Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

The insufficient policing was a part also. Just Like Covid-A quick solution was not in the plans
And again we cannot say for certain why there was insufficient policing, but there is mounting evidence that this too was intentional.

What is most striking about the 'rest of the story' video is that for the most part the Capitol police neither resisted nor were the least bit afraid or concerned about the people inside the Capitol building that day. Or for the most part, outside the Capitol building that day.

That is because the J6 Committee and their surrogate media never intended you to see that.

I'm sure most people think Ashley Babbitt, a 'violent insurrectionist' was shot coming through a broken window. Most haven't seen the video of her inside the Capitol for some time. Most haven't seen the video of her going to the Capitol police INSIDE the building and begging them to do their jobs. She was extremely agitated at the vandalism they were allowing.

As that clip has been shown on Twitter, I'm sure Tucker has it and will show it at some point.

Edit: Here it is in fact:
Well so far 1,000 have been arrested. That seems to work pretty well for me.

Well, these videos being released I am sure some of them will get a chance to prove their innocence as the claims of insurrection and sedition are being shown an overblown narrative.

Some of them will remain guilty for being violent and destructive of property.
how so??

I posted a daming viddeo of Trumpers rioting at the Capitol, are you trying to act like they didn;t riot and attacke cops, because it is all on video.

If Tucker Carlson edits out all the rioting, violence, attacks, beatings, and breaking in, then you it looks peaceful?
I don't understand what point you have to make. The Violence and riots are all on video
Well in the interest of accuracy we don't have positive evidence for that and we don't do ourselves any favors by promoting inaccuracies or propaganda. I agree there is mounting legitimate suspicion that the riot was provoked by anti-Trumpers--most likely leftists/Democrats--but without hard proof, we cannot definitively say that.

Meanwhile the left doggedly holds on to their crumbling narrative that the J6 event was a 'violent armed insurrection' when it was nothing of the sort.

For instance, Jake Angeli Chansley, the furry hat Viking guy, has become the poster boy for the J6 insurrection propagandists. He was arrested and convicted of 'obstructing a police officer' and remains in prison with 2.5 more years to serve. Ex navy guy, he's a little weird and likely a conspiracy theorist for sure, but tell me if ANY BLM or ANTIFA person ever got a sentence like that for non-violently obstructing a police officer?

Jake is a thoroughly non violent person and did no violence at the Capitol that day. Here he is that day with Michael Vos, Nancy Pelosi's son-in-law. Vos, a reporter, was likely interviewing Chansley.


And again here is that 'existential threat to our democracy' being peacefully escorted into a congressional chamber by a Captitol policeman. Another piece of video the J6 Committee never intended anybody to see.

More bullshit. Chansley was not convicted for obstructing a police officer. He was convicted of obstructing a congressional proceeding. And he was sentenced to almost 4 years while the max sentence could have been 20 years.
Thanks for the video clip. That clip clearly proves that the officer wasn’t escorting him, but following him in and asking them to leave.
LMAO. Because THAT is the narrative that has been spread..

“The insurrectionists walked around and ignored the passive calm police officers requests to leave!”


You have to know you’re not serious here, just clinging onto a narrative. I know you probably hate the other side, but don’t let it turn you into an idiot.
Nope, that was wrong too.

I never supported the Jan 6th hearings, never watched them and always said they were nothing but political theater.

One more time, my views are not based on what party is doing it. I know you will never understand not tying everything to your beloved party, but some of us just are not that way
Your views are based on what Trump tells you to think

The evidence is crystal clear, we have extensive video of Trumpers rioting at the Capitol and beating cops, what more do you need???

In every video it was groups of two or three people. Not the enemas people. Nice collection of those who were inciting the riot.

Tell me why they all ran from the area once the capitol was breached? The whole security videos show those who did the actual breach left the moment they breached the building. Why did the Media omit those facts and edit them out?

You need to get some context and not believe all the crap you have been fed.
I don't get how people think Tucker Carlson did anything to discredit the Jan 6th Insurrection??

The video evidence of MAGA republicans attacking cops, rioting at the Capitol, and taking over the Capitol building by force is overwhelming.

All tucker Carlson did was show some selectively edited video of people walking through the Capitol after the Trumpers took over the building using force. If you leave out all the video of Trumpers rioting and attacking cops and beating people and breaking into the building, then it looks peaceful !!!
What a joke republicans are, they can never admit to anything in life, the party of excuses.

Its reminiscent of the "alternative facts" Kellyanne Conway tried to put over on everyone. Somehow the 140 cops who were injured, the cop who was murdered, the insurrection attempt, etc... are all justified now.

I'm glad that Fox is helping the Democrats by reviving the 1/6 insurrection just before the election season kicks off. If the Democrats are smart (which they aren't), they'll keep the ball rolling as long as they can.
LMAO. Because THAT is the narrative that has been spread..

“The insurrectionists walked around and ignored the passive calm police officers requests to leave!”


You have to know you’re not serious here, just clinging onto a narrative. I know you probably hate the other side, but don’t let it turn you into an idiot.

Umm, there's video of it. :eusa_doh:
Officer Robinson was also very friendly. In order to get the insurrectionists away from the Congress Chambers .

In court, and with any Jury Trump, Tucker, and any one else who comes up with these pathetic excuses to make it look like the insurrectionists were just tourists being guided thought the Capitol are

LOSERS. !!!!
While at least ten other cops led "Q Shaman" around to several doors, trying to let him i the Senate chamber.

Oh yeah, NBC Nooz....lmfao!

Well in the interest of accuracy we don't have positive evidence for that and we don't do ourselves any favors by promoting inaccuracies or propaganda. I agree there is mounting legitimate suspicion that the riot was provoked by anti-Trumpers--most likely leftists/Democrats--but without hard proof, we cannot definitively say that.

Meanwhile the left doggedly holds on to their crumbling narrative that the J6 event was a 'violent armed insurrection' when it was nothing of the sort.

For instance, Jake Angeli Chansley, the furry hat Viking guy, has become the poster boy for the J6 insurrection propagandists. He was arrested and convicted of 'obstructing a police officer' and remains in prison with 2.5 more years to serve. Ex navy guy, he's a little weird and likely a conspiracy theorist for sure, but tell me if ANY BLM or ANTIFA person ever got a sentence like that for non-violently obstructing a police officer?

Jake is a thoroughly non violent person and did no violence at the Capitol that day. Here he is that day with Michael Vos, Nancy Pelosi's son-in-law. Vos, a reporter, was likely interviewing Chansley.


And again here is that 'existential threat to our democracy' being peacefully escorted into a congressional chamber by a Captitol policeman. Another piece of video the J6 Committee never intended anybody to see.

The evidence is in the timing.

That is accurate.
No one got to the house chamber . You are trying to now shift from what did happen to the what could have happened.

I'm not saying they flooding that chamber. I'm explaining that building is far larger than you're trying to make it appear.
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