Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

Lack of action does demonstrate their intent. Why? Because they could have easily arrested him on the spot if they had any inclination to do so.

Your are a fabulist. But you are quite unpersuasive.
It doesn’t. You’re inferring too much and ignoring reasonable alternative possibilities. They were more focused on getting people out of the Capitol. Very few people were arrested that day. It was chaos. They were outnumbered. They had no idea what to do. Arrest him and then what? Go where? They had no control over the situation and wouldn’t until they got hundreds of additional people to assist.

The officers indicated they were afraid to escalate with the rioters at that point, which is perfectly logical given the events leading up to that point which included many officers being beaten.
There's nothing that can disprove this


Who are those people in black, swinging those implements?

Until you can prove who they are, you haven't proven ANYTHING.

She's a tough cookie and True-Blue American ... through and
through.She's willing to fight for what's right.The polar opposite of
what those like Pelosi do and are.
If not for her and Matt Gaetz,forcing McCarthy's hand to guarantee
if they vote for his speakership than He Must guarantee to release
all { or most of } The January 6th footage.
She's as dumb as a box of rocks and the poster child for why the south will always be the south.
They did not stop him. Another huge lie. Why would anyone believe a thing the illegitimate administration or media says anymore? You look even dumber than usual. Defending proven liars is a guaranteed fail.

Yes, but -

They live in a world where they all say the same thing.
No one lies more than the other - they all lie the same.

The Jan 6 "committee" was shown a carefully edited video showing a republican congressman hurrying out of the building and they got a good laugh out of it. What was not shown was the several democrats the congressman was following. The fix was in and democrats were in charge.
The debate about the relevance of the video Carlson showed.
When the narrative is people ransacking and trying to capture people and the you see a video of these people calmly walking with calm police officers… it’s a narrative buster. Nobody is saying nothing wrong happened, but the verbal, reported narrative is clearly not accurate to what actually happened.

We need to correct these inaccuracies, and see who deliberately pushed it for political purposes
Tucker Carlson video:

In one clip, Chansley is shown with two officers who attempt to open a door near the Senate chamber. In a second clip, Chansley, still flanked by the two original officers, walks between a group of about half a dozen officers and none appear to try to step in.

Would somebody grab their GPS and see where the senate chamber is, vs where the house chamber is.

They're on completely opposite sides of the building.

DUH !!!!
Again if there are violent people in the Capitol building what the fuck are the police giving tours for? You have no argument. This was a set up from the word go. Anyone in jail should be released immediately.
3.An actual eyewitness account from a man who was at the Capitol can be found here: I Saw Provocateurs At The Capitol Riot On Jan. 6

J. Michael Waller is Senior Analyst for Strategy at the Center for Security Policy. His areas of concentration are propaganda, political warfare, psychological warfare, and subversion. He is the former Walter and Leonore Annenberg Professor of International Communication at the Institute of World Politics, a graduate school in Washington, DC. A former instructor with the Naval Postgraduate School, he is an instructor/lecturer at the John F Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg.

4.I Saw Provocateurs At The Capitol Riot On Jan. 6

The deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol bore the markings of an organized operation planned well in advance of the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress.

Agents-provocateurs. Scattered groups of men exhorting the marchers to gather closely and tightly toward the center of the outside of the Capitol building and prevent them from leaving; Fake Trump protesters. A few young men wearing Trump or MAGA hats backwards and who did not fit in with the rest of the crowd in terms of their actions and demeanor, whom I presumed to be Antifa or other leftist agitators; and

Disciplined, uniformed column of attackers. A column of organized, disciplined men, wearing similar but not identical camouflage uniforms and black gear, some with helmets and GoPro cameras or wearing subdued Punisher skull patches.

All of these cells or groups stood out from the very large crowd by their behavior and overall demeanor.’

Never forget Rule #1 Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

They lie about everything.
Jan 6 was a Voting Rights Protest.
Let us compare the Selma March Voting Right Protest to the Jan 6 Voting Rights Protest.
No one was shot in the neck and murdered at the Selma March like Ashley Babbitt was at the Jan 6th Voting Rights protest.
The Jan 6 "committee" was shown a carefully edited video showing a republican congressman hurrying out of the building and they got a good laugh out of it. What was not shown was the several democrats the congressman was following. The fix was in and democrats were in charge.
So what?
5. Perhaps the explanation for the, Democrat, supporter being unable to recognize that it was Biden voters who infiltrated the peaceful Capitol march, is that they are government school grads who never learned what their Nazi predecessors did.....

Operation Greif (German: Unternehmen Greif) was a special operation commanded by Waffen-SS commando Otto Skorzeny during the battle of the Bulge in World War II. ... German soldiers, wearing captured British and U.S. Army uniforms and using captured Allied vehicles, were to cause confusion in the rear of the Allied lines.
Operation Greif - Wikipedia

German infiltrators lined up for execution by firing squad after conviction by a military court for wearing U.S. uniforms during the Battle of the Bulge. December 23, 1944.

Democrats carrying forward the same ploy at the Capitol.
After is the same party that put Americans in concentration camps.

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