Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

Didn't we tell you it was perpetrated by the Democrats, refusal to allow extra national guards, waving the protesters in, ANTIFA doing the violence.....

1. Watch the Shocking New Just Released January 6th Video....​ Jan. 6 video that shows Capitol police escorting protesters through the building, including 'QAnon Shaman:​

Well it sure did! They were peaceful Americans who only wanted to visit their Capitol, until the police forced them to go in. Then when they were in they couldn't get out and so they had to shit and piss wherever they could. Then the police smeared the shit all over the walls.

For that they go to jail for 5 years and even more? All the Capitol police should be executed!
3.An actual eyewitness account from a man who was at the Capitol can be found here: I Saw Provocateurs At The Capitol Riot On Jan. 6

J. Michael Waller is Senior Analyst for Strategy at the Center for Security Policy. His areas of concentration are propaganda, political warfare, psychological warfare, and subversion. He is the former Walter and Leonore Annenberg Professor of International Communication at the Institute of World Politics, a graduate school in Washington, DC. A former instructor with the Naval Postgraduate School, he is an instructor/lecturer at the John F Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg.

4.I Saw Provocateurs At The Capitol Riot On Jan. 6

The deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol bore the markings of an organized operation planned well in advance of the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress.

Agents-provocateurs. Scattered groups of men exhorting the marchers to gather closely and tightly toward the center of the outside of the Capitol building and prevent them from leaving; Fake Trump protesters. A few young men wearing Trump or MAGA hats backwards and who did not fit in with the rest of the crowd in terms of their actions and demeanor, whom I presumed to be Antifa or other leftist agitators; and

Disciplined, uniformed column of attackers. A column of organized, disciplined men, wearing similar but not identical camouflage uniforms and black gear, some with helmets and GoPro cameras or wearing subdued Punisher skull patches.

All of these cells or groups stood out from the very large crowd by their behavior and overall demeanor.’

Never forget Rule #1 Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

They lie about everything.
Never happened.

Your fellow blob sent a mob to the capitol...they injured 140 cops. Thankfully a lot of them were arrested, tried, and convicted after being hunted down like dogs.
You’re just throwing ad hominems. You refuse to debate.

You looked at a video yet didn't accept what it showed.
Don't know how you expect to debate moving forward from that.

I read these posts you literally have to twist every piece of evidence into a pretzel to keep being inclined in your direction.
It's almost as though the OP isn't aware Tuck Tuck tells his audience what it wants to hear in order to keep Fox stock price up.

The OP must live in an echo chamber...

Wow! You almost sounded clever saying that.

Actually, you almost even sounded human saying that, and that's quite a feat for leftist vermin.

They did not stop him. Another huge lie. Why would anyone believe a thing the illegitimate administration or media says anymore? You look even dumber than usual. Defending proven liars is a guaranteed fail.
The cops let Shaman in the Senate chamber and let him say prayers with them.
But this J6 crap has to be revealed. Too many questions

Yes it does. But do you think sending the videos to Tucker is the way to do it?

Had the Dems sent the videos to Maddow, would you have trusted what she put on her show?
They did not stop him. Another huge lie. Why would anyone believe a thing the illegitimate administration or media says anymore? You look even dumber than usual. Defending proven liars is a guaranteed fail.

They couldn't stop anyone from entering as they were vastly outnumbered and a huge mob swarmed into the building. But the video proves your shaman entered the building on his own volition.
Never happened.

Your fellow blob sent a mob to the capitol...they injured 140 cops.
To be fair, I was impressed with Gator and his stance on child sexual abuse.

But this J6 crap has to be revealed. Too many questions
He's not all bad, but certainly quite far from a logic based rational adult. Too much "useful idiot" there to be salvaged, IMHO.
The accusation is your claim that there were Feds and Antifa that mob. Sadly, you can't prove that because you're making that up.
I am not making it up. You do not have a leg to stand on. I cannot prove anything but facial recognition would. Let's get it done. You have no interest in the truth.

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