Breaking: Dems introduce Arms Embargo on Saudi Arabia

Everybody knows the Saudi's are not our friends.

They have been dependable allies for 40 years - until this complete fuckup - Biden
Well everybody but the Neo-GOP, who cheer the Saudi's and their new production cuts aimed at hurting Americans. All because they want to blame Biden they are willing to kneel to the Saudis as well as Prince Donnie.

Biden is a fucking disaster. After getting us embroiled in a conflict with Russia, to protect his embezzlement scheme in Ukraine - the fucker goes and shits on each of our allies.

Whether treason or stupidity, Biden cannot remain president.
Because the Saudis laughed at Biden, it’s time to punish America and push the Saudis into an oil embargo on the US. We haven’t suffered enough.

Dems are setting the stage for massive economic downfall and to war.

Where is a copy of the arms bargo?
Because the Saudis laughed at Biden, it’s time to punish America and push the Saudis into an oil embargo on the US. We haven’t suffered enough.

Dems are setting the stage for massive economic downfall and to war.

Dimm's and Joey are petulant children.
The Saudi's will do well to treat them as such!!
head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is calling for freezing all U.S. cooperation with Saudi Arabia, including arms sales.

Yeah, that'll get the Saudis buddies again working in our camp!

Joe Bedpan has just spent the last two years telling everyone that their prime economic driver oil is an evil scourge to be eliminated!

Just imagine how the Saudis will cooperate now?! Everything with that tin-plated idiot Biden is about force rather than friendship. Too bad the asshole killed our energy industry 50 years before he had anything able to replace it!

The Left were famous for lying how the world laughed at Trump. But now the Saudis are giving Joe the finger. The truth is that when Trump was in office and went to visit them, they rolled out a red carpet for him and was happily met by their King. When Biden went there last month begging for oil against his NSA people's advice, they rolled out a purple carpet instead and was only met by the governor of that city. Symbolism is everything to the Saudis. That was an insult.

Another bridge Joe has burned behind himself as he paints us into a corner of energy shortages, food shortages, a failing dollar and now nuclear war in a conflict we shouldn't even be involved in.

Just imagine the humiliation for the Biden USA if after the debacle in Afghanistan getting thrown out by the Taliban, Biden next has to pull out of Ukraine and let it fall to Russia as well after investing 100 billion wasted dollars.

Of course, it doesn't take much to defeat Biden--- he was beaten by a Schwinn. :71:

Yeah, that'll get the Saudis buddies again working in our camp!

Joe Bedpan has just spent the last two years telling everyone that their prime economic driver oil is an evil scourge to be eliminated!

Just imagine how the Saudis will cooperate now?! Everything with that tin-plated idiot Biden is about force rather than friendship. Too bad the asshole killed our energy industry 50 years before he had anything able to replace it!

The Left were famous for lying how the world laughed at Trump. But now the Saudis are giving Joe the finger. The truth is that when Trump was in office and went to visit them, they rolled out a red carpet for him and was happily met by their King. When Biden went there last month begging for oil against his NSA people's advice, they rolled out a purple carpet instead and was only met by the governor of that city. Symbolism is everything to the Saudis. That was an insult.

Another bridge Joe has burned behind himself as he paints us into a corner of energy shortages, food shortages, a failing dollar and now nuclear war in a conflict we shouldn't even be involved in.

Just imagine the humiliation for the Biden USA if after the debacle in Afghanistan getting thrown out by the Taliban, Biden next has to pull out of Ukraine and let it fall to Russia as well after investing 100 billion wasted dollars.

Of course, it doesn't take much to defeat Biden--- he was beaten by a Schwinn. :71:

Well. There was good reason that Joey was a foreign policy failure for 45+ years.

Here's toasting to nuclear chickens not coming home to roost!! :cheers2:
Because Saudis are screwing the American people by cutting back production and causing gas prices to go up

The Saudis have nothing to do with it.

These fucktard Neo-Libs are going to have us in a war before their term is out. We may not LAST 30 more days.
So the Democratsxwere ok with Barry delivering hundreds of automatic weapons and hand grenades to Mexisan Drug Cartels and with him and Hillary running weapons to Islamic terrorists out of Benghazi ...

...but they now want to initiate an arms embago against Saudi because the Butcher of Kashoggi f*ed Biden on he world stage by cutting their oil production after Joe 'fist-bumped' him and Biden falsely claimed they had a deal...

...because Saudi won't provide the US with oil to save Democrats' political future at home befote the election, despite the fact that the US has more oil than Saudi but the Democrats won't produce / use any of it....

...because they believe the US using any of its oil will destroy the earth but having some other country produce / pump the oil and use duesel-sucking tanker ships and trucks to get that oil half way around the world to us is much safer for the planet....



Here is a radical idea increase oil production here so we don’t need to relay on Saudi Arabia and OPEC.

You're one of them psychotic, planet-hating, planet-destroying, science-defying Conservatives, ain't ya?!

Because Saudis are screwing the American people by cutting back production and causing gas prices to go up

Because Biden has been working against American oil and gas since day 1 of his idiotic presidency.

Biden is the one screwing Americans.
So the Democratsxwere ok with Barry delivering hundreds of automatic weapons and hand grenades to Mexisan Drug Cartels and with him and Hillary running weapons to Islamic terrorists out of Benghazi ...

...but they now want to initiate an arms embago against Saudi because the Butcher of Kashoggi f*ed Biden on he world stage by cutting their oil production after Joe 'fist-bumped' him and Biden falsely claimed they had a deal...

...because Saudi won't provide the US with oil to save Democrats' political future at home befote the election, despite the fact that the US has more oil than Saudi but the Democrats won't produce / use any of it....

...because they believe the US using any of its oil will destroy the earth but having some other country produce / pump the oil and use duesel-sucking tanker ships and trucks to get that oil half way around the world to us is much safer for the planet....




The Democratic Party is the enemy of America. Period.

The same Paty that lied us into WW I, WW II, and Vietnam.

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