Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

Your nothing but a contrarian cuck!
Um ... If a " cuck " were to cluck too loud when in
grade school what should be the punishment.
A Failing grade in "Cuckism " or watch mommy and daddy
when they go to vote.How they dress.If they thoroughly brushed
their teeth and combed their hair.Wore their sunday best
or wore Sweats like the Ukrainian Cuck named Zelensky.
It's not a "new" video. It's an old original video that was heavily edited and/or hidden from the Jan 6 "committee" that was biased anyway. Why didn't the mainstream media go after the truth? The guy with the painted face and animal skins was escorted around by Capital Cops. Ray Epps was a paid FBI informant who was easily identified but not arrested.
Okay just stop lol. You and I both know how petty and disingenuous you sound saying they were charged with sedition instead of insurrection. I KNEW you were going to say this. It’s a childish, fallacious argument. You know what sedition means and you know what insurrection means. They basically mean the same thing huh? Of course you should also know that sedition has a more severe punishment than insurrection.

Why does law enforcement being complicit mean it wasn’t an insurrection? That is just logic you are making up on the spot. If anything we should just agree that law enforcement was irrelevant to the definition because we seem some of them being assaulted. Why does some of them allowing them to come in supersede others being assaulted? Can you even explain that? Also I personally never compared this to 9/11. I definitely don’t need to.
Was the Capitol under attack? Yes. How and why do you continue to ignore the need for a total lockdown? You are only hurting your case..
No -
The Democrats needed the diversion to stop the airing of the Fraudulent Ballot Claims.
They knew that you cultists would never hear them aside from there.
Couldn't risk them being read into the record.
Coups have fairly large consequences.
That is what was stopped, not the certification.
It made the certification easier for the dems.

I've treated your asinine posts with unwarranted respect up to now.
I'm done with that.
The question was about what the rioters wanted.

Your answer is a tangent about what you feel the Democrats wanted, which is especially strange since you seem to believe they wanted the riot. Do you seriously believe that?
Obvious to you, a raving lunatic. That's why you have no proof to back your bullshit accusations.
Nothing but PROJECTION from this demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie Marxist asshole above.
Why not use “insurrection”?

It's harder to prove... they have recordings of Oathkeepers planning the insurrection, which is evidence of seditious conspiracy... and seditious conspiracy carries a max sentence of 20 years, compared to insurrection which is 10 years.
Its going to be a very hard landing for folks who bought into the big lie.
Fox watchers do not know about the Dominion lawsuit. They are not being shown how Murdoch and others embraced Trump's lies to keep their viewers from going to OAN and Newsmax.

Profit over truth.

Leftists can't figure out who the bad guys are. That's due their lack of bronze and need to feed off the tits of a insurrection narration. It's not that hard to figure out.

Epps was on the FBI's most wanted, then he wasn't.

Epps was one of the worst offenders but was treated extra special.

Epps texted his son saying he orchestrated the charge to enter the Capitol.

Pelosi and deep state ensured the Capitol was under-manned, and some law enforcement are shown to invite a riot, literally hosting them through.

Nearly all of the video is "classified" because it deflects from the approved narrative.

Use TDS to make it appear that it's Trump's fault to please on-going Democrook'd interests.

It's called a false flag leftists, run and hide.
Last edited:
Um ... If a " cuck " were to cluck too loud when in
grade school what should be the punishment.
A Failing grade in "Cuckism " or watch mommy and daddy
when they go to vote.How they dress.If they thoroughly brushed
their teeth and combed their hair.Wore their sunday best
or wore Sweats like the Ukrainian Cuck named Zelensky.
The DC Police were outnumbered by those who had no business being at the Capitol at that time.

Those who got through the security set up outside. Those who bashed windows and doors to get into the Capitol. Those who looked very determined in doing what Trump had set them up to do: STOP the Certification of Biden as President.

Sure, you and others would have fought them to the end, with your lives rather than allow those people to come in, much less try to stop them to get into the Congress Chambers as the Police was actually doing.

Another loser theory from the Trump Cultists.
No fewer than ten Capitol Police had a single "insurrectionist" isolated from all the rest, and they gave him a fucking tour of the building?!?

There's no proof in the videos, FruitLoops. There's no video you can post and identify anyone in it is with the FBI or Antifa.
The proof doof is that the overwhelming amount of film is non violent and your already bogus insurrection and sedition is Dead
But, just like Mueller and Russians and impeachment and all the other hoaxes, the feelings addled lib loons will carry on with their contentions that these”guilts” are there for all to see but we are not “looking correctly”
Nope, she and Tucker are twins, both even used the same "no reasonable person believes what we say" defense to get out of lawsuits.
You do not have to believe Tucker but the videos are what you can believe. This was a set up. The same liars that tell us there was no fraud. Figure out what that means.
Fox watchers do not know about the Dominion lawsuit. They are not being shown how Murdoch and others embraced Trump's lies to keep their viewers from going to OAN and Newsmax.

Profit over truth.

You bust on Fakes Nooz, then post National Panhandler Radio as though it's the Sermon from the Mount?!?

Never under attack?? :cuckoo:

Nope. The intent was never to attack the government or harm anybody. A minority did participate in violence but I believe the evidence is that these were separate groups from the main body of tens of thousands attending the protest demonstration. And there seems to be growing evidence that even those were likely organized/provoked to violence by deep state operatives who intended to provoke a riot to discredit the protest.

Any Trump supporters--I believe at least some doing violence and vandalism were not--who participated in that violence should suffer the full force of law in consequences. They served President Trump and the Patriot cause miserably.
Because despite a few who committed some vandalism and got stupid, the Capitol was never under attack? The J6 Committee and MSM showed acts of indefensible violence--I don't know a single soul who condoned that--but never showed you the rest of the picture? Told you they murdered police officers when that never happened? Told you their intent was insurrection when even the vandals and physically violent never intended anything of the sort?

Now compare that with thousands of police officers who were assaulted in the riots of 2020, many sustaining injuries, over 40 people murdered, many others severely injured. The only person killed on J6 was Ashley Babbit.

The vandals did $1.5 million in vandalism on J6 and those responsible should have to pay every penny of that and more. The rioters of 2020 did billions of dollars of damage and imposed untold misery on innocent people by blocking traffic and businesses, looting, threatening and terrorizing. The rioters occupied 6 square blocks of downtown Seattle for weeks. The relatively small percentage of all the 2020 rioters who were arrested were mostly bailed out of jail quickly. Most were never arrested and suffered no consequences.

But the apologists for the 2020 riots say that most of them were 'peaceful'. Well on J6 the huge majority of people there were completely peaceful. The few who were not cannot be excused in any way, but there is reason to believe even those may have been organized and/or provoked by deep state operatives who WANTED the protest to become violent.

There was no insurrection on J6.

Agreed. I’m just showing the discrepancies. The same people that say US Democracy was under attack have no problem with what was not a total lockdown. That brings into question how serious was this?
I’m still waiting for the video of all the rioters AOC claims wanted to rape her.

there were no rioters. They were not chanting looking for people. They were not wanting to hang Mike Pence. They were not looking to possibly kidnap or kill Nancy Pelosi. AOC did not have the right that if found, not only they might want to kill her, but they might rape her as well before that.

You really do not seem to care less, could you, if any Congress person, from any party, got hurt, raped or killed.

It is all a "Progs" cry. Nothing happened. There was no insurrection, invasion of the Capitol, destruction of a lot of things in the Capitol. or something set up to hang people as if it were the "good ol' days" when people were dragged out and hanged.
You do not have to believe Tucker but the videos are what you can believe. This was a set up. The same liars that tell us there was no fraud. Figure out what that means.

Tucker showed us edited, cherry picked videos just like the Jan 6th committee. You choose to trust one with your life, I choose to not trust either.

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