Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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The amount you're ignoring is breathtaking.

The only question is whether you realize it or whether your subconscious blocks it out.

He's a white supremacist nutball. On the Right on many issues; on the Left on others.

When you gonna babysit me today, or start the #NotAllTrumpsters hashtag, Mac?

Do let me know
I have no idea what your hashtag/babysit comment means.

Again, I believe that you believe what you're saying.

Oh you know, after a Muslim commits a terrorist attack all the Leftists go into Protect Mode. "Not All Muslims!" "It's just one!" "Look out for your Muslims neighbors, they're not all terrorists!"

So since I'm a white Trump supporter, I'm wondering when you will start the campaign to protect me.

I'll just wait over here

you aren't a terrorist. but you denying that 1/2 the basket of deplorables are, & donny isn't directing his racist rhetoric their way, & what he says doesn't matter... isn't gonna get you a gold star either, suzie.

PLAYTIME thinks HALF of these people are terrorists:


are you gonna throw a thrombo now, Q-Q? why are you taking this so personally, hmmmm? when you say 'all leftists' this or 'all liberals' that.... it makes me giggle.

The deflection on this one is going to be epic. I'm going to get a lot of practice on staying focused today, because getting people quibbling about anything other than the fact that this guy was an ultra right winger is going to be the mission of the day.

We get these threats of violence every single fucking day here. Then they run like scared bunnies when confronted with it.

Listen to an episode of the Mark Levin show. Then read the manifesto again. It'll blow your mind.

Maybe not a good choice of words there.
I have no idea what your hashtag/babysit comment means.

Again, I believe that you believe what you're saying.

Oh you know, after a Muslim commits a terrorist attack all the Leftists go into Protect Mode. "Not All Muslims!" "It's just one!" "Look out for your Muslims neighbors, they're not all terrorists!"

So since I'm a white Trump supporter, I'm wondering when you will start the campaign to protect me.

I'll just wait over here

you aren't a terrorist. but you denying that 1/2 the basket of deplorables are, & donny isn't directing his racist rhetoric their way, & wha he says doesn't matter... isn't gonna get you a gold star either, suzie.

So, just spitballing here.

You would not LOSE. YOUR. MIND. if after a Muslim terrorist attack if one of us said that HALF of Muslims are "terrorists"??
Why are you talking about Muslims when we're discussing the slaughter of 20 people at Wal Mart?

Just kidding. I know why.
The deflection on this one is going to be epic. I'm going to get a lot of practice on staying focused today, because getting people quibbling about anything other than the fact that this guy was an ultra right winger is going to be the mission of the day.

He ABSOLUTELY was a right winger. A White Supremacist. Was he radicalized by Trump? No, and he says so himself. Now, maybe we can agree that the above is true, and it's ALSO true that he does not even represent a slim minority of Trump supporters.

Same thing you all would say about Muslims after a Muslim attack, right?

While you fret about them going to the subway.
He wasn’t shooting up a WalMart because of global warming or universal healthcare.

I doubt we'll ever know why he did other than he's nuts. You have to be to do this
Do you call the Muslim terrorists "nuts?" Don't you agree that they are ideologically driven? Why do white guys get a pass?


When a Muslim commits a terrorist act you all bend over backward to look out for ISLAMOPHOBIA and scold us about "Not all Muslims"

Now here you are can't wait to tell us that it's "White guys" and yes, we can't say "invaders" because hey, maybe it is all Trump supporter. That's where this is going.

So. Where's all your concern for Trump voters?? Mac?? "Not all Trumpsters" right? You gonna babysit me around town today to make sure I don't get any haterz like you do the Muslims?

Oh wait. Nah.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Okay that said, white supremacy is disgusting but it is NOT all Trump supporters. You seething hypocrites
What in the name of everlovingchrist are you raving about?
Sorry, this definitely can't sink in, Sue. How that was generated from what I said? Baffled.

Because we DO call Muslims terrorists "nuts" and then you all go into Super Protect Mode to make sure we know it's "not all Muslims".

When a Muslim Terrorist launches an attack, you love Muslims even more.

When a While Supremacist launches an attack, you hate white people and Trump supporters even more.

In fact a Leftist poster here just claimed HALF of Trump supporters are terrorists.

Please imagine a conservative claiming "half" of Muslims are terrorists just after a Muslim terrorist attack--and what would happen.
That happens every time. In fact it happens even when there are no attacks because, you know, its a cult andthey throw Gays off buildings. And they hate dogs.
He wasn’t shooting up a WalMart because of global warming or universal healthcare.

I doubt we'll ever know why he did other than he's nuts. You have to be to do this
Do you call the Muslim terrorists "nuts?" Don't you agree that they are ideologically driven? Why do white guys get a pass?


When a Muslim commits a terrorist act you all bend over backward to look out for ISLAMOPHOBIA and scold us about "Not all Muslims"

Now here you are can't wait to tell us that it's "White guys" and yes, we can't say "invaders" because hey, maybe it is all Trump supporter. That's where this is going.

So. Where's all your concern for Trump voters?? Mac?? "Not all Trumpsters" right? You gonna babysit me around town today to make sure I don't get any haterz like you do the Muslims?

Oh wait. Nah.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Okay that said, white supremacy is disgusting but it is NOT all Trump supporters. You seething hypocrites
What in the name of everlovingchrist are you raving about?
Sorry, this definitely can't sink in, Sue. How that was generated from what I said? Baffled.

Because we DO call Muslims terrorists "nuts" and then you all go into Super Protect Mode to make sure we know it's "not all Muslims".

When a Muslim Terrorist launches an attack, you love Muslims even more.

When a While Supremacist launches an attack, you hate white people and Trump supporters even more.

In fact a Leftist poster here just claimed HALF of Trump supporters are terrorists.

Please imagine a conservative claiming "half" of Muslims are terrorists just after a Muslim terrorist attack--and what would happen.

nooooooooooooo..................... i said HALF OF THE BASKET OF DEPLORABLES ARE.

get it right cause you wouldn't want to be accused of peddling fake news- now would you?
The deflection on this one is going to be epic. I'm going to get a lot of practice on staying focused today, because getting people quibbling about anything other than the fact that this guy was an ultra right winger is going to be the mission of the day.

We get these threats of violence every single fucking day here. Then they run like scared bunnies when confronted with it.

Listen to an episode of the Mark Levin show. Then read the manifesto again. It'll blow your mind.

Maybe not a good choice of words there.

That manifesto and........


That's crazy Mac. I mean it. Insane batshit crazy territory
I doubt we'll ever know why he did other than he's nuts. You have to be to do this
Do you call the Muslim terrorists "nuts?" Don't you agree that they are ideologically driven? Why do white guys get a pass?


When a Muslim commits a terrorist act you all bend over backward to look out for ISLAMOPHOBIA and scold us about "Not all Muslims"

Now here you are can't wait to tell us that it's "White guys" and yes, we can't say "invaders" because hey, maybe it is all Trump supporter. That's where this is going.

So. Where's all your concern for Trump voters?? Mac?? "Not all Trumpsters" right? You gonna babysit me around town today to make sure I don't get any haterz like you do the Muslims?

Oh wait. Nah.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Okay that said, white supremacy is disgusting but it is NOT all Trump supporters. You seething hypocrites
What in the name of everlovingchrist are you raving about?
Sorry, this definitely can't sink in, Sue. How that was generated from what I said? Baffled.

Because we DO call Muslims terrorists "nuts" and then you all go into Super Protect Mode to make sure we know it's "not all Muslims".

When a Muslim Terrorist launches an attack, you love Muslims even more.

When a While Supremacist launches an attack, you hate white people and Trump supporters even more.

In fact a Leftist poster here just claimed HALF of Trump supporters are terrorists.

Please imagine a conservative claiming "half" of Muslims are terrorists just after a Muslim terrorist attack--and what would happen.
That happens every time. In fact it happens even when there are no attacks because, you know, its a cult andthey throw Gays off buildings. And they hate dogs.

Oh please Tommy you're their constant defenders.
He's a white supremacist nutball. On the Right on many issues; on the Left on others.

When you gonna babysit me today, or start the #NotAllTrumpsters hashtag, Mac?

Do let me know
I have no idea what your hashtag/babysit comment means.

Again, I believe that you believe what you're saying.

Oh you know, after a Muslim commits a terrorist attack all the Leftists go into Protect Mode. "Not All Muslims!" "It's just one!" "Look out for your Muslims neighbors, they're not all terrorists!"

So since I'm a white Trump supporter, I'm wondering when you will start the campaign to protect me.

I'll just wait over here

you aren't a terrorist. but you denying that 1/2 the basket of deplorables are, & donny isn't directing his racist rhetoric their way, & what he says doesn't matter... isn't gonna get you a gold star either, suzie.

PLAYTIME thinks HALF of these people are terrorists:


That's what she's been indoctrinated with

tell the class again how obama is a moooooslem born in kenya like donny spewed 5 years straight until he wanted a free 1/2 infomercial to hawk his DC hotel & suddenly flipped because it would bemore profitable to do so?
the shooter was one of yours talk about being unamerican you leftist are pieces of shit

Why lie?
he was a democrat

Of course he was, wingnut.
The democrat big tent has mass shooters

You really can't face up to where right wing rhetoric ends up so now you're left to trolling.
How is pointing out the obvious trolling?
for a few years under obama and the last two and a half years, we've encountered a lot of leftist violent hate-filled rhetoric.
Banning those guns won’t do shit to curb gun violence, especially with an open border where illegal humans, drugs, and weapons are crossing every day thanks to Dems.
The experience of every developed nation shows differently. If you want to pretend Americans are different from all other humans, no one will be at all surprised.
no what it shows those countries kill other ways
They've got Trumpsters foaming at the mouth with their talk of the "invaders".

Is this the "civil war" you guys keep threatening?

Have you read his manifesto? Full of Progressive talking points. He wasn't a "trumpster" and made that clear.
Yes, I've read it. It reads like a Trumpster emoting on USMB after listening to Mark Levin.

He specifically does not blame Trump and says his views pre-date Trump. He talks a lot about climate and the environment---sound like a Trumpster to you??

You're revealed Mac

trump's racist rhetoric is fuel for the fire. what was festering under those slimy rocks were overturned & allowed to go full nutter with the blessings of donny.

Playtime when are you going to babysit me today to make sure I'm not lumped in with bad White Supremacists?

Or will you be brave and start the #NotAllTrumpster hashtags?

Just wondering when I'll get the Muslim Terrorist treatment
This is just part of the #BLACKLIVESMATTER president's program to take our guns.
Turn everyone against whites.
That's why I don't go or malls which I carry anyway
The land of the free, where one is so scared one feels one has to carry a sidearm grocery shopping.
Yeah, so what happened ? Tell the truth now.
The truth is no good guys with guns showed up. The truth also is that until large capacity handguns and military style semi auto rifles are strictly regulated, ie, effectively banned, the rate of mass shootings will not decrease.
the truth is if you would lay off the crack and alcohol you would not sound like a blithering idiot.
Banning those guns won’t do shit to curb gun violence, especially with an open border where illegal humans, drugs, and weapons are crossing every day thanks to Dems.
The experience of every developed nation shows differently. If you want to pretend Americans are different from all other humans, no one will be at all surprised.
no what it shows those countries kill other ways

nothing kills like a multi round mag with high velocity ammo aimed willy nilly cause you don't really need any expertise to get the job done.
He wasn’t shooting up a WalMart because of global warming or universal healthcare.

I doubt we'll ever know why he did other than he's nuts. You have to be to do this
Do you call the Muslim terrorists "nuts?" Don't you agree that they are ideologically driven? Why do white guys get a pass?


When a Muslim commits a terrorist act you all bend over backward to look out for ISLAMOPHOBIA and scold us about "Not all Muslims"

Now here you are can't wait to tell us that it's "White guys" and yes, we can't say "invaders" because hey, maybe it is all Trump supporter. That's where this is going.

So. Where's all your concern for Trump voters?? Mac?? "Not all Trumpsters" right? You gonna babysit me around town today to make sure I don't get any haterz like you do the Muslims?

Oh wait. Nah.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Okay that said, white supremacy is disgusting but it is NOT all Trump supporters. You seething hypocrites
What in the name of everlovingchrist are you raving about?
Sorry, this definitely can't sink in, Sue. How that was generated from what I said? Baffled.

Because we DO call Muslims terrorists "nuts" and then you all go into Super Protect Mode to make sure we know it's "not all Muslims".

When a Muslim Terrorist launches an attack, you love Muslims even more.

When a While Supremacist launches an attack, you hate white people and Trump supporters even more.

In fact a Leftist poster here just claimed HALF of Trump supporters are terrorists.

Please imagine a conservative claiming "half" of Muslims are terrorists just after a Muslim terrorist attack--and what would happen.
Please imagine a conservative claiming "half" of Muslims are terrorists just after a Muslim terrorist attack--and what would happen.
I don't know where you've been, Sue. I have read many "conservatives" here who insist ALL Muslims are terrorist supporters. That it is written in their Koran and is the core of their belief system. Sounding more familiar now?
Have you read his manifesto? Full of Progressive talking points. He wasn't a "trumpster" and made that clear.
Yes, I've read it. It reads like a Trumpster emoting on USMB after listening to Mark Levin.

He specifically does not blame Trump and says his views pre-date Trump. He talks a lot about climate and the environment---sound like a Trumpster to you??

You're revealed Mac

trump's racist rhetoric is fuel for the fire. what was festering under those slimy rocks were overturned & allowed to go full nutter with the blessings of donny.

Playtime when are you going to babysit me today to make sure I'm not lumped in with bad White Supremacists?

Or will you be brave and start the #NotAllTrumpster hashtags?

Just wondering when I'll get the Muslim Terrorist treatment
This is just part of the #BLACKLIVESMATTER president's program to take our guns.
Turn everyone against whites.
it sounds familiar to the NAZI plan against the Jew 1932
Have you read his manifesto? Full of Progressive talking points. He wasn't a "trumpster" and made that clear.
Yes, I've read it. It reads like a Trumpster emoting on USMB after listening to Mark Levin.

He specifically does not blame Trump and says his views pre-date Trump. He talks a lot about climate and the environment---sound like a Trumpster to you??

You're revealed Mac

trump's racist rhetoric is fuel for the fire. what was festering under those slimy rocks were overturned & allowed to go full nutter with the blessings of donny.

Playtime when are you going to babysit me today to make sure I'm not lumped in with bad White Supremacists?

Or will you be brave and start the #NotAllTrumpster hashtags?

Just wondering when I'll get the Muslim Terrorist treatment
This is just part of the #BLACKLIVESMATTER president's program to take our guns.
Turn everyone against whites.

damn obama has been out of office for over 2 years... them damn coloreds - always late for everything; ain't that right lenny? :afro:
Banning those guns won’t do shit to curb gun violence, especially with an open border where illegal humans, drugs, and weapons are crossing every day thanks to Dems.
The experience of every developed nation shows differently. If you want to pretend Americans are different from all other humans, no one will be at all surprised.
no what it shows those countries kill other ways

nothing kills like a multi round mag with high velocity ammo aimed willy nilly cause you don't really need any expertise to get the job done.
good luck with that lol
Yes, I've read it. It reads like a Trumpster emoting on USMB after listening to Mark Levin.

He specifically does not blame Trump and says his views pre-date Trump. He talks a lot about climate and the environment---sound like a Trumpster to you??

You're revealed Mac

trump's racist rhetoric is fuel for the fire. what was festering under those slimy rocks were overturned & allowed to go full nutter with the blessings of donny.

Playtime when are you going to babysit me today to make sure I'm not lumped in with bad White Supremacists?

Or will you be brave and start the #NotAllTrumpster hashtags?

Just wondering when I'll get the Muslim Terrorist treatment
This is just part of the #BLACKLIVESMATTER president's program to take our guns.
Turn everyone against whites.

damn obama has been out of office for over 2 years... them damn coloreds - always late for everything; ain't that right lenny? :afro:
he got the ball rolling
Banning those guns won’t do shit to curb gun violence, especially with an open border where illegal humans, drugs, and weapons are crossing every day thanks to Dems.
The experience of every developed nation shows differently. If you want to pretend Americans are different from all other humans, no one will be at all surprised.
no what it shows those countries kill other ways

nothing kills like a multi round mag with high velocity ammo aimed willy nilly cause you don't really need any expertise to get the job done.
good luck with that lol

which one of them thar guns in your siggy gives you the biggest chubby?
Oh you know, after a Muslim commits a terrorist attack all the Leftists go into Protect Mode. "Not All Muslims!" "It's just one!" "Look out for your Muslims neighbors, they're not all terrorists!"

So since I'm a white Trump supporter, I'm wondering when you will start the campaign to protect me.

I'll just wait over here

you aren't a terrorist. but you denying that 1/2 the basket of deplorables are, & donny isn't directing his racist rhetoric their way, & wha he says doesn't matter... isn't gonna get you a gold star either, suzie.

So, just spitballing here.

You would not LOSE. YOUR. MIND. if after a Muslim terrorist attack if one of us said that HALF of Muslims are "terrorists"??
Why are you talking about Muslims when we're discussing the slaughter of 20 people at Wal Mart?

Just kidding. I know why.
The deflection on this one is going to be epic. I'm going to get a lot of practice on staying focused today, because getting people quibbling about anything other than the fact that this guy was an ultra right winger is going to be the mission of the day.

He ABSOLUTELY was a right winger. A White Supremacist. Was he radicalized by Trump? No, and he says so himself. Now, maybe we can agree that the above is true, and it's ALSO true that he does not even represent a slim minority of Trump supporters.

Same thing you all would say about Muslims after a Muslim attack, right?

While you fret about them going to the subway.
YOU are the one who accused me of claiming it is all Trump supporters. I never even mentioned Trump. Jumpin' Jehosophat Sue. CAN you make an argument today or is all we're going to get more right wing talking points? CAN you narrow it down to my words or not? What specifically did I say that would trigger you to bring up all of this?
I'm not following.
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