Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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I think someone is putting these kids up to it just like they do in the Middle-East.

yeah......these guys are the ones that have been calling for impeachment and blood in the streets. Not Democrats and their corrupt media friends.
They've got Trumpsters foaming at the mouth with their talk of the "invaders".

Is this the "civil war" you guys keep threatening?
We can't defend the haters either. I just looked up Patrick Crusius and saw that he seems to have been targeting Hispanics, a hit against the "invasion" of Hispanics in this country. I quibble with people about using the term "invasion" all the time, because it ratchets up the rhetoric to a fighting level. And then some lamebrain like Patrick Crusius WILL fight, murdering twenty and wounding at least two dozen more for doing nothing more threatening than SHOPPING AT WALMART.

Do you get where I'm coming from? The people calling this an invasion and flapping their gums about treating them as the "enemy" IS dangerous. We all know there is a crisis on the border. More people want in all at once than our system can process. But we have to stop turning them into enemy combatants in our speech. No one needs to love them or even welcome them. They just need to tone it down.

It is over 100,000 per month captured. How many not captured is unknown. It went on all during BO years As long as you gain 1mil votes per year and cause financial collapse, LW is good with it. Then they spin.

It is an INVASION. Not filing papers for admission by the correct method. If it was that many locusts, they would be spraying rather than feeding it.

Your heros in DC laughed and shut down the GOVT to allow it to continue. Manufactured crisis? yes during BO years. Now they cry fake tears about the same crisis on their way to paid vacation 6 weeks in Italy, Guam.
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El Paso is a nidus of current Democrat mischief, Defiant1. ElPaso's V. Escobar was down in Mexico a week or two ago soliciting people to form a huge caravan and cross, possibly at her territory where she may have made promises that were not consistent with Border Patrol safety and rules they try to abide by. Political chaos is a tool the Democrats have been using since Hillary lost the election. And they beat up Republican President Trump with lies, deceit, and a false narrative full of salacious lies that created in people's minds with 300-500 negative lies repeated by the leftist press against Donald Trump, not one of which was true. People believed the lies after 3 years of constant negative feedback the Democrats were hoping to get by the leftist lockstep press which has helped them before--all through Hillary's bid for the presidency.

I know, beautress, it is disgusting. The only reason why the dems are acting like this that makes any sense is they want to tear this country apart.
The Steel Dossier had a salacious piece of garbage likely created by members of the old Clinton spin room. The falsely narrated deeds mentioned made Hillary Clinton into a big, misunderstood victims so she would win the election, but the bad thing about the Clinton 8-year lie machine is that the American people are not quite as forgetful as the Democrats wished they were. The reason I believe the Democrats are bragging up socialism because Hillary said a few years back "It takes a village to raise a child." is very like the aims of the purest Marxism in the world, which is communism.

Calling themselves 'socialists' does not fool some of us into thinking that means everyone gets a partytime shot at the funds collected in taxes raised to the 80% level AOC wants in order to dig us into a no-freedoms grave in order to start a bolshevik-like oligarchy. If memory serves me right, by the time WWII was over, Stalin used the obfuscation the war took eyes off his Union of Soviet's Socialist Republic and all those murders from the Ukraine farmlands to Siberia millions of lives of people who didn't kiss his posterior area.

I don't believe in terrorizing one's own people. It just isn't fitting, and in Russia's case, when they wiped out all the farmers there, they had people standing in line for oranges that I saw a picture in my weekly reader when I was a schoolkid. I thought at the time, what caused that.

Now I know. It's one party trying to instill only socialistic/communistic views on others by taking their arms away and illegalizing them and starve out certain regions, kind of like Obama mistreating southerners by closing down the Gulf of Mexico to destroy southern small businesses in the South that serve tourists meals and souvenirs for a living. They didn't vote for him in most of those states, and believe me, he got even. I read some stuff about it back then. It troubled me as much as the stories of no oranges for Russian people who stood in line at a grocer's all day to get a small sack of oranges, if they didn't run out first.

Rationing in times of peace didn't seem right to me, and I didn't see the big picture because I didn't know about them starving out the Ukranians until about 15 or 16 years ago, and that was going on in the 50s or 60s where grade schools in my home state provided us with Weekly Readers.
What does all your blah blah blah have to do with the WalMart shooting in Texas?

Nothing, typical of RWer's, no substance, only hate motivates their thinking.

Hey OldLady I'm sure this is better talk than using "invaders" for people who actually invade countries right?

Nothing wrong with saying that "only hate motivates their thinking".....nah
What does that have to do with my point? Again? This is exactly the same point we were at a couple hours ago. I'm beginning to wonder if you're a bot or what.
Project much? <giggle>

Naw, Buttress, I just think it's hilarious that SourSue gets on here all day and whines about how tough it is to be a teacher... a job where you make a pretty good salary AND get summers off..

That said, a lot of my clients are teachers who get fed up and want do do something else for a living.
It is over 100,000 per month captured. How many not captured is unknown. It went on all during BO years As long as you gain 1mil votes per year and cause financial collapse, LW is good with it. Then they spin.

It is an INVASION. Not filing papers for admission the correct method. If it was that many locusts, they would be spraying rather than feeding it.

Your heros in DC laughed a shut down the GOVT to allow it to continue. Manufactured crisis, yes during BO years. Now they cry fake tears about the same crisis on their way to paid vacation 6 weeks in Italy, Guam.

Actually, before Trump started fucking things up, the number of border crossings was less than 300K a year, down from a high of 1 million a year in 2000.

This is a manufactured crisis... and now we are seeing the result of crazy people taking actions...
Meaning immigrants, legal or otherwise. He was a white supremacist Trump supporter and his words sound a lot like posters on this board.

Trump doesn't support white supremacists, which he stated after the Charlestown guys keep lying about that, but he condemned the supremacists...

Yes, there were some very fine people interspersed between Nazi salutes, tiki torches and chants of "The Jews shall not replace us".It's totally understandable that decent people are going to hang around that crowd.

He let them off the hook.

Like you are, right now. Pretending that right wing extremism isn't violent.

And yet Trump didn't say those guys were the fine are a liar and an asshat....
He said there were fine people among them. Which ones were the "fine people?"

Wrong....he said on the issue of removing statues, there were fine people on both sides as he condemned the white supremacists........The Black Historical Society, who also oppose removing the statues would be one of those groups with fine people in it....
The groups that showed up to protest the removal of the statues were white supremacists and neonazis. So who were the "fine people" among them?
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
Right. We know only the liberal media engages in this while the conservative media spends pages and pages covering the Benghazi Hoax and the Seth Richards Conspiracy Theory and endless rounds of evil Hillary rehashes. Where is the mental health coverage?

I blame us. We read it. We spread it. We want it. We bring in money for the media corporations. If we did not consume it, they wouldn’t print is a business.

Why aren’t we demanding better mental health care? More crisis center? Why are the mentally ill housed in prisons I’ll equipt to care for them? Why are budgets for mental health first to be cut every time there is a state budget crisis? It sure isn’t just a blue state problem.

Quit blaming liberals for everything and look in the mirror. It is us.
Finger pointing gets us nowhere.
We, the American People, do not consider mental health to be important enough as we lurch from crisis to crisis. It still carries a huge stigma and little sympathy. Too many see it as a character flaw and not a disease.

Most of what you call "mental disease" is undisciplined people exhibiting bad behavior.
I am not about to say what someone who was there should have done while I sit in the safety of my own home.

People here say that civilians shouldn't have guns because they shouldn't be playing cop then when a gun owner doesn't play cop they criticize him for it
That's my point. They put people in a no win tsituation then attack them for it.

Oldlady said people don't mass kill with knives. I showed a few who did just that. Ignored. I don't say what she wanted or expected to hear, she's disappointed in my response.

I'll survive.

But we are not going to fix this when our sole focus is to assign blame to the other side and defend our own.
The reason I was disappointed was because you did EXACTLY that-- immediately you assigned blame. To the media. And I fail to see how.
There is only one person to blame
Oh, I agree with you there--and it being a hate crime, he can get his arm loaded up with poison the sooner the better imo. He had a reason for what he did, though, and usually you are on the side of trying to figure that out so it can be diverted, rather than taking away guns.

No one can predict the future which all the more reason to be prepared for anything
It is over 100,000 per month captured. How many not captured is unknown. It went on all during BO years As long as you gain 1mil votes per year and cause financial collapse, LW is good with it. Then they spin.

It is an INVASION. Not filing papers for admission the correct method. If it was that many locusts, they would be spraying rather than feeding it.

Your heros in DC laughed a shut down the GOVT to allow it to continue. Manufactured crisis, yes during BO years. Now they cry fake tears about the same crisis on their way to paid vacation 6 weeks in Italy, Guam.

Actually, before Trump started fucking things up, the number of border crossings was less than 300K a year, down from a high of 1 million a year in 2000.

This is a manufactured crisis... and now we are seeing the result of crazy people taking actions...

BO took out ads in SouthAmerica explaining how to claim asylum when come across, surrender. We will care for you.
When you are a Citizen.
What firepower.....a 5 shot, pump action shotgun killed just as many people, but wounded more in the Russian school shooting....

It isn't the gun, you moron, it is how much free time the shooter has before someone else points a gun at him...

As soon as someone pointed a gun at this guy he surrendered......just like almost all the other shooters...which is why they pick gun free zones to attack.

I know you have this big wank fantasy about pulling your gun and stopping a mass shooter...

But the reality is, most of you gun nuts would cower in a corner confronted by a nut like this.
The immediate after-effect of taking people's guns away from them has consequences to them:

First this:

Then this:

That's my point. They put people in a no win tsituation then attack them for it.

Oldlady said people don't mass kill with knives. I showed a few who did just that. Ignored. I don't say what she wanted or expected to hear, she's disappointed in my response.

I'll survive.

But we are not going to fix this when our sole focus is to assign blame to the other side and defend our own.

Most deranged killers who engage in mass killings use guns.

Most people who own guns will never kill anyone

Never said they would.

I never said you did.

The argument that Old Lady was making is that the access to guns makes it easier for crazy nutters to engage in mass violence. That there have been a few instances in this country of mass killings caused by other means, be it knives or cars or whatever, doesn’t change this.

And my argument is that the bad acts of a minuscule fraction of a percent of people are not a reason to curb the rights of people who will never commit any crime never mind mass murder
Authorities are examining a four-page document that several media outlets are calling a manifesto. Authorities are trying to determine the document’s authenticity and whether there are ties to the suspect.
Has anyone uncovered a copy of the manifesto?
4 pages is hardly a manifesto
People by and large do as told or told to believe.

Look who's doing the telling. It's quite telling. The media fans the flames of the hate parade and crys freedom of press when accountability comes calling.
The media fanned the flames that ignited Patrick Crusius? The media has been calling the Hispanics at the border "invaders?" Breitbart, maybe, or Fox, so yeah.

I'll answer. They ARE invaders. That's what they are. You're word-monitoring. It's like saying we can't call them illegal aliens anymore; that's "mean". Okay, whatever--that's what they are. They are busting in uninvited. That's literally the definition of an "invasion".

Calling them "invaders" does not make some nasty, pernicious, violent mass murderer. That happens in a separate type of situation that is heinous.

But don't be word-monitoring us and telling us this caused El Paso. How illiberal of you.
I'll say it one more time, and then I'm done arguing about it with you, since you refuse to address my point:
we have to stop turning them into enemy combatants in our speech. No one needs to love them or even welcome them. They just need to tone it down.

Okay I would agree if anyone were calling them "ENEMIES"....(like they actually call Trump btw)

But they don't. They call them invaders, which is correct terminology.

OldLady I think you don't argue with me when you know you're losing the argument.
"Invaders" are our enemies. Look it up if you don't believe me.
Were the people on Obama's enemy list invaders?
Project much? <giggle>

Naw, Buttress, I just think it's hilarious that SourSue gets on here all day and whines about how tough it is to be a teacher... a job where you make a pretty good salary AND get summers off..

That said, a lot of my clients are teachers who get fed up and want do do something else for a living.

Here are some nice shelves of cheese for all those whines you hear, doll:


Save some for the students. :D

Trump doesn't support white supremacists, which he stated after the Charlestown guys keep lying about that, but he condemned the supremacists...

Yes, there were some very fine people interspersed between Nazi salutes, tiki torches and chants of "The Jews shall not replace us".It's totally understandable that decent people are going to hang around that crowd.

He let them off the hook.

Like you are, right now. Pretending that right wing extremism isn't violent.

And yet Trump didn't say those guys were the fine are a liar and an asshat....
He said there were fine people among them. Which ones were the "fine people?"

Wrong....he said on the issue of removing statues, there were fine people on both sides as he condemned the white supremacists........The Black Historical Society, who also oppose removing the statues would be one of those groups with fine people in it....
The groups that showed up to protest the removal of the statues were white supremacists and neonazis. So who were the "fine people" among them?

The groups that showed up to protest the removal of the statues were white supremacists and neonazis. So who were the "fine people" among them?

The ones that don't want history destroyed because some don't like it. Which old books to burn....for example. Huck Finn.
I blame liberals for this too.

I blame them for taking up YEARS....YEARS.....of media coverage on NOTHING but the STUPID "Russia" hoax while we are dealing with a mental health crisis like you wouldn't believe in schools, in hospitals, everywhere. That is REAL news. Not inane DC news that affects NOONE. Real news that tragically has now gotten people killed.

Leftists will scatter like roaches at this post too.
Right. We know only the liberal media engages in this while the conservative media spends pages and pages covering the Benghazi Hoax and the Seth Richards Conspiracy Theory and endless rounds of evil Hillary rehashes. Where is the mental health coverage?

I blame us. We read it. We spread it. We want it. We bring in money for the media corporations. If we did not consume it, they wouldn’t print is a business.

Why aren’t we demanding better mental health care? More crisis center? Why are the mentally ill housed in prisons I’ll equipt to care for them? Why are budgets for mental health first to be cut every time there is a state budget crisis? It sure isn’t just a blue state problem.

Quit blaming liberals for everything and look in the mirror. It is us.
Finger pointing gets us nowhere.
We, the American People, do not consider mental health to be important enough as we lurch from crisis to crisis. It still carries a huge stigma and little sympathy. Too many see it as a character flaw and not a disease.
------------------------------------- too much respect and more respect is given to 'mental health' and its 'doktors and practitioners' of the pseudo science of 'mental health' Doktoring . Heck , these are the same bonehead 'doktors' that advocate for the huge surge in numbers of people that won't accept that they are either Male or Female Coyote .
Perhaps because they happen so rarely? As though 'Darwin shooting' wasn't mentioned.

Then maybe you would like living in the UK where they have a fraction of the US population but Stabbing deaths are at record highs. UK national crisis.
Perhaps you'd prefer your throat slit to a bullet to the head? Or maybe you'd enjoy being run over by a truck more?

Rarely? You mean rarely reported. Gun violence happens EVERYWHERE. Sspecially where the left is in power or has influence.
You people try to make it sound as if the USA has some kind of monopoly on violence.

After all, crazy people in other countries use more than guns to harm others.
Knife killing in the UK is a lot less than in the US. So he would be a lot safer than living in the crazy US.

Better to die on my feet than kneel to a monarch

SOmething you people don't seem to understand
I suspect that you may get that chance at some point. The US is falling apart.

Not really.

The vast majority of the country is very safe.

All our violence is concentrated into small easily avoidable areas.

But since you come from such a small country you seem to be lacking a sense of the size of the US
And yet another shooting last night ??? This is getting bad. Should "Marshall law" be a consideration at this point ??? Otherwise if you are out and about, you can be randomly stopped and checked out by law enforcement at anytime, otherwise if one appears to be the slight bit suspicious maybe ? Curfew's set in all communities now ?? If on the street, you are now subject to be randomly checked by law enforcement without notice maybe ? Random inspection stations set up on the fly as to not give away the locations of these check stations etc. New training and rules pertaining to these check stations now ?

It's bad when our own indoctronated citizenry, are now the ones about to cause this nation's citizens to lose their freedom's instead of a foriegn enemy.

The core problem or roots of the problem more than ever now, needs to be known, and then dealt with in an extreme judicious way, and with much more urgency than ever before. Our very freedom's are at stake here.

The gun isn't the problem, but the indoctronated person or citizen with a weapon of mass destruction is undoubtedly an extreme problem today. It's being proven in these extreme acts of violence now.

What's the old saying, "back a rat into a corner, and he'll bite ya". How many rats are out there now ? Not to say who is to blame, but the good citizens with guns are absolutely not the one's to blame here.

Selling body armor to anyone who is not law enforcement needs to be made highly illegal if not already.

All internet store's selling weapon's of mass destruction, and body armor to just anyone needs to be shut down immediately. A person looking to purchase weapon's should have to have their picture taken on the spot of purchase (a walk in purchase), a thorough background check performed, and that picture sent to the FBI for review. If a week or longer is experienced for wait time on the purchase, then oh well that's just tough so deal with it.

All floater weapon's (not registered, and are to be shown or displayed in public), should be registered if not registered (or) either lock the weapon's up to never be seen again by the public eye if own a private collection. Public display or selling such weapon's should be made highly illegal unless registered first.

We must absolutely keep order and peace in this country. It's really becoming an embarrassing situation when looking back to when we were the most peaceful nation on Earth once upon a time between the 1970's up through the 1990's. What happened ?

It's what we need to get serious about now. Finding the answers, and not ignoring the truth when it is found.

Those who have pushed crazy agenda's that had since led to unrest, well they need to be investigated for possible baiting the public into extreme behaviours as a result of. Otherwise yelling fire in a crowded theater when their wasn't one.

Our leaders need to be held accountable for their baiting of the citizens into a frenzy by twisting and turning the issues.

Accountability is something we have been lacking for years upon years now. It's time for accountability, but leave all the political bullcrap at home.

In my opinion Trump isn't responsible for what we are seeing today, but rather he has walked into a job where everything was set to explode all due to the agenda's that we're working and twisting there way all the way to the top. He has been trying to defuse it all, but it has gone on to long maybe, and the fall out had begun. Trump's just running around defusing and putting out fires before they grow completely out of control. Tough job today, and just think about all that the man has since given up for his country ?? Amazing really.

Just my two cents worth.
This murderer has nothing to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
I don't care what his manifesto says.
El Paso is a nidus of current Democrat mischief, Defiant1. ElPaso's V. Escobar was down in Mexico a week or two ago soliciting people to form a huge caravan and cross, possibly at her territory where she may have made promises that were not consistent with Border Patrol safety and rules they try to abide by. Political chaos is a tool the Democrats have been using since Hillary lost the election. And they beat up Republican President Trump with lies, deceit, and a false narrative full of salacious lies that created in people's minds with 300-500 negative lies repeated by the leftist press against Donald Trump, not one of which was true. People believed the lies after 3 years of constant negative feedback the Democrats were hoping to get by the leftist lockstep press which has helped them before--all through Hillary's bid for the presidency.

I know, beautress, it is disgusting. The only reason why the dems are acting like this that makes any sense is they want to tear this country apart.
The Steel Dossier had a salacious piece of garbage likely created by members of the old Clinton spin room. The falsely narrated deeds mentioned made Hillary Clinton into a big, misunderstood victims so she would win the election, but the bad thing about the Clinton 8-year lie machine is that the American people are not quite as forgetful as the Democrats wished they were. The reason I believe the Democrats are bragging up socialism because Hillary said a few years back "It takes a village to raise a child." is very like the aims of the purest Marxism in the world, which is communism.

Calling themselves 'socialists' does not fool some of us into thinking that means everyone gets a partytime shot at the funds collected in taxes raised to the 80% level AOC wants in order to dig us into a no-freedoms grave in order to start a bolshevik-like oligarchy. If memory serves me right, by the time WWII was over, Stalin used the obfuscation the war took eyes off his Union of Soviet's Socialist Republic and all those murders from the Ukraine farmlands to Siberia millions of lives of people who didn't kiss his posterior area.

I don't believe in terrorizing one's own people. It just isn't fitting, and in Russia's case, when they wiped out all the farmers there, they had people standing in line for oranges that I saw a picture in my weekly reader when I was a schoolkid. I thought at the time, what caused that.

Now I know. It's one party trying to instill only socialistic/communistic views on others by taking their arms away and illegalizing them and starve out certain regions, kind of like Obama mistreating southerners by closing down the Gulf of Mexico to destroy southern small businesses in the South that serve tourists meals and souvenirs for a living. They didn't vote for him in most of those states, and believe me, he got even. I read some stuff about it back then. It troubled me as much as the stories of no oranges for Russian people who stood in line at a grocer's all day to get a small sack of oranges, if they didn't run out first.

Rationing in times of peace didn't seem right to me, and I didn't see the big picture because I didn't know about them starving out the Ukranians until about 15 or 16 years ago, and that was going on in the 50s or 60s where grade schools in my home state provided us with Weekly Readers.
What does all your blah blah blah have to do with the WalMart shooting in Texas?

Nothing, typical of RWer's, no substance, only hate motivates their thinking.

Yeah I hate it when someone tries to deny me of my rights
Yes, there were some very fine people interspersed between Nazi salutes, tiki torches and chants of "The Jews shall not replace us".It's totally understandable that decent people are going to hang around that crowd.

He let them off the hook.

Like you are, right now. Pretending that right wing extremism isn't violent.

And yet Trump didn't say those guys were the fine are a liar and an asshat....
He said there were fine people among them. Which ones were the "fine people?"

Wrong....he said on the issue of removing statues, there were fine people on both sides as he condemned the white supremacists........The Black Historical Society, who also oppose removing the statues would be one of those groups with fine people in it....
The groups that showed up to protest the removal of the statues were white supremacists and neonazis. So who were the "fine people" among them?

The groups that showed up to protest the removal of the statues were white supremacists and neonazis. So who were the "fine people" among them?

The ones that don't want history destroyed because some don't like it. Which old books to burn....for example. Huck Finn.
So were those the white supremacists or were they thd neonazis?
The media fanned the flames that ignited Patrick Crusius? The media has been calling the Hispanics at the border "invaders?" Breitbart, maybe, or Fox, so yeah.

I'll answer. They ARE invaders. That's what they are. You're word-monitoring. It's like saying we can't call them illegal aliens anymore; that's "mean". Okay, whatever--that's what they are. They are busting in uninvited. That's literally the definition of an "invasion".

Calling them "invaders" does not make some nasty, pernicious, violent mass murderer. That happens in a separate type of situation that is heinous.

But don't be word-monitoring us and telling us this caused El Paso. How illiberal of you.
I'll say it one more time, and then I'm done arguing about it with you, since you refuse to address my point:
we have to stop turning them into enemy combatants in our speech. No one needs to love them or even welcome them. They just need to tone it down.

Okay I would agree if anyone were calling them "ENEMIES"....(like they actually call Trump btw)

But they don't. They call them invaders, which is correct terminology.

OldLady I think you don't argue with me when you know you're losing the argument.
"Invaders" are our enemies. Look it up if you don't believe me.
Were the people on Obama's enemy list invaders?
Nice try, but try as you might, this is not about Obama.
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