BREAKING! DOJ Recommends JUST 6 MONTHS PRISON TIME for Ray Epps – Because He “Cooperated with the FBI and Congress!”

Republicans were normal conservative before trump showed up, and they used to be conservative, too. Not any more. Now simply radical assholes, the might even attack the capital if they don't get their way. Who knows? Trumper Republican might even go so far as to call for the linching of public officials, even Republican public officials. They might even support attacking police, defending the capital. It is not like they are the law and order party anymore. Now they are pretty much the ends justify the means party.
Republicans have been prop player controlled opposition since at least Eisenhower....The whole mess is performance art on a par with pro rasslin', without all the gawdy costumes and athletics.

Trump didn't break freaks like you, he revealed how broken you've been along.
Either Epps suffered from piss poor legal representation


He will end up very secure and comfortable down the road.
He is on camera telling and guiding, as your own words. The insurrectionists in the Capitol. He deserves to live in jail with the other protesters.
He got a sentence in line with many of the other rioters. I think MAGA’s been misled by their own narrative.
What were their options with Epps? Put him in the hole and squeeze him to see if he would tell where he got his marching orders? They already knew that. Threaten him to keep his mouth shut? If that was their choice he wouldn't be around to testify anyway, no use to waste resources. His plea deal was worked out long before the actual operation was scheduled.
You don't get an Amen, you get a, "Did someone leave the idiot bag open".
Yup, I can see how you would consider trumptards who want a lengthy jail term for Epps but want everyone to go easy on their cult fuhrer, as idiots.

I, on the other hand, consider them retards. We will agree to disagree.
Yup, I can see how you would consider trumptards who want a lengthy jail term for Epps but want everyone to go easy on their cult fuhrer, as idiots.

I, on the other hand, consider them retards. We will agree to disagree.
I'm UK, Trump is your cookie. You need to provide a link showing a video or voice recording of Trump telling people to enter the Capitol building.
I'm UK, Trump is your cookie. You need to provide a link showing a video or voice recording of Trump telling people to enter the Capitol building.
LOL Where have you been hiding? Just got released from prison? Maybe, you missed this:

Yeah, that is scandalous. All treasonous insurrectionists should serve at least 20 years to life. Including the orange douchebag.

Do I get an Amen?
It is an overblown joke and people have realized that. You are just really stupid.

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