Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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I wouldn't push it with your track record.

What is the warning about, doofus?
He won't talk to you. Boo hoo!

I'll live...well, as long as he doesn't know where my house is I guess.
Yep, you never know. They're Trump supporters. You never know when the next one will take his or her marching orders from the Furhrer.

Wait a second...………………………………………...message coming in...………………….head to local shopping center...…………………..use truck...……………………….or AR...……………………………...shoot and run over as many...………………………………….as possible, preferably people of color...…....

Okay, sorry for the interruption, what was it you were saying again ?
You wouldn't be the first or the second CRC on this forum to do that.
He was radicalized by far right extremist ideology.

Thankyou DR. Laura Shitslinger.
How would you describe it, then, Old Yeller?

A hopeless troubled no-girlfriends? unemployed useless Punk playing video games and trying to stay high while Illegals take all the entry level jobs (constuction) and he is stuck home with no momey, not learning job skills. Forced Military boot camp for all 18 yr olds is one solution.

Learn to work, clean up, dress up, show up, respect or go to Jail for non-compliance.
If the illegals were taking all the entry level jobs, we wouldn't have 3.7% unemployment.
The El Paso killer seems to agree with you in his "Hispanic Invasion of Texas".
If some guy is sitting in his truck watching porn while mama shops and he sees this guy park, dress up, load up and start to wak towards WalMart. Can he shoot him in the back no questions asked or would the LW kooks (like those here) call that Murder and demand he be locked away for using a gun in a gun free zone?
Yes, it would be murder. Under our constitution, the gunman has the right to load up and walk right into that mall. State and local government may have laws to stop him, but our constitution not only allows but grants the person the right.

As long as gun ownership is a right, and not a privileged what happened in El Paso and Dayton can continue everyday and twice on Sunday. As the weapons become more powerful, the number killed will keep increasing.

They happened 12 times in 2018, you nitwit......93 killed.....knives kill over 1,500 every year, cars over 38,000....according to a nitwit like you we now need to ban cars and knives......

Those weapons are no different from any other semi-auto rifle you doofus.....what allowed him to kill is time....time in a gun free zone until someone pointed a gun at him and made him stop....

At the Russian Polytechnic School shooting, you doofus......the shooter used a 5 shot, pump action shotgun and killed 20 people and wounded 40....

So tell us about your theory now...

Thankyou DR. Laura Shitslinger.
How would you describe it, then, Old Yeller?

A hopeless troubled no-girlfriends? unemployed useless Punk playing video games and trying to stay high while Illegals take all the entry level jobs (constuction) and he is stuck home with no momey, not learning job skills. Forced Military boot camp for all 18 yr olds is one solution.

Learn to work, clean up, dress up, show up, respect or go to Jail for non-compliance.
If the illegals were taking all the entry level jobs, we wouldn't have 3.7% unemployment.
The El Paso killer seems to agree with you in his "Hispanic Invasion of Texas".

No...he was against the immigration because of his environmental extremism.....
So, let's see if I get this straight, we have a set of laws we have to adhere to, but the exception is, if other countries become Socialist, we get to shit on our own laws by invading other countries, until those other countries do as we say by not being Socialist? Got it.

And as a bonus to the US, other countries still have to adhere to our laws, even though we destroyed their country, their government, their way of life, and took their resources as the other consolation prize. Do you have any idea how fucking unbelievably retarded, sick, and evil, that one sentence post of yours sends? It says it all. What it says is, everything that is good for the US, applies to the US, but anything that is good for some other country, does not apply to some other country, unless the US says it does. That's what you just said. No wonder we are the most hated country on the planet.
American companies provide jobs for Americans, unless those jobs depend on products imported from countries that turn socialist. If we don't change the leadership in that country, then the American companies are going to have to lay off the American workers.
No wonder other countries hate us.
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And yet another shooting last night ??? This is getting bad. Should "Marshall law" be a consideration at this point ???

Trump should consider it. Somebody has to man up and take control. Trump is the best man for the job.
Trump is and many of his supporters are dog whistlers to White Supremacists.
At least the ignorant ones are easy to identify by their MAGA hats.

At least the ignorant ones are easy to identify by their MAGA hats.

And warning #1 on you. (#6 for the day). A murder thread gives you no right to post nonsense against true Americans.

Warning? Of what?
I think he's threatening to put me on his kill list. Typical MAGA.

Now #2 on you. Think I forgot? Tread very lightly.
Still threatening posters, Threaty McThreat?
The last paragraph in the shooter's manifesto is informative relative to his goal of slaughtering non-Americans. He says all his reasoning about all the issues facing America pre-date Trump and his campaign for the presidency. He knows though that Trump will be blamed by the media and all other leftists as he writes a manifesto worth reading. He knows he will be killed and hopes for that rather than being captured or shot by another shopper, because he will get the death penalty anyway. He also knows much of the same things I do regarding the future of America and the end of capitalism. He knows with enough Hispanics living here they will vote for the party who will give them free stuff but he realizes with the coming automation there will be fewer jobs available for the unskilled as there are today. He holds out hope for America.

I wish the article would copy and paste but alas.

"The Inconvenient Truth About Me:"


Open borders policy created this guy, will the left take responsibility? abuser blaming the victim.
I am VERY cautious about the death penalty but they nabbed this guy on the scene and have videotape of him. So here again is what I'm saying: make an example of him as preventative if you are also going to grab guns. You can't think about the next right now; you must take every case as it comes.
You have a valid point, except that each case creates precedent. And we aren’t talking about gun grabbing are we? We are talking about resrptricting very specific types of guns, just as machine guns were restricted.
Define what you'd like to restrict?

It's not that easy.
I'd like tonsee the same definition... However, I'm sure "assault style" weapons/guns/firearms/rifles will be misused.
Hell's bells, I can take a bb gun and assault someone.
Assault is an action, not a weapon. Ffs
Absolutely not you fricking idiot. An attack by a BB gun is completely different than an attack by an AR-15. That is why we need to outlaw AR-15.

Get a fucking dictionary fumbduck. Maybe, just maybe you'll learn the difference between an adjective and a noun, but then again...maybe not.
If some guy is sitting in his truck watching porn while mama shops and he sees this guy park, dress up, load up and start to wak towards WalMart. Can he shoot him in the back no questions asked or would the LW kooks (like those here) call that Murder and demand he be locked away for using a gun in a gun free zone?
Yes, it would be murder. Under our constitution, the gunman has the right to load up and walk right into that mall. State and local government may have laws to stop him, but our constitution not only allows but grants the person the right.

As long as gun ownership is a right, and not a privileged what happened in El Paso and Dayton can continue everyday and twice on Sunday. As the weapons become more powerful, the number killed will keep increasing.

They happened 12 times in 2018, you nitwit......93 killed.....knives kill over 1,500 every year, cars over 38,000....according to a nitwit like you we now need to ban cars and knives......

Those weapons are no different from any other semi-auto rifle you doofus.....what allowed him to kill is time....time in a gun free zone until someone pointed a gun at him and made him stop....

At the Russian Polytechnic School shooting, you doofus......the shooter used a 5 shot, pump action shotgun and killed 20 people and wounded 40....

So tell us about your theory now...
This is another idiot that makes ridiculous arguments that the number of guns and access to guns is a big part of the number of mass shootings in the US. No other country comes close to the number as mass shootings as the USA. No one wants to take guns away from those who are responsible gun owners.
Not to do more to keep guns away from the mentally ill and those with criminal intent makes you complicit in all of the mass murders.
At least the ignorant ones are easy to identify by their MAGA hats.

At least the ignorant ones are easy to identify by their MAGA hats.

And warning #1 on you. (#6 for the day). A murder thread gives you no right to post nonsense against true Americans.

Warning? Of what?
I think he's threatening to put me on his kill list. Typical MAGA.

Now #2 on you. Think I forgot? Tread very lightly.
Still threatening posters, Threaty McThreat?
It's comical. These Trump cultists are mental.
I am not about to say what someone who was there should have done while I sit in the safety of my own home.

People here say that civilians shouldn't have guns because they shouldn't be playing cop then when a gun owner doesn't play cop they criticize him for it
That's my point. They put people in a no win tsituation then attack them for it.

Oldlady said people don't mass kill with knives. I showed a few who did just that. Ignored. I don't say what she wanted or expected to hear, she's disappointed in my response.

I'll survive.

But we are not going to fix this when our sole focus is to assign blame to the other side and defend our own.
The reason I was disappointed was because you did EXACTLY that-- immediately you assigned blame. To the media. And I fail to see how.
Point out where I say the media is the only area to blame please.
Point out where I say the point is that you only blamed the media. You're grasping at straws here, Ice. Have another cup of coffee.
So then the media would be partially to blame, I didn't blame JUST the media.

What EXACTLY was your point of disagreement here?

A wall can't keep out the evil within!
See what happens when a man can't get any pussy?

What do everyone of these shooters have in common? Nooooo not big bad pussy for the longest time.
I mean...look at that think he has seen a pussy up close and personal...let alone been in one?

Doubt me?
Show me one of these lone wolves who was gettin some ass on the reg. When have you seen an estranged wife or girlfriend interviewed after the fact?

Pussy...stops mass your job...give up that monkey.


I think we'll be finding out that this guy was alone, was feeling completely marginalized in a changing America, and unfortunately he acted out his feelings.
That is common for mass shooters who kill at random. Maybe in a kinder, more inclusion society, it would be different. Today we are just too divided with too many hated racial, ethnic, religious, and political stereotypes for mentally disturbed people to blame for their problems.

When I was a kid back in the 40's and 50's, these mass random shooting were almost nonexistent. Looking back at history priory to the 1960's, several things stand out. The few mass shooting we had were rarely random, the number killed was low compared to today, and they were usually years apart, not weeks, or months.

And we lived mostly in a monoculture, thus we got along together, and thus why we didn't have many incidents like this.
There it is........
So violent that our homicide rate is 4-5X higher than countries with strong gun control.
And your solution is to disarm the population ? Looks like that is precisely why so many were killed and wounded. Why was no one armed, and shooting back at the shooter ? thereby save lives (as occured in 2002 in Los Angeles Airport when the shooter -Hesham Mohamed Hadayet- was shot dead, after killing only 2 people)

2002 Los Angeles International Airport shooting - Wikipedia
I listened to the interview of a man who was carrying--and he booked it outta there, helping kids along the way. He did not seek out the gunman and shoot back. It does not happen. The guy is active military and he knows what to do. He did nothing but run. Your argument is a Walter Mitty daydream, not something to seriously consider.
Like the Dallas parade shooting years ago...all the open carry guys ran away screaming like little girls.
Perhaps because they happen so rarely? As though 'Darwin shooting' wasn't mentioned.

Then maybe you would like living in the UK where they have a fraction of the US population but Stabbing deaths are at record highs. UK national crisis.
Perhaps you'd prefer your throat slit to a bullet to the head? Or maybe you'd enjoy being run over by a truck more?

Rarely? You mean rarely reported. Gun violence happens EVERYWHERE. Sspecially where the left is in power or has influence.
You people try to make it sound as if the USA has some kind of monopoly on violence.

After all, crazy people in other countries use more than guns to harm others.
Knife killing in the UK is a lot less than in the US. So he would be a lot safer than living in the crazy US.

Better to die on my feet than kneel to a monarch

SOmething you people don't seem to understand
How much tyranny have you and your guns stopped so far?
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