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Breaking: Cosby accused of 3 more rapes

If he is innocent he would offer to take one to clear up the matter immediately. Instead he has refused to even talk about it. He's guilty and you know it. Making excuses and defending a serial rapist is not something you should be proud of. These women - FORTY OF THEM - did not make up their stories - at least one of them is in her 70's and has carried the scars with her for decades! You should be ashamed, B. Kidd! Seriously.

Ashamed? Ashamed of what? He hasn't even been charged.......you necrophiliac!!!
He may never be held accountable. It doesn't mean he shouldn't be held accountable though. You can tell a great deal about someone by the countenance of their face - the eyes are the window to the soul. If the eyes are dark - your looking at someone who is filthy on the inside. Now look at his eyes. Look at the left eye - the right eye - he's demon possessed. Are you able to see it? Or do you only see what you want to see, B.Kidd? Click the picture once to enlarge and have a closer look.
listen a comment at the end of this article, B.Kidd. When I read it I thought of you and Zoom-boing. Listen to this:

Bill Cosby Divorce Camille Cosby Rumored To Be Leaving Husband Amid Rape Allegations

Actually all the comments are very good but these two in particular you should read........

  • Bill brought women to the house when Camille was there and their babies in cribs. He made moves on Lou Ferrigno's wife as soon as Camille left the room. You can't tell me that a woman as smart as Camille would not have suspected something with all those women brought to their house. Where was she during all the rapes?! I think she's one of those women that looks the other way and puts her head in the sand. She didn't want to see it. Pathetic.
    Reply · · 6

  • Tom · Top Commenter ·
    Bill Cosby is a habitual rapist. Habitual rapists cannot stop. Cosby displays an arrogance of entitlement without accountability and or remorse. For the past forty years Cosby has used his wealth and position in society to dodge the prosecution bullet. He how believes he is an untouchable, above the law. He will continue to rape women with impunity until he is stopped. Cosby’s wife will regret standing by him. She also appears indifferent to the suffering of these women. She too is a monster because she enabled him. She knew for years he was a habitual rapist. It is now rumored that his wife is planning to divorce him. He did it. You can see it in his face. His days of denial are almost over. I am taking a stand. What about you? Take a stand. STOP THIS MONSTER TODAY.
    Bill Cosby is a habitual rapist. Habitual rapists cannot stop. The number of Cosby rape victims is painfully staggering and continues to climb. All who support Cosby are condoning what he has and no doubt continues to do. You’re not helping Cosby and you are definitely disrespecting current and future victims. Cosby is despised by people of all civilized cultures because of his disrespect towards women. All of these victims represent our daughters, wives, mothers and sisters. We must never defend the indefensible.
  • _______________
  • Did you get that B.Kidd? All who support Cosby are disrespecting victims and future victims. He is a habitual rapist. He needs to be stopped because he cannot stop himself. Look at him. He's a demon possessed man. There is no telling what damage he has done to his own daughters. I believe his wife has been in denial for some time now but as the numbers are growing she is waking up to reality - perhaps. Very sad situation. It could be perhaps that she has not even considered that he may have drugged and raped their own daughters.
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Did you read the article? It said she is considering leaving him after learning of more rape allegations. It is quite possible these 3 which now bring the rapes to 40 thus far could do it.
Did you read the article? It said she is considering leaving him after learning of more rape allegations. It is quite possible these 3 which now bring the rapes to 40 thus far could do it.

Well, I'm considering leaving this thread, but does that really mean I left it? (despite 40+ diametrically oppositional viewpoints).
listen a comment at the end of this article, B.Kidd. When I read it I thought of you and Zoom-boing. Listen to this:

Bill Cosby Divorce Camille Cosby Rumored To Be Leaving Husband Amid Rape Allegations

Actually all the comments are very good but these two in particular you should read........

  • Bill brought women to the house when Camille was there and their babies in cribs. He made moves on Lou Ferrigno's wife as soon as Camille left the room. You can't tell me that a woman as smart as Camille would not have suspected something with all those women brought to their house. Where was she during all the rapes?! I think she's one of those women that looks the other way and puts her head in the sand. She didn't want to see it. Pathetic.
    Reply · · 6

  • Tom · Top Commenter ·
    Bill Cosby is a habitual rapist. Habitual rapists cannot stop. Cosby displays an arrogance of entitlement without accountability and or remorse. For the past forty years Cosby has used his wealth and position in society to dodge the prosecution bullet. He how believes he is an untouchable, above the law. He will continue to rape women with impunity until he is stopped. Cosby’s wife will regret standing by him. She also appears indifferent to the suffering of these women. She too is a monster because she enabled him. She knew for years he was a habitual rapist. It is now rumored that his wife is planning to divorce him. He did it. You can see it in his face. His days of denial are almost over. I am taking a stand. What about you? Take a stand. STOP THIS MONSTER TODAY.
    Bill Cosby is a habitual rapist. Habitual rapists cannot stop. The number of Cosby rape victims is painfully staggering and continues to climb. All who support Cosby are condoning what he has and no doubt continues to do. You’re not helping Cosby and you are definitely disrespecting current and future victims. Cosby is despised by people of all civilized cultures because of his disrespect towards women. All of these victims represent our daughters, wives, mothers and sisters. We must never defend the indefensible.
  • _______________
  • Did you get that B.Kidd? All who support Cosby are disrespecting victims and future victims. He is a habitual rapist. He needs to be stopped because he cannot stop himself. Look at him. He's a demon possessed man. There is no telling what damage he has done to his own daughters. I believe his wife has been in denial for some time now but as the numbers are growing she is waking up to reality - perhaps. Very sad situation. It could be perhaps that she has not even considered that he may have drugged and raped their own daughters.

So people commenting on an article is proof that what these women are alleging is true? Uh, no. They are just opinions.

Now you're inferring that he may have molested his own daughters? Based on what .... comments in an article??

He's demon possessed? wtf? Seriously, J ... where do you get this stuff from? A pic and look at his eyes? huh??

There is NO PROOF that what he is being accused of he actually did. Accusations are not proof no matter how many, no matter how much you want that to be.
It happened in New Jersey, which has no statute of limitations on rape. This one could be bad for Cosby.
37 Bill Cosby Accusers Complete Breakdown of the Allegations - TheWrap

37 accusers and counting............. why hasn't he been arrested yet?

Bill Cosby has been publicly accused of raping, drugging, coercing or sexually assaulting over 30 different women since 1965 and many of them have only started to come forward in recent months.

The comedian hasn’t been charged with any crimes stemming from the allegations. But over a decade after the first woman went public, the world has taken notice. Many of Cosby’s upcoming live performances have been canceled or postponed amid the swirling storm of claims. Netflix has postponed his special indefinitely and TV Land even nixed “Cosby Show” reruns from its lineup.

Those allegedly victimized by the entertainment icon’s alleged crimes vary in age, vocation and ethnicity, but their tales of assault bear similarities. Most women who came forward, for instance, claimed Cosby either offered them pills or drugged them by spiking their drink.

As there are now three more women coming forward that brings the number to 39 victims thus far........

They're all lying.

All 37 of them.

37 didn't include the 3 new ones who just came forward, Toro. We're at 40 victims. I thank you for for reminding me it was 37. That is 40 victims thus far. Not 39. My mistake.

They're all lying.

My rule of thumb is that I never believe it until 41 people come forward.
Cosby doesn't have to answer allegations from 50 years ago and keep the nonsense going.
He's been accused and most everyone takes that as he did. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? These women have had years to come forward. I find it odd that they all waited until well past the time when anything could actually be done about it. Until prove is provided I will presume he is innocent.

Why would 39 people - some famous - wait to come forward? Because they were in fear of going up against him - he was rich and powerful - they feared their own careers would be destroyed - their reputation destroyed - perhaps they feared people would not believe them - but I do. I do believe them because these women could not possibly all know one another and yet their testimonies are all the same - they were drugged without their knowledge, they woke up to realize what had happened to them - it is very horrific what happened to them and some are still finding the courage to come forward - like these three just did. As the one woman said, he was her hero until this happened. Why would anyone make up such a thing? Much less 39 people! I believe there are more people out there who have yet to come forward. We'll see.

1. Can you say Bill Clinton. Was he guilty or not. Interesting how one is accused and ruined and the other is accused and collects millions in speaking fees.

2. These accusers can read the interweb and see what the other accusers have said in earlier statements.
One of the victims was on the Cosby Show! All three of these victims who have just come out with their stories speak of being drugged and then raped by Mr. Cosby. This man is a serial rapist. Why isn't he behind bars right now?

Cosby Show Actress Accuses Bill Cosby of Sexual Assault - Yahoo Celebrity

The sexual assault scandal surrounding embattled comedian Bill Cosby further widened on Friday, as two more women — including an actress who had appeared on “The Cosby Show” — came forward with new accusations against him.

In a press conference with attorney Gloria Allred in New York, Lili Bernard and Sammie Mays shared their allegations against Cosby. Lili, who appeared in an episode of the final season of “The Cosby Show,” claimed that she was drugged, raped and threatened by Cosby while he was mentoring her in preparation for her appearance as “the zany and very pregnant Mrs. Minifield.”

According to Bernard, Cosby was initially comforting and welcoming to her, complimenting her on her various skills.

Also Read: Bill Cosby Scandal Widens as Three More Accusers Come Forward

“After he had won my complete trust and adoration he drugged me and raped me,” Bernard said in a statement Friday.

Bernard claimed that she last saw the comedian at the “Cosby Show” studios in 1992, where he told her, “As far as I’m concerned, Bernard, you’re dead. Do you hear me? You’re dead, Bernard. You don’t exist, I never wanna see your face again. Now get the hell out of here!”

“I interpreted that as a death threat and feared for my life,” Bernard said.

Hopefully, all these 'too long ago' crimes will get the statute of limitations for rape changed to be mroe like murder with no statute of limitations at all.
37 Bill Cosby Accusers Complete Breakdown of the Allegations - TheWrap

37 accusers and counting............. why hasn't he been arrested yet?

Bill Cosby has been publicly accused of raping, drugging, coercing or sexually assaulting over 30 different women since 1965 and many of them have only started to come forward in recent months.

The comedian hasn’t been charged with any crimes stemming from the allegations. But over a decade after the first woman went public, the world has taken notice. Many of Cosby’s upcoming live performances have been canceled or postponed amid the swirling storm of claims. Netflix has postponed his special indefinitely and TV Land even nixed “Cosby Show” reruns from its lineup.

Those allegedly victimized by the entertainment icon’s alleged crimes vary in age, vocation and ethnicity, but their tales of assault bear similarities. Most women who came forward, for instance, claimed Cosby either offered them pills or drugged them by spiking their drink.

As there are now three more women coming forward that brings the number to 39 victims thus far........

They're all lying.

All 37 of them.

37 didn't include the 3 new ones who just came forward, Toro. We're at 40 victims. I thank you for for reminding me it was 37. That is 40 victims thus far. Not 39. My mistake.

They're all lying.

My rule of thumb is that I never believe it until 41 people come forward.

Number 41 is most likely on the way....... at what point do we agree that where there is smoke there is fire, Toro? Seriously. The victims have suffered enough. Believing them is part of their healing process. I remember the story of a man named Mel Mermlestein. Mel was a Jew who had been through horrific times. He was sent to at least 4 different concentration camps. He witnessed with his own eyes the gas chambers and in the end? He survived to tell his story. At the same time the Catholic Vatican had quickly moved (by their Jesuits) to deny the existence of the gas chambers (the nazis were faithful Catholics and many were given assistance by the Jesuits to escape to freedom - new identities were given - new papers - all with the help of the Vatican - even arranging new lives in America! After all Hitler was fulfilling the very agenda of his faith! He as much as said so!) Mel met with immediate denials - no! There were never any gas chambers! You Jews are liars! It was not that bad! You were not that badly treated! All of this was to add to their sufferings and an attempt to rewrite history of WWII and who was truly behind it - (Same thing is being done today with revisionist sent by Vatican who deny 68 million people were murdered under 605 years of their Inquistions - its the latest revisionist movement) So Mel had enough! He said I will go before a judge and prove there were gas chambers and he did exactly that! The judge ruled in his favor and Mel was finally validated! Still the Catholic Jesuits who had been sent to revise history and deny the holocaust on behalf of their god - the Jesuit General -Black Pope - continued on and long after Mel has gone on to heaven these sons of hell still continue to torment the Jews by perpetuating the lie that there were no gas chambers and that the holocaust was not that bad OR never happened. They want the Holocaust erased from history before too many people learn the truth - that they were behind it all! From the beginning!

So for the love of God believe these women and let them be validated for what they have suffered, people. It is the least we can do for them. And do not ever spend another nickel on anything that has to do with Bill Cosby! BOYCOTT BILL COSBY AND MAKE SURE EVERYONE IN YOUR FAMILY DOES THE SAME!
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He's been accused and most everyone takes that as he did. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? These women have had years to come forward. I find it odd that they all waited until well past the time when anything could actually be done about it. Until prove is provided I will presume he is innocent.

Why would 39 people - some famous - wait to come forward? Because they were in fear of going up against him - he was rich and powerful - they feared their own careers would be destroyed - their reputation destroyed - perhaps they feared people would not believe them - but I do. I do believe them because these women could not possibly all know one another and yet their testimonies are all the same - they were drugged without their knowledge, they woke up to realize what had happened to them - it is very horrific what happened to them and some are still finding the courage to come forward - like these three just did. As the one woman said, he was her hero until this happened. Why would anyone make up such a thing? Much less 39 people! I believe there are more people out there who have yet to come forward. We'll see.

1. Can you say Bill Clinton. Was he guilty or not. Interesting how one is accused and ruined and the other is accused and collects millions in speaking fees.

2. These accusers can read the interweb and see what the other accusers have said in earlier statements.

I've already said Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton is a rapist and his wife is as evil as he is because she knew about it and assisted in covering up the crime - even going to the victim to tell her to be quiet. An advocate for women? Ha. Think again. She is an advocate for Satan. That is what she is. They are both wicked people. There is no question about it, Pop. They may think they have gotten away with their crimes but one day they will stand before the judgment seat of Christ and the entire world will see what they did during their lives - it will be witnessed by every human being that was ever borned - including their own parents, family members, their daughter and grandchild. Everyone will know in that day what they did. They won't be ruling over anything. They will be in hell. (if they have not repented and become born again before they die - that is up to the LORD - not them).
I don't believe the women. It's pretty easy to boycott Bill Cosby. He's in his 80s and not doing anything.
At first I thought the couple women who initially came forward had some kind of vendetta against Cosby.
Even if this was done 15 20 yrs ago...it wasn't exactly the dark ages. Why didn't anyone say anything. I just dont get that.
40 woman is a lot. Its really kinda sad to find out hes such a sick perv.
He may never be held accountable. It doesn't mean he shouldn't be held accountable though. You can tell a great deal about someone by the countenance of their face - the eyes are the window to the soul. If the eyes are dark - your looking at someone who is filthy on the inside. Now look at his eyes. Look at the left eye - the right eye - he's demon possessed. Are you able to see it? Or do you only see what you want to see, B.Kidd? Click the picture once to enlarge and have a closer look.

Jeremiah...I think his eye issues are just due to old age. lol
Whats inside his soul/heart...well that's another matter.

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