Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

I know, he couldn’t prove it cause the prosecution held the evidence! Can you say Derp?

No, imbecile, you don't know. You claimed he was charged with committing violence. Not a single charge against him was about being violent.
link please,,


You have no business arguing here if you don't even know the Senate returned to their chamber to debate an objection over certifying the electoral votes for Arizona.

And you know the Senate chamber is what was being discusses when she said Trump's thugs never got in there.

So, Faun, is Q-Anon SHE-mon Jacob Chansley Jewish?

Why did the Capitol Police escort Jacob around the Capitol as if he was a foreign dignitary not a criminal trespass violator???

Why did Jacob do a friendly selfie with members of the Pelosi KLAN?

Was 1/6 another Zionist Fascist sponsored HATE HOAX?

The list of those is pretty long....
So, Faun, is Q-Anon SHE-mon Jacob Chansley Jewish?

Why did the Capitol Police escort Jacob around the Capitol as if he was a foreign dignitary not a criminal trespass violator???

Why did Jacob do a friendly selfie with members of the Pelosi KLAN?

Was 1/6 another Zionist Fascist sponsored HATE HOAX?

The list of those is pretty long....

You're insane
But not in a completely bad way.
So, Faun, is Q-Anon SHE-mon Jacob Chansley Jewish?

Why did the Capitol Police escort Jacob around the Capitol as if he was a foreign dignitary not a criminal trespass violator???

Why did Jacob do a friendly selfie with members of the Pelosi KLAN?

Was 1/6 another Zionist Fascist sponsored HATE HOAX?

The list of those is pretty long....

I have no idea what religion he is. I know, like you, he's nuts, no matter what religion he is.

I don't see him getting any special treatment that any other of Trump's thugs got. Almost universally, police inside the Capitol did little to nothing to stop that madness.

As far as anyone taking selfies with police, some cops were reprimanded for such behavior. Some cops said they did things like wear a MAGA cap because they feared for their lives so they went along with the mob.

There was nothing Zionist about Sedition Day. Sadly, you have Zionism seered into your brain so you see it everywhere. It was fascist though. On the part of Trump and his minions.
you underestimate the power of the blue kool ade,,,
The stigma gets too much eventually. People left the Nazis in droves, but only after they started losing. They imploded of their own zealousness (and arrogance), much the same as the progtard Democrats will implode when everywhere they turn they're faced with the truth.

Leftards have done NOTHING BUT LIE for at least a dozen years now, and all that stuff is going to come back to them. No one's forgotten, about ANY of it.

Starting with you can keep your plan, and your doctor. The blue dress was bad enough, but Obama lied DIRECTLY to the American people, and all the little lemmings take their example from their elected lee-duhs.
The stigma gets too much eventually. People left the Nazis in droves, but only after they started losing. They imploded of their own zealousness (and arrogance), much the same as the progtard Democrats will implode when everywhere they turn they're faced with the truth.

Leftards have done NOTHING BUT LIE for at least a dozen years now, and all that stuff is going to come back to them. No one's forgotten, about ANY of it.

Starting with you can keep your plan, and your doctor. The blue dress was bad enough, but Obama lied DIRECTLY to the American people, and all the little lemmings take their example from their elected lee-duhs.
the only way the nazis were stopped was to kill as many as possible until the rest gave up,,,
Ahh ok, says the guy that has none of those...
I guess you forgot to take your meds or something, and have decided to act like a 5 year old.

Get back to me when you can come up with a valid explanation for:

AG Barr said no fraud, so he must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Ivanka Trump said no fraud, so she must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Dept of Homeland Security said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Dep of Justice said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
GOP election officials said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Personal emails between Tucker Carlson and other Fox news people said no fraud, so they must be "in on the steal" and "paid off"
Like the buzzer in the quiz shows sounds, when you get the wrong answer >>

Except you didn't give a wrong answer. You gave no answer at all. So your grade for the QUIZ is ZERO. So that is your new name from now on. You shall henceforth be known as Banker ZERO.

So you now have zero credibility. You claimed that there was no 2020 election fraud, and there was no evidence of it...but when confronted with the evidence (and just a tiny part of it), YOU WERE CLUELESS.

You've done a lot of mouthing off in this thread, but now you've shown that you're just a big mouth with nothing behind it, and you don't know what you're talking about.

When guys like you are tested, here's what you do >>>

the piece I can't get over is that buffalo dude didn't have that evidence available to him in his court hearing. Now, I'm not saying he didn't trespass, but he certainly inflicted zero physical harm to anyone. ANYONE. He was very respectful in fact to the cops. As I've said before in here, demofks are really evil fking human beings, and now can't even stand their own colleagues. They would inflict harm even if you're innocent and are indeed inhumane.
I guess that by "buffalo dude", you mean the guy with the outlandish costume including horns on his head. That was Jacob Chansley. But if he was charged with obstructing an official proceeding, how could that be ?...... when the video footage showed him calmly being escorted through the capitol building with cops all around him, none trying to stop him, or intervene in his walking around, or whatever he was doing.

There also was no sign of any official proceeding going on, where he was walking.

There also was no revelation of this video footage in a discovery to Chansley's lawyer, who, by law, it is required for him to have seen it. It appears like if this wasn't a railroad job, Chansley could have easily countered his charges and been set free.

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