Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

Your fellow blob sent a mob to the capitol...they injured 140 cops.
~ Of course they did. Don't forget about "breaking down" doors that were opened by Capitol Police from the inside, beating the police with a fire extinguisher & all the guns and firebombs used ... 😉👌
🍬 Time for some Candycorn. Don't forget to brush your teeth !
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Didn't we tell you it was perpetrated by the Democrats, refusal to allow extra national guards, waving the protesters in, ANTIFA doing the violence.....

1. Watch the Shocking New Just Released January 6th Video....​ Jan. 6 video that shows Capitol police escorting protesters through the building, including 'QAnon Shaman:​

But the political prisoners are STILL in Nancy's Gulag and somehow Nancy and the other seditionists are STILL walking free!!!
But it’s okay to divide people by a faux show trial with edited videos and then take political prisoners on trumped up charges.
Well in the interest of accuracy we don't have positive evidence for that and we don't do ourselves any favors by promoting inaccuracies or propaganda. I agree there is mounting legitimate suspicion that the riot was provoked by anti-Trumpers--most likely leftists/Democrats--but without hard proof, we cannot definitively say that.

Meanwhile the left doggedly holds on to their crumbling narrative that the J6 event was a 'violent armed insurrection' when it was nothing of the sort.

For instance, Jake Angeli Chansley, the furry hat Viking guy, has become the poster boy for the J6 insurrection propagandists. He was arrested and convicted of 'obstructing a police officer' and remains in prison with 2.5 more years to serve. Ex navy guy, he's a little weird and likely a conspiracy theorist for sure, but tell me if ANY BLM or ANTIFA person ever got a sentence like that for non-violently obstructing a police officer?

Jake is a thoroughly non violent person and did no violence at the Capitol that day. Here he is that day with Michael Vos, Nancy Pelosi's son-in-law. Vos, a reporter, was likely interviewing Chansley.


And again here is that 'existential threat to our democracy' being peacefully escorted into a congressional chamber by a Captitol policeman. Another piece of video the J6 Committee never intended anybody to see.

Thanks for the video clip. That clip clearly proves that the officer wasn’t escorting him, but following him in and asking them to leave.

He also notes that he was one officer with 5 protestors so there’s very little he can do physically to force them to leave.
The fun is just beginning...

Video shows that the Police let in and escorted most to core locations. This is direct conflict with the narrative. The video proves that the CHP was allowing the intrusion to happen by opening doors and allowing them in and in many cases escorting them around.

Pelosi knew the staff levels were deficient and even had staff create further deficiencies. There are email chains showing their direct attempts to keep staffing insufficient at Pelosi's commands.

This was an orchestrated entrapment to attack Trump and his supporters. I want to know where the orders came from to the officer staff. These videos prove what we all thought happened. This was a planned event that was driven by the likes of Ray Epps and other government agents.


It’s not that big. Initially they packed into the Rotunda which accommodates 150-200. Then when the Pelosi plants started the ruckus things became of an unmeasurable nature. Facts trumping feelings

The House chamber alone can hold close to a 1000 people.
But it’s okay to divide people by a faux show trial with edited videos

Nope, that was wrong too.

I never supported the Jan 6th hearings, never watched them and always said they were nothing but political theater.

One more time, my views are not based on what party is doing it. I know you will never understand not tying everything to your beloved party, but some of us just are not that way
I saw an attack on my capitol while they were trying to count the votes.

Most of them who broke in ended up milling around which is what several videos showed that have been released which is this part you are ignoring.

The Police INSIDE the building didn't show any behavior patterns that they thought an insurrection was happening they walked around in a relaxed manner all over the place.

I have never agreed with anyone breaking in and walking around but the lies that surrounds the mostly peaceful people INSIDE the building is the problem and creates a narrative that never existed.

I am sure there will be some videos of a few stupid people behaving like a mob yet to be revealed as a few people were violent in small places but wasn't a threat to take over the Capital building for the lying claims of an overthrow attempt.

How can you swallow that insurrection bullshit is beyond me.
I saw an attack on my capitol while they were trying to count the votes.
Really? From what I saw was an incited event by about 30 people. Then some of them were let in by CHP officers and escorted around the building into secure areas. They were then charge with crimes. The police did not appear to fear them, laughing and joking. What you saw was the narrative they want you to believe. The narrative they stoked up.

Now that all of the evidnece is coming out, take the time to evaluate it all IN CONTEXT. Why did Pelosi actively keep the CHP at substandard manpower levels? Why did Pelosi order her staff to keep it that way? Who ordered the CHP to open doors and escort people around? With the violence you "saw" outside why did the police let them in? Why didn't they take a proper protective posture? Who gave that order to stand down?

They have manipulated your beliefs by limiting the information you saw and the narrative they and those complicit in the media drove.
I don't get how people think Tucker Carlson did anything to discredit the Jan 6th Insurrection??

The video evidence of MAGA republicans attacking cops, rioting at the Capitol, and taking over the Capitol building by force is overwhelming.

All tucker Carlson did was show some selectively edited video of people walking through the Capitol after the Trumpers took over the building using force. If you leave out all the video of Trumpers rioting and attacking cops and beating people and breaking into the building, then it looks peaceful !!!
What a joke republicans are, they can never admit to anything in life, the party of excuses.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Nope, that was wrong too.

I never supported the Jan 6th hearings, never watched them and always said they were nothing but political theater.

One more time, my views are not based on what party is doing it. I know you will never understand not tying everything to your beloved party, but some of us just are not that way
Keep telling yourself that😅
Didn't we tell you it was perpetrated by the Democrats, refusal to allow extra national guards, waving the protesters in, ANTIFA doing the violence.....

1. Watch the Shocking New Just Released January 6th Video....​ Jan. 6 video that shows Capitol police escorting protesters through the building, including 'QAnon Shaman:​

I watched the insurrection live that day. The first few minutes were calm.

The first. Few. Minutes.

It then turned violent.

Tucker Carlson is a known prolific liar.

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