he got even. I read some stuff about it back then. It troubled me as much as the stories of no oranges for Russian people who stood in line at a grocer's all day to get a small sack of oranges, if they didn't run out first.

Rationing in times of peace didn't seem right to me, and I didn't see the big picture because I didn't know about them starving out the Ukranians until about 15 or 16 years ago, and that was going on in the 50s or 60s where grade schools in my home state provided us with Weekly Readers.
What does all your blah blah blah have to do with the WalMart shooting in Texas?

Nothing, typical of RWer's, no substance, only hate motivates their thinking.
Then he's not one of ours, we don't hate hispanics.

Meaning immigrants, legal or otherwise. He was a white supremacist Trump supporter and his words sound a lot like posters on this board.

Trump doesn't support white supremacists, which he stated after the Charlestown guys keep lying about that, but he condemned the supremacists...

Yes, there were some very fine people interspersed between Nazi salutes, tiki torches and chants of "The Jews shall not replace us".It's totally understandable that decent people are going to hang around that crowd.

He let them off the hook.

Like you are, right now. Pretending that right wing extremism isn't violent.

And yet Trump didn't say those guys were the fine are a liar and an asshat....
He said there were fine people among them. Which ones were the "fine people?"

Wrong....he said on the issue of removing statues, there were fine people on both sides as he condemned the white supremacists........The Black Historical Society, who also oppose removing the statues would be one of those groups with fine people in it....
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
Right. We know only the liberal media engages in this while the conservative media spends pages and pages covering the Benghazi Hoax and the Seth Richards Conspiracy Theory and endless rounds of evil Hillary rehashes. Where is the mental health coverage?

I blame us. We read it. We spread it. We want it. We bring in money for the media corporations. If we did not consume it, they wouldn’t print is a business.

Why aren’t we demanding better mental health care? More crisis center? Why are the mentally ill housed in prisons I’ll equipt to care for them? Why are budgets for mental health first to be cut every time there is a state budget crisis? It sure isn’t just a blue state problem.

Quit blaming liberals for everything and look in the mirror. It is us.
Finger pointing gets us nowhere.

That's a stunning statement. My eyes went huge and my mouth dropped....really.

You cannot treat a problem until you know what it is. What do you mean, 'Finger pointing gets us nowhere"? That's a useless platitude, and it's worse than meaningless. It's dangerous. It's pernicious. If pointed in the RIGHT direction, it gets us to the correct problem. And hopefully, the solution.

Honest to Pete, liberals and their ENDLESS platitudes
20 bucks says kid was on ssri

Thats always the real common theme no matter which way they lean politically ....ssris and being a mental case

the trans gender freak who hacked capital one threatened to shoot the place up ....also white trumps fault
Lol. The next hurricane will be Trumps fault too. :auiqs.jpg:
And now...resorting to ridiculous deflection...Talk about trying to deflect......:71:
If we don't point out the demerits of salacious Democrat lies repeated up to 500 times a day by locksteppers and their paid allies in the press, every day for 1000 days, I'm not surprised a Democrat Party enthusiast would call the truth a deflection.

This from a supporter of a grifter who has in reality lied over 12,000 times as president.

Have you no self respect?
You read too many false narrative lying liars, all 12000 of them, dearly confused otto105. You believed all those claims made by Democrats until the Mueller Report stated no collusion, and the Attorney General, in his review agreed there was not only no collusion, there was no obstruction since no crime was committed by President Trump, and all the charges that he was salacious in his behaviors were lies too. The Steel Dossier, which provided a nidus for lying about President Trump was exposed for the fiction that it was, and *poof* went the 12000 alleged lies, which were actually President Trump telling the truth against this alleged Bible of Truth and also Consequences for President Trump. Fortunately, upon closer examination of the leakers in the FBI who made certain it all went to the press as "good information," the Press had a field day, supported the lies, contacted their "validation" online rebutters to call everything the President said denying his alleged salacious behaviors as well as Russian collusions as "lies," particularly since he does not speak Russian and had never met the people he was charged by crazed Congressional Democrats as being a liar, a criminal, and a traitor. 12000 times. And now, some of the instigators of this huge fabrication are going to get to think about it a whole lot more when they go to jail for their role in perpetration of this huge set of DNC badmouthing and salacious lies against another innocent man.
This looks like pieces of a .... "manifesto".
Let's see.....

Will the environmental extremism that drove the racism of this shooter outweigh his limited support for half the Republican party and make this story disappear...or will the part of his manifesto where he agrees with only part of the reublican party keep it alive?
--------------------------------- as i pointed out in a previous post and no one disputed me but ALL guns were designed for the battlefield starting with the - single shot Brown Bess - of the American Revolutionary War . Happily though , a Brown Bess or a AK or AR can be used for hunting , target shooting , defense or any other legal reason JoeB . In fact , i think that most police carry AR Carbine as they have replaced Pump Shotguns in most police cars JoeB .

still no good reason for civilians to have that kind of firepower. That's the point.

Actually, very few civilians in Revolutionary times had "Brown besses" or other military rifles. They were kind of useless for anything other than close formation volly fire.

So......the Walmart shooter was an environmental extremist.....

Wow, 2TinyDick, you ARE desperate, aren't you? The guy goes into a LONG rant about how he hates Hispanics, and you focus on one line about litter? Really?

Don't worry, this one won't make us do anything about gun violence, either.
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
Right. We know only the liberal media engages in this while the conservative media spends pages and pages covering the Benghazi Hoax and the Seth Richards Conspiracy Theory and endless rounds of evil Hillary rehashes. Where is the mental health coverage?

I blame us. We read it. We spread it. We want it. We bring in money for the media corporations. If we did not consume it, they wouldn’t print is a business.

Why aren’t we demanding better mental health care? More crisis center? Why are the mentally ill housed in prisons I’ll equipt to care for them? Why are budgets for mental health first to be cut every time there is a state budget crisis? It sure isn’t just a blue state problem.

Quit blaming liberals for everything and look in the mirror. It is us.
Finger pointing gets us nowhere.
We, the American People, do not consider mental health to be important enough as we lurch from crisis to crisis. It still carries a huge stigma and little sympathy. Too many see it as a character flaw and not a disease.
I'm not sure that all mass shooters are mentally ill, Coyote. I believe people can be perfectly sane and still be evil enough to do what they do. I'm not a psychiatrist, so I could be wrong, but I'm not at all sure that "counseling" would have changed this guy's mind. He was politically saturated to the point he was ready to sacrifice his life for "the cause."

The cause was environmentalism.....

I am on here all the time starting threads about the shortages in teaching, nursing and the other "helping" professions and when I tie this to the mental health crisis and other problems in our society I get told if I don't like my job, quit. And I'm a terrible teacher, and it's my fault and on and on and on.

Which rather underlines my point about our society, does it not? So if the media will not cover it and the lone wolves crying into the wilderness get THAT, what do you suggest?

People quit?

It's happening. Check it out.

Then hire new people, preferably less whiny ones.

I think the real problem is people expect that these jobs will be glamorous when they sign up for them... and then they find out they aren't.
--------------------------------- as i pointed out in a previous post and no one disputed me but ALL guns were designed for the battlefield starting with the - single shot Brown Bess - of the American Revolutionary War . Happily though , a Brown Bess or a AK or AR can be used for hunting , target shooting , defense or any other legal reason JoeB . In fact , i think that most police carry AR Carbine as they have replaced Pump Shotguns in most police cars JoeB .

still no good reason for civilians to have that kind of firepower. That's the point.

Actually, very few civilians in Revolutionary times had "Brown besses" or other military rifles. They were kind of useless for anything other than close formation volly fire.

So......the Walmart shooter was an environmental extremist.....

Wow, 2TinyDick, you ARE desperate, aren't you? The guy goes into a LONG rant about how he hates Hispanics, and you focus on one line about litter? Really?

Don't worry, this one won't make us do anything about gun violence, either.

What firepower.....a 5 shot, pump action shotgun killed just as many people, but wounded more in the Russian school shooting....

It isn't the gun, you moron, it is how much free time the shooter has before someone else points a gun at him...

As soon as someone pointed a gun at this guy he surrendered......just like almost all the other shooters...which is why they pick gun free zones to attack.
This murderer has nothing to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
I don't care what his manifesto says.
El Paso is a nidus of current Democrat mischief, Defiant1. ElPaso's V. Escobar was down in Mexico a week or two ago soliciting people to form a huge caravan and cross, possibly at her territory where she may have made promises that were not consistent with Border Patrol safety and rules they try to abide by. Political chaos is a tool the Democrats have been using since Hillary lost the election. And they beat up Republican President Trump with lies, deceit, and a false narrative full of salacious lies that created in people's minds with 300-500 negative lies repeated by the leftist press against Donald Trump, not one of which was true. People believed the lies after 3 years of constant negative feedback the Democrats were hoping to get by the leftist lockstep press which has helped them before--all through Hillary's bid for the presidency.

I know, beautress, it is disgusting. The only reason why the dems are acting like this that makes any sense is they want to tear this country apart.
The Steel Dossier had a salacious piece of garbage likely created by members of the old Clinton spin room. The falsely narrated deeds mentioned made Hillary Clinton into a big, misunderstood victims so she would win the election, but the bad thing about the Clinton 8-year lie machine is that the American people are not quite as forgetful as the Democrats wished they were. The reason I believe the Democrats are bragging up socialism because Hillary said a few years back "It takes a village to raise a child." is very like the aims of the purest Marxism in the world, which is communism.

Calling themselves 'socialists' does not fool some of us into thinking that means everyone gets a partytime shot at the funds collected in taxes raised to the 80% level AOC wants in order to dig us into a no-freedoms grave in order to start a bolshevik-like oligarchy. If memory serves me right, by the time WWII was over, Stalin used the obfuscation the war took eyes off his Union of Soviet's Socialist Republic and all those murders from the Ukraine farmlands to Siberia millions of lives of people who didn't kiss his posterior area.

I don't believe in terrorizing one's own people. It just isn't fitting, and in Russia's case, when they wiped out all the farmers there, they had people standing in line for oranges that I saw a picture in my weekly reader when I was a schoolkid. I thought at the time, what caused that.

Now I know. It's one party trying to instill only socialistic/communistic views on others by taking their arms away and illegalizing them and starve out certain regions, kind of like Obama mistreating southerners by closing down the Gulf of Mexico to destroy southern small businesses in the South that serve tourists meals and souvenirs for a living. They didn't vote for him in most of those states, and believe me, he got even. I read some stuff about it back then. It troubled me as much as the stories of no oranges for Russian people who stood in line at a grocer's all day to get a small sack of oranges, if they didn't run out first.

Rationing in times of peace didn't seem right to me, and I didn't see the big picture because I didn't know about them starving out the Ukranians until about 15 or 16 years ago, and that was going on in the 50s or 60s where grade schools in my home state provided us with Weekly Readers.
What does all your blah blah blah have to do with the WalMart shooting in Texas?

Nothing, typical of RWer's, no substance, only hate motivates their thinking.

Hey OldLady I'm sure this is better talk than using "invaders" for people who actually invade countries right?

Nothing wrong with saying that "only hate motivates their thinking".....nah
--------------------------------- as i pointed out in a previous post and no one disputed me but ALL guns were designed for the battlefield starting with the - single shot Brown Bess - of the American Revolutionary War . Happily though , a Brown Bess or a AK or AR can be used for hunting , target shooting , defense or any other legal reason JoeB . In fact , i think that most police carry AR Carbine as they have replaced Pump Shotguns in most police cars JoeB .

still no good reason for civilians to have that kind of firepower. That's the point.

Actually, very few civilians in Revolutionary times had "Brown besses" or other military rifles. They were kind of useless for anything other than close formation volly fire.

So......the Walmart shooter was an environmental extremist.....

Wow, 2TinyDick, you ARE desperate, aren't you? The guy goes into a LONG rant about how he hates Hispanics, and you focus on one line about litter? Really?

Don't worry, this one won't make us do anything about gun violence, either.

His racism was based in his extreme environmentalism you is in his manifesto........
I am on here all the time starting threads about the shortages in teaching, nursing and the other "helping" professions and when I tie this to the mental health crisis and other problems in our society I get told if I don't like my job, quit. And I'm a terrible teacher, and it's my fault and on and on and on.

Which rather underlines my point about our society, does it not? So if the media will not cover it and the lone wolves crying into the wilderness get THAT, what do you suggest?

People quit?

It's happening. Check it out.

Then hire new people, preferably less whiny ones.

I think the real problem is people expect that these jobs will be glamorous when they sign up for them... and then they find out they aren't.

You're an idiot Joe. I mean that. An absolute blooming idiot.
Lol. The next hurricane will be Trumps fault too. :auiqs.jpg:
And now...resorting to ridiculous deflection...Talk about trying to deflect......:71:
If we don't point out the demerits of salacious Democrat lies repeated up to 500 times a day by locksteppers and their paid allies in the press, every day for 1000 days, I'm not surprised a Democrat Party enthusiast would call the truth a deflection.

This from a supporter of a grifter who has in reality lied over 12,000 times as president.

Have you no self respect?
You read too many false narrative lying liars, all 12000 of them, dearly confused otto105. You believed all those claims made by Democrats until the Mueller Report stated no collusion, and the Attorney General, in his review agreed there was not only no collusion, there was no obstruction since no crime was committed by President Trump, and all the charges that he was salacious in his behaviors were lies too. The Steel Dossier, which provided a nidus for lying about President Trump was exposed for the fiction that it was, and *poof* went the 12000 alleged lies, which were actually President Trump telling the truth against this alleged Bible of Truth and also Consequences for President Trump. Fortunately, upon closer examination of the leakers in the FBI who made certain it all went to the press as "good information," the Press had a field day, supported the lies, contacted their "validation" online rebutters to call everything the President said denying his alleged salacious behaviors as well as Russian collusions as "lies," particularly since he does not speak Russian and had never met the people he was charged by crazed Congressional Democrats as being a liar, a criminal, and a traitor. 12000 times. And now, some of the instigators of this huge fabrication are going to get to think about it a whole lot more when they go to jail for their role in perpetration of this huge set of DNC badmouthing and salacious lies against another innocent man.
This looks like pieces of a .... "manifesto".
Bode's 'manifesto':​

2 eggs + 1 c. butter + 1 c. sugar + 2 c. flour + 1 t. soda + 2 c. choclat chips + 1 c. pecans = a manifesto


Everyone else thinks:

I am on here all the time starting threads about the shortages in teaching, nursing and the other "helping" professions and when I tie this to the mental health crisis and other problems in our society I get told if I don't like my job, quit. And I'm a terrible teacher, and it's my fault and on and on and on.

Which rather underlines my point about our society, does it not? So if the media will not cover it and the lone wolves crying into the wilderness get THAT, what do you suggest?

People quit?

It's happening. Check it out.

Then hire new people, preferably less whiny ones.

I think the real problem is people expect that these jobs will be glamorous when they sign up for them... and then they find out they aren't.

You're an idiot Joe. I mean that. An absolute blooming idiot.
Yeah, he has bwain damage. :lmao:
What firepower.....a 5 shot, pump action shotgun killed just as many people, but wounded more in the Russian school shooting....

It isn't the gun, you moron, it is how much free time the shooter has before someone else points a gun at him...

As soon as someone pointed a gun at this guy he surrendered......just like almost all the other shooters...which is why they pick gun free zones to attack.

I know you have this big wank fantasy about pulling your gun and stopping a mass shooter...

But the reality is, most of you gun nuts would cower in a corner confronted by a nut like this.
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