Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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yeah......these guys are the ones that have been calling for impeachment and blood in the streets. Not Democrats and their corrupt media friends.
They've got Trumpsters foaming at the mouth with their talk of the "invaders".

Is this the "civil war" you guys keep threatening?

Have you read his manifesto? Full of Progressive talking points. He wasn't a "trumpster" and made that clear.
Yes, I've read it. It reads like a Trumpster emoting on USMB after listening to Mark Levin.
Levin hates Marxism and those who get the warm fuzzies thinking about Karl Marx' thearies. (Cross between theatrics and assaulted ears). And he is really opposed to Nazism and Communism, but loves the American Constitution which I've seen him defend to a fault. You oughta lighten up on Mark Levin. He's a good guy.
Levin is a hardcore partisan ideologue, tossing out all the standard hyperbolic platitudes that Rush & Sean do, fighting against communication and collaboration, often getting emotional and screaming, showing zero willingness to be decent to the other tribe.

Levin is part of the problem. If you defend his behaviors, then so are you.
Perhaps because they happen so rarely? As though 'Darwin shooting' wasn't mentioned.

Then maybe you would like living in the UK where they have a fraction of the US population but Stabbing deaths are at record highs. UK national crisis.
Perhaps you'd prefer your throat slit to a bullet to the head? Or maybe you'd enjoy being run over by a truck more?

Rarely? You mean rarely reported. Gun violence happens EVERYWHERE. Sspecially where the left is in power or has influence.
You people try to make it sound as if the USA has some kind of monopoly on violence.

After all, crazy people in other countries use more than guns to harm others.
Knife killing in the UK is a lot less than in the US. So he would be a lot safer than living in the crazy US.

Better to die on my feet than kneel to a monarch

SOmething you people don't seem to understand
How much tyranny have you and your guns stopped so far?

I never said anything about tyranny or fighting the government.

A gun is the single most effective tool for self defense. People have a right to defend themselves and their loved ones.
yeah......these guys are the ones that have been calling for impeachment and blood in the streets. Not Democrats and their corrupt media friends.
They've got Trumpsters foaming at the mouth with their talk of the "invaders".

Is this the "civil war" you guys keep threatening?

Have you read his manifesto? Full of Progressive talking points. He wasn't a "trumpster" and made that clear.
Yes, I've read it. It reads like a Trumpster emoting on USMB after listening to Mark Levin.
Levin hates Marxism and those who get the warm fuzzies thinking about Karl Marx' thearies. (Cross between theatrics and assaulted ears). And he is really opposed to Nazism and Communism, but loves the American Constitution which I've seen him defend to a fault. You oughta lighten up on Mark Levin. He's a good guy.
Levin is a hardcore partisan ideologue, tossing out all the standard hyperbolic platitudes that Rush & Sean do, fighting against communication and collaboration, often getting emotional and screaming, showing zero willingness to be decent to the other tribe.

Levin is part of the problem. If you defend his behaviors, then so are you.

K first, I loathe this modern Puritanical Shaming tactic of, "If you defend his behaviors, then so are you".

Dude I'm a conservative evangelical schoolmarm and I'm 1000 degrees chiller than that. Seriously what in the heck--I'm stuck here for a minute. Sheesh
So when will America say enough is enough? Do you have to wait until someone you love gets gunned down before you say "Time to ban guns?"
Bottom line: A nutcase would not have killed and injured close to 50 people with a knife or another available weapon.
Do something about America's gun crisis. Or is the juvenile mentality of gun nuts and profits for the rich more important than children's lives?

We will never say it's enough.
But if you think it's enough, you need to get together with your vile democrat leaders, declare your independence, write up some kind of constitution or whatever for yourselves. Then you can come after us. Just make sure you come heavy.

We are ready to fight to keep our rights, if you want our rights removed you should be willing to fight to take them.

If you and your ilk don't have the balls to do it then STFU.

Rental Truck, in Nice, France....86 killed, 435 injured.

When will we say enough is enough and ban rental trucks?
Maybe when there are like 4 of those in a month.......

Then maybe you asshats will get serious about ending gun free zones.....where shooters go because they know they have at least 6 free minutes to kill....because normal people are unarmed and helpless...
Neither area was a gun free zone. There were people at Walmart that were armed and they did nothing.

Aside form the fact that most gun owners are not trained to handle shooters in public, there are legal issues. In general, most citizen can not make an arrest or detain a person. Only if firing in self defense are they on safe grounds legally.

Although a gun free zone could be a green light for a gunman it can be a problem also. In a place where guns are normally carried, another person with a gun is not likely to get much attention. The opposite is true in places where no one carries a gun.

Despite the popularity of the pro-gun “good guy with a gun” myth, civilian gun owners typically do not take down mass shooters and can actually contribute to the overall chaos. With today's high power and high capacity guns, most of the killings takes that take place in crowded open areas happens within seconds of the first shot. That means our good guy with a gun is going have to be at the right place at right time with the right weapon, and possess the skills to take down the bad guy quickly without killing innocent people.

Gun laws in Texas - Wikipedia
Gun laws in Ohio - Wikipedia

An armed civilian has no obligation to come to the aid of others.

The police don't even have to come to the aid of others but yet you want to hold civilians to a higher standard than you do the cops?
The shooter in ohio supported your view...

I'll wait for a credible news source to report that. You realize anyone can claim to be anyone on Twitter, right?

The El Paso shooter shared your views on the environment......

Uh, he shared your view on Mexicans... and he wasn't shooting litterers on Saturday, he was shooting Mexicans.

What views would those be asshat? I love immigration to this immigration...... and anyone who comes in legally is as American as apple pie, anyone who comes here illegally gets sent home..not killed....mass graves are what you leftists use.....

He killed people because of his left wing, green extremism....
He specifically does not blame Trump and says his views pre-date Trump. He talks a lot about climate and the environment---sound like a Trumpster to you??

You're revealed Mac

trump's racist rhetoric is fuel for the fire. what was festering under those slimy rocks were overturned & allowed to go full nutter with the blessings of donny.

Playtime when are you going to babysit me today to make sure I'm not lumped in with bad White Supremacists?

Or will you be brave and start the #NotAllTrumpster hashtags?

Just wondering when I'll get the Muslim Terrorist treatment
This is just part of the #BLACKLIVESMATTER president's program to take our guns.
Turn everyone against whites.

damn obama has been out of office for over 2 years... them damn coloreds - always late for everything; ain't that right lenny? :afro:
Anyone else remember ANY president whining about his predecessor and the person he beat for office for years afterwards? fat donnie is just a tad insecure.....
Obama blamed Bush for 8 years
What firepower.....a 5 shot, pump action shotgun killed just as many people, but wounded more in the Russian school shooting....

It isn't the gun, you moron, it is how much free time the shooter has before someone else points a gun at him...

As soon as someone pointed a gun at this guy he surrendered......just like almost all the other shooters...which is why they pick gun free zones to attack.

I know you have this big wank fantasy about pulling your gun and stopping a mass shooter...

But the reality is, most of you gun nuts would cower in a corner confronted by a nut like this.
When that guy started shooting up that parade in Dallas a few years back, all the open carry guys with their guns ran away screaming like little girls.
A civilian has no obligation to do the job of the police
yeah......these guys are the ones that have been calling for impeachment and blood in the streets. Not Democrats and their corrupt media friends.
They've got Trumpsters foaming at the mouth with their talk of the "invaders".

Is this the "civil war" you guys keep threatening?

Have you read his manifesto? Full of Progressive talking points. He wasn't a "trumpster" and made that clear.
Yes, I've read it. It reads like a Trumpster emoting on USMB after listening to Mark Levin.
Levin hates Marxism and those who get the warm fuzzies thinking about Karl Marx' thearies. (Cross between theatrics and assaulted ears). And he is really opposed to Nazism and Communism, but loves the American Constitution which I've seen him defend to a fault. You oughta lighten up on Mark Levin. He's a good guy.
Levin is a hardcore partisan ideologue, tossing out all the standard hyperbolic platitudes that Rush & Sean do, fighting against communication and collaboration, often getting emotional and screaming, showing zero willingness to be decent to the other tribe.

Levin is part of the problem. If you defend his behaviors, then so are you.
Levin isn't part of the problem.
He's reacting to the problem.
You cannot tell me that Levin controls a large segment of the mainstream media, which is the primary cause of all of this.

BTW, it's difficult who controls who. Does the left control our media or does the media control the left?
A private citizen owns guns for one overwhelming reason;self defense.

The bad acts of a fraction of a percent of people is not reason enough to tell the rest of the population they can't own guns

Sure it is.

One kid gets impaled by a lawn dart, they banned the sale of lawn darts.

Seven people took poisoned Tylenol, that changed the way that all medicines are packaged

We have 33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries a year, and we all just shrug and say, "Nothing we can do about it" in the only country where this happens on a regular basis.

You can ride your unicorn to the ceremony for the repeal of the second amendment too

I'd be all for that... but given the founding slave rapists made it too difficult to fix their mistakes, there's a lot of ways to fix this problem.

The first one would be to repeal the law that immunizes gun manufacturers and gun stores from liability when one of their preferred customers goes on a rampage. A few hundred million paid out in lawsuits, they'll suddenly not be so in love with the second amendment. kill over 38,000 people every single year.....according to your logic we need to ban them.

Knives kill more people than rifles do, over 1,500 people every year....ban them...right....

Pools killed over 3,500.....ban pools...

And again, you count suicide to inflate gun murder numbers, showing that you are a dishonest hack...

And according to your god, "government" Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives...that is from the Centers for Disease Control...dwarfing crime with guns

Lives saved....
They've got Trumpsters foaming at the mouth with their talk of the "invaders".

Is this the "civil war" you guys keep threatening?

Have you read his manifesto? Full of Progressive talking points. He wasn't a "trumpster" and made that clear.
Yes, I've read it. It reads like a Trumpster emoting on USMB after listening to Mark Levin.
Levin hates Marxism and those who get the warm fuzzies thinking about Karl Marx' thearies. (Cross between theatrics and assaulted ears). And he is really opposed to Nazism and Communism, but loves the American Constitution which I've seen him defend to a fault. You oughta lighten up on Mark Levin. He's a good guy.
Levin is a hardcore partisan ideologue, tossing out all the standard hyperbolic platitudes that Rush & Sean do, fighting against communication and collaboration, often getting emotional and screaming, showing zero willingness to be decent to the other tribe.

Levin is part of the problem. If you defend his behaviors, then so are you.

K first, I loathe this modern Puritanical Shaming tactic of, "If you defend his behaviors, then so are you".

Dude I'm a conservative evangelical schoolmarm and I'm 1000 degrees chiller than that. Seriously what in the heck--I'm stuck here for a minute. Sheesh
On the other's impossible to get Democrats to condemn Antifa or condemn Ilhan Omar's anti-Semitic bigotry.
A private citizen owns guns for one overwhelming reason;self defense.

The bad acts of a fraction of a percent of people is not reason enough to tell the rest of the population they can't own guns

Sure it is.

One kid gets impaled by a lawn dart, they banned the sale of lawn darts.

Seven people took poisoned Tylenol, that changed the way that all medicines are packaged

We have 33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries a year, and we all just shrug and say, "Nothing we can do about it" in the only country where this happens on a regular basis.

You can ride your unicorn to the ceremony for the repeal of the second amendment too

I'd be all for that... but given the founding slave rapists made it too difficult to fix their mistakes, there's a lot of ways to fix this problem.

The first one would be to repeal the law that immunizes gun manufacturers and gun stores from liability when one of their preferred customers goes on a rampage. A few hundred million paid out in lawsuits, they'll suddenly not be so in love with the second amendment. kill over 38,000 people every single year.....according to your logic we need to ban them.

Knives kill more people than rifles do, over 1,500 people every year....ban them...right....

Pools killed over 3,500.....ban pools...

And again, you count suicide to inflate gun murder numbers, showing that you are a dishonest hack...

And according to your god, "government" Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives...that is from the Centers for Disease Control...dwarfing crime with guns

Lives saved.... many babies did Planned-Parenthood abort this week?
So violent that our homicide rate is 4-5X higher than countries with strong gun control.
And your solution is to disarm the population ? Looks like that is precisely why so many were killed and wounded. Why was no one armed, and shooting back at the shooter ? thereby save lives (as occured in 2002 in Los Angeles Airport when the shooter -Hesham Mohamed Hadayet- was shot dead, after killing only 2 people)

2002 Los Angeles International Airport shooting - Wikipedia
I listened to the interview of a man who was carrying--and he booked it outta there, helping kids along the way. He did not seek out the gunman and shoot back. It does not happen. The guy is active military and he knows what to do. He did nothing but run. Your argument is a Walter Mitty daydream, not something to seriously consider.
So what?

He had no obligation to seek out the shooter he did the right thing and got his kids out.

Shit the cops don't even have to respond to a call for aid why the hell should a civilian?
So the armed citizen argument is rendered void.
Not at all

Civilians are armed for self defense not so they can play cop.
The shooter in ohio supported your view...

I'll wait for a credible news source to report that. You realize anyone can claim to be anyone on Twitter, right?

The El Paso shooter shared your views on the environment......

Uh, he shared your view on Mexicans... and he wasn't shooting litterers on Saturday, he was shooting Mexicans.

What views would those be asshat? I love immigration to this immigration...... and anyone who comes in legally is as American as apple pie, anyone who comes here illegally gets sent home..not killed....mass graves are what you leftists use.....

He killed people because of his left wing, green extremism....
He bitched about illegal immigration and referred to "open borders" just like a devout rightie.
What views would those be asshat? I love immigration to this immigration...... and anyone who comes in legally is as American as apple pie, anyone who comes here illegally gets sent home..not killed....mass graves are what you leftists use.....

again, your Fuhrer spent the last three years demonizing immigrants and Hispanics, and you are acting shocked this happened?

upload_2019-8-5_5-59-32.jpeg kill over 38,000 people every single year.....according to your logic we need to ban them.

Cars aren't designed to kill people. Guns are.

We've been over this... get back to me when you have some new material.
They've got Trumpsters foaming at the mouth with their talk of the "invaders".

Is this the "civil war" you guys keep threatening?

Have you read his manifesto? Full of Progressive talking points. He wasn't a "trumpster" and made that clear.
Yes, I've read it. It reads like a Trumpster emoting on USMB after listening to Mark Levin.
Levin hates Marxism and those who get the warm fuzzies thinking about Karl Marx' thearies. (Cross between theatrics and assaulted ears). And he is really opposed to Nazism and Communism, but loves the American Constitution which I've seen him defend to a fault. You oughta lighten up on Mark Levin. He's a good guy.
Levin is a hardcore partisan ideologue, tossing out all the standard hyperbolic platitudes that Rush & Sean do, fighting against communication and collaboration, often getting emotional and screaming, showing zero willingness to be decent to the other tribe.

Levin is part of the problem. If you defend his behaviors, then so are you.
Levin isn't part of the problem.
He's reacting to the problem.
You cannot tell me that Levin controls a large segment of the mainstream media, which is the primary cause of all of this.

BTW, it's difficult who controls who. Does the left control our media or does the media control the left?
The words, phrases, tactics and even thought processes of Levin, Hannity and Limbaugh are all over the posts on this thread and in real life from right wingers.

Their influence has been profound, even to the point of creating an entire alternate, fully closed circuit news & information universe for their flocks. I'll bet even THEY are surprised at that.

I know you disagree. We're in different universes.
Have you read his manifesto? Full of Progressive talking points. He wasn't a "trumpster" and made that clear.
Yes, I've read it. It reads like a Trumpster emoting on USMB after listening to Mark Levin.
Levin hates Marxism and those who get the warm fuzzies thinking about Karl Marx' thearies. (Cross between theatrics and assaulted ears). And he is really opposed to Nazism and Communism, but loves the American Constitution which I've seen him defend to a fault. You oughta lighten up on Mark Levin. He's a good guy.
Levin is a hardcore partisan ideologue, tossing out all the standard hyperbolic platitudes that Rush & Sean do, fighting against communication and collaboration, often getting emotional and screaming, showing zero willingness to be decent to the other tribe.

Levin is part of the problem. If you defend his behaviors, then so are you.
Levin isn't part of the problem.
He's reacting to the problem.
You cannot tell me that Levin controls a large segment of the mainstream media, which is the primary cause of all of this.

BTW, it's difficult who controls who. Does the left control our media or does the media control the left?
The words, phrases, tactics and even thought processes of Levin, Hannity and Limbaugh are all over the posts on this thread and in real life from right wingers.

Their influence has been profound, even to the point of creating an entire alternate, fully closed circuit news & information universe for their flocks. I'll bet even THEY are surprised at that.

I know you disagree. We're in different universes.

If you disagree with me, you're part of the problem.

SHAME on you
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