Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.


Democrats - attempting to punish 'Trump supporters' AND send a message to Trump supporters, Conservatives, and anyone who might think about standing up to their 3rd World Authoritarian rule in the future - violated this American citizen's Constitutional Rights by holding him in jail for 44 months ... mostly in solitary confinement / beat him / denied him medical treatment / did mot feed him well / pressured him / interogated him ... before giving him a trial.

In all, if he serves all of his sentence, he will have spent 6 (SIX) years in jail.

This video proves the Democrats and prosecutors broke the law by withholding exculpatory evidence from his lawyers / defense team to ensure he went to jail.

- Based on THIS alone his case (and many others) should be thrown out, tbe govt lawyers / prosecutors severely punished.

It was just reported several days ago that the defense for another protestor whose trial is just coming up asked for more time to prepare a defense based on this new video evidence just released & THE LIBERAL JUDGE REFUSED TO ALLOW IT.

3rd-world corrupt authoritarian politicians and corrupt partisanly weaponized judicial system that was just proven to be a weapon against the American people!

To think that that man has to serve six years in jail for walking around the building peacefully …when some of the BLM rioters and just regular every day criminals get off Scott free. They get no money bail and their back on the streets to commit more crimes. And when it comes time for the sentencing they get a slap on the wrist.
This needs to happen and your beloved party has the power to do so.

What are they waiting for?
*GOOD QUESTION except the FBI and DOJ have refused to provide the requested information. They EVEN withheld it from the defense attorneys WHICH IS ILLEGAL AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

*Caps for emphasis only.

You like to think, pretend and declare the left is as pure as the driven snow when sane people know better.
The shaman guy walked calmly with calm police officers.

The shaman guy walked calmly with calm police officers.

Explain that.

Watch that video. As the insurrectionists begin smashing the windows and break in, a single police officer attempts to pepper spray one of the terrorists. He then retreats.

Eventually, two of the invaders kick open the center doors to allow more of the terrorists inside. As the mob surges through the door, you can see the Shaman carrying a flag as he enters with his fellow terrorists.

How many times will it take for you tards to learn that CARLSON IS A LIAR!?!?!
Right, since a man with Tucker Carlson's integrity would never edit VIDEO to support a narrative he didn't believe in.

Clear and evident proof that you've accepted Fox News as your religion.

You forgot to present the evidence to support your claim.

This needs to happen and your beloved party has the power to do so.

What are they waiting for?
Democrat talking points...

MSM Dems coincidently brgan drclaring at the same time how THIS vidro should not be released at all due to such video 'jeopardizing national security'...

...which was not the case when they were releasing their cherry-picked video clips.

As for blaming McCarthy and / or the GOP for not releasing all of the video:

STFU, snowflakes!

The J6 Committee had EVERY opportunity to release ALL the video while they were running their 'Get Trump' kabuki theater, but THEY REFUSED TO DO SO!
Tucker is gang-raping the entire marxist party of millionaires that like to fuck kids.... and their dutiful politburo.

They don't care.... "yeah, yeah, we're incorrigible liars..... let's find a 9-year old to rape."
Why is it that such MAGAt sexual fantasies get dragged into a thread that has nothing to do with sex...or fantasies?
It's easy....if you followed the evidence, and what Trump and his lawyers and cronies and administration and his senators and congress critter conspirators and lawyers did and said between election day and January 6th.

Many of his followers may not having known of all that took place behind the scenes for Trump's self coup de'tat, they only knew he wanted them to go to the capitol and stop the electoral count going to Biden....or to cause chaos.....?

So, no evidence presented, again you are spinning your wheels.

Clearly you are over matched here, as you have resorted to the meme defense.
You are the typical MAGA republican, you have nothing but tears and memes.
Like I said, get back to me when you have some facts, grow up
I'm not overmatched....You're an emotionally incontinent fucking crackpot, who's losing the narrative...Sucks to be you.

Now go take your meds, loonytoon.
Democrat talking points...

MSM Dems coincidently brgan drclaring at the same time how THIS vidro should not be released at all due to such video 'jeopardizing national security'...

...which was not the case when they were releasing their cherry-picked video clips.

As for blaming McCarthy and / or the GOP for not releasing all of the video:

STFU, snowflakes!

The J6 Committee had EVERY opportunity to release ALL the video while they were running their 'Get Trump' kabuki theater, but THEY REFUSED TO DO SO!

Yes, I have already said like 20 times today that the Dems had the power and should have done so.

And now you have proven once again there is no difference between the two parties.

Thanks, you are so helpful.

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