Breaking: Dems introduce Arms Embargo on Saudi Arabia

All cock suking fags forgot that Xiden banned fracking and domestic production day1 . All of you fags need to die
Oh gloom and doom huh?

As noted earlier in this thread the US is producing more oil than in decades and is projected to produce at record levels in 2023.

Biden is working on lifting sanctions with Venezuela and the Saudis can't afford to cut production for long.

This is temporary...
Meh, take from it what you will....Not that your ilk cares a fig anyway.
Because the Saudis laughed at Biden, it’s time to punish America and push the Saudis into an oil embargo on the US. We haven’t suffered enough.

Dems are setting the stage for massive economic downfall and to war.

So what do you propose? Appeasing them?
Damn, the more he Biden does the more he is like Trump.

Trump did the same thing when trying to get them to cut production.
Problem was Trump was very short sighted and freely admitted he did it for US Oil industry... 6 months later, demand went up but none of the Oil producers increased supply including US producers...
I propose expelling warmongers and idiots running our country and elect a competent leader, like President Trump.
Chamberlain appeased Hitler. Look what happened.

Trump appeased Putin. Putin invaded Ukraine.

Now the Saudi’s are attempting to extort us.

Remind me exactly why they are such great allies under their new leadership? Is it because they spend gazillions to buy our weapons (warmongering) so they can bomb civilian targets in Yemen? Is it because Trump authorized the sharing of nuclear secrets with them? It sure isn’t because of their human rights record.
Pushing the Saudis into the arms of China.

Same thing the Dems did with Russia when Trump wanted to bring Putin and Russia into our side against China but Democrats and the deep state went with the 'muh, Russia' bullshit. And look where that got us.
This is the same Russia that invaded Ukraine, took Crimea, invaded Georgia and bombed the hell out of Chechnya , assassinated dissenters and political critics abroad and currently aims at recreating it’s old empire?
Oil production stats are not opinion moron
Your misrepresenting them to suit your political talking points are not facts idiot. If any of the bullshit you claim was actually accurate we would not have the gas prices we now have. The bumbling buffoon now President was more concerned with pushing the far lefts unrealistic green agenda and now we are all seeing the result of it. Sorry if you can’t deal with this reality but no amount of the far left talking points you spout will change. I am now invoking my never argue with an idiot clause and watching playoff baseball later numbnuts.
Because the Saudis laughed at Biden, it’s time to punish America and push the Saudis into an oil embargo on the US. We haven’t suffered enough.

Dems are setting the stage for massive economic downfall and to war.

The sky is falling!! The sky is falling!!!

How long should the USA continue to support this lying, destructive regime? Virtually ALL of the 9-11 highjackers were carrying Saudi passports.
Pushing the Saudis into the arms of China.

Same thing the Dems did with Russia when Trump wanted to bring Putin and Russia into our side against China but Democrats and the deep state went with the 'muh, Russia' bullshit. And look where that got us.

Well that's a wonderful retelling of history. Did Putin tell you this bullshit, or did you get it directly from Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump????

Putin has always hated the West and wanted to see the USA destroyed. He's an aging Cold War warrior and ex-KGB officer. His goal is to rebuild the old Russian Empire, and he's running out of time.

Trump wasn't bringing Russia to "our side", Putin was dragging Trump to authoritarian white supremacy, and Republicans cheered him for it. Trump shit all over your NATO Allies, and tried to pull out of NATO - all to the benefit of the Russians, and the detriment of Western democracies.

But thanks for showing your allegiance to Russia. Now go fuck yourself.

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