Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

You people conviently ignore all the video footage of the rioters attacking people and taking over the building by force.

The rioters took control of the building by force and the police had to step down and let the rioters into the building because they were attacking and killing people. Then, once the rioters had control of the building, did they stop attacking people.
The lie is out there. Give it up. We know who the traitors are now.
Oh my. Such eloquence. Such deep thinking. Such class.

Perhaps one day you might even show some evidence that refutes the video evidence Tucker is now releasing. Adam Kinsinger is one of the slanderers who helped falsify the evidence and put out a false narrative that people like you seem to have enthusiastically gobbled up.
It’s what they want to have happened so that Trump can be further tarnished and prohibited from running
It was live on TV in the US, when it was actually happening. Where was not live that you didn't see it?

I saw people storming the Capitol, climbing the walls, fighting and breaking in through the windows. I don't know what they showed on MAGA TV.

I saw it too ZERO evidence that it was an insurrection action, it was clearly a MOB action a small group of people going full stupid which no one here is excusing thus your narrative is misleading.

Let's wait for more videos on this to see what else happened.
Still a skank
No change


The lie is out there. Give it up. We know who the traitors are now.
yea the MAGA republicans rioting and attacking cops on Jan 6th.

We all saw the video, MAGA republicans attacked cops and took over the Capitol building using force.

All you have is the after math when they were leaving.

You can't just ignore all the video of all the Trumpers attacking everybody, Tucker Carlson presented nothing of merit.
The people who you are referring to are 99% Democrats who executed a coup and then a protest to cover it up.
No forgiveness is warranted
Well in the interest of accuracy we don't have positive evidence for that and we don't do ourselves any favors by promoting inaccuracies or propaganda. I agree there is mounting legitimate suspicion that the riot was provoked by anti-Trumpers--most likely leftists/Democrats--but without hard proof, we cannot definitively say that.

Meanwhile the left doggedly holds on to their crumbling narrative that the J6 event was a 'violent armed insurrection' when it was nothing of the sort.

For instance, Jake Angeli Chansley, the furry hat Viking guy, has become the poster boy for the J6 insurrection propagandists. He was arrested and convicted of 'obstructing a police officer' and remains in prison with 2.5 more years to serve. Ex navy guy, he's a little weird and likely a conspiracy theorist for sure, but tell me if ANY BLM or ANTIFA person ever got a sentence like that for non-violently obstructing a police officer?

Jake is a thoroughly non violent person and did no violence at the Capitol that day. Here he is that day with Michael Vos, Nancy Pelosi's son-in-law. Vos, a reporter, was likely interviewing Chansley.


And again here is that 'existential threat to our democracy' being peacefully escorted into a congressional chamber by a Captitol policeman. Another piece of video the J6 Committee never intended anybody to see.
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No, but you can’t say it was a complete rabid ransacking, as the left/democrats/media.. and seemingly you.. are.

You’re on the record claiming something as entirely one way throughout. This evidence shows it wasn’t.. and brings to question what the police’s association was with some of these individuals. They certainly didn’t view this guy as a threat enough to arrest him.. but yet later he’s arrested and put in jail for 4 years? Some of this doesn’t add up, and I’d hope you’d have some honesty to admit that

Clearly the capitol wasn’t entirely under assault if police are walking around passively with one of the “invaders”. Given the lefts narrative.. how do you explain that?
They explain by stating that we are viewing things incorrectly or incompletely and therefore arriving at conclusions that conflict with their feelings and wishes.
The lie is out there. Give it up. We know who the traitors are now.
All the Republicans who worked for Trump tell of Trump as making his followers come to the Capitol and invading the Capitol on 1/6.

And they would all be traitors to you.

Traitors to Herr Trump.
Huh? What evidence is shown on Tucker's videos?

Are you just goofing around?

Your run around deflection is amusing, why don't you stop your dumb evasive baloney.

Since you still haven't backed up your statement against Tucker:

But Tucker says so!

The guy they know is lying to them says so. This is sad, but not surprising.

Still waiting for YOUR explanation.

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