Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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You support the nation of Right-wing, white nationalist terrorism, if you support Trump. The single biggest threat to national security. It is now a bigger threat than international terrorism.

Hate Map
What’s wrong with being a white person who loves their country? Liberals have tried to twist it into “ white supremacy.” Totally different. Also, they want to twist it into fascism which it is not. See, that way liberals can brand all conservative whites as hate mongers.
What does being white and loving your country have to do with white hate groups who are nothing more than terrorists? People who really love their country don't commit acts of terrorism on their own people. And all those who support Trump, support his terrorist, (wink and a nod agenda), against minorities and other whites who do not agree with him.
Then why are liberals branding white people who love their country as “racist mass shooters?” Nationalism is love of ones country. WTF?
Who are the Liberals doing that? I'm a Liberal, and I'm branding anyone who supports Trump and his racism/terrorist agenda through white Nationalism, and evil. But I never branded any white person who loves their country as "racist mass murderers", because no person who truly loves his or her country is going to commit mass murder on its own citizens. Only a terrorist would or could do such a thing, along with any Trump supporter at this stage in the game.

In other words, you can't do both. You can't love your country and still support Trump. Trump promotes terrorism through winks, nods, and rhetoric, just to stoke the hate against the others in this country, and other whites who do not agree with him. That's not love of country. That's a hate agenda against our country.
"Trump promotes terrorism through winks, nods, and rhetoric"

Absolutely he does. Just the other day, someone at his rally yelled out to shoot Mexicans and he laughed it off and made a joke of it.

He's a sick fuck. There's just no way around it.

You've had 3 years to lie your ass off about our President. The lies were disproven. Every word the President says is your opportunity to put him down some more. Thank you for your part in making America very annoyed at what the Democrats are up to today. All them negative vibes! :lmao:They paint a picture!
Dumbfuck, that's a webpage that anyone can create or edit (like wikipedia). It was created yesterday while Crusius was in custody and even says on the page....

"Patrick has yet to verify this information."

... which he can't, because again, he's in custody.

I swear, you P.T. Barnum idiots are the most gullible fools I've ever seen.
My disclaimer stands, thankyouverymuch.
Unless your "disclaimer" stated that thegatewaypundit was the one who altered that page to make up fake news, then your "disclaimer," along with the rest of your post, is complete nonsense.
It appeared in an earlier post. But be my guest, jump right in. The concrete floor to the pool is closer than it looks. <giggle>
No worries, I already posted evidence that page was created after Crusius was arrested. Righties are dumb. They'll ignore reality anyway and believe that really is Crusius' MyLife page.
You're status climbing again, Mr. Faun. You use people like stepping stones, i.e. "righties are dumb." How high up on the evolutionary ladder do you think that will pull you? One whole millimeter? :rolleyes:
How else should idiots who fall for such an easily debunked stunt be described?
You support the nation of Right-wing, white nationalist terrorism, if you support Trump. The single biggest threat to national security. It is now a bigger threat than international terrorism.

Hate Map

If you support leftist Democrats you are supporting Muslim terrorism. (makes about as much sense)
There was a 226% increase in hate crimes in the areas where Trump held his rallies, and you want to talk about Leftist Democrats where there is zero evidence they support Muslim terrorism. You are a liar and you cannot prove me wrong. What a piece of work you are.

MSNBC? :abgg2q.jpg:

We are a nation in crisis, and all you can do is post stupid shit;

We are NOT a nation in crisis however MSNBC is certainly in crisis, only loony lefties believe anything that MSNBC puts out. Maddow is a fucking liar too.
Who are the Liberals doing that? I'm a Liberal, and I'm branding anyone who supports Trump and his racism/terrorist agenda through white Nationalism, and evil. But I never branded any white person who loves their country as "racist mass murderers", because no person who truly loves his or her country is going to commit mass murder on its own citizens. Only a terrorist would or could do such a thing, along with any Trump supporter at this stage in the game.

In other words, you can't do both. You can't love your country and still support Trump. Trump promotes terrorism through winks, nods, and rhetoric, just to stoke the hate against the others in this country, and other whites who do not agree with him. That's not love of country. That's a hate agenda against our country.

You're not a liberal, you are a radical leftist by what you constantly post and your obvious TDS problem.
My disclaimer stands, thankyouverymuch.
Unless your "disclaimer" stated that thegatewaypundit was the one who altered that page to make up fake news, then your "disclaimer," along with the rest of your post, is complete nonsense.
It appeared in an earlier post. But be my guest, jump right in. The concrete floor to the pool is closer than it looks. <giggle>
No worries, I already posted evidence that page was created after Crusius was arrested. Righties are dumb. They'll ignore reality anyway and believe that really is Crusius' MyLife page.
You're status climbing again, Mr. Faun. You use people like stepping stones, i.e. "righties are dumb." How high up on the evolutionary ladder do you think that will pull you? One whole millimeter? :rolleyes:
How else should idiots who fall for such an easily debunked stunt be described?
Still in overkill mode are we? Take two aspirins, and call a physician in the morning, doll.
Nothing semantic about it. The difference between the two is success. It’s in mine, and my kins interest to see that they don’t succeed. How’s that cover it for you?
Okay, whose turn is it to call the feds on Vastator?
Thank you! He's just another one supporting and propping up the talk for murder by these white Nationalist terrorists. We hope he will be another one who goes on the radar. There are probably quite a few on this very forum who will need to be watched very closely.
Youre paranoid... If you think just because one of yours went on a shooting spree... Again... That people are going to quit calling a spade, a spade; you’re bound for disappointment,...
You aren't saying anything that changes what you said. Do you think the scum at Trump's rally were the only one's in broad daylight hollering and laughing about killing innocent human beings? That sort of scum of the earth is in more places than we care to want. And you aren't by yourself on this forum either. We know who and what your kind is. We've always known it. But now we are all on alert, and thanks for the heads up. We are all now aware that at any time, one of Trump's radical murdering cults he has recruited, could easily be in a Walmart near you.
Except both shooters came from the Lefts camp. And everyone knows it. Your disinformation agenda has already failed. But do continue trying. It amuses me to no end...
There's not much information been released on the Dayton shooter but the manifesto of the El Paso shooter leaves no doubt as what side of the political spectrum he falls. His tiraid about the Hispanic invasion of Texas, his desire to stop all legal immigration, praise for the New Zealand gunman, and his desire to kill Hispanics leave no doubt that he falls at far far right end of the spectrum.
Unless your "disclaimer" stated that thegatewaypundit was the one who altered that page to make up fake news, then your "disclaimer," along with the rest of your post, is complete nonsense.
It appeared in an earlier post. But be my guest, jump right in. The concrete floor to the pool is closer than it looks. <giggle>
No worries, I already posted evidence that page was created after Crusius was arrested. Righties are dumb. They'll ignore reality anyway and believe that really is Crusius' MyLife page.
You're status climbing again, Mr. Faun. You use people like stepping stones, i.e. "righties are dumb." How high up on the evolutionary ladder do you think that will pull you? One whole millimeter? :rolleyes:
How else should idiots who fall for such an easily debunked stunt be described?
Still in overkill mode are we? Take two aspirins, and call a physician in the morning, doll.
I see you're too afraid to answer my question; so I'll take the liberty to answer for you..... dumb.
Okay, whose turn is it to call the feds on Vastator?
Thank you! He's just another one supporting and propping up the talk for murder by these white Nationalist terrorists. We hope he will be another one who goes on the radar. There are probably quite a few on this very forum who will need to be watched very closely.
Youre paranoid... If you think just because one of yours went on a shooting spree... Again... That people are going to quit calling a spade, a spade; you’re bound for disappointment,...
You aren't saying anything that changes what you said. Do you think the scum at Trump's rally were the only one's in broad daylight hollering and laughing about killing innocent human beings? That sort of scum of the earth is in more places than we care to want. And you aren't by yourself on this forum either. We know who and what your kind is. We've always known it. But now we are all on alert, and thanks for the heads up. We are all now aware that at any time, one of Trump's radical murdering cults he has recruited, could easily be in a Walmart near you.
Except both shooters came from the Lefts camp. And everyone knows it. Your disinformation agenda has already failed. But do continue trying. It amuses me to no end...
There's not much information been released on the Dayton shooter but the manifesto of the El Paso shooter leaves no doubt as what side of the political spectrum he falls. His tiraid about the Hispanic invasion of Texas, his desire to stop all legal immigration, praise for the New Zealand gunman, and his desire to kill Hispanics leave no doubt that he falls at far far right end of the spectrum.

Until he started firing that rifle, there is nothing illegal about those beliefs, as ignorant and repulsive as they may be. There are posters on the left and right fringes of this forum that appear further from the mainstream than that guy.
Youre paranoid... If you think just because one of yours went on a shooting spree... Again... That people are going to quit calling a spade, a spade; you’re bound for disappointment,...
You aren't saying anything that changes what you said. Do you think the scum at Trump's rally were the only one's in broad daylight hollering and laughing about killing innocent human beings? That sort of scum of the earth is in more places than we care to want. And you aren't by yourself on this forum either. We know who and what your kind is. We've always known it. But now we are all on alert, and thanks for the heads up. We are all now aware that at any time, one of Trump's radical murdering cults he has recruited, could easily be in a Walmart near you.
Except both shooters came from the Lefts camp. And everyone knows it. Your disinformation agenda has already failed. But do continue trying. It amuses me to no end...
Untrue..despite the massive spin being attempted by the alt/right. No one really believes that shyte except for you...take you head out of the echo chamber and see how this is playing across America. For El Paso---White Nationalist Domestic Terrorism is the label the FBI is using. No one cares that the Dayton shooter was a Democrat--to most people, the political party a crazy belongs to is totally irrelevant. Couple this with the Gilroy shooter..another extremist--and the pressure is building for the 'do something'---that something they do..may be the death knell of the extreme alt/right. At least i hope so.

Of course, you are going to call the MSM's take 'Fake News'---the vast majority do not care..they think you guys are as crazy as the shooter..and I'm not so sure they're wrong.
Not if you can't prove it is.
ok hows that trump Russian collusion thing I keep hearing about?
Here's a goodie Kavanaugh is a serial rapist.
we've had bombshell after bombshell that Trump was going down for 2 years.
How about that Steele Dossier?
The clinton Lynch tarmac meeting
there is so much shit on the media you could write a book.
What’s wrong with being a white person who loves their country? Liberals have tried to twist it into “ white supremacy.” Totally different. Also, they want to twist it into fascism which it is not. See, that way liberals can brand all conservative whites as hate mongers.
What does being white and loving your country have to do with white hate groups who are nothing more than terrorists? People who really love their country don't commit acts of terrorism on their own people. And all those who support Trump, support his terrorist, (wink and a nod agenda), against minorities and other whites who do not agree with him.
Then why are liberals branding white people who love their country as “racist mass shooters?” Nationalism is love of ones country. WTF?
Who are the Liberals doing that? I'm a Liberal, and I'm branding anyone who supports Trump and his racism/terrorist agenda through white Nationalism, and evil. But I never branded any white person who loves their country as "racist mass murderers", because no person who truly loves his or her country is going to commit mass murder on its own citizens. Only a terrorist would or could do such a thing, along with any Trump supporter at this stage in the game.

In other words, you can't do both. You can't love your country and still support Trump. Trump promotes terrorism through winks, nods, and rhetoric, just to stoke the hate against the others in this country, and other whites who do not agree with him. That's not love of country. That's a hate agenda against our country.
"Trump promotes terrorism through winks, nods, and rhetoric"

Absolutely he does. Just the other day, someone at his rally yelled out to shoot Mexicans and he laughed it off and made a joke of it.

He's a sick fuck. There's just no way around it.

You've had 3 years to lie your ass off about our President. The lies were disproven. Every word the President says is your opportunity to put him down some more. Thank you for your part in making America very annoyed at what the Democrats are up to today. All them negative vibes! :lmao:They paint a picture!

Oh? What lies did I say about him?
big day tomorrow good night try a little harder next time

looks like we came full circle, jethro.... 'sonny'? haaaaa...............

Breaking News - Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot
Yes, registered democrat got it. The shooter was an environmentalist (tree hugger) Shooters belief predated Trump meaning his hatred came from obama.
You are dealing with me you're going to loose and look foolish sonny
big day tomorrow good night try a little harder next time

looks like we came full circle, jethro.... 'sonny'? haaaaa...............

Breaking News - Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot
Yes, registered democrat got it. The shooter was an environmentalist (tree hugger) Shooters belief predated Trump meaning his hatred came from obama.
You are dealing with me you're going to loose and look foolish sonny

Yeah, that's it ... Obama inspired a Liberal to kill Democrats.

You cultists are actually getting dumber.
Over 200m people beg to differ. Oh the slant is doubt--and you can find some gaffs that make one laugh..but compared to GateWay Pundit or InfoWars--CBS looks pretty damn good! Guess who shapes the opinions, eh?
lol sure and hillary is going to
ROTFLMAO! You poor deluded fool..that means nothing! Get your head out of your..errr...past...and realize no one care about one. Watch the lead tonight on any of the MSM stations, including FOX..and see who is getting the is not the Left!

bigrebnc is like all trump supporters, they all claim the MSM is "fake news" and yet none of them answer the question, "where do they get information on current events"?
So you get your information from the democrat propagandist media? which 90% is owned by 5 corporations
Again..whatever..same question..who do you think the majority of America is blaming for the El Paso attack? do you even know/ Are you afraid to say/ You people are in the margins on this one. I live in the Reddest of the Red states..Idaho..and all my friends..trump voters to a person...believe that the El Paso was a RW wingnut...A white nationalist. Now..they do have some sympathy...and they do think that it's the evil Democrats that drove him off his rocker..which is absurd..but not one of them thinks he was a Leftist.
oh you live in a red state and are a leftist and you saying you have friends in that red state...... is that the equivalent I have a black friend? The el Paso shooter spoke for himself his views predated Trump, therefore, his views gave birth under obama's watch.
big day tomorrow good night try a little harder next time

looks like we came full circle, jethro.... 'sonny'? haaaaa...............

Breaking News - Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot
Yes, registered democrat got it. The shooter was an environmentalist (tree hugger) Shooters belief predated Trump meaning his hatred came from obama.
You are dealing with me you're going to loose and look foolish sonny

Yeah, that's it ... Obama inspired a Liberal to kill Democrats.

You cultists are actually getting dumber.
obama's hatred for America inspired a lot of things
lol sure and hillary is going to
ROTFLMAO! You poor deluded fool..that means nothing! Get your head out of your..errr...past...and realize no one care about one. Watch the lead tonight on any of the MSM stations, including FOX..and see who is getting the is not the Left!

bigrebnc is like all trump supporters, they all claim the MSM is "fake news" and yet none of them answer the question, "where do they get information on current events"?
So you get your information from the democrat propagandist media? which 90% is owned by 5 corporations
Again..whatever..same question..who do you think the majority of America is blaming for the El Paso attack? do you even know/ Are you afraid to say/ You people are in the margins on this one. I live in the Reddest of the Red states..Idaho..and all my friends..trump voters to a person...believe that the El Paso was a RW wingnut...A white nationalist. Now..they do have some sympathy...and they do think that it's the evil Democrats that drove him off his rocker..which is absurd..but not one of them thinks he was a Leftist.
So these friends you claim to have are as ill informed as you? What a shocker. Thinking men care about what actually is. Not what people feel, or believe...
That's the same as when someone says they have a black friend and then say something racist lol I'm a leftist and have a conservative friend lol
When left wingers coddle and spin for and attack people on behalf Muslims and minorities, they are enabling their worst behaviors.

Naw, dude, we just don't accept that your Islamphobia makes you anything but a raging bigot trying to dress his bigotry up in a nice suit.

I don't watch Levin or listen to Limbaugh and I just can't stand Hannity. So gee, Mac's shaming is not working too well for him this morning. I have read a couple of Levin's books and they're very well-written.

SO you are just repeating their shit through Osmosis? Or maybe you just think you had an original idea.
Using this site's search function, I entered "regressives expression" and "mac1958". Just that one combination of words alone produced 109 hits: Search Results for Query: regressive expression | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The examples go back to 2015, when I first encountered the phrase "Regressive Left" and started using it regularly to describe illiberal leftist authoritarians.

i.e. people who don't accept your bigotry.... whine... don't they hate Muslims just like I do because the Oil Companies and Zionists said to.
lol sure and hillary is going to
ROTFLMAO! You poor deluded fool..that means nothing! Get your head out of your..errr...past...and realize no one care about one. Watch the lead tonight on any of the MSM stations, including FOX..and see who is getting the is not the Left!

bigrebnc is like all trump supporters, they all claim the MSM is "fake news" and yet none of them answer the question, "where do they get information on current events"?
So you get your information from the democrat propagandist media? which 90% is owned by 5 corporations
Again..whatever..same question..who do you think the majority of America is blaming for the El Paso attack? do you even know/ Are you afraid to say/ You people are in the margins on this one. I live in the Reddest of the Red states..Idaho..and all my friends..trump voters to a person...believe that the El Paso was a RW wingnut...A white nationalist. Now..they do have some sympathy...and they do think that it's the evil Democrats that drove him off his rocker..which is absurd..but not one of them thinks he was a Leftist.
oh you live in a red state and are a leftist and you saying you have friends in that red state...... is that the equivalent I have a black friend? The el Paso shooter spoke for himself his views predated Trump, therefore, his views gave birth under obama's watch.
ROTF! You are just trying too hard! I don't know about your circle of people..but I don't..and my friends don't, pick our associates for their political beliefs.
Really, you're actually trying to bring in Obama?? Truly desperate. The contention is not that he listened to Trump and was suddenly infected with racist views..the contention is that Trump has empowered such folk..emboldened them to consider, and to take, action. That is the contention. I don't put near the weight on Trump that the left does...that's because, in the end, I'm not really a Leftist.

I can only imagine the laughter by the libs here, every time I get labeled.
So the fact that they were breaking the law for decades means nothing

I'm sure you break laws every day and don't get caught.

Maybe I do but if I am ever caught breaking the law I don't expect not to be punished for it

And these people were caught so you shouldn't have a problem with them getting the punishment prescribed by the law
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