Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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Here's a grand Idea.... Maybe every race, culture, and creed could stand with Trump to fix this nation for all, instead of fighting him over their own personal agenda's that work only for them and their specific groups in the nation, yet all the while abusing other groups in the nation unfairly.

Try it everyone, and you will realize just how great this nation can be for every race, culture, and creed here.

The instigator's of division, and the ones who cause nothing but trouble in this nation needs to be legally dealt with. Enough of the manipulating lying bullcrap already.
You want me to stand with the vile POS president who is trying to remove my friends and neighbors from their homes??? He is removing people who have been here for decades. People who have not lived in Mexico since they were small children. People who don't speak Spanish. People who have no family or friends in Mexico. People who have worked and contributed to this country for, in some cases, more than 40 years.

Fuck off. I wouldn't piss on the man if he was burning. He's a vile evil racist. He has no redeeming qualities.
Here's a grand Idea.... Maybe every race, culture, and creed could stand with Trump to fix this nation for all, instead of fighting him over their own personal agenda's that work only for them and their specific groups in the nation, yet all the while abusing other groups in the nation unfairly.

Try it everyone, and you will realize just how great this nation can be for every race, culture, and creed here.

The instigator's of division, and the ones who cause nothing but trouble in this nation needs to be legally dealt with. Enough of the manipulating lying bullcrap already.
You want me to stand with the vile POS president who is trying to remove my friends and neighbors from their homes??? He is removing people who have been here for decades. People who have not lived in Mexico since they were small children. People who don't speak Spanish. People who have no family or friends in Mexico. People who have worked and contributed to this country for, in some cases, more than 40 years.

Fuck off. I wouldn't piss on the man if he was burning. He's a vile evil racist. He has no redeeming qualities.
Who cares how long you feel they’ve gotten away with it. With each new day, they are breaking the law again. Habitual offenders. Good to see you wear your loyalty to criminals, and foreigners on your sleeve.
Here's a grand Idea.... Maybe every race, culture, and creed could stand with Trump to fix this nation for all, instead of fighting him over their own personal agenda's that work only for them and their specific groups in the nation, yet all the while abusing other groups in the nation unfairly.

Try it everyone, and you will realize just how great this nation can be for every race, culture, and creed here.

The instigator's of division, and the ones who cause nothing but trouble in this nation needs to be legally dealt with. Enough of the manipulating lying bullcrap already.
You want me to stand with the vile POS president who is trying to remove my friends and neighbors from their homes??? He is removing people who have been here for decades. People who have not lived in Mexico since they were small children. People who don't speak Spanish. People who have no family or friends in Mexico. People who have worked and contributed to this country for, in some cases, more than 40 years.

Fuck off. I wouldn't piss on the man if he was burning. He's a vile evil racist. He has no redeeming qualities.

So the fact that they were breaking the law for decades means nothing
Nope, I believe in freedom of expression.

The rest of your post is standard Rush/Sean/Mark stuff.
Standard common-sense you mean.

And I noticed you said expression but not speech.

We can express ourselves all we want as long as we keep our mouths shut.
Speech, expression, all of it.

I want to know who the nutters are, what they think, where they are, and who agrees with them.

Nice try, though.

You appear to be one of the right wingers who have "forgotten" my thousands of tussles here with the Regressive Left on this topic. No surprise.
I missed it because it doesn't happen very often.

Yeah I laughed out loud, no kidding, because I don't think I've seen it once on this site.
Okay, my apologies, one more thing.

Using this site's search function, I entered "regressives expression" and "mac1958". Just that one combination of words alone produced 109 hits: Search Results for Query: regressive expression | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The examples go back to 2015, when I first encountered the phrase "Regressive Left" and started using it regularly to describe illiberal leftist authoritarians.

So there ya go. You're welcome. And don't worry, I don't expect apologies from people like you.

Oh I hope I am never above apologizing, for pity's sake. I did see a lot of these were back to when I joined or just after, at any rate, I was wrong about that claim and I'm sorry for that. I will keep that in mind in the future (I mean that sincerely).

Thanks for the information (I also mean that sincerely). Knowledge is power (and that was cliche but probably not so bad I have to apologize for it...heh)
Here's a grand Idea.... Maybe every race, culture, and creed could stand with Trump to fix this nation for all, instead of fighting him over their own personal agenda's that work only for them and their specific groups in the nation, yet all the while abusing other groups in the nation unfairly.

Try it everyone, and you will realize just how great this nation can be for every race, culture, and creed here.

The instigator's of division, and the ones who cause nothing but trouble in this nation needs to be legally dealt with. Enough of the manipulating lying bullcrap already.
You want me to stand with the vile POS president who is trying to remove my friends and neighbors from their homes??? He is removing people who have been here for decades. People who have not lived in Mexico since they were small children. People who don't speak Spanish. People who have no family or friends in Mexico. People who have worked and contributed to this country for, in some cases, more than 40 years.

Fuck off. I wouldn't piss on the man if he was burning. He's a vile evil racist. He has no redeeming qualities.

I thought if you were brought here as a small child you were not going to be deported. Cause you're not a lawbreaker. Wasn't this the whole DREAM act or whatever?
Here's a grand Idea.... Maybe every race, culture, and creed could stand with Trump to fix this nation for all, instead of fighting him over their own personal agenda's that work only for them and their specific groups in the nation, yet all the while abusing other groups in the nation unfairly.

Try it everyone, and you will realize just how great this nation can be for every race, culture, and creed here.

The instigator's of division, and the ones who cause nothing but trouble in this nation needs to be legally dealt with. Enough of the manipulating lying bullcrap already.
You want me to stand with the vile POS president who is trying to remove my friends and neighbors from their homes??? He is removing people who have been here for decades. People who have not lived in Mexico since they were small children. People who don't speak Spanish. People who have no family or friends in Mexico. People who have worked and contributed to this country for, in some cases, more than 40 years.

Fuck off. I wouldn't piss on the man if he was burning. He's a vile evil racist. He has no redeeming qualities.
Who cares how long you feel they’ve gotten away with it. With each new day, they are breaking the law again. Habitual offenders. Good to see you wear your loyalty to criminals, and foreigners on your sleeve.
My loyalties are to my friends and neighbors. To the people in my community that I interact with on a daily basis.

Not to some pasty old white men who are afraid of the damn wind and can't leave their homes without guns and body armor.
Here's a grand Idea.... Maybe every race, culture, and creed could stand with Trump to fix this nation for all, instead of fighting him over their own personal agenda's that work only for them and their specific groups in the nation, yet all the while abusing other groups in the nation unfairly.

Try it everyone, and you will realize just how great this nation can be for every race, culture, and creed here.

The instigator's of division, and the ones who cause nothing but trouble in this nation needs to be legally dealt with. Enough of the manipulating lying bullcrap already.
You want me to stand with the vile POS president who is trying to remove my friends and neighbors from their homes??? He is removing people who have been here for decades. People who have not lived in Mexico since they were small children. People who don't speak Spanish. People who have no family or friends in Mexico. People who have worked and contributed to this country for, in some cases, more than 40 years.

Fuck off. I wouldn't piss on the man if he was burning. He's a vile evil racist. He has no redeeming qualities.
Who cares how long you feel they’ve gotten away with it. With each new day, they are breaking the law again. Habitual offenders. Good to see you wear your loyalty to criminals, and foreigners on your sleeve.
My loyalties are to my friends and neighbors. To the people in my community that I interact with on a daily basis.

Not to some pasty old white men who are afraid of the damn wind and can't leave their homes without guns and body armor.
So you’re racist as well. Aren’t you the whole package? Have another abortion; you’ll feel better...
What firepower.....a 5 shot, pump action shotgun killed just as many people, but wounded more in the Russian school shooting....

It isn't the gun, you moron, it is how much free time the shooter has before someone else points a gun at him...

As soon as someone pointed a gun at this guy he surrendered......just like almost all the other shooters...which is why they pick gun free zones to attack.

I know you have this big wank fantasy about pulling your gun and stopping a mass shooter...

But the reality is, most of you gun nuts would cower in a corner confronted by a nut like this.
I would drop one right between his fucking eyes. I can assure you. Just trust me on this one.
You and fat donnie and his claim he would run into that Florida HS while the shooter was still active. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You have no idea who I am do you? You have no idea about my background do you?
Here's a grand Idea.... Maybe every race, culture, and creed could stand with Trump to fix this nation for all, instead of fighting him over their own personal agenda's that work only for them and their specific groups in the nation, yet all the while abusing other groups in the nation unfairly.

Try it everyone, and you will realize just how great this nation can be for every race, culture, and creed here.

The instigator's of division, and the ones who cause nothing but trouble in this nation needs to be legally dealt with. Enough of the manipulating lying bullcrap already.
You want me to stand with the vile POS president who is trying to remove my friends and neighbors from their homes??? He is removing people who have been here for decades. People who have not lived in Mexico since they were small children. People who don't speak Spanish. People who have no family or friends in Mexico. People who have worked and contributed to this country for, in some cases, more than 40 years.

Fuck off. I wouldn't piss on the man if he was burning. He's a vile evil racist. He has no redeeming qualities.
Who cares how long you feel they’ve gotten away with it. With each new day, they are breaking the law again. Habitual offenders. Good to see you wear your loyalty to criminals, and foreigners on your sleeve.
My loyalties are to my friends and neighbors. To the people in my community that I interact with on a daily basis.

Not to some pasty old white men who are afraid of the damn wind and can't leave their homes without guns and body armor.
So I’m supposed to allow my property to be violated and my persons to be aggressed? You live in some cushy fucking suburban neighborhood don’t you? Lots of people don’t, so stop judging people that have to survive everyday and live with the possibility of violence everyday.
Here's a grand Idea.... Maybe every race, culture, and creed could stand with Trump to fix this nation for all, instead of fighting him over their own personal agenda's that work only for them and their specific groups in the nation, yet all the while abusing other groups in the nation unfairly.

Try it everyone, and you will realize just how great this nation can be for every race, culture, and creed here.

The instigator's of division, and the ones who cause nothing but trouble in this nation needs to be legally dealt with. Enough of the manipulating lying bullcrap already.
You want me to stand with the vile POS president who is trying to remove my friends and neighbors from their homes??? He is removing people who have been here for decades. People who have not lived in Mexico since they were small children. People who don't speak Spanish. People who have no family or friends in Mexico. People who have worked and contributed to this country for, in some cases, more than 40 years.

Fuck off. I wouldn't piss on the man if he was burning. He's a vile evil racist. He has no redeeming qualities.
Who cares how long you feel they’ve gotten away with it. With each new day, they are breaking the law again. Habitual offenders. Good to see you wear your loyalty to criminals, and foreigners on your sleeve.
My loyalties are to my friends and neighbors. To the people in my community that I interact with on a daily basis.

Not to some pasty old white men who are afraid of the damn wind and can't leave their homes without guns and body armor.
So you’re racist as well. Aren’t you the whole package? Have another abortion; you’ll feel better...
Since I have absolutely zero power to oppress you, you are probably safe from me.

But keep your guns handy, brown people are coming for Meemaw. Scary!

Are you one of those terrified white men who are afraid your glory days of oppressive power are fading? Awwwwww.
Here's a grand Idea.... Maybe every race, culture, and creed could stand with Trump to fix this nation for all, instead of fighting him over their own personal agenda's that work only for them and their specific groups in the nation, yet all the while abusing other groups in the nation unfairly.

Try it everyone, and you will realize just how great this nation can be for every race, culture, and creed here.

The instigator's of division, and the ones who cause nothing but trouble in this nation needs to be legally dealt with. Enough of the manipulating lying bullcrap already.
You want me to stand with the vile POS president who is trying to remove my friends and neighbors from their homes??? He is removing people who have been here for decades. People who have not lived in Mexico since they were small children. People who don't speak Spanish. People who have no family or friends in Mexico. People who have worked and contributed to this country for, in some cases, more than 40 years.

Fuck off. I wouldn't piss on the man if he was burning. He's a vile evil racist. He has no redeeming qualities.
Who cares how long you feel they’ve gotten away with it. With each new day, they are breaking the law again. Habitual offenders. Good to see you wear your loyalty to criminals, and foreigners on your sleeve.
My loyalties are to my friends and neighbors. To the people in my community that I interact with on a daily basis.

Not to some pasty old white men who are afraid of the damn wind and can't leave their homes without guns and body armor.
So I’m supposed to allow my property to be violated and my persons to be aggressed? You live in some cushy fucking suburban neighborhood don’t you? Lots of people don’t, so stop judging people that have to survive everyday and live with the possibility of violence everyday.
I live 7 miles north of Tijuana. You don't have a clue what you're talking about.
Here's a grand Idea.... Maybe every race, culture, and creed could stand with Trump to fix this nation for all, instead of fighting him over their own personal agenda's that work only for them and their specific groups in the nation, yet all the while abusing other groups in the nation unfairly.

Try it everyone, and you will realize just how great this nation can be for every race, culture, and creed here.

The instigator's of division, and the ones who cause nothing but trouble in this nation needs to be legally dealt with. Enough of the manipulating lying bullcrap already.
You want me to stand with the vile POS president who is trying to remove my friends and neighbors from their homes??? He is removing people who have been here for decades. People who have not lived in Mexico since they were small children. People who don't speak Spanish. People who have no family or friends in Mexico. People who have worked and contributed to this country for, in some cases, more than 40 years.

Fuck off. I wouldn't piss on the man if he was burning. He's a vile evil racist. He has no redeeming qualities.
Who cares how long you feel they’ve gotten away with it. With each new day, they are breaking the law again. Habitual offenders. Good to see you wear your loyalty to criminals, and foreigners on your sleeve.
My loyalties are to my friends and neighbors. To the people in my community that I interact with on a daily basis.

Not to some pasty old white men who are afraid of the damn wind and can't leave their homes without guns and body armor.
So you’re racist as well. Aren’t you the whole package? Have another abortion; you’ll feel better...
Since I have absolutely zero power to oppress you, you are probably safe from me.

But keep your guns handy, brown people are coming for Meemaw. Scary!

Are you one of those terrified white men who are afraid your glory days of oppressive power are fading? Awwwwww.
I think someone is putting these kids up to it just like they do in the Middle-East.

yeah......these guys are the ones that have been calling for impeachment and blood in the streets. Not Democrats and their corrupt media friends.
They've got Trumpsters foaming at the mouth with their talk of the "invaders".

Is this the "civil war" you guys keep threatening?
We can't defend the haters either. I just looked up Patrick Crusius and saw that he seems to have been targeting Hispanics, a hit against the "invasion" of Hispanics in this country. I quibble with people about using the term "invasion" all the time, because it ratchets up the rhetoric to a fighting level. And then some lamebrain like Patrick Crusius WILL fight, murdering twenty and wounding at least two dozen more for doing nothing more threatening than SHOPPING AT WALMART.

Do you get where I'm coming from? The people calling this an invasion and flapping their gums about treating them as the "enemy" IS dangerous. We all know there is a crisis on the border. More people want in all at once than our system can process. But we have to stop turning them into enemy combatants in our speech. No one needs to love them or even welcome them. They just need to tone it down.

It is over 100,000 per month captured. How many not captured is unknown. It went on all during BO years As long as you gain 1mil votes per year and cause financial collapse, LW is good with it. Then they spin.

It is an INVASION. Not filing papers for admission by the correct method. If it was that many locusts, they would be spraying rather than feeding it.

Your heros in DC laughed and shut down the GOVT to allow it to continue. Manufactured crisis? yes during BO years. Now they cry fake tears about the same crisis on their way to paid vacation 6 weeks in Italy, Guam.
It sounds like you agree and sympathize with the El Paso killer. Crusius made many of the the same 'points' in his manifesto.

As for fake tweets..errr tears....a lot of that going around. The total lack of empathy displayed here by many is telling.
Spin machines working overtime.
Here's a grand Idea.... Maybe every race, culture, and creed could stand with Trump to fix this nation for all, instead of fighting him over their own personal agenda's that work only for them and their specific groups in the nation, yet all the while abusing other groups in the nation unfairly.

Try it everyone, and you will realize just how great this nation can be for every race, culture, and creed here.

The instigator's of division, and the ones who cause nothing but trouble in this nation needs to be legally dealt with. Enough of the manipulating lying bullcrap already.
You want me to stand with the vile POS president who is trying to remove my friends and neighbors from their homes??? He is removing people who have been here for decades. People who have not lived in Mexico since they were small children. People who don't speak Spanish. People who have no family or friends in Mexico. People who have worked and contributed to this country for, in some cases, more than 40 years.

Fuck off. I wouldn't piss on the man if he was burning. He's a vile evil racist. He has no redeeming qualities.
Who cares how long you feel they’ve gotten away with it. With each new day, they are breaking the law again. Habitual offenders. Good to see you wear your loyalty to criminals, and foreigners on your sleeve.
My loyalties are to my friends and neighbors. To the people in my community that I interact with on a daily basis.

Not to some pasty old white men who are afraid of the damn wind and can't leave their homes without guns and body armor.
So I’m supposed to allow my property to be violated and my persons to be aggressed? You live in some cushy fucking suburban neighborhood don’t you? Lots of people don’t, so stop judging people that have to survive everyday and live with the possibility of violence everyday.
I live 7 miles north of Tijuana. You don't have a clue what you're talking about.
I lived in Cali about 10 from TJ. I suggest you arm yourself.
You want me to stand with the vile POS president who is trying to remove my friends and neighbors from their homes??? He is removing people who have been here for decades. People who have not lived in Mexico since they were small children. People who don't speak Spanish. People who have no family or friends in Mexico. People who have worked and contributed to this country for, in some cases, more than 40 years.

Fuck off. I wouldn't piss on the man if he was burning. He's a vile evil racist. He has no redeeming qualities.
Who cares how long you feel they’ve gotten away with it. With each new day, they are breaking the law again. Habitual offenders. Good to see you wear your loyalty to criminals, and foreigners on your sleeve.
My loyalties are to my friends and neighbors. To the people in my community that I interact with on a daily basis.

Not to some pasty old white men who are afraid of the damn wind and can't leave their homes without guns and body armor.
So I’m supposed to allow my property to be violated and my persons to be aggressed? You live in some cushy fucking suburban neighborhood don’t you? Lots of people don’t, so stop judging people that have to survive everyday and live with the possibility of violence everyday.
I live 7 miles north of Tijuana. You don't have a clue what you're talking about.
I lived in Cali about 10 from TJ. I suggest you arm yourself.
I've lived here all my adult life. I've never had need of a gun. I go to Tijuana on a regular basis. And Rosarito. And Ensenada.

Stop being so afraid. So weak.
I think someone is putting these kids up to it just like they do in the Middle-East.

yeah......these guys are the ones that have been calling for impeachment and blood in the streets. Not Democrats and their corrupt media friends.
They've got Trumpsters foaming at the mouth with their talk of the "invaders".

Is this the "civil war" you guys keep threatening?
We can't defend the haters either. I just looked up Patrick Crusius and saw that he seems to have been targeting Hispanics, a hit against the "invasion" of Hispanics in this country. I quibble with people about using the term "invasion" all the time, because it ratchets up the rhetoric to a fighting level. And then some lamebrain like Patrick Crusius WILL fight, murdering twenty and wounding at least two dozen more for doing nothing more threatening than SHOPPING AT WALMART.

Do you get where I'm coming from? The people calling this an invasion and flapping their gums about treating them as the "enemy" IS dangerous. We all know there is a crisis on the border. More people want in all at once than our system can process. But we have to stop turning them into enemy combatants in our speech. No one needs to love them or even welcome them. They just need to tone it down.

It is over 100,000 per month captured. How many not captured is unknown. It went on all during BO years As long as you gain 1mil votes per year and cause financial collapse, LW is good with it. Then they spin.

It is an INVASION. Not filing papers for admission by the correct method. If it was that many locusts, they would be spraying rather than feeding it.

Your heros in DC laughed and shut down the GOVT to allow it to continue. Manufactured crisis? yes during BO years. Now they cry fake tears about the same crisis on their way to paid vacation 6 weeks in Italy, Guam.
It sounds like you agree and sympathize with the El Paso killer. Crusius made many of the the same 'points' in his manifesto.

As for fake tweets..errr tears....a lot of that going around. The total lack of empathy displayed here by many is telling.
Spin machines working overtime.
It was bound to happen eventually. When the government fails to act in order to resolve the problem, it’s only a matter of time till someone does. Get cracking on solving the invasion problem, and you’ll limit the fuel for the fire.
Who cares how long you feel they’ve gotten away with it. With each new day, they are breaking the law again. Habitual offenders. Good to see you wear your loyalty to criminals, and foreigners on your sleeve.
My loyalties are to my friends and neighbors. To the people in my community that I interact with on a daily basis.

Not to some pasty old white men who are afraid of the damn wind and can't leave their homes without guns and body armor.
So I’m supposed to allow my property to be violated and my persons to be aggressed? You live in some cushy fucking suburban neighborhood don’t you? Lots of people don’t, so stop judging people that have to survive everyday and live with the possibility of violence everyday.
I live 7 miles north of Tijuana. You don't have a clue what you're talking about.
I lived in Cali about 10 from TJ. I suggest you arm yourself.
I've lived here all my adult life. I've never had need of a gun. I go to Tijuana on a regular basis. And Rosarito. And Ensenada.

Stop being so afraid. So weak.
Oooh shaming tactics! Has that ever worked for you? Ever..?
"heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a Democrat stronghold" ~ Patrick Crucius, shortly before shooting up a Walmart in a heavy Hispanic area.
He was incorrect on that. As a Roman Catholic who had many, many Mexican American friends growing-up...they voted Republican because of abortion. Now, as for the illegals coming into our country, and from a purely political science standpoint the nut jobber was correct.
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