Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

It looks like Carlson is playing you for a fool.

He showed the capitol police let Chansley "site see" the Senate Chambers, which were EMPTY.

And let you infer, that it had anything to do with breaking into the House Chambers, where the votes were being counted.

Let me give you a hint. They're located on completely opposite sides of the building.
showed a lot more than that,,
Because they are just as biased and dishonest and corrupt.

But now your beloved party has the videos and the power to do what they want with them. And their choice was to only allow an entertainer is is paid to lie to his audience to view them.

Why is your beloved party not being any different than the Dems were?

It is worth noting that they released it to only one outlet. The Republican propaganda network.
Right the same cops that supposedly ushered all these MAGARATS in also spurred them to attack

NONE of what you or Tuckems says makes any sense

Wow, Leech. I'm so impressed by how clever you thought you sounded saying that!

Tell me. what do the senate chambers have to do with anything. They were empty at the time, So nobody was stopping Chansley from visiting the EMPTY chambers of the Senate.
tell me why is that the only part you saw when there was so much more to see in the video that didnt involve the senate??
It is worth noting that they released it to only one outlet. The Republican propaganda network.

They did not even release it to Fox, but only to Tucker. Only to the guy that is paid to lie for a living.
People could have set up cots and took a nap in the Capitol building while all of that was going on. Schiff and Nadler are rats.
What does that even mean? Who the hell is taking a nap when a sedition was taking place?

What does Schiff and Nadler have to do with the fucking traitorous Trump supporters who attacked the capital?
None of that is true.

The Carlson video are not that impressive to me - because everyone outside of your bubble alreasdy knew whst they would show.
The infomercial showed a very few scenes - Like any infomercial would .

If I watched an edited version of a basketball game that showed basket after basket being scored by 1 team and mistake after mistake being made by the other team, I might believe that the first team won handily.
If I watch the whole game, I very well may see otherwise.
Wait to what's going to be released tonight by Tucker. You'll be impressed. Democrats will be in shock.
Tucker Carlson video:

In one clip, Chansley is shown with two officers who attempt to open a door near the Senate chamber. In a second clip, Chansley, still flanked by the two original officers, walks between a group of about half a dozen officers and none appear to try to step in.

Would somebody grab their GPS and see where the senate chamber is, vs where the house chamber is.

They're on completely opposite sides of the building.

DUH !!!!
Actually it looks like Carlson is doing the spinning.

He showed the capitol police lead Chansley to an empty room. (senate chambers)

Everybody was gathered in the Hall of the House (Chamber of the House of Representatives,) for the counting of the votes.

Why did Capital police lead him anywhere?

Roflmao you loons are floundering
Most of the time they were behind. But some of the time they were in front. Neither shows their intent. Their lack of action does kind of show intent.

You seem to imagine that he was being led out. Looked more like a private tour to me.
Their lack of action does not show intent. The officers had been beaten back to the Capitol. The Capitol was overrun. At that point, the officers stopped using physical force on the rioters. It’s not surprising, really. Use of force on the rioters to a lot of them injured.

“Looks like” is a problem. You can imagine all sorts of things if you’re so inclined.
What a disappointment for MAGA. No one can believe the man. He says voter fraud is not to be believed in private emails and then spouts the theory on air. Anyone still watching Tucker has a mental issue.

I don't watch him.

But your post is totally false.
Their lack of action does not show intent. The officers had been beaten back to the Capitol. The Capitol was overrun. At that point, the officers stopped using physical force on the rioters. It’s not surprising, really. Use of force on the rioters to a lot of them injured.

“Looks like” is a problem. You can imagine all sorts of things if you’re so inclined.

And you are the worst at being - so inclined.
Why did Capital police lead him anywhere?

Roflmao you loons are floundering
They lead him (actually followed him) to the EMPTY senate chambers.

Completely opposite direction and away from the house chambers where the votes were being counted.
Didn't we tell you it was perpetrated by the Democrats, refusal to allow extra national guards, waving the protesters in, ANTIFA doing the violence.....

1. Watch the Shocking New Just Released January 6th Video....​ Jan. 6 video that shows Capitol police escorting protesters through the building, including 'QAnon Shaman:​


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