Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

For something that never happened, they certainly did a lot of damage.
what did I say didnt happen??

thats right it was your first false narrative before you spun off into another one,,

I have to admit this new revelations has you guys spinning like tops and its so much fun to watch,,
The GOP controls the House now, they cannot stop them. Yet it has not been done yet....wonder why?
Oh and By the way.This Outting of January 6th footage will also
make a star out the Left's most Hated Pol { Marjorie Taylor Greene }.
Funny how sometimes The best Laid Plans of Mice and Democrats
I won't be listening, until the Press gets the tapes and can verify what he claims. Tucker is a propagandist, paid to deceive you..... McCarthy knew that, why do you think he chose to give Tucker an exclusive and not just release the tapes to all of the Press to filter through all at once.

It is what republicans do..... Build their own exclusives with their own owned press, exclusively so they can create their faux narrative for three weeks, then release the tapes, or the Mueller Report, or the Hunter Laptop, AFTER they've had the three weeks to BRAINWASH YOU with their fake news.

Y'all need to smarten up. We are on to you!

He's the Last Person on Earth I'd believe working a News Channel....

"The Press" with a capital "P", no less. :laughing0301:

I'm guessing you'll be first in line when tick becomes tock.

God! You guys are so fucking much fun!


Not at all. Carlson does a lot of narration, but it’s his opinion about what is being shown.

Yes, they didn’t wrestle Chansley down to the ground, but by that time the Capitol was overrun and the police were no longer attempting to physically confront the rioters.

They say he was led around by police. There’s a big difference between leading and being followed. Half the of Carlson’s footage show police following him, not the other way around.

Carlson says that it’s disputed how he got in. That’s bizarre. We have the video of how he got in.

Carlson doesn’t show time stamps in the videos. Isn’t that bizarre? Pretty important information.

There’s no audio. Pretty important information.

Carlson said a lot of things about how the media portrayed him as the leader or something. It’s true he was a poster child for the deranged Trump supporters, but never a leader. The actual leaders were recently on trial for seditious conspiracy. Stewart Rhodes is the leader more than anyone else. His team coordinated to break into the Capitol.
A lot of words ^ to end up saying nothing.

Was he followed by cops? Yes.

Was he also led by cops? Yes (one even seemed to press an elevator button for him — or try a door for him ahead of him).

Did he walk through a large group of maybe 9 other uniformed police officers? Yes.
Yes, you are happy to watch the videos that are fed to you by your party and its allies in the Media. Nobody is surprised by that, it is who you are at your very core.

So, tell me why cannot all of the Jan 6th videos be put on a public server so we can all watch them if we want to?
I watch lots of things. YouTube videos and live streams by Libertarians, Tim Pool who is not a Republican. Shows my brother watches like that weird Bernie Supporter that ate human brains and screech’s a lot ( can’t remember his name). And multiple other content creators.

Why didn’t the J6 committee release videos? Or allow witnesses that disputed their narrative? Or allow any republicans they couldn’t control on the committee??
what did I say didnt happen??

First i'm confused that Tucker Carlson showed Chansley being let into the senate chamber, which was empty at the time.

But didn't show him going into the hall of the house, where the EC vote count was taking place, and being interrupted.
Show me a case where the charge and conviction was insurrection? Why use “sedition”instead of “insurrection?”

You maintain that this was an insurrection. An insurrection in modern day DC is a serious charge. If it was, why and how does law enforcement give escorts and guidance to protesters anywhere but out when the Capitol is under attack? J6 is compared by the Left to 9/11. Do you think that same law enforcement was escorting anyone further into the Capitol? No, because there was a major credible threat against the Capitol on 9-11. It is you people who put these two events on par with one another. So I ask again, if the Capitol was under attack and an insurrection taking place, how and why is law enforcement shown to be escorting and guiding suspicious people further into the Capitol. You site “down time” or a lull as for justification even during what you call a violent insurrection.
Okay just stop lol. You and I both know how petty and disingenuous you sound saying they were charged with sedition instead of insurrection. I KNEW you were going to say this. It’s a childish, fallacious argument. You know what sedition means and you know what insurrection means. They basically mean the same thing huh? Of course you should also know that sedition has a more severe punishment than insurrection.

Why does law enforcement being complicit mean it wasn’t an insurrection? That is just logic you are making up on the spot. If anything we should just agree that law enforcement was irrelevant to the definition because we seem some of them being assaulted. Why does some of them allowing them to come in supersede others being assaulted? Can you even explain that? Also I personally never compared this to 9/11. I definitely don’t need to.
A lot of words ^ to end up saying nothing.

Was he followed by cops? Yes.

Was he also led by cops? Yes (one even seemed to press an elevator button for him — or try a door for him ahead of him).

Did he walk through a large group of maybe 9 other uniformed police officers? Yes.
Saying he was led by cops shows intent, that they wanted him to follow them. We can’t establish that as a fact.

Furthermore, we can’t establish a purpose for him being led, which could easily have been leading him out of the building.
What a disappointment for MAGA. No one can believe the man. He says voter fraud is not to be believed in private emails and then spouts the theory on air. Anyone still watching Tucker has a mental issue.
First i'm confused that Tucker Carlson showed Chansley being let into the senate chamber, which was empty at the time.

But didn't show him going into the hall of the house, where the EC vote count was taking place, and being interrupted.
my god this is classic,, yet another spin,,
The courts have already ruled on this and found the detentions to be lawful. Try again.
By the ever so trustworthy fully Radicalized { weaponized }
D.C. pack of Judges.More corrupted than a barrelful of monkees
days before Easter egg hunt.Chimping around acting out.
Thank you tucker Carlson for showing us the truth. And now the far left can realize there are no racist in America. It’s all a joke.

All the people online like on Twitter and whatever acting like racist are probably paid Democratic trolls. Tonight‘s episode of Tucker Carlson was incredibly revealing.

It showed us that it was not an insurrection. Once inside the building practically all of the January 6 protesters were peaceful and very respectful of the capitol building. This is in direct apposite to the images we saw from 2020 were Black Lives Matter rioters terrorized government institutions and innocent Americans causing billions of dollars of damage killing over 25 people. I can’t believe how brainwashed far left Democrats on the US message board are. If they don’t wake up after seeing the one hour episode of tucker Carlson tonight what can possibly help them?

Again to my fellow Americans let’s stay positive calm cool and collective and we will win, goodness and freedom of speech will prevail
Tucker does not know how to spell Truth.

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