Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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trump has no character & has been racist for decades, going back to him & his daddy getting sued for housing discrimination.
Yeah I have the mainstream media too :rolleyes:

no, you have propaganda & rw bullshit, including rotten rudy telling you not to believe what you see or hear & ' truth isn't truth '.

happy reading!
They never say anything. And they do this over and over.
Irony alert
This coming from the one who's signature is a photo of automatic weapons. How can you say anything if you're a Trump supporter who promotes terrorism and posts your own photo of weapons? Are you planning on following Trump's lead? Inquiring minds would love to know? You fit the profile for sure.
Automatic weapons? Care to point those out?
ok hows that trump Russian collusion thing I keep hearing about?
Here's a goodie Kavanaugh is a serial rapist.
we've had bombshell after bombshell that Trump was going down for 2 years.
How about that Steele Dossier?
The clinton Lynch tarmac meeting
there is so much shit on the media you could write a book.
You are mental.
Of course he is. On another thread, he claims a trump supporting conservative who killed Democrats to keep Texas Republican -- a Liberal Democrat.

Maybe you should read the manifesto
I did. He killed Democrats and potential Democrats to keep Texas Republican. Online, he expressed support for trump, trump's wall and Bill O'Reilly.

To idiots like you, that makes him a Liberal Democrat.

I love how they desperately try and push it onto Liberals. What a bunch of cowards.
stating fact is not an act of desperation you're trying to deflect from it is an act of desperation
My disclaimer stands, thankyouverymuch.
Unless your "disclaimer" stated that thegatewaypundit was the one who altered that page to make up fake news, then your "disclaimer," along with the rest of your post, is complete nonsense.
It appeared in an earlier post. But be my guest, jump right in. The concrete floor to the pool is closer than it looks. <giggle>
No worries, I already posted evidence that page was created after Crusius was arrested. Righties are dumb. They'll ignore reality anyway and believe that really is Crusius' MyLife page.
You're status climbing again, Mr. Faun. You use people like stepping stones, i.e. "righties are dumb." How high up on the evolutionary ladder do you think that will pull you? One whole millimeter? :rolleyes:
I mean seriously, Trump can't even pretend he gives a shit after getting the city name wrong. He could care less. If his concern was genuine he wouldn't get everything wrong. When he's doing something illegal for his benefit, he doesn't get that wrong does he? It's all relative.
Yes he does. In my family, there were lots of kids. Parents have a lot to think about. My cousins, grandmother, dad, mother, and other assorted relatives called the roll. They'd look at Joel and say Jack. They'd look at Buddy and say Joel. It was call the roll time, but everybody was loved just the same.

Trump has a family. it's all the cities and states of the greatest country in the world. He's a human and he has a lot of kids, too. It's just a trait some of us have. We say one's name when we're talking to the other. The love was there, it's just that slip ups happen when a lot is happening around them. The moms, aunts, and grandmas were busy serving everybody else. There minds were on clean hands, sanitary handling of food, what grandpa said he wanted, getting the little ones plates filled first, you name it.

Nobody cares about that name slip up thing in my family. The love is there. Other families do that too. There was somebody on that darn Mayflower that did it too, probably.

I'd cut him some slack, BWK. ;)
Unless your "disclaimer" stated that thegatewaypundit was the one who altered that page to make up fake news, then your "disclaimer," along with the rest of your post, is complete nonsense.
It appeared in an earlier post. But be my guest, jump right in. The concrete floor to the pool is closer than it looks. <giggle>
No worries, I already posted evidence that page was created after Crusius was arrested. Righties are dumb. They'll ignore reality anyway and believe that really is Crusius' MyLife page.
You're status climbing again, Mr. Faun. You use people like stepping stones, i.e. "righties are dumb." How high up on the evolutionary ladder do you think that will pull you? One whole millimeter? :rolleyes:
I mean seriously, Trump can't even pretend he gives a shit after getting the city name wrong. He could care less. If his concern was genuine he wouldn't get everything wrong. When he's doing something illegal for his benefit, he doesn't get that wrong does he? It's all relative.
Yes he does. In my family, there were lots of kids. Parents have a lot to think about. My cousins, grandmother, dad, mother, and other assorted relatives called the roll. They'd look at Joel and say Jack. They'd look at Buddy and say Joel. It was call the roll time, but everybody was loved just the same.

Trump has a family. it's all the cities and states of the greatest country in the world. He's a human and he has a lot of kids, too. It's just a trait some of us have. We say one's name when we're talking to the other. The love was there, it's just that slip ups happen when a lot is happening around them. The moms, aunts, and grandmas were busy serving everybody else. There minds were on clean hands, sanitary handling of food, what grandpa said he wanted, getting the little ones plates filled first, you name it.

Nobody cares about that name slip up thing in my family. The love is there. Other families do that too. There was somebody on that darn Mayflower that did it too, probably.

I'd cut him some slack, BWK. ;)
White supremacy is not a mental illness, It's a choice. And it's a choice of evil. I never cut evil any 'slack", nor should anyone else; Sen. Brown calls for action following mass shootings

People are dead because of Trump. There is no more slack left.
You are mental.
Of course he is. On another thread, he claims a trump supporting conservative who killed Democrats to keep Texas Republican -- a Liberal Democrat.

Maybe you should read the manifesto
I did. He killed Democrats and potential Democrats to keep Texas Republican. Online, he expressed support for trump, trump's wall and Bill O'Reilly.

To idiots like you, that makes him a Liberal Democrat.

I love how they desperately try and push it onto Liberals. What a bunch of cowards.
stating fact is not an act of desperation you're trying to deflect from it is an act of desperation
That photo is a deflection? If it weren't so tragic and evil, that would be funny as hell.
Unless your "disclaimer" stated that thegatewaypundit was the one who altered that page to make up fake news, then your "disclaimer," along with the rest of your post, is complete nonsense.
It appeared in an earlier post. But be my guest, jump right in. The concrete floor to the pool is closer than it looks. <giggle>
No worries, I already posted evidence that page was created after Crusius was arrested. Righties are dumb. They'll ignore reality anyway and believe that really is Crusius' MyLife page.
You're status climbing again, Mr. Faun. You use people like stepping stones, i.e. "righties are dumb." How high up on the evolutionary ladder do you think that will pull you? One whole millimeter? :rolleyes:
I mean seriously, Trump can't even pretend he gives a shit after getting the city name wrong. He could care less. If his concern was genuine he wouldn't get everything wrong. When he's doing something illegal for his benefit, he doesn't get that wrong does he? It's all relative.
Yes he does. In my family, there were lots of kids. Parents have a lot to think about. My cousins, grandmother, dad, mother, and other assorted relatives called the roll. They'd look at Joel and say Jack. They'd look at Buddy and say Joel. It was call the roll time, but everybody was loved just the same.

Trump has a family. it's all the cities and states of the greatest country in the world. He's a human and he has a lot of kids, too. It's just a trait some of us have. We say one's name when we're talking to the other. The love was there, it's just that slip ups happen when a lot is happening around them. The moms, aunts, and grandmas were busy serving everybody else. There minds were on clean hands, sanitary handling of food, what grandpa said he wanted, getting the little ones plates filled first, you name it.

Nobody cares about that name slip up thing in my family. The love is there. Other families do that too. There was somebody on that darn Mayflower that did it too, probably.

I'd cut him some slack, BWK. ;)
Your family is not the president. He's evil, plain and simple, and he gets no slack.
Or..get cracking on crushing the alt/right. That is also an option. Wacko's with guns and an agenda are as big a problem as illegals.
For the majority of America..there is no 'invasion' problem..there is a problem with the enforcement of immigration laws...and I'd love to deport every illegal..including the ones from Europe, Australia, Canada and Asia. Trump could do that..but he does not..and his people give him a pass. The issue many have with your that it is seen as the thinly veiled racism that it is.

I just read that Trump is making noises about gun control..don't worry..he doesn't mean it. LOL! He has threatened to veto two Bills that would mandate just what he is now calling for.
Whackos with guns, and an agenda haven’t cost me anything. Invaders cost us all daily. And there isn’t a single attempt Trump has made to address the illegals issue that the left hasn’t resisted.
So? The Left is wrong on this issue..big surprise.
So is most of the Right though...just in a different way. Also not a surprise.
The POTUS is the actor here..the guy with the hammer. he could order raids..across the nation at employers of Illegals. He could convene 14.7 deportation courts---and authorize the hiring of additional judges. He could arrest illegals in droves..without notice and without the help of the locals. He could do all of this with a stroke of a pen.
No Congress needed. He is the chief LEO on our nation...all he need do is enforce the the same time he could paper the barrio's with fliers in Spanish..telling illegals that if they self-deport..they can still be considered for immigration..but if they are deported..lifetime ban.

He could instruct the INS to crack down on visa overstays..of whatever country..and get them deported as well.

The Democrats could not do a thing..within the law to stop him.

Yet he does nothing..for fear of public opinion.

So whining about the just a bit silly---on this issue Trump is a paper tiger..and everyone with a brain knows it.
This is probably at least somewhat true but Jesus Christ man look how badly the media paints him as a racist for the things he’s already done (or not done based on your point of view). He’s always going to be fighting a losing battle with the overall public because the major media is hell bent on destroying his character any way possible. I mean you’ve GOT to be able to see that, no?

trump has no character & has been racist for decades, going back to him & his daddy getting sued for housing discrimination.
Yeah I have the mainstream media too :rolleyes:
So, it's the "mainstream medias' fault for exposing Trump for the monster that he is? Are you fucking kidding me? We don't need any media to figure that out. We have our own eyes and ears to know what we need to know about Trump, minus the media.
How much do you have to conto
Even Trump's facebook ads talk about the invasion of the others. No wonder they are being murdered;

Why are leftist democrats triggered by the word invasion?

Misfire! You should ask why the terrorist murderer was so triggered by the word invasion. Unless you prefer not to think about that.

He's more concerned about a word versus why this happened in the first place. I'm telling you, Trump and his deplorables could give two shits about the loss of life. They spend all their time defending a criminal and this lying maniac is desperate to push his terrorist agenda right on top of his base during his rallies. These are some sick, evil, monsters.
Even Trump's facebook ads talk about the invasion of the others. No wonder they are being murdered;

Why are leftist democrats triggered by the word invasion?

Why do you show up to this forum with bs nonsense and nothing to debate?

I asked a question.

You think democrats are killing people because they heard a word.

Nope..nice lil try with the Democrats name drop..but it just is not going to fly. I cannot convey how much you guys amuse me when you try to spin in such a lame fashion. Do you really think that, outside of your cult...anyone believes that?

They don't..while you are spinning.....our Govt. is gearing up to smash White Nationalism and White Supremacy. They plan to treat it like Islamic there's some irony, eh? They are going to turn the good ole boys..into domestic terrorists. While the majority of our nation..cheers them on!
Even Trump's facebook ads talk about the invasion of the others. No wonder they are being murdered;

Why are leftist democrats triggered by the word invasion?

Why do you show up to this forum with bs nonsense and nothing to debate?

I asked a question.

You think democrats are killing people because they heard a word.

To be specific, you asked a stupid fucking question, based on a false premise.

It's okay, and understandable. Trump is the object of your affections, and a mass murderer took his words to heart, and went to the border to kill "invaders". Don't let the fact they were really just innocent people doing some shopping bother you.
Even Trump's facebook ads talk about the invasion of the others. No wonder they are being murdered;

Why are leftist democrats triggered by the word invasion?

Why do you show up to this forum with bs nonsense and nothing to debate?

I asked a question.

You think democrats are killing people because they heard a word.

"Democrats are killing people?" Another swing and a miss. Nice try. Why are you so desperate to lie about all these Democrats killing people? The shooter was quoting Trump in his manifesto.

And by the way, have you googled the statistics of Right-wing, white supremacist terrorism in this country? Not only comparing this to Democrats is a joke,internal domestic terrorism is way more common than Islamic international terrorism in this country. Boy you need to get your shit together on the facts. You can't even present us with an argument that has any truth to it. You're a friggin joke. Get the hell out of here with your stupid ass arguments. It's sick.

And another thing, for all these doofus Republicans on this board, do you know how easy it is for a radical Right winger to register as a Democrat to make Democrats the scapegoat? Do you really believe no one ever thought about that? Lol! You folks are a trip.
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Of course he is. On another thread, he claims a trump supporting conservative who killed Democrats to keep Texas Republican -- a Liberal Democrat.

Maybe you should read the manifesto
I did. He killed Democrats and potential Democrats to keep Texas Republican. Online, he expressed support for trump, trump's wall and Bill O'Reilly.

To idiots like you, that makes him a Liberal Democrat.

I love how they desperately try and push it onto Liberals. What a bunch of cowards.
stating fact is not an act of desperation you're trying to deflect from it is an act of desperation
That photo is a deflection? If it weren't so tragic and evil, that would be funny as hell.
I'm not aware of a photo so your mentioning it appears to be another deflection from what I said
Even Trump's facebook ads talk about the invasion of the others. No wonder they are being murdered;

Why are leftist democrats triggered by the word invasion?

Why do you show up to this forum with bs nonsense and nothing to debate?

I asked a question.

You think democrats are killing people because they heard a word.

"Democrats are killing people?" Another swing and a miss. Nice try. Why are you so desperate to lie about all these Democrats killing people? The shooter was quoting Trump in his manifesto.

And by the way, have you googled the statistics of Right-wing, white supremacist terrorism in this country? Not only comparing this to Democrats is a joke,internal domestic terrorism is way more common than Islamic international terrorism in this country. Boy you need to get your shit together on the facts. You can't even present us with an argument that has any truth to it. You're a friggin joke. Get the hell out of here with your stupid ass arguments. It's sick.

people who claim violent movies and violent video games don't cause people to kill but yet those same people claim the president's words caused people to kill. How much power do you think Trump has? lol
Even Trump's facebook ads talk about the invasion of the others. No wonder they are being murdered;

Why are leftist democrats triggered by the word invasion?

Why do you show up to this forum with bs nonsense and nothing to debate?

I asked a question.

You think democrats are killing people because they heard a word.

To be specific, you asked a stupid fucking question, based on a false premise.

It's okay, and understandable. Trump is the object of your affections, and a mass murderer took his words to heart, and went to the border to kill "invaders". Don't let the fact they were really just innocent people doing some shopping bother you.

I mean seriously, it's so stupid it doesn't even qualify as a question.
Maybe you should read the manifesto
I did. He killed Democrats and potential Democrats to keep Texas Republican. Online, he expressed support for trump, trump's wall and Bill O'Reilly.

To idiots like you, that makes him a Liberal Democrat.

I love how they desperately try and push it onto Liberals. What a bunch of cowards.
stating fact is not an act of desperation you're trying to deflect from it is an act of desperation
That photo is a deflection? If it weren't so tragic and evil, that would be funny as hell.
I'm not aware of a photo so your mentioning it appears to be another deflection from what I said
Radical Trump supporters aren't aware of much of anything these days, so keep your blinders on, and your willful stupidity close by. We know you won't disappoint.
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