Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

The proof doof is that the overwhelming amount of film is non violent and your already bogus insurrection and sedition is Dead
But, just like Mueller and Russians and impeachment and all the other hoaxes, the feelings addled lib loons will carry on with their contentions that these”guilts” are there for all to see but we are not “looking correctly”
If I broke down your front door and spent the afternoon milling around your house eating your snacks and watching TV, you’d also say that the vast majority of that was nonviolent.
Agreed. I’m just showing the discrepancies. The same people that say US Democracy was under attack have no problem with what was not a total lockdown. That brings into question how serious was this?
The violence, both physical and material, was inexcusable and infuriating to all of us who are true patriots and want America to be the best it can be for all, not just special groups.

And I still haven't found it in my heart to forgive those who did violence for making that the story instead of the tens of thousands of people who exercised their constitutional right to have their voices peacefully and lawfully heard.

And I may never forgive those who corruptly and dishonestly politicized and put the violence narrative as all J6 was out there for public consumption and blocked anything that showed the rest of the story.

At the very least, those people are now being exposed by the release of the rest of the video record. I wish those who falsified the evidence would go to jail, but it will never happen.
MSM already gaslighting viewers, what you see and hear aren't actually what you see and hear. I predicted this would happen with MSM pravda
Hundreds against one or two.

You just lost your case in court.

The earlier NAZI has courts, too.

It brings to mind a passage from Daniel Silva’s novel, ‘The Unlikely Spy:’

"Hitler changed all of that. Hitler believed in the rule of men, not the rule of law. Within months of taking power he turned Germany's entire judicial system upside down.
Führergewalt. - Führer power- became the absolute law of the land, and Hitler's every maniacal whim was immediately translated into codes and regulations.

Vogel remembered some of the ridiculous maxims coined by the architects of Hitler's legal overhaul of Germany: 'Law is what is useful to the German people! Law must be interpreted through healthy folk emotions!
When the normal judiciary stood in their way the Nazis established their own courts- Volksgerichtshof, the People's Courts. October 1933, when 10,000 lawyers stood on the steps of the Reichsgericht in Leipzig, arms raised in the Nazi salute, and swore 'to follow the course of the Führer to the end of our days.'"

Protect your children from the Mass Psychosis that poisoned both the Germans of the 30s and 40s, and those under the sway of today's Democrat Party.
You keep bringing that up and ignore the video proof of yet another huge lie. Why?

The video proof is edited, cherry picked videos.

Why can you and I not watch the whole thing for ourselves and make up our own minds?
The question was about what the rioters wanted.

Your answer is a tangent about what you feel the Democrats wanted, which is especially strange since you seem to believe they wanted the riot. Do you seriously believe that?

I explained that.

( thats why President Trump's offer to authorized National guard troops was declined).
It’s called the size of the interior where they were.

Idiot, it's a big building. You can't see everyone, everywhere, all at once. There's no indication that there were never more than 200 rioters in there at any given time. The police say they were vastly outnumbered. I'll take their word over a forum putz.
You were and are perfectly willing to railroad people based on exited videos.

Was I? You can find some post from me supporting that claim?

I will be happy to wait while you look.
Pay no attention to sixties fan he is a paid hack gaslighting people, just like he was instructed to by the dnc.
The peaceful magas should be released from jail immediately!

It stopped being a revolution against government when the leader didn't lead.

Had it been Comrad Fidel and Comrad Che leading the revolution, politicians' heads would have been rolling around on the floor!
I provided video to prove my thesis. Wise the heck up.
Officer Robinson was also very friendly. In order to get the insurrectionists away from the Congress Chambers .

In court, and with any Jury Trump, Tucker, and any one else who comes up with these pathetic excuses to make it look like the insurrectionists were just tourists being guided thought the Capitol are

LOSERS. !!!!

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