Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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Four eyed virgins.
I am tellin ya...we gotta get these guys laid. No more shootings.
The only way this is slowing down is by getting rid of the Stochastic terrorists like Trump. Without that, this is going to get much worse. This is what happens when these terrorists like Trump come around. They feed off the hate they sew, and recruit lone Wolfe's to do their dirty work for them.

Lone Wolves are weak minded faggots who see no way out of a situation. Only a feeble mind would tie Trump to this tragedy, as only a weak mind would use Trump as a reason to do it.
******* and wetbacks murder each other in droves every day in the inner city though...not a word about that from ****** and wetback 'leaders'

‘How do you stop these people?’: Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric looms over El Paso massacre

The question is no longer whether President Trump will respond to a mass shooting as other presidents once did, but whether he contributed to the carnage.
Otto, President Trump is FOR immigrants. He is AGAINST illegal immigration.

Please stop spreading that false narrative, won't you. There is a lot of difference between an immigrant who went to the trouble of getting permission from the government before entering and the immigrant who pushes his way past the front of the line along with a million (literally) other illegal crossers who sneak into the country. Many of them do not qualify to come in due to trouble they are in and refusal to face the authorities in their own country for the crimes they committed against other people. When they get here, that doesn't change. This nation does not need more criminals. The expenses of prison are overwhelming the border states. Lighten up. We have care laws. And the numbers usurping these laws are so great, they have caused taxes to go through the roof in border states. It's got to stop.

That is such bullshit. Trump the racist president claims this country is full....
It is, of certain types.
It's time for Trump to sue anyone attempting to blame him and his administration for these despicable acts of violence. Enough is enough of the political activist getting away with accusing and trashing the President of the United States in these ways. Trump will be considered by his enemies a wimp if he doesn't legally go after these liars and defamers of his reputation as President or after him as a good decent citizen of this country.

Trump is trying to fix things others screwed up, and they don't like it, but illegally going after him as if there will be no consequences for their actions in doing so, uh should be considered idiocy on their part by Trump.

Trump, it's time to stand up for yourself and your family, and for the people who voted for you.

Allowing your critics to hang these events on you out of their hatred for you is going to far.

If you don't legally go after them, then you aren't the president your base figured you to be. I mean good Lord man, allowing your family to be put through the hell they've been put through should be enough to get you to take legal action. So far because you haven't taken legal action against these bad players, it has caused them to think that they can do anything they want to you and your family, and you will just sit there like a weak coward allowing it to go on.

What's it gonna be Trump ??
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Four eyed virgins.
I am tellin ya...we gotta get these guys laid. No more shootings.
The only way this is slowing down is by getting rid of the Stochastic terrorists like Trump. Without that, this is going to get much worse. This is what happens when these terrorists like Trump come around. They feed off the hate they sew, and recruit lone Wolfe's to do their dirty work for them.

Lone Wolves are weak minded faggots who see no way out of a situation. Only a feeble mind would tie Trump to this tragedy, as only a weak mind would use Trump as a reason to do it.
******* and wetbacks murder each other in droves every day in the inner city though...not a word about that from ****** and wetback 'leaders'

‘How do you stop these people?’: Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric looms over El Paso massacre

The question is no longer whether President Trump will respond to a mass shooting as other presidents once did, but whether he contributed to the carnage.
Interpretive horse shit.
Trump's desire to enforce borders and rule of law led to the massacre of 20? Bit of a twist don't you think?
Four eyed virgins.
I am tellin ya...we gotta get these guys laid. No more shootings.
The only way this is slowing down is by getting rid of the Stochastic terrorists like Trump. Without that, this is going to get much worse. This is what happens when these terrorists like Trump come around. They feed off the hate they sew, and recruit lone Wolfe's to do their dirty work for them.

Lone Wolves are weak minded faggots who see no way out of a situation. Only a feeble mind would tie Trump to this tragedy, as only a weak mind would use Trump as a reason to do it.
******* and wetbacks murder each other in droves every day in the inner city though...not a word about that from ****** and wetback 'leaders'
That's not an argument, and feeble minds do what they are told. They are driven by Trump's hate, and a feeble mind is what Trump needs to accomplish his war against the others. This is only going to get worse. We are dealing with pure evil with Trump.

View attachment 272800
Not in this life. Deal with it or get lost. Trump is the number one terrorist threat to this country.

Only in the land of the mad, can someone be considered dangerous because he want's to enforce American laws.
It's time for Trump to sue anyone attempting to blame him and his administration for these despicable acts of violence. Enough is enough of the political activist getting away with accusing and trashing the President of the United States in these ways. Trump will be considered by his enemies a wimp if he doesn't legally go after these liars and defamers of his reputation as President or after him as a good decent citizen of this country.

Trump is trying to fix things others screwed up, and they don't like it, but illegally going after him as if there will be no consequences for their actions in doing so, uh should be considered idiocy on their part by Trump.

Trump, it's time to stand up for yourself and your family, and for the people who voted for you.

Allowing your critics to hang these events on you out of their hatred for you is going to far.

If you don't legally go after them, then you aren't the president your base figured you to be. I mean good Lord man, allowing your family to be put through the hell they've been put through should be enough to get you to take legal action. So far because you haven't taken legal action against these bad players, it has caused them to think that they can do anything they want to you and your family, and you will just sit there like a weak coward allowing it to go on.

What's it gonna be Trump ??

Trump is trying to fix things others screwed up, and they don't like it, b

The reason they don't like it (and resist it all) because everything Trump does (the opposite of BO) makes them feel stupid and weak for supporting the wrong side forever, when all of Trumps moves pay off 10X better for Americans.

Stupid pride won't let the acknowledge the successes, as therefore another nail in their own coffin.
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Here's a grand Idea.... Maybe every race, culture, and creed could stand with Trump to fix this nation for all, instead of fighting him over their own personal agenda's that work only for them and their specific groups in the nation, yet all the while abusing other groups in the nation unfairly.

Try it everyone, and you will realize just how great this nation can be for every race, culture, and creed here.

The instigator's of division, and the ones who cause nothing but trouble in this nation needs to be legally dealt with. Enough of the manipulating lying bullcrap already.
Lone Wolves are weak minded faggots who see no way out of a situation. Only a feeble mind would tie Trump to this tragedy, as only a weak mind would use Trump as a reason to do it.
******* and wetbacks murder each other in droves every day in the inner city though...not a word about that from ****** and wetback 'leaders'
That's not an argument, and feeble minds do what they are told. They are driven by Trump's hate, and a feeble mind is what Trump needs to accomplish his war against the others. This is only going to get worse. We are dealing with pure evil with Trump.

View attachment 272800
Not in this life. Deal with it or get lost. Trump is the number one terrorist threat to this country.
Apparently, he has not informed the people in El Paso and Dayton.
The sickness here is the fact that these Trump deplorables live up to their label. He is making a joke about 30 dead people.

Says the lefty that doesn't understand the concept of linear time. Moron.
Four eyed virgins.
I am tellin ya...we gotta get these guys laid. No more shootings.
The only way this is slowing down is by getting rid of the Stochastic terrorists like Trump. Without that, this is going to get much worse. This is what happens when these terrorists like Trump come around. They feed off the hate they sew, and recruit lone Wolfe's to do their dirty work for them.

Lone Wolves are weak minded faggots who see no way out of a situation. Only a feeble mind would tie Trump to this tragedy, as only a weak mind would use Trump as a reason to do it.
******* and wetbacks murder each other in droves every day in the inner city though...not a word about that from ****** and wetback 'leaders'

‘How do you stop these people?’: Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric looms over El Paso massacre

The question is no longer whether President Trump will respond to a mass shooting as other presidents once did, but whether he contributed to the carnage.
Interpretive horse shit.
Trump's desire to enforce borders and rule of law led to the massacre of 20? Bit of a twist don't you think?

Trump’s demonization of people led to it.
Here's a grand Idea.... Maybe every race, culture, and creed could stand with Trump to fix this nation for all, instead of fighting him over their own personal agenda's that work only for them and their specific groups in the nation, yet all the while abusing other groups in the nation unfairly.

Try it everyone, and you will realize just how great this nation can be for every race, culture, and creed here.

The instigator's of division, and the ones who cause nothing but trouble in this nation needs to be legally dealt with. Enough of the manipulating lying bullcrap already.

So, you want trump to sue the people who point out his racism as a way to bring us together?
The immediate after-effect of taking people's guns away from them has consequences to them:

Okay, your history is a bit ignorant. The Nazis didn't confiscate guns. In fact, they loosened the gun restrictions imposed during the Weimar Republic. Gun ownership was encouraged by the Nazis as a sign of Aryan Manliness.

Now, if you want a historical analogy, maybe you should look up Krystalnacht and compare it to what happened this weekend.
No doubt about that. He said in his manifesto not to blame Trump but clearly his goals are similar to Trump's but with more violence.

What is really scary about this manifesto is that much of the ideas and language is very similar to what appears on this board. This tells me that there are a lot of others out there ready follow in his footsteps.


There's still a huge step between mouthing off from the safety of one's home, and walking into a Wall Mart putting one's life on the line, which is why most of the silly geezers on here will never so much as hear a shot fired in anger. Yet, it serves to demonstrate how Trump's hate-filled rhetoric - mindful that the propaganda feeding into anti-immigrant resentments predates Trump - places seeds that sprout into mass murderous hatred.

There is more than a slight chance that a huge chunk of the driving force behind the anti-PC venom is exactly this: Driving an ever bigger number of White supremacists completely bonkers so that they morph into the modern-day KKK (no white, pointy hats, but ever more powerful guns), and threaten minorities into submission. Of course, they will then be declared "bad apples", "insane" or some version thereof, so that modern-day Republicans can wash their hands off their complicity.
No doubt about that. He said in his manifesto not to blame Trump but clearly his goals are similar to Trump's but with more violence.

What is really scary about this manifesto is that much of the ideas and language is very similar to what appears on this board. This tells me that there are a lot of others out there ready follow in his footsteps.


There's still a huge step between mouthing off from the safety of one's home, and walking into a Wall Mart putting one's life on the line, which is why most of the silly geezers on here will never so much as hear a shot fired in anger. Yet, it serves to demonstrate how Trump's hate-filled rhetoric - mindful that the propaganda feeding into anti-immigrant resentments predates Trump - places seeds that sprout into mass murderous hatred.

There is more than a slight chance that a huge chunk of the driving force behind the anti-PC venom is exactly this: Driving an ever bigger number of White supremacists completely bonkers so that they morph into the modern-day KKK (no white, pointy hats, but ever more powerful guns), and threaten minorities into submission. Of course, they will then be declared "bad apples", "insane" or some version thereof, so that modern-day Republicans can wash their hands off their complicity.

What about the Dayton shooter? Elizabeth Warren's fault? or nah
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