Breaking down the lies Democrats used to impeach Trump

Trumper's calling others liars is really pathetic.

Fuck off you sack of shit. You're obviously another Leftist idiot

Ahhh, name calling . Typical when you call out Trumpers to back up their bullshit .
What specific law did Trump break? If you can't answer that, the entire impeachment is a lie.

‘Let me make something 100% clear’: FEC chair lays down the law on foreign help

Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal
Please try again. Why didn't Obama help Ukraine? Anyway they got the help without giving Trump anything. Now Biden actually threatened them if they didn't comply. So in your own words, Biden should drop out of the race.
Biden was following US policy. Trump was targeting his main political rival.

Today, U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), co-chairs of the bipartisan Senate Ukraine Caucus, and Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on European Affairs spearheaded a letter expressing concern to Ukrainian President Poroshenko regarding the recent resignation of Minister of Economy Aivaras Abromaviius, who has alleged that corruption remains a dire challenge within the Ukrainian political system.


The letter was also signed by Senators Ron Johnson (R-WI), Chris Murphy (D-CT), Mark Kirk (R-IL), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and Sherrod Brown (D-OH).


We similarly urge you to press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General's office and judiciary. The unanimous adoption by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Basic Principles and Action Plan is a good step.

Portman, Durbin, Shaheen, and Senate Ukraine Caucus Reaffirm Commitment to Help Ukraine Take on Corruption | Senator Rob Portman

Biden: "And that is I’m desperately concerned about the backsliding on the part of Kiev in terms of corruption. They made—I mean, I’ll give you one concrete example. I was—not I, but it just happened to be that was the assignment I got. I got all the good ones. And so I got Ukraine. And I remember going over, convincing our team, our leaders to—convincing that we should be providing for loan guarantees. And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t."

Notice how Biden and the Republicans statements are so similar in tone?

The effort to fire the criminal Shokin was BIPARTISAN. And international. The IMF, the EU, the EBRD, the Ukrainian people, and the Ukrainian legislature all demanded the firing of the criminal Shokin.

But you look at you tards down there drinking Shokin's piss. Jesus H. Christ. You make me sick, retards.

You dipshits have been punked by your propagandists. You better hurry back for refills of your piss cups to find out what other bullshit you need to parrot.
Trumper's calling others liars is really pathetic.

Fuck off you sack of shit. You're obviously another Leftist idiot

Ahhh, name calling . Typical when you call out Trumpers to back up their bullshit .
What specific law did Trump break? If you can't answer that, the entire impeachment is a lie.

There is no requirement of a specific crime for an impeachment. But the reality is that "abuse of power" covers a wide range of illegal and impeachable activity: witness intimmidation, bribery, extortion, dangling pardons, defying court orders, abusing the public purse to enrich himself (billing the Treasury for rooms, meals, and golf cart rentals for the Presidents' SS and staff). I would also be very curious to find out how much the Treasury paid for the requisite "security and communications upgrades" at Trump's East Coast resorts.

The President's holding up of military aid to the Ukraine was illegal. Congress passed a law after Nixon left office which said that one the aid has been passed by Congress, and all of the conditions have been met, a President cannot hold up aid. The OMB had received all certifications as to fighting corruption in April, so the President had NO excuse to hold up aid, and what he did was illegal.

Not to mention he keeps inviting foreign interference in the elections, told the Russians he didn't care about their election meddling, has pressured the Ukraine to intervene, and asked China to do the same.

Then there's campaign finance violations (for which Michael Cohen is in prison), where the President is named as an "unindicted co-conspirator". In fact, enough of Trump's staffers are in jail for illegal things they did at the President's behest, that Trump could be tried on RICO violations.

And that's just the short list. The list of Trump's indictable crimes is long and disgusting. I could go on for pages and pages just listing the frauds, the lies, money laundering, and the financial scams this President has pulled off.
Okay, Trump is impeached, so you gonna call for Biden to step down? I mean he actually threatened to withhold money if he didn't get what he wanted. To the same country.
Trumper's calling others liars is really pathetic.

Fuck off you sack of shit. You're obviously another Leftist idiot

Ahhh, name calling . Typical when you call out Trumpers to back up their bullshit .
What specific law did Trump break? If you can't answer that, the entire impeachment is a lie.

There is no requirement of a specific crime for an impeachment. But the reality is that "abuse of power" covers a wide range of illegal and impeachable activity: witness intimmidation, bribery, extortion, dangling pardons, defying court orders, abusing the public purse to enrich himself (billing the Treasury for rooms, meals, and golf cart rentals for the Presidents' SS and staff). I would also be very curious to find out how much the Treasury paid for the requisite "security and communications upgrades" at Trump's East Coast resorts.

The President's holding up of military aid to the Ukraine was illegal. Congress passed a law after Nixon left office which said that one the aid has been passed by Congress, and all of the conditions have been met, a President cannot hold up aid. The OMB had received all certifications as to fighting corruption in April, so the President had NO excuse to hold up aid, and what he did was illegal.

Not to mention he keeps inviting foreign interference in the elections, told the Russians he didn't care about their election meddling, has pressured the Ukraine to intervene, and asked China to do the same.

Then there's campaign finance violations (for which Michael Cohen is in prison), where the President is named as an "unindicted co-conspirator". In fact, enough of Trump's staffers are in jail for illegal things they did at the President's behest, that Trump could be tried on RICO violations.

And that's just the short list. The list of Trump's indictable crimes is long and disgusting. I could go on for pages and pages just listing the frauds, the lies, money laundering, and the financial scams this President has pulled off.
Okay, Trump is impeached, so you gonna call for Biden to step down? I mean he actually threatened to withhold money if he didn't get what he wanted. To the same country.

Joe Biden wasn't looking for personal favours. Joe Biden was carrying out PUBLICALLY STATED US FOREIGN POLICY. This wasn't some dark of night campaign to undermine US elections. This was a policy requirement by the International Monetary Fund prior to loaning the Ukraine money. This was also a policy requirement of your NATO allies prior to giving financial aid to the Ukraine.

The prosecutor was fired because he was not proceeding with the prosecution of Burisma. Hunter Biden may be have hired in the hopes that prosecutors would leave the company alone, but that didn't happen. After Sholkin was fired, the new prosecutor pursued Burisma, which cleaned up it's act in regards to money laundering, and paid all fines owing. Hunter Biden wasn't even under investigation, so the idea that Joe fired the prosecutor to help his son is an utter lie.
92 countries receive foreign aid from the US. Many of them are far more corrupt than Ukraine. Trump did not hold up aid to any of them or ask them to investigate corruption. In fact, the leader of Israel is under indictment, yet Trump STILL did not hold up the $3 billion he sent to that crook.

Trump only held up aid to Ukraine, and only targeted a very specific company which had a connect to his main political rival.

You have to be a very special retard to not see this abuse of power for personal political gain for exactly what it is.


You're a fucking idiot. Trump got no personal gain, and that senile piece of shit Biden is not Trump's rival since the loser will never even get the nomination.
92 countries receive foreign aid from the US. Many of them are far more corrupt than Ukraine. Trump did not hold up aid to any of them or ask them to investigate corruption. In fact, the leader of Israel is under indictment, yet Trump STILL did not hold up the $3 billion he sent to that crook.

Trump only held up aid to Ukraine, and only targeted a very specific company which had a connect to his main political rival.

You have to be a very special retard to not see this abuse of power for personal political gain for exactly what it is.


You're a fucking idiot. Trump got no personal gain, and that senile piece of shit Biden is not Trump's rival since the loser will never even get the nomination.
Look at all the tards like you who have convinced yourselves Biden did something wrong.

So don't tell me Trump didn't get personal gain, fuckwit.

Even though Trump's con blew up in his face, you tards still ran with it.
Bided DID do something wrong and the retard admitted it on video you stupid assfuck. Shut your ignorant cock swallower.

Terri I attempted to send you a private message but you don't allow anyone to view your profile page so I'll take this to the message board. Your vulgarity is too much like the hatred and ignorance of the Left. They do it all the time, everywhere. Trump supporters who imitate them are few and far between. Please don't talk like a stupid Leftist. Please. It starts to take you down to their level and you don't want to go there.
Fuck off you sack of shit. You're obviously another Leftist idiot

Ahhh, name calling . Typical when you call out Trumpers to back up their bullshit .
What specific law did Trump break? If you can't answer that, the entire impeachment is a lie.

There is no requirement of a specific crime for an impeachment. But the reality is that "abuse of power" covers a wide range of illegal and impeachable activity: witness intimmidation, bribery, extortion, dangling pardons, defying court orders, abusing the public purse to enrich himself (billing the Treasury for rooms, meals, and golf cart rentals for the Presidents' SS and staff). I would also be very curious to find out how much the Treasury paid for the requisite "security and communications upgrades" at Trump's East Coast resorts.

The President's holding up of military aid to the Ukraine was illegal. Congress passed a law after Nixon left office which said that one the aid has been passed by Congress, and all of the conditions have been met, a President cannot hold up aid. The OMB had received all certifications as to fighting corruption in April, so the President had NO excuse to hold up aid, and what he did was illegal.

Not to mention he keeps inviting foreign interference in the elections, told the Russians he didn't care about their election meddling, has pressured the Ukraine to intervene, and asked China to do the same.

Then there's campaign finance violations (for which Michael Cohen is in prison), where the President is named as an "unindicted co-conspirator". In fact, enough of Trump's staffers are in jail for illegal things they did at the President's behest, that Trump could be tried on RICO violations.

And that's just the short list. The list of Trump's indictable crimes is long and disgusting. I could go on for pages and pages just listing the frauds, the lies, money laundering, and the financial scams this President has pulled off.
Okay, Trump is impeached, so you gonna call for Biden to step down? I mean he actually threatened to withhold money if he didn't get what he wanted. To the same country.

Joe Biden wasn't looking for personal favours. Joe Biden was carrying out PUBLICALLY STATED US FOREIGN POLICY. This wasn't some dark of night campaign to undermine US elections. This was a policy requirement by the International Monetary Fund prior to loaning the Ukraine money. This was also a policy requirement of your NATO allies prior to giving financial aid to the Ukraine.

The prosecutor was fired because he was not proceeding with the prosecution of Burisma. Hunter Biden may be have hired in the hopes that prosecutors would leave the company alone, but that didn't happen. After Sholkin was fired, the new prosecutor pursued Burisma, which cleaned up it's act in regards to money laundering, and paid all fines owing. Hunter Biden wasn't even under investigation, so the idea that Joe fired the prosecutor to help his son is an utter lie.
You can say Trump wasn't asking for a personal favor. He was asking about corruption of our and the Ukraine government. Corruption in the Obama administration that affected us all. Biden's son and Pelosi"s son benefited off that corrupt goverment. If Trump's son got the same cushy job as they did. I know you would want it investigated.
jknowgood, we can't talk sense to these people. They're evil and evil never admits wrongdoing. They promote the savage murder of millions of innocent unborn babies every year just in America. How in God's Name do you think they will listen to anything if they are so cruel to such helpless babies?
......Your vulgarity is too much like the hatred and ignorance of the Left.......

When I want lessons in manners I'll come to you. My hatred for the left was earned BY the Left. They are perverts, baby-killers, socialists, liars... a word they are EVIL and I hate them as much as I hate Satan himself. If you don't like it then put me on ignore.
The TRUTH of the OP is proven by the fact that not ONE Democrat here bothered to comment on the substance. They all fell into their usual propaganda bullshit which proved them to be liars as well

Ingraham: Liar, liar, liar
Breaking down the lies Democrats used to impeach Trump.

ME: I have said many times, the impeachment is all hate and lies but no facts, and Democrats themselves are pathological liars who often believe their own lies

Where do you want to start?

Laura Ingraham dissects Democrats' impeachment 'lies,' says Biden doesn't deserve 'free pass' from Ukraine scrutiny

"The host then outlined a number of lies she accused Democrats of pushing.

"'The facts are settled,' Ingraham said was the first lie, which she called 'ludicrous.'

"'This has been an open, above-board and totally fair process,' Ingraham said was another lie, disputing Democrats' claims that Republicans' concerns were given consideration during the hearings on Capitol Hill.

"She dismissed the claim that 'Trump used Ukrainian aid for political leverage,' calling it 'ridiculous.'

"The notion that 'Trump actively sought' election meddling was also without merit, she said."

No specific lies are divulged, only opinions from a partisan talking head on a cable news program, FOX.

No specific lies are divulged, only opinions from a partisan talking head on a cable news program, FOX.
I wonder if this is where MAGA began?

I also wonder if Trump is the inevitable consequence of one conservative response to the biggest economic downturn since the Great Depression?

Ingraham is a law school graduate who should know better, but perhaps her rich lifestyle clouds her judgement?

Laura Ingraham dissects Democrats' impeachment 'lies,' says Biden doesn't deserve 'free pass' from Ukraine scrutiny

"She dismissed the claim that 'Trump used Ukrainian aid for political leverage,' calling it 'ridiculous.'

"The notion that 'Trump actively sought' election meddling was also without merit, she said.

"Meanwhile, Ingraham blamed former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden for bringing their 'problem on themselves.'"

There is a current event on Wall Street that started last September and is unprecedented since those dark days of Lehman Brothers...

New York Fed’s Fake Borrowing Rates Raise Ghosts of Libor’s Fake Rates
Fox has become America's Pravda, a tool of the state and not a news organization.

CDZ - Russian Troll Talks

"The politics of fear makes it unlikely that any GOP member of the Senate will vote to convict the President. Former Arizona Senator Jeff Flake told National Public Radio in September that at least 35 Republican Senators would vote to remove Donald Trump if it was a secret ballot, adding, “There’s a lot of fear of what it means to go against the president.”"

Tipping Point -
Your (CP) link:

"So, autocratic control will not permit a single Republican to vote for any of the AOI. (Articles of Impeachment)

"This is unique in our history and it is consequential for what it portends.

"The wholesale rejection of AOI has little
to do with the facts and evidence supporting impeachment.

"It has everything to do with abandoning a collective theory about progress, right and wrong, basic values, and democracy itself.

"This represents a tipping point toward autocratic rule and is a fundamental break with democracy and the idea of progress that has governed American culture."

Donald Trump's theory about progress reduces to obtaining as much personal gain for himself and his crime family as possible from his "public service." It will be decades (if ever) before Americans learn the full extent of his criminality.
The Shakedown King's corruption has been exposed.

It is the Trumpublican political model for the future of America.
Tipping Point -

"The new theory that has captured the Republican Party leadership is that America has been going in the wrong direction until Donald Trump was elected.

"Many elected officials and millions of voters support policies that have been anathema to American sensibilities and human rights for decades: Attacking immigrants, caging children, tolerating dictators, hate groups and White Nationalists, disparaging journalists and scientists, violating treaties, and antagonizing international allies.

"The new theory is that any support for evidence or facts that do not sustain the current approach—whether it is climate change or political corruption– is forbidden and risks future political support.

"This is a major tipping point for not just Congress and the Presidency, but for our entire country."

Imho, Trump's a comic buffoon compared to some of the oligarchs Republicans will vomit up in the near future; if he doesn't die in prison, conservatives will own SCOTUS and POTUS.
So? You mean the scumbag who said Obamacare was there to control the people? Fuck him! He was here to do Satan's work
How many Evangelicals can Satan Trump afford to lose?

Trump Should Be Removed from Office

"In our founding documents, Billy Graham explains that Christianity Today will help evangelical Christians interpret the news in a manner that reflects their faith.

"The impeachment of Donald Trump is a significant event in the story of our republic.

"It requires comment...."

Unfortunately, the words that we applied to Mr. Clinton 20 years ago apply almost perfectly to our current president.

"Whether Mr. Trump should be removed from office by the Senate or by popular vote next election—that is a matter of prudential judgment.

"That he should be removed, we believe, is not a matter of partisan loyalties but loyalty to the Creator of the Ten Commandments."

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