Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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I have an American made ak47.

It's just another semi automatic rifle but hey, sensationalized away.

Nothing to sensationalize... it's a gun designed for a battlefield that killed 20 people and wounded 26 others.

Why a nut like this could buy one is the question here.
--------------------------------- as i pointed out in a previous post and no one disputed me but ALL guns were designed for the battlefield starting with the - single shot Brown Bess - of the American Revolutionary War . Happily though , a Brown Bess or a AK or AR can be used for hunting , target shooting , defense or any other legal reason JoeB . In fact , i think that most police carry AR Carbine as they have replaced Pump Shotguns in most police cars JoeB .
We can't defend the haters either. I just looked up Patrick Crusius and saw that he seems to have been targeting Hispanics, a hit against the "invasion" of Hispanics in this country. I quibble with people about using the term "invasion" all the time, because it ratchets up the rhetoric to a fighting level. And then some lamebrain like Patrick Crusius WILL fight, murdering twenty and wounding at least two dozen more for doing nothing more threatening than SHOPPING AT WALMART.

Do you get where I'm coming from? The people calling this an invasion and flapping their gums about treating them as the "enemy" IS dangerous. We all know there is a crisis on the border. More people want in all at once than our system can process. But we have to stop turning them into enemy combatants in our speech. No one needs to love them or even welcome them. They just need to tone it down.
----------------------------------------- the border invasion is an invasion by enemies OldLady !!
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
Right. We know only the liberal media engages in this while the conservative media spends pages and pages covering the Benghazi Hoax and the Seth Richards Conspiracy Theory and endless rounds of evil Hillary rehashes. Where is the mental health coverage?

I blame us. We read it. We spread it. We want it. We bring in money for the media corporations. If we did not consume it, they wouldn’t print it. It is a business.

Why aren’t we demanding better mental health care? More crisis centers? More inpatient beds? More neighborhood facilities? Why are the mentally ill housed in prisons ill equipt to care for them? Why are budgets for mental health first to be cut every time there is a state budget crisis? Why are they chronically underfunded? Even states with good laws on the books get crappy ratings from NAMI because the are underfunded and unenforced. It sure isn’t just a blue state problem.

Quit blaming liberals for everything and look in the mirror. It is us.
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When a Muslim commits a terrorist act you all bend over backward to look out for ISLAMOPHOBIA and scold us about "Not all Muslims"

Now here you are can't wait to tell us that it's "White guys" and yes, we can't say "invaders" because hey, maybe it is all Trump supporter. That's where this is going.

So. Where's all your concern for Trump voters?? Mac?? "Not all Trumpsters" right? You gonna babysit me around town today to make sure I don't get any haterz like you do the Muslims?

Oh wait. Nah.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Okay that said, white supremacy is disgusting but it is NOT all Trump supporters. You seething hypocrites
What in the name of everlovingchrist are you raving about?
Sorry, this definitely can't sink in, Sue. How that was generated from what I said? Baffled.

Because we DO call Muslims terrorists "nuts" and then you all go into Super Protect Mode to make sure we know it's "not all Muslims".

When a Muslim Terrorist launches an attack, you love Muslims even more.

When a While Supremacist launches an attack, you hate white people and Trump supporters even more.

In fact a Leftist poster here just claimed HALF of Trump supporters are terrorists.

Please imagine a conservative claiming "half" of Muslims are terrorists just after a Muslim terrorist attack--and what would happen.
Please imagine a conservative claiming "half" of Muslims are terrorists just after a Muslim terrorist attack--and what would happen.
I don't know where you've been, Sue. I have read many "conservatives" here who insist ALL Muslims are terrorist supporters. That it is written in their Koran and is the core of their belief system. Sounding more familiar now?
Totally different situation. The left is trying to get people to start attacking whites and they're doing it. Assholes have attacked children wearing MAGA hats in public for the last year and Hollywood has openly called for those children's death. Blacks are nearly stomping to death innocent elderly white folks.

How many whites do you know that agree with these shootings? Nobody. Muslims are a different situation. They are taught in some mosques to agree with terrorist attacks. In Palestine their children are trained to murder human beings just because of their religion.
Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram has been attacking conservatives for a couple of years now, and yet we are supposedly the perpetrators. Obama went after conservatives with the IRS. It takes a person that really hates to do something like that, but people on the left are applauding this. Violence against Trump supporters is being encouraged by Maxine Waters and other members of Congress. The media said this last week now is the time to get violent.

How in the Hell do you people think that there can be any peace in this type of political climate???

------------------------------------------ Thankyou , at least your photo of a big box of 'Thoughts and Prayers' is a Start Playtime .
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
Right. We know only the liberal media engages in this while the conservative media spends pages and pages covering the Benghazi Hoax and the Seth Richards Conspiracy Theory and endless rounds of evil Hillary rehashes. Where is the mental health coverage?

I blame us. We read it. We spread it. We want it. We bring in money for the media corporations. If we did not consume it, they wouldn’t print is a business.

Why aren’t we demanding better mental health care? More crisis center? Why are the mentally ill housed in prisons I’ll equipt to care for them? Why are budgets for mental health first to be cut every time there is a state budget crisis? It sure isn’t just a blue state problem.

Quit blaming liberals for everything and look in the mirror. It is us.
Finger pointing gets us nowhere.
We can't defend the haters either. I just looked up Patrick Crusius and saw that he seems to have been targeting Hispanics, a hit against the "invasion" of Hispanics in this country. I quibble with people about using the term "invasion" all the time, because it ratchets up the rhetoric to a fighting level. And then some lamebrain like Patrick Crusius WILL fight, murdering twenty and wounding at least two dozen more for doing nothing more threatening than SHOPPING AT WALMART.

Do you get where I'm coming from? The people calling this an invasion and flapping their gums about treating them as the "enemy" IS dangerous. We all know there is a crisis on the border. More people want in all at once than our system can process. But we have to stop turning them into enemy combatants in our speech. No one needs to love them or even welcome them. They just need to tone it down.
----------------------------------------- the border invasion is an invasion by enemies OldLady !!
The biggest enemies we all have are the scum trump and McConnell
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
Right. We know only the liberal media engages in this while the conservative media spends pages and pages covering the Benghazi Hoax and the Seth Richards Conspiracy Theory and endless rounds of evil Hillary rehashes. Where is the mental health coverage?

I blame us. We read it. We spread it. We want it. We bring in money for the media corporations. If we did not consume it, they wouldn’t print is a business.

Why aren’t we demanding better mental health care? More crisis center? Why are the mentally ill housed in prisons I’ll equipt to care for them? Why are budgets for mental health first to be cut every time there is a state budget crisis? It sure isn’t just a blue state problem.

Quit blaming liberals for everything and look in the mirror. It is us.
Finger pointing gets us nowhere.
We, the American People, do not consider mental health to be important enough as we lurch from crisis to crisis. It still carries a huge stigma and little sympathy. Too many see it as a character flaw and not a disease.
So......the Walmart shooter was an environmental extremist.....

What does the El Paso WalMart killer's manifesto show? - Crime Prevention Research Center

  1. He is a racist who identifies with the Christchurch shooter. The New Zealand killer was a socialist/environmentalist.
  2. The El Paso killer is also an environmentalist. His environmentalism is also the basis for his racism and anti-immigrant views: “our lifestyle is destroying the environment of our country. The decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations. Corporations are heading the destruction of our environment by shamelessly overharvesting resources. This has been a problem for decades. . . . Urban sprawl creates inefficient cities which unnecessarily destroys millions of acres of land. . . . Corporations that also like immigration because more people means a bigger market for their products. . . . So the next logical step is to decrease the number of people in America using resources. If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable.”
Targeted what he thought would be an easy target...

  1. This killer picked a target that he thought would be an easy target: “Remember-it is not cowardly to pick low hanging fruit. AKA Don’t attack heavily guarded areas to fulfll your super soldier COD fantasy. Attack low security targets. Even though you might out gun a security guard or police man, they likely beat you in armor, training and numbers. Do not throw away your life on an unnecessarily dangerous target. If a target seems too hot, live to fight another day.”
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
Right. We know only the liberal media engages in this while the conservative media spends pages and pages covering the Benghazi Hoax and the Seth Richards Conspiracy Theory and endless rounds of evil Hillary rehashes. Where is the mental health coverage?

I blame us. We read it. We spread it. We want it. We bring in money for the media corporations. If we did not consume it, they wouldn’t print is a business.

Why aren’t we demanding better mental health care? More crisis center? Why are the mentally ill housed in prisons I’ll equipt to care for them? Why are budgets for mental health first to be cut every time there is a state budget crisis? It sure isn’t just a blue state problem.

Quit blaming liberals for everything and look in the mirror. It is us.
Finger pointing gets us nowhere.
We, the American People, do not consider mental health to be important enough as we lurch from crisis to crisis. It still carries a huge stigma and little sympathy. Too many see it as a character flaw and not a disease.
I'm not sure that all mass shooters are mentally ill, Coyote. I believe people can be perfectly sane and still be evil enough to do what they do. I'm not a psychiatrist, so I could be wrong, but I'm not at all sure that "counseling" would have changed this guy's mind. He was politically saturated to the point he was ready to sacrifice his life for "the cause."
Well if you want to compare calling foreigners coming illegally over our border an "invasion" vs. the things the Left has been saying about Trump since 2016, let's have that debate, OldLady.

You realize the Left now has all the market on Things That Cannot Be Said. Which is hilarious when you think about how you used to market yourself. It's why you're losing the culture.

You can make the same argument about what the right said about Obama. The right tried to delegitimize Obama by making up nonsensical claims that he was born in Kenya.

That was not the mainstream right and it was not wholecloth--he did spend a good part of his youth in Kenya. Whereas the mainstream Left--CNN and MSNBC, not to mention other publications like HuffPo, Slate, Atlantic and others--have gone all in on vile and personal attacks on Trump.

Republicans in at least 13 states tried to file birther bills in state legislators.

Obama spent a good deal of his youth in Indonesia, not Kenya.

You're right on Indonesia, I stand corrected.

The key is "tried to file" and were soundly ignored by Republican higher-ups. Not repeated investigated and hounded about impeachment incessantly on made up charges.

The President of the United States today was one of the most vocal birthers at the time.

I suppose page one of his own autobiography stating "Born in Kenya" had little to do with it? Or hiding registration records "foriegn born" likw Warren was Indian when it helped her.

Killaries team brought it to the media first and pushed it until called racist.
How many time do you need to be told?
White supremacists don't have anything to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
They are remnants the democrat party left behind.

You better hold your denials until you read this murderers manifesto.

This murderer has nothing to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
I don't care what his manifesto says.
El Paso is a nidus of current Democrat mischief, Defiant1. ElPaso's V. Escobar was down in Mexico a week or two ago soliciting people to form a huge caravan and cross, possibly at her territory where she may have made promises that were not consistent with Border Patrol safety and rules they try to abide by. Political chaos is a tool the Democrats have been using since Hillary lost the election. And they beat up Republican President Trump with lies, deceit, and a false narrative full of salacious lies that created in people's minds with 300-500 negative lies repeated by the leftist press against Donald Trump, not one of which was true. People believed the lies after 3 years of constant negative feedback the Democrats were hoping to get by the leftist lockstep press which has helped them before--all through Hillary's bid for the presidency.

I know, beautress, it is disgusting. The only reason why the dems are acting like this that makes any sense is they want to tear this country apart.
The Steel Dossier had a salacious piece of garbage likely created by members of the old Clinton spin room. The falsely narrated deeds mentioned made Hillary Clinton into a big, misunderstood victims so she would win the election, but the bad thing about the Clinton 8-year lie machine is that the American people are not quite as forgetful as the Democrats wished they were. The reason I believe the Democrats are bragging up socialism because Hillary said a few years back "It takes a village to raise a child." is very like the aims of the purest Marxism in the world, which is communism.

Calling themselves 'socialists' does not fool some of us into thinking that means everyone gets a partytime shot at the funds collected in taxes raised to the 80% level AOC wants in order to dig us into a no-freedoms grave in order to start a bolshevik-like oligarchy. If memory serves me right, by the time WWII was over, Stalin used the obfuscation the war took eyes off his Union of Soviet's Socialist Republic and all those murders from the Ukraine farmlands to Siberia millions of lives of people who didn't kiss his posterior area.

I don't believe in terrorizing one's own people. It just isn't fitting, and in Russia's case, when they wiped out all the farmers there, they had people standing in line for oranges that I saw a picture in my weekly reader when I was a schoolkid. I thought at the time, what caused that.

Now I know. It's one party trying to instill only socialistic/communistic views on others by taking their arms away and illegalizing them and starve out certain regions, kind of like Obama mistreating southerners by closing down the Gulf of Mexico to destroy southern small businesses in the South that serve tourists meals and souvenirs for a living. They didn't vote for him in most of those states, and believe me, he got even. I read some stuff about it back then. It troubled me as much as the stories of no oranges for Russian people who stood in line at a grocer's all day to get a small sack of oranges, if they didn't run out first.

Rationing in times of peace didn't seem right to me, and I didn't see the big picture because I didn't know about them starving out the Ukranians until about 15 or 16 years ago, and that was going on in the 50s or 60s where grade schools in my home state provided us with Weekly Readers.
What does all your blah blah blah have to do with the WalMart shooting in Texas?
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
Right. We know only the liberal media engages in this while the conservative media spends pages and pages covering the Benghazi Hoax and the Seth Richards Conspiracy Theory and endless rounds of evil Hillary rehashes. Where is the mental health coverage?

I blame us. We read it. We spread it. We want it. We bring in money for the media corporations. If we did not consume it, they wouldn’t print is a business.

Why aren’t we demanding better mental health care? More crisis center? Why are the mentally ill housed in prisons I’ll equipt to care for them? Why are budgets for mental health first to be cut every time there is a state budget crisis? It sure isn’t just a blue state problem.

Quit blaming liberals for everything and look in the mirror. It is us.
Finger pointing gets us nowhere.
We, the American People, do not consider mental health to be important enough as we lurch from crisis to crisis. It still carries a huge stigma and little sympathy. Too many see it as a character flaw and not a disease.
I'm not sure that all mass shooters are mentally ill, Coyote. I believe people can be perfectly sane and still be evil enough to do what they do. I'm not a psychiatrist, so I could be wrong, but I'm not at all sure that "counseling" would have changed this guy's mind. He was politically saturated to the point he was ready to sacrifice his life for "the cause."

The cause was environmentalism.....
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
Right. We know only the liberal media engages in this while the conservative media spends pages and pages covering the Benghazi Hoax and the Seth Richards Conspiracy Theory and endless rounds of evil Hillary rehashes. Where is the mental health coverage?

I blame us. We read it. We spread it. We want it. We bring in money for the media corporations. If we did not consume it, they wouldn’t print it. It is a business.

Why aren’t we demanding better mental health care? More crisis centers? More inpatient beds? More neighborhood facilities? Why are the mentally ill housed in prisons ill equipt to care for them? Why are budgets for mental health first to be cut every time there is a state budget crisis? Why are they chronically underfunded? Even states with good laws on the books get crappy ratings from NAMI because the are underfunded and unenforced. It sure isn’t just a blue state problem.

Quit blaming liberals for everything and look in the mirror. It is us.

I am on here all the time starting threads about the shortages in teaching, nursing and the other "helping" professions and when I tie this to the mental health crisis and other problems in our society I get told if I don't like my job, quit. And I'm a terrible teacher, and it's my fault and on and on and on.

Which rather underlines my point about our society, does it not? So if the media will not cover it and the lone wolves crying into the wilderness get THAT, what do you suggest?

People quit?

It's happening. Check it out.
Yeah...another lie.....try Mother Jones.....they list the mass shootings...tell us how the Navy shooting was right asshat....
They don't list any Navy mass shooting in 2018.

The Navy yard shooting was in 2013, I think 2aguy either needs to learn how to read or figure out how a calendar works real quick.

It was a different shooting....the screen rolled up on me....

Navy yard....12 dead with a pump action shotgun, Black male shooter....think he was a republican?
Dumbfuck, you posted that in response to me posting a link about how all extremist shootings in 2018 had links to rightwing extremists.

And not all of them did.....asshat.....
Spits a rightard with zero evidence to back his claim.
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
Right. We know only the liberal media engages in this while the conservative media spends pages and pages covering the Benghazi Hoax and the Seth Richards Conspiracy Theory and endless rounds of evil Hillary rehashes. Where is the mental health coverage?

I blame us. We read it. We spread it. We want it. We bring in money for the media corporations. If we did not consume it, they wouldn’t print is a business.

Why aren’t we demanding better mental health care? More crisis center? Why are the mentally ill housed in prisons I’ll equipt to care for them? Why are budgets for mental health first to be cut every time there is a state budget crisis? It sure isn’t just a blue state problem.

Quit blaming liberals for everything and look in the mirror. It is us.
Finger pointing gets us nowhere.
We, the American People, do not consider mental health to be important enough as we lurch from crisis to crisis. It still carries a huge stigma and little sympathy. Too many see it as a character flaw and not a disease.

We absolutely must start removing extremely dangerous people from our society and not by way of prisons, by way of institutions again. This must begin in children, as harsh as that sounds.

If anyone does not believe me, please check out the terrible crisis of escalating violence in our schools. NOT shootings. Child on child, child on staff. Horrible.
Right because we're totally not talking about a right wing Trump loon who wrote a manifesto documenting his hate for Hispanics.

Coward, deal with the violence promoted by the right.

Then he's not one of ours, we don't hate hispanics.

Meaning immigrants, legal or otherwise. He was a white supremacist Trump supporter and his words sound a lot like posters on this board.

Trump doesn't support white supremacists, which he stated after the Charlestown guys keep lying about that, but he condemned the supremacists...

Yes, there were some very fine people interspersed between Nazi salutes, tiki torches and chants of "The Jews shall not replace us".It's totally understandable that decent people are going to hang around that crowd.

He let them off the hook.

Like you are, right now. Pretending that right wing extremism isn't violent.

And yet Trump didn't say those guys were the fine are a liar and an asshat....
He said there were fine people among them. Which ones were the "fine people?"
They don't list any Navy mass shooting in 2018.

The Navy yard shooting was in 2013, I think 2aguy either needs to learn how to read or figure out how a calendar works real quick.

It was a different shooting....the screen rolled up on me....

Navy yard....12 dead with a pump action shotgun, Black male shooter....think he was a republican?
Dumbfuck, you posted that in response to me posting a link about how all extremist shootings in 2018 had links to rightwing extremists.

And not all of them did.....asshat.....
Spits a rightard with zero evidence to back his claim.

You mean other than his manifesto....which is now out....

His racism was driven by his extreme environmentalism.....

What does the El Paso WalMart killer's manifesto show? - Crime Prevention Research Center

  1. He is a racist who identifies with the Christchurch shooter. The New Zealand killer was a socialist/environmentalist.
  2. The El Paso killer is also an environmentalist. His environmentalism is also the basis for his racism and anti-immigrant views: “our lifestyle is destroying the environment of our country. The decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations. Corporations are heading the destruction of our environment by shamelessly overharvesting resources. This has been a problem for decades. . . . Urban sprawl creates inefficient cities which unnecessarily destroys millions of acres of land. . . . Corporations that also like immigration because more people means a bigger market for their products. . . . So the next logical step is to decrease the number of people in America using resources. If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable.”
You better hold your denials until you read this murderers manifesto.

This murderer has nothing to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
I don't care what his manifesto says.
El Paso is a nidus of current Democrat mischief, Defiant1. ElPaso's V. Escobar was down in Mexico a week or two ago soliciting people to form a huge caravan and cross, possibly at her territory where she may have made promises that were not consistent with Border Patrol safety and rules they try to abide by. Political chaos is a tool the Democrats have been using since Hillary lost the election. And they beat up Republican President Trump with lies, deceit, and a false narrative full of salacious lies that created in people's minds with 300-500 negative lies repeated by the leftist press against Donald Trump, not one of which was true. People believed the lies after 3 years of constant negative feedback the Democrats were hoping to get by the leftist lockstep press which has helped them before--all through Hillary's bid for the presidency.

I know, beautress, it is disgusting. The only reason why the dems are acting like this that makes any sense is they want to tear this country apart.
The Steel Dossier had a salacious piece of garbage likely created by members of the old Clinton spin room. The falsely narrated deeds mentioned made Hillary Clinton into a big, misunderstood victims so she would win the election, but the bad thing about the Clinton 8-year lie machine is that the American people are not quite as forgetful as the Democrats wished they were. The reason I believe the Democrats are bragging up socialism because Hillary said a few years back "It takes a village to raise a child." is very like the aims of the purest Marxism in the world, which is communism.

Calling themselves 'socialists' does not fool some of us into thinking that means everyone gets a partytime shot at the funds collected in taxes raised to the 80% level AOC wants in order to dig us into a no-freedoms grave in order to start a bolshevik-like oligarchy. If memory serves me right, by the time WWII was over, Stalin used the obfuscation the war took eyes off his Union of Soviet's Socialist Republic and all those murders from the Ukraine farmlands to Siberia millions of lives of people who didn't kiss his posterior area.

I don't believe in terrorizing one's own people. It just isn't fitting, and in Russia's case, when they wiped out all the farmers there, they had people standing in line for oranges that I saw a picture in my weekly reader when I was a schoolkid. I thought at the time, what caused that.

Now I know. It's one party trying to instill only socialistic/communistic views on others by taking their arms away and illegalizing them and starve out certain regions, kind of like Obama mistreating southerners by closing down the Gulf of Mexico to destroy southern small businesses in the South that serve tourists meals and souvenirs for a living. They didn't vote for him in most of those states, and believe me, he got even. I read some stuff about it back then. It troubled me as much as the stories of no oranges for Russian people who stood in line at a grocer's all day to get a small sack of oranges, if they didn't run out first.

Rationing in times of peace didn't seem right to me, and I didn't see the big picture because I didn't know about them starving out the Ukranians until about 15 or 16 years ago, and that was going on in the 50s or 60s where grade schools in my home state provided us with Weekly Readers.
What does all your blah blah blah have to do with the WalMart shooting in Texas?
I was born in raised in Texas. We have a way of talking out our grief, and I know you can't accept that, bode th' bad. :D
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